


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  which types of representations can later be recollected.
2 ow new, unrelated information is encoded and recollected.
3 ances in which specific episodic details are recollected.
4 ly recollected from stimuli that will not be recollected.
5 uenced by whether the stimulus will later be recollected.
6 ether the items were endorsed as familiar or recollected.
7 In patients with periodontitis, samples were recollected 3 and 6 months after NSPT.
8 ely evaluate the ability of rats to form and recollect a combined knowledge of what happened, where i
9                           Blood samples were recollected after 15 min.
10 d that durable source memories, i.e., events recollected after several weeks, were not simply the eve
11 ill leave detailed memory traces that can be recollected after weeks and months.
12  that rats are able to incidentally form and recollect an accurate, long-term integrated episodic-lik
13          When the accuracy and confidence of recollected and familiar items were matched, the finding
14     Hippocampal activity was now similar for recollected and familiar items.
15 eukemia Group B trials with azacitidine were recollected and reanalyzed as part of the New Drug Appli
16 wer recollection scores and were impaired at recollecting associative information compared with contr
17 of the brain, is critical for the ability to recollect contextual details of past episodes.
18 --was sensitive to the amount of information recollected, demonstrating greater amplitude when elicit
19                               The ability to recollect details about past events improves during chil
20 tails, regardless of the nature of the to-be-recollected details and of source recollection outcome (
21 nfantile amnesia, the inability of adults to recollect early episodic memories, is associated with th
22                 These patients were asked to recollect emotional events from their lives.
23 antly been investigated by using measures of recollected emotional states.
24 cess, demonstrating that the mere attempt to recollect episodic detail engages multiple control proce
25 hen word-scene combinations are successfully recollected (even though the original scene is not visua
26 ct is sensitive to the amount of information recollected from episodic memory.
27 tinguishes stimuli that will be successfully recollected from stimuli that will not be recollected.
28 e (32 studied, 64 nonstudied) whether it was recollected from the prior study episode.
29         Three weeks later, he had difficulty recollecting his e-mail password and trouble with word f
30 word could predict whether the word would be recollected in a later memory test.
31 leukin-1beta, erases the ability of EpSCs to recollect inflammation.
32  use the success or failure of an attempt to recollect information about targets as the basis for dis
33  transient or sustained across the time that recollected information must be maintained before a beha
34  angular gyrus tracked the period over which recollected information was maintained is consistent wit
35  contributes to the online representation of recollected information.
36 ok place, but rather, affected the amount of recollected information.
37 ous suggestions that, when the likelihood of recollecting information about targets is high, particip
38 item relationships (relational encoding) and recollecting information.
39                       As in earlier studies, recollected items had higher accuracy and confidence tha
40 ems, and hippocampal activity was higher for recollected items than for familiar items.
41 misses or correct rejections (as well as for recollected items vs misses or correct rejections).
42  the ERPs elicited by highly familiar versus recollected items, indicating that the recollection is n
43                       Extracts prepared from recollected Jaspis cf. coriacea from five sites in Fiji
44 derpins our ability to navigate, to form and recollect memories, and to imagine future experiences.
45 of test items according to whether they were recollected (operationalized by introspective report) or
46 ical regions were engaged during attempts to recollect previous contextual (source) details, regardle
47             Thus, the ability to consciously recollect recent encounters with scenes reflects a form
48 ffered depending on whether items were later recollected regardless of study-test delay.
49 t-stimulus) was enhanced in ERPs elicited by recollected relative to highly familiar items.
50 patients and demonstrate that the ability to recollect remote autobiographical events depends not on
51 ocortex ultimately supports the capacity for recollecting remote autobiographical memory.
52               Recognition memory for vividly recollected scenes improved with age.
53  encoding of novel verbal/face-name stimuli, recollected significantly fewer of these stimuli, compar
54 untered (item recognition) and (ii) to later recollect specific contextual details about the prior en
55 s as familiar (item memory) and additionally recollect specific contextual details of the earlier enc
56 ne such function is the ability to learn and recollect temporal sequences of events.
57 ing recall disrupts the animal's capacity to recollect the complete episodic memory.
58 odic specificity induction-brief training in recollecting the details of a past experience-enhances p
59 tive while envisioning the future than while recollecting the past (and more active in both of these
60 new" words possibly resulted from exhaustive recollecting the sensory properties of "old" words in mo
61  by asking participants to either attempt to recollect (the Think condition) or to avoid recollecting
62  recollect (the Think condition) or to avoid recollecting (the No-Think condition) a previously expos
63                   Participants were asked to recollect their five most emotional memories from any ti
64 cts signaled whether they fully or partially recollected visual object information in each study epis
65 have seen something (familiarity) but cannot recollect where or when it was seen.
66 een event related potentials to successfully recollected words and new words were indistinguishable f

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