


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                                             Recent studies have shown that a subset of nucleoporins (Nups
2                                                             Recent studies have shown that biomolecules in a functional m
3                                                             Recent studies have shown that circRNAs can arise from the tr
4                                                             Recent studies have shown that conjugation systems of Gram-ne
5                                                             Recent studies have shown that Delta-like ligand 4 (Dll4) was
6                                                             Recent studies have shown that during development, neural tis
7                                                             Recent studies have shown that Ebola virus can persist in was
8                                                             Recent studies have shown that exogenous FA causes only a mod
9                                                             Recent studies have shown that exosomes play a vital role in
10                                                             Recent studies have shown that gene mutations can serve as pr
11                                                             Recent studies have shown that globins like hemoglobin and my
12                                                             Recent studies have shown that hippocampal "time cells" code
13                                                             Recent studies have shown that human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) c
14                                                             Recent studies have shown that IFN-induced transmembrane (IFI
15                                                             Recent studies have shown that IL-36R interacts with IL-1RAcP
16                                                             Recent studies have shown that immune responses against the c
17                                                             Recent studies have shown that integrating the hierarchical s
18                                                             Recent studies have shown that invasive coronary physiology m
19                                                             Recent studies have shown that KLFs play a fundamental role i
20                                                             Recent studies have shown that microRNAs (miRNAs) play a pivo
21                                                             Recent studies have shown that mitochondrial pyruvate carrier
22                                                             Recent studies have shown that MSC tumour residence and their
23                                                             Recent studies have shown that one of the parental subgenomes
24                                                             Recent studies have shown that piRNAs are linked to the genom
25                                                             Recent studies have shown that platelets prevent inflammatory
26                                                             Recent studies have shown that positron emission tomography (
27                                                             Recent studies have shown that resveratrol regulates dopamine
28                                                             Recent studies have shown that RNAs exist in dynamic equilibr
29                                                             Recent studies have shown that sarcopenia is a novel risk fac
30                                                             Recent studies have shown that small peptides show promise fo
31                                                             Recent studies have shown that some vaccines have beneficial
32                                                             Recent studies have shown that specific limbs of the immune s
33                                                             Recent studies have shown that stem cell-based therapies can
34                                                             Recent studies have shown that such a strict delineation of f
35                                                             Recent studies have shown that tau aggregates may form distin
36                                                             Recent studies have shown that the aged kidney undergoes a ra
37                                                             Recent studies have shown that the frequency of physical aggr
38                                                             Recent studies have shown that the Nicoya Peninsula of northw
39                                                             Recent studies have shown that the performance and safety of
40                                                             Recent studies have shown that variation in litter nutritiona
41                                                             Recent studies have shown that, in vitro, certain components
42                                                             Recent studies have shown that, upon X-chromosome inactivatio
43 human FHR proteins possess complement regulatory abilities, recent studies have shown that FHR proteins are potent deregu
44 very low levels of the canonical entry coreceptor CCR5, and recent studies have shown that CCR5 is dispensable for SIV in
45 flexible spatial arrangement of the structured domains, but recent studies have shown that similar IDRs mediate specific
46 (lncRNAs) are non-protein-coding transcripts by definition, recent studies have shown that a fraction of putative small o
47 luable tools for studying apoE isoform-dependent functions, recent studies have shown that human astrocytes have a distin
48                                                    However, recent studies have shown that certain cancer cells display i
49 spikes fired within a specified time interval (spike rate), recent studies have shown that additional information is carr
50                                                     Several recent studies have shown that respiration modulates oscillat

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