


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 repeated rounds of disassembly and tri-snRNP reassociation.
2 rate and resumption of dynein activity after reassociation.
3 confirmed to be non-S. pneumoniae by DNA-DNA reassociation.
4 n from the protein followed by rate-limiting reassociation.
5 ction were evaluated on the basis of DNA-DNA reassociation, 16S rRNA and rpoB gene sequencing, conven
6 ociation was a biphasic process with initial reassociation about the perimeter of a cap, followed by
7 ain samples DNA by frequent dissociation and reassociation, allowing for rapid scanning of long DNA r
8                           Evidence indicated reassociation among cytoplasmic genomes and recombinatio
9 c acid composition of cells that came out of reassociation analyses.
10                                      DNA-DNA reassociation analysis identified two genomic groups, an
11 res both a phenol emulsion to accelerate DNA reassociation and dedicated equipment to maintain the em
12 nhibition of DNA methylation allowed for the reassociation and initiation of Pol II at the TMS1 promo
13 its by binding to caveolin impedes G protein reassociation and leads to transient, G protein-specific
14 emodeling by regulatory proteins followed by reassociation and restabilization.
15 sis, and molecular analysis based on DNA-DNA reassociation and the presence of multiple copies of IS7
16 onstants (k(1)), relative rates of phosphine reassociation, and relative reaction rates in ring-openi
17 -driven sliding, doublet separation, doublet reassociation, and resumption of sliding was previously
18 ue makes it practical for less demanding DNA reassociation applications.
19 ation by dissociation at acid pH followed by reassociation at slightly alkaline pH conditions in the
20  both HC and LC with 6 mM Ca(2+) followed by reassociation (at 0.12 mM Ca(2+)) generated high activit
21       The addition of salt at low pH induces reassociation but to a range of oligomers rather than a
22 omplex has implications for the dissociation-reassociation cycling of PKA.
23 ide backbone; the inhibition of renaturation/reassociation described here is probably due to attenuat
24                                        Vam7p reassociation during docking allows trans-SNARE pairing
25 rged regions are predicted to mediate a fast reassociation, enabling multiple rounds of activation.
26 ched, consistent with a simple dissociation, reassociation equilibrium, presumably C1 <--> C1q + C1r2
27                        This dissociation and reassociation event ensures that cohesin loading at STB
28  of whole-cell protein profiles, and DNA-DNA reassociation experiments indicated that the blood isola
29                                              Reassociation experiments were also performed, starting
30 ole-cell protein profiles (WCPP) and DNA-DNA reassociation experiments, in conjunction with conventio
31                In the present study, DNA-DNA reassociation experiments, in conjunction with sequencin
32 tion involves only jumping (dissociation and reassociation) for Sox2, but both jumping and direct int
33       The results here describe dissociation/reassociation in the dimeric enzyme under native conditi
34 vidence for the efficient guanine nucleotide reassociation in the presence of the radical quenching a
35 buffer containing 2 M NaCl facilitated their reassociation into fully active alpha(1)beta-proteasomes
36                                              Reassociation is augmented by a dynein-dependent "adhesi
37                  In vivo, guanine nucleotide reassociation is necessary to populate Ras in its biolog
38 sociation of HoxD9 into solution followed by reassociation is too slow to measure by z-exchange spect
39 n (k(d) approximately 5-6 s(-1)) followed by reassociation (k(a) approximately 5 x 10(8) M(-1) s(-1))
40                                Reanalysis of reassociation kinetics for bacterial community DNA from
41                     Based on analysis of the reassociation kinetics of bacterial DNA in soil, Gans et
42  combining the established principles of DNA reassociation kinetics with high-throughput sequencing.
43                            Cot analysis (DNA reassociation kinetics) has long been used to explore ge
44 reversibly forms monomers via a dissociation/reassociation mechanism.
45                          The choice of a DNA reassociation method is dictated by the complexity of th
46 on varies widely, with infrequent centromere reassociations observed before anaphase.
47                                   Gs subunit reassociation occurred when the concentration of Cl- was
48  of rearrangements before complete molecular reassociation occurs.
49                                          The reassociation of 40S and mutant 60S subunits was markedl
50                 The hemiknot was obtained by reassociation of a DNA fragment with (CA/TG)n inserts of
51 -aza-2'-deoxycytidine (5-aza-dC) resulted in reassociation of acetylated histones H3 and H4 with FMR1
52 line was a major factor in the inhibition of reassociation of acid-dissociated porcine heart lactate
53 ion analysis confirm that ethanol blocks the reassociation of Calpha with RII but does not induce dis
54 e predicted if they originated from a random reassociation of cells.
55 re now understood to reflect the bimolecular reassociation of CO followed by religation of His18, whi
56 ss reactive than wild-type YPDC, followed by reassociation of D28A (or D28N) and E477Q variants led t
57                                 DCPs prevent reassociation of denatured DNA strands: they make one of
58                                              Reassociation of factor VIII subunits was assessed using
59 raction of thrombin and fibrinogen or by the reassociation of fibrin monomers.
60  Rapid withdrawal of the gradient led to the reassociation of G protein subunits, and the return of t
61 aling 3, a G protein modulator that prevents reassociation of G(i) protein alpha subunit and prolongs
62 matic activity at times corresponding to the reassociation of HDAC4 with the MMP-13 promoter and a de
63 HRI activity by hemin is not mediated by the reassociation of Hsp90 with HRI.
64 er G1 quiescence after M16, and show mitotic reassociation of MCM proteins.
65 able forms of cyclins A and/or B showed that reassociation of MCMs to chromatin requires cyclin A des
66  that the exchange involves dissociation and reassociation of NHC rather than an intramolecular proce
67 ciation of Nrf2/Keap1 complexes and inhibits reassociation of Nrf2/Keap1 complexes in vitro.
68 ell cycle through selective dissociation and reassociation of Orc1 from chromatin-bound ORCs.
69                  It did, however, facilitate reassociation of Orc1 with chromosomes during the M to G
70 uggesting independent release and subsequent reassociation of OxPL with Lp(a) by 6 hours.
71 ylation correlates with the dissociation and reassociation of p115 with Golgi membranes.
72 rylation occurs, full activation requiring a reassociation of pMAPK with MEK (a nonprocessive or dist
73  activity, and this is crucial for the rapid reassociation of proteins with their target sites in chr
74 in mobility is regulated by dissociation and reassociation of segments of the cytoskeletal network.
75                                              Reassociation of simple oligomers needs only slow coolin
76 se they facilitate steady association and/or reassociation of TCR into the bound state in the surface
77                                              Reassociation of the A1 and A3C1C2 subunits monitored by
78 on of histone H2A-H2B dimer and prevents the reassociation of the dimer with naked DNA in the wake of
79        Refolding of both proteins results in reassociation of the dimer, with a 90% regain of catalyt
80 ing that the peptide did not directly affect reassociation of the factor VIIIa subunits.
81                                              Reassociation of the fragments in the assay forms active
82  of Grb2 from SOS, EGF treatment induced the reassociation of the Grb2.SOS complex.
83 vated G protein subunits to caveolin impedes reassociation of the heterotrimeric species and leads to
84 rodimers necessitated prior dissociation and reassociation of the homodimers, indicating that the rat
85 This slow step does not involve dissociation/reassociation of the mutant heterodimers, which are pref
86 ared to be complete, due to dissociation and reassociation of the pepsin-treated homo- and heterotrim
87 rexin-1beta bound to its neuroligin partner; reassociation of the split-GFP components with each othe
88 bilized the sustained response and inhibited reassociation of the subunits on termination of cell sti
89  clamp, which regulates the dissociation and reassociation of the switch and sensor domains in NB-LRR
90 prior to immunoprecipitation did not prevent reassociation of the two oligomeric species.
91  addition of exogenous cardiolipin result in reassociation of the two subunits with the remainder of
92                             We find that the reassociation of vortex lines through a reconnection ena
93 AR immediately after agonist stimulation and reassociation on prolonged agonist treatment allows rece
94                                         Upon reassociation, one of the two active sites of the hybrid
95 al test for rotation, a subunit dissociation/reassociation procedure was used to prepare a beta-epsil
96          All 15 strains selected for DNA-DNA reassociation readily met the criteria for species relat
97 hromatin interaction, we tested whether this reassociation requires mitotic degradation of cyclins.
98                        Conversely, phosphine reassociation shows no direct correlation with phosphine
99  corresponded to the traditional 70% DNA-DNA reassociation standard of the current species definition
100 liberate integration of a helix dissociation reassociation step in the supramolecular trajectory.
101 ared temperatures of dissociation (Tdis) and reassociation (Tass) for triplexes formed by DNA and sin
102              The Oscillating Phenol Emulsion Reassociation Technique (OsPERT) was primarily developed
103 selection have their origins in nucleic acid reassociation techniques.
104 relatedness was less than 18% at the optimal reassociation temperature to Aerococcus viridans, Entero
105 parating the active sites, and therefore, on reassociation, these dimers do not regain activity.
106  which cycles of calmodulin dissociation and reassociation to an endoplasmic reticulum protein, most
107 itting the rates of the dissociation and the reassociation to be calculated and compared.
108 ments by repeated cycles of dissociation and reassociation until a high affinity site is found (cycli
109                       Furthermore, a DNA-DNA reassociation value of 17.8% between isolates WAL 12034(
110                                     Receptor reassociation was a biphasic process with initial reasso
111                                      DNA-DNA reassociation was performed on 15 strains of Globicatell
112                      Polymerase dissociation/reassociation was studied through the use of a competito
113 ed effects of peptidyl-tRNA dissociation and reassociation were measured.
114  the efficiency of heat-denatured DNA strand reassociation, which increases exponentially with concen
115 rms) as the dependent variable revealed that reassociation with a coevolved specialist in a nonindige
116  which causes peptidyl-tRNA dissociation and reassociation with a matching "landing triplet" 50 nt do
117                                        After reassociation with all three proteins, RyRs responded to
118 l, being further activated only 50-100% upon reassociation with dAK.
119 eterotropic response are fully restored upon reassociation with dGK or dCK.
120  histone H4 and little acetylated histone H3 reassociation with FMR1, as well as no detectable transc
121 GC toward NO, sGC-alpha1 disassociation, and reassociation with hsp90.
122 ing base excision and that APE1 prevents its reassociation with its product, thus enhancing OGG1 turn
123  ERK returned to the cytosol, indicating ERK reassociation with MEK in the cytoplasm.
124              This recruitment is reversed by reassociation with PKAc, and it is disrupted by the pres
125 o that folding of the ligand was faster than reassociation with SecB thereby allowing the system to p
126 ered tissues in the presence of glycerol and reassociation with the application of saline are imaged
127 horylation site (P-site) inhibits holoenzyme reassociation with the catalytic subunit.
128 olded glycoproteins and promoting subsequent reassociation with the lectin-like chaperones calreticul
129 FMN domain from the reductase complex before reassociation with the oxygenase domain to form the elec
130 gments into the membrane by dissociation and reassociation with the protein-conducting channel in ER
131 step rendered the beta subunit competent for reassociation with the soluble alpha subunit to produce
132 either HC or LC with 6 mM Ca(2+) followed by reassociation with the untreated complementary chain in

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