


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 chemistry of sophoracarpan A and B have been reassigned.
2 es of obtusallenes VII and VI should also be reassigned.
3 d assignments for the objects, were randomly reassigned.
4 pear are not significantly more likely to be reassigned.
5 isappear are disproportionately likely to be reassigned.
6 tramuscular interferon beta-1a were randomly reassigned (1:1) to receive either 0.5 mg or 1.25 mg fin
7 ), use of an alternative chromosome 17 probe reassigned 212 (7.4% overall) patients to FISH-positive
8 euroecological mechanism enabling locusts to reassign an appetitive value to an odor that they learne
9                 The models were then used to reassign an optimal regimen to each patient to maximize
10 ly assigned sulfate monoester 1 and then the reassigned and renamed phosphate monoester 2, relied on
11 mpound provided by the commercial vendor was reassigned as [3-(4-chlorophenyl)-5-hydroxy-5-(trifluoro
12 gross structure of the natural product being reassigned as a 2,2'-bifuranyl.
13  solution structure of this domain, has been reassigned as a two-dimensional 15N-1H heteronuclear sin
14 ere confirmed as A. meyeri by ARDRA; 63 were reassigned as A. turicensis, 7 as other recognized speci
15 ssigned as the 3,4,5(2)A states and are here reassigned as the 4,5,6(2)A states, are expected to be a
16                            Patients could be reassigned at any time to another second-generation drug
17 -treated patients were subsequently randomly reassigned at week 24 to either sirukumab dose (crossove
18 andomly assigned to alendronate and randomly reassigned at year 2 to continue had additional bone den
19 els assuming no drug therapy were imputed by reassigning blood pressure to the upper end of the distr
20 e (Sec or U) is encoded by UGA, a stop codon reassigned by a Sec-specific elongation factor and a dis
21 i-hydroxy-2-azabicyclo[3.2.1]octane has been reassigned by X-ray analysis.
22 he majority of stereochemically assigned and reassigned cases fit this model, until now desulfurizati
23       The genetic code can be manipulated to reassign codons for the incorporation of non-standard am
24 ve OTSs and to quantify amino acid purity at reassigned codons in organisms with expanded genetic cod
25 designation of the genes of the operon to be reassigned consistent with the nomenclature based on fun
26 cuitry allows afferent drive to continuously reassign cortical map space.
27 entified to be the product of the deaD gene (reassigned csdA) encoding a DEAD-box protein.
28            The natural, but stereochemically reassigned, diastereomer of the dipeptide conjugate was
29 nt further reveals that specific codons were reassigned during code evolution, and that the code evol
30           Thus, mitochondrial codons are not reassigned during demonstrable selection for decreased g
31     Patients in whom diagnoses differed were reassigned following blinded adjudication of individual
32 n certain yeast mitochondria, CUN codons are reassigned from leucine to threonine, which requires an
33 patients receiving sirukumab including those reassigned from placebo, the most common adverse events
34  other cell types, however, MTOC function is reassigned from the centrosome to noncentrosomal sites.
35           Second, genome position is used to reassign genes among classes whose composition features
36 ted incorrectly in genome projects have been reassigned here by bioinformatics, gene cloning, and pro
37  identity of the stop codons and amino acids reassigned in mitochondrial and nuclear genomes.
38  plasticity takes over the unused cortex and reassigns it to the remaining senses.
39 al structure of octacalcium phosphate (OCP), reassigned its (31)P NMR spectrum, and identified an ext
40 cortex that are recruited when subjects must reassign motor responses to different stimuli.
41 position of the halogens at C-7 and C-13 was reassigned on the basis of a (13)C NMR chlorine induced
42 L, were synthesized, and the structures were reassigned on the basis of NMR data and synthetic correl
43 molecular clocks to exclude phylogenetically reassigned Palaeozoic taxa results in estimates that the
44                                              Reassigning patients with performance status 0 or 1 to s
45 h factors could practically and definitively reassign persons assessed as intermediate-risk according
46 initially assigned to monthly treatment were reassigned randomly to monthly or as-needed treatment, w
47 of all cattle centromeres and telomeres were reassigned relative to their positions on the previous m
48                                              Reassigned segmental maps were compared with standard as
49 ned to the left circumflex territory (39% of reassigned segments), standard circumflex segments were
50 ion function of the UAG stop codon; however, reassigning sense codons poses a greater challenge becau
51  matching pursuit, spectral derivatives, and reassigned spectrograms are able to satisfy this criteri
52                                  In the five reassigned stages, however, monkeys with fornix transect
53 how a surprising diversity of natural AAs at reassigned stop codons.
54  that only the compound corresponding to the reassigned structure shows the originally reported activ
55  isomers, corresponding to the published and reassigned structures, are reported.
56                                           On reassigning subject eyes to a revised severity staging (
57 ost efforts in this direction are focused on reassigning termination or decoding quadruplet codons.
58 an would be expected if one were to randomly reassign the continent of origin of the isolates.
59 olved, near-threshold spectra we are able to reassign the electron affinities (EAs) of cis- and trans
60                                      We also reassign the role of NosI as the enzyme responsible for
61 ed different spatial categorization rules to reassign the same set of visual stimuli to alternative c
62 etraurelia and Tetrahymena thermophila--that reassign the stop codons TAA and TAG to glutamine, for t
63 ic elongation factor and tRNA(Sec) needed to reassign the UGA codon.
64  key recombinant individual in family 1 also reassigned the disease locus to include RP3 as well.
65                                 We have also reassigned the literature structures of (+)-1 a-1 b-for
66                           We have previously reassigned the translation function of the UAG stop codo
67 s identical to the natural products, thereby reassigning the stereochemistry of the natural products.
68 anticodon loop and an anticodon triplet that reassigns the CUN codons from leucine to threonine.
69  all sequenced genomes encode an operon that reassigns the stop codon UAG to pyrrolysine (Pyl), a gen
70  eight were living as males, six of whom had reassigned themselves to male sex.
71  structure of the natural cycloinumakiol was reassigned to 19-hydroxytotarol (7) through X-ray diffra
72 s assessed 6 months later, and the dogs were reassigned to a course of bFGF or saline solution.
73  criteria, many of these individuals will be reassigned to a diagnosis with greater clinical utility.
74                   Patients could be randomly reassigned to a different medication at the clinician's
75        The structure of piperarborenine D is reassigned to a head-to-head dimer, which was synthesize
76                Forty-one patients (50%) were reassigned to a new or alternate diagnosis using CMR-bas
77 chniques, the hominin-bearing layer could be reassigned to a period around 430,000 years ago.
78                   In period 2, patients were reassigned to adalimumab at a weekly or every-other-week
79 breakpoint T6L-14L was not confirmed and was reassigned to arm 14R.
80 hromosome 1 linkage group marker BNL4053 was reassigned to chromosome 9.
81 tiveness (CATIE) investigation were randomly reassigned to double-blind treatment with a different an
82 ollen and tender joint counts) were randomly reassigned to either 50 mg or 100 mg of sirukumab.
83 ndard left anterior descending segments were reassigned to either circumflex or right coronary (12% a
84 proteins in E. coli strains in which UAG was reassigned to encode phosphoserine.
85 n attenuated as an MTOC and MTOC function is reassigned to non-centrosomal sites such as the apical m
86 ocardial segment; 112 of 1,207 segments were reassigned to nonstandard vascular territories.
87 y (100 microg daily) in year 1 were randomly reassigned to one additional year with either placebo (6
88 natalizumab in the first trial were randomly reassigned to receive 300 mg of natalizumab or placebo e
89 tients in the lorcaserin group were randomly reassigned to receive either placebo or lorcaserin.
90 ed to continue PEG-GLP-1/glucagon therapy or reassigned to receive supplemental daily PEG-leptin (185
91                       In mammals, UGA can be reassigned to selenocysteine during translation of selen
92                    The putative aarB gene is reassigned to SixA, a known activator of CAC flux.
93  patients in the placebo group were randomly reassigned to subcutaneous secukinumab at a dose of 150
94        Here, we analyze how MTOC function is reassigned to the apical membrane of C. elegans intestin
95 ryonic intestinal cells and MTOC function is reassigned to the apical membrane.
96 segments), standard circumflex segments were reassigned to the left anterior descending territory (30
97 ently, standard right coronary segments were reassigned to the left circumflex territory (39% of reas
98 , including protoporphyrinogen oxidase, were reassigned to the matrix by our proteomic data and confi
99 rarily chosen sense codons can be completely reassigned to various unnatural amino acids according to
100         The fidelity of protein synthesis at reassigned UAG codons and the purity of the NSAA contain
101  fungus Penicillium chrysogenum were used to reassign various previously ascribed synthetase genes of

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