


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                                             Recent studies have suggested that a loss of PABPN1 function
2                                                             Recent studies have suggested that alterations in the gut mic
3                                                             Recent studies have suggested that alternative nitrogenases,
4                                                             Recent studies have suggested that an elevated C-reactive pro
5                                                             Recent studies have suggested that antibody-mediated protecti
6                                                             Recent studies have suggested that BMP4 inhibits the survival
7                                                             Recent studies have suggested that cells sense and respond to
8                                                             Recent studies have suggested that changes in cellular metabo
9                                                             Recent studies have suggested that Ebola virus (EBOV) ribonuc
10                                                             Recent studies have suggested that epidermal burn injuries ar
11                                                             Recent studies have suggested that epigenetic alterations, pa
12                                                             Recent studies have suggested that eutrophication, pollution
13                                                             Recent studies have suggested that megakaryocytes can be gene
14                                                             Recent studies have suggested that most T cells in the tissue
15                                                             Recent studies have suggested that mucosal antiviral immune r
16                                                             Recent studies have suggested that myopia may be negatively c
17                                                             Recent studies have suggested that O2 metabolism and hypoxia
18                                                             Recent studies have suggested that pulmonary arterial complia
19                                                             Recent studies have suggested that Ras homologue enriched in
20                                                             Recent studies have suggested that Tet3-mediated oxidation of
21                                                             Recent studies have suggested that the assembly of stress gra
22                                                             Recent studies have suggested that the disparity between in v
23                                                             Recent studies have suggested that the expression of combinat
24                                                             Recent studies have suggested that the long-acting muscarinic
25                                                             Recent studies have suggested that the number of nonsynonymou
26                                                             Recent studies have suggested that the two excitatory cell cl
27                                                             Recent studies have suggested that thiopurine drugs may exert
28                                                             Recent studies have suggested that TM6SF2 is the causal gene
29                                                In addition, recent studies have suggested that impairments in oscillatory
30                                                    Although recent studies have suggested that the syndrome is associated
31 erlying the episodic release of GnRH is not known, although recent studies have suggested that the kisspeptin neurons loc
32                 Humans encode seven sirtuins (Sirt1-7), and recent studies have suggested that post-translational modific
33                       Lakes have larger catchment areas and recent studies have suggested that plant aDNA from lake sedim
34       In addition to its diagnostic potential in the brain, recent studies have suggested that changes of Abeta level in
35 diversity has long been known to facilitate adaptation, but recent studies have suggested that cooperation between varian
36 early marker of HSC commitment in the zebrafish embryo, but recent studies have suggested that HSC specification begins d
37                                                    However, recent studies have suggested that motor variability may also
38                                                Importantly, recent studies have suggested that the association between ov
39                    Using in vitro models of hPGC induction, recent studies have suggested that there are marked mechanist
40                                                   Moreover, recent studies have suggested that structures besides lamelli
41                                                  Results of recent studies have suggested that low-level constitutive act
42  supports the use of standard radiotherapy (60 Gy), several recent studies have suggested that treatment with temozolomid
43                                                       Since recent studies have suggested that both epigenetic mechanisms
44                                                        Some recent studies have suggested that LEDGF/p75 may participate
45                                           Results from some recent studies have suggested that influenza vaccination migh
46               At the subcellular level of the Ca(2+) spark, recent studies have suggested that recovery of spark amplitud
47                 At the subcellular level of the Ca2+ spark, recent studies have suggested that recovery of spark amplitud
48 dent cell cycle arrest and apoptosis for tumor suppression, recent studies have suggested that other areas of p53 regulat
49                                                       While recent studies have suggested that the risk of cancer related
50                                                        Yet, recent studies have suggested that prevention of postnatal MT

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