


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 activation of the DNA damage checkpoints and recombinational repair.
2 r the function of human Rad51C in homologous recombinational repair.
3  of the complex to participate in homologous recombinational repair.
4 ailing to transform yeast cells deficient in recombinational repair.
5 a key factor in homologous recombination and recombinational repair.
6  regulation of two proteins that interact in recombinational repair.
7 tenance of chromosomes) complex required for recombinational repair.
8 Rad51 in the presynapsis stage of homologous recombinational repair.
9 ation of ssDNA for checkpoint activation and recombinational repair.
10 air (NER) pathway, ERCC1 is also involved in recombinational repair.
11 ndamental DNA pairing activity necessary for recombinational repair.
12 e paralogs play an early (pre-RAD51) role in recombinational repair.
13 or single-strand annealing in the eukaryotic recombinational repair.
14 age site on the plasmid, thereby stimulating recombinational repair.
15  caused by an inability to promote efficient recombinational repair.
16 ter chromatid as the template for homologous recombinational repair.
17 etic assays for homologous recombination and recombinational repair.
18 gene sequence to serve as a genetic donor in recombinational repair.
19 rate for DNA repair processes, in particular recombinational repair.
20 mosome condensation, dosage compensation and recombinational repair.
21 e for RAD51B in meiotic recombination and/or recombinational repair.
22  in yeast, may cooperate with HsRad51 during recombinational repair.
23 s behavior in recA mutant cells deficient in recombinational repair.
24  which are presumably repaired by homologous recombinational repair.
25 l analysis suggests a direct role for SSB in recombinational repair.
26 een sisters, opposite to the bias of mitotic recombinational repair.
27 ing pathway that is distinct from homologous recombinational repair.
28 anded DNA that is required for RecA-mediated recombinational repair.
29 es cerevisiae, are known to be essential for recombinational repair.
30 can be uncoupled from its role in homologous recombinational repair.
31 se) that is involved in the major pathway of recombinational repair.
32 n contrast to E. coli, H. pylori RecG limits recombinational repair.
33 recruited to the HO lesion during homologous recombinational repair.
34 oci, suggesting a role for these proteins in recombinational repair.
35  We suggest that nicks become substrates for recombinational repair after being converted into double
36 d functions during G2 in undamaged cells and recombinational repair after DNA damage.
37 that Rad55-S2,8,14 phosphorylation activates recombinational repair, allowing for faster recovery aft
38 d breaks, which are mended by RecA-catalysed recombinational repair and are lethal if not repaired.
39 romatin and nuclear matrix), and enables its recombinational repair and checkpoint functions.
40 ation, cell division, DNA damage monitoring, recombinational repair and detoxification.
41  cells, consistent with coordination between recombinational repair and DNA replication.
42 ght modulate the ability of RAD51 to promote recombinational repair and lead to an increased risk of
43 ir, FANCJ encodes a DNA helicase involved in recombinational repair and replication stress response.
44 nction of Mre11 is required for RMX-mediated recombinational repair and telomere stabilization in mit
45  distinct pathways in replication-associated recombinational repair and that the Smc5/6 complex and E
46 cules may be generated from blocked forks by recombinational repair and/or replication fork regressio
47 king protein involved in DNA replication and recombinational repair, and it is important for preserva
48 A (ssDNA) are essential for DNA replication, recombinational repair, and maintenance of genomic stabi
49 luding those involved in mismatch repair and recombinational repair, and that is noted for high level
50                                 A functional recombinational repair apparatus decreases sensitivity t
51                    DNA damage checkpoint and recombinational repair are both important for cell survi
52 amage, but the effects of phosphorylation on recombinational repair are unknown.
53 iety of mutant forms of Brh2 for activity in recombinational repair as measured by DNA repair profici
54 nown as the RAD51 paralogs are important for recombinational repair, as paralog-defective cell lines
55    We have developed plasmid and chromosomal recombinational repair assays to assess coordination of
56     To determine whether mammalian cells use recombinational repair at a significant level, we have a
57 ks and the consequential failure to initiate recombinational repair at these sites.
58 CC2 mutant cells appears to be restricted to recombinational repair because NHEJ is normal.
59 eas DSBs in unique sequences are confined to recombinational repair between the large regions of homo
60 ric repeat tracts become uncapped, promoting recombinational repair between them to regenerate length
61 ive to gamma-radiation (suggesting defective recombinational repair) but not UV light (suggesting int
62 involved in the early stage (presynapsis) of recombinational repair, but it has a RecN homologue with
63 ly conserved Smc5/6 complex is implicated in recombinational repair, but its function in this process
64 2, rad5, and rdh54 strains, suggest roles in recombinational repair, but not in NHEJ.
65 the Rad50/Mre11/Xrs2 complex is required for recombinational repair, but not NHEJ.
66  compete for Holliday junction structures in recombinational repair, but since a classic RecG resolva
67                      BRCA2 protein regulates recombinational repair by interaction with RAD51 via a s
68 A exonucleases, exonuclease X may facilitate recombinational repair by pre-synaptic and/or post-synap
69 ible for inhibition of phage growth and that recombinational repair can reduce sensitivity to the ant
70 that each Rad52 focus represents a center of recombinational repair capable of processing multiple DN
71 on in separate, though possibly overlapping, recombinational repair complexes.
72  strain, suggesting that increased levels of recombinational repair could account for its increased r
73 s, mismatch repair deficiency and homologous recombinational repair deficiency, as well as mutational
74                                              Recombinational repair-dependent mutants identify ways t
75 NA helicases, and is proposed to function in recombinational repair during DNA replication.
76                  We propose a model in which recombinational repair during S phase coupled with failu
77 on (HJ) processing pathways are required for recombinational repair, each can act during genetic tran
78                               In contrast to recombinational repair, end-joining was found to be seve
79 red following synapsis for completion of the recombinational repair event.
80 of histone H2A S129 and concomitant with the recombinational-repair factor Rad52p.
81        The REC2 recombinase is essential for recombinational repair following DNA damage as well as f
82               Furthermore, the importance of recombinational repair for cellular survival of NO(.) ex
83 ction by RecJ and RecQ permits initiation of recombinational repair from all dsDNA ends: 5'-overhangs
84 a, but not ackA, mutants also depend on late recombinational repair functions RuvABC or RecG.
85 ne have been isolated based on homology to a recombinational repair gene from the corn smut Ustilago
86 s were isolated based on their homology to a recombinational repair gene from Ustilago maydis and con
87                          Mutations in recBCD recombinational repair genes increase sensitivity to thy
88       Several studies have revealed that the recombinational repair genes, RAD51 and BRCA1, and the D
89 otic DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) undergo recombinational repair, genetic crossovers (COs) may be
90 1Delta and deletions of members of the RAD51 recombinational repair group.
91 inhibitor, DNA damage, and homology-directed recombinational repair (HDR) in human breast cancer cell
92 R) (rad6, rad18, mms2, and rad5), homologous recombinational repair (HRR) (rad51 and rad54), base exc
93 tra-S-phase checkpoint, decreased homologous recombinational repair (HRR) activity, down-regulated XI
94                                   Homologous recombinational repair (HRR) of DNA damage is critical f
95 h plays a central role in homology-dependent recombinational repair (HRR) of DNA double-strand breaks
96                   In vertebrates, homologous recombinational repair (HRR) requires RAD51 and five RAD
97                                   Homologous recombinational repair (HRR) restores chromatid breaks a
98                            The mechanisms of recombinational repair in bacteriophage T4, Escherichia
99         We propose that the up-regulation of recombinational repair in dam mutants allows for the eff
100     The RecF pathway has many parallels with recombinational repair in eukaryotes.
101 interacts with Rad60, a protein required for recombinational repair in fission yeast.
102 us linking checkpoint proteins directly with recombinational repair in G(2).
103 epair, nucleotide excision repair (NER), and recombinational repair in preventing NO(.)-induced toxic
104                   These results suggest that recombinational repair in the context of heterochromatin
105 levels of DnaA, indicating a requirement for recombinational repair in these cells.
106 s, and this activity enhances early steps of recombinational repair in vitro.
107 nto minichromosomes regulates early steps of recombinational repair in vitro.
108         BRCA1, Rad51, and CHK2 contribute to recombinational repair, in part independently of H2AX.
109 vation of Yen1, likely to resolve persistent recombinational repair intermediates.
110 l fragmentation, which becomes inhibitory if recombinational repair is also inactivated (the rdgB rec
111                                   Homologous recombinational repair is an essential mechanism for rep
112  recombination systems of organisms in which recombinational repair is BRCA2 dependent.
113 m long 3'-ssDNA overhangs in preparation for recombinational repair is catalyzed by the coordinated a
114                               In eukaryotes, recombinational repair is choreographed by multiprotein
115 d for the repair of MMS-induced lesions when recombinational repair is compromised.
116                       Replication-associated recombinational repair is important for genome duplicati
117                    However, gene conversion (recombinational repair) is by far the most powerful expa
118 locked at cleavage complexes are resolved by recombinational repair, likely involving RDR.
119  cells with MMR defects, therefore, aberrant recombinational repair may be an additional mechanism th
120 esting that mutant spermatocytes have intact recombinational repair mechanisms.
121 ish a role for RadA/Sms in recombination and recombinational repair, most likely involving the stabil
122          Thus, DNA synthesis associated with recombinational repair must be largely error-free.
123 at BRCA1 plays essential roles in homologous recombinational repair, non-homologous end joining, and
124                                              Recombinational repair normally requires a battery of pr
125 BRE1 and DOT1 is mediated through homologous recombinational repair, not postreplication repair, and
126                   We have found that allelic recombinational repair occurs in mammalian cells and is
127 2AX serine 139 enforces efficient homologous recombinational repair of a chromosomal double-strand br
128 RAD51AP1-depleted cells are impaired for the recombinational repair of a DNA double-strand break and
129  Mps3p, and Mps3p-dependent tethering delays recombinational repair of a DSB and enhances gross chrom
130 at another DNA polymerase also functioned in recombinational repair of a DSB.
131 ular events that occur during the homologous recombinational repair of a programmed double-strand chr
132                                              Recombinational repair of a site-specific DSB within the
133                                              Recombinational repair of a site-specific, double-strand
134 ombinase, we also show that Srs2 can aid the recombinational repair of camptothecin-induced collapsed
135            The DNA synthesis associated with recombinational repair of chromosomal double-strand brea
136                                        Thus, recombinational repair of chromosomal DSBs can occur at
137  of foreign linear DNA and in RecA-dependent recombinational repair of chromosomal lesions in E. coli
138         During genetic recombination and the recombinational repair of chromosome breaks, DNA molecul
139     Similar to Chk1 and Rad17, which enhance recombinational repair of collapsed replication forks, w
140  in the late stages of recombination and the recombinational repair of damaged DNA, bind to Holliday
141  of homologous genetic recombination and the recombinational repair of damaged DNA.
142 ion in multiple cellular processes including recombinational repair of DNA and nuclear export of mess
143 pathway of Escherichia coli is important for recombinational repair of DNA breaks and gaps.
144  formed between sister chromatids during the recombinational repair of DNA breaks or after replicatio
145 n and support two different functions during recombinational repair of DNA breaks.
146 e BRCA2 ortholog in Ustilago maydis, enables recombinational repair of DNA by controlling Rad51 and i
147 eins that are thought to be involved in both recombinational repair of DNA damage and meiotic recombi
148 cA, which has been shown to function in both recombinational repair of DNA damage and meiotic recombi
149 CA2 homolog in Ustilago maydis, functions in recombinational repair of DNA damage by regulating Rad51
150 liday junctions during recombination and the recombinational repair of DNA damage requires proteins n
151 ke ATPase with a specialized function in the recombinational repair of DNA damage.
152 cterial cells, as would be expected from the recombinational repair of DNA damage.
153  is a protein that regulates RAD51-dependent recombinational repair of DNA double strand breaks (DSB)
154    PALB2 links BRCA1 and BRCA2 in homologous recombinational repair of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs
155 ad51, demonstrates that Brca1 is involved in recombinational repair of DNA double strand breaks.
156 in both nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) and recombinational repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs
157                                   Homologous recombinational repair of DNA double-strand breaks and c
158 /Rad51L3) play important roles in homologous recombinational repair of DNA double-strand breaks and i
159 n the histone H3 and HAT1 mutants was in the recombinational repair of DNA double-strand breaks.
160 sential for homologous recombination and the recombinational repair of DNA double-strand breaks.
161 sistent with gene conversion associated with recombinational repair of DNA double-strand breaks.
162 at HDAC enzymes are important for homologous recombinational repair of DNA double-strand breaks.
163 he bacterial RecN protein is involved in the recombinational repair of DNA double-stranded breaks, an
164 provided support for involvement of c-Abl in recombinational repair of DNA strand breaks.
165 ne is required for genetic recombination and recombinational repair of DNA strand breaks.
166  strand transfer step is not required during recombinational repair of double strand breaks in T7 but
167                To directly determine whether recombinational repair of double-strand breaks (DSBs) ca
168                                              Recombinational repair of double-strand breaks (DSBs), t
169                                              Recombinational repair of double-strand breaks in tandem
170                   The rdgB mutants depend on recombinational repair of double-strand breaks.
171 Rad54 protein plays an important role in the recombinational repair of double-strand DNA (dsDNA) brea
172 evisiae is one of several genes required for recombinational repair of double-strand DNA breaks durin
173          Rad51 protein (Rad51) is central to recombinational repair of double-strand DNA breaks.
174 Rad52 performs multiple functions during the recombinational repair of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) br
175   Rad51 is a conserved protein essential for recombinational repair of double-stranded DNA breaks (DS
176 cerevisiae Tid1 protein is important for the recombinational repair of double-stranded DNA breaks dur
177                                       During recombinational repair of double-stranded DNA breaks, RA
178                                              Recombinational repair of double-stranded DNA gaps was i
179 othesis that filamin-A influences homologous recombinational repair of DSB and the maintenance of gen
180  results in a 2-fold reduction of homologous recombinational repair of DSB.
181 und in both the xrs-6 and CHO-K1 cells, with recombinational repair of DSBs occurring in as many as 1
182              The involvement of hPso4 in the recombinational repair of DSBs provides an explanation f
183  functions in the post-synaptic phase during recombinational repair of DSBs.
184  now investigate the effect of heterology on recombinational repair of DSBs.
185  favor interhomolog, rather than intersister recombinational repair of genetically programmed DSBs in
186  is a prerequisite for the timely homologous recombinational repair of meiotic DNA double-strand brea
187 romyces pombe CDK, Cdc2-cyclin B, influences recombinational repair of radiation-induced DSBs during
188                                              Recombinational repair of replication forks can occur ei
189  Rad55 and Rad57 have different roles in the recombinational repair of stalled replication forks comp
190        It has recently become clear that the recombinational repair of stalled replication forks is t
191                  The proteins participate in recombinational repair of stalled replication forks or D
192 y1 cDNA molecules are then used as donors in recombinational repair of the break before it is healed.
193          We show that Rad50 is necessary for recombinational repair of the DNA lesion at the mating-t
194                                              Recombinational repair of the DSB is strongly dependent
195 to the formation of a DNA joint molecule and recombinational repair of the DSB.
196  sae2 mutants to process the hairpins blocks recombinational repair of the DSBs and leads to generati
197 esis, we propose that TWINKLE is involved in recombinational repair of the human mitochondrial DNA.
198 D and RecFOR 'pathways' are required for the recombinational repair of these breaks.
199  be hypersensitive to UV, implicating Rnh in recombinational repair of UV-induced damage.
200 vity capable of substituting for ExoI in the recombinational repair of UV-induced lesions.
201 show that MutS2 plays no role in mismatch or recombinational repair or deletion between direct DNA re
202 s possible additional functions that include recombinational repair or homologous recombination.
203 -link on one strand (unhooking), followed by recombinational repair or lesion bypass synthesis.
204 her error-prone gap filling synthesis during recombinational repair or mismatch repair within a heter
205  suggesting that there is a defect in either recombinational repair or the production of double-stran
206 ect interaction with PALB2, BRCA1 fine-tunes recombinational repair partly through its modulatory rol
207 llapsed replication forks, (d) the number of recombinational repair paths available and their mechani
208 nd rnh mutations impair a common step in the recombinational repair pathway for m-AMSA-induced damage
209             To examine the role of the RAD52 recombinational repair pathway in compensating for DNA r
210 tes a protein with a significant role in the recombinational repair pathway in U. maydis, and imply t
211 se results suggest that members of the RAD52 recombinational repair pathway inhibit Ty1 post-translat
212  together, these data suggest that the RAD52 recombinational repair pathway is required to prevent or
213 germ line, like yeast, employ the homologous recombinational repair pathway more often than imperfect
214 , reinforcing our previous findings that the recombinational repair pathway plays a minor role in M.
215 ally, dut mutants depend on the RecBC-RuvABC recombinational repair pathway that mends double-strand
216 ated in cells mutated for genes in the RAD52 recombinational repair pathway, such as RAD50, RAD51, RA
217 se and play a crucial role in the homologous recombinational repair pathway.
218  nonmutagenic nucleotide excision repair and recombinational repair pathways and by mutagenic pathway
219 ents result in the abolition of NER, but not recombinational repair pathways, which are likely to be
220 naA was tested by using mutants in different recombinational repair pathways.
221 L repair have been identified in addition to recombinational repair pathways.
222 itive to NO(.), indicating that both SOS and recombinational repair play important roles in defense a
223 epair, nucleotide excision repair (NER), and recombinational repair, plays a critical role in maintai
224  Thus, H. pylori RecN, as a component of DNA recombinational repair, plays a significant role in H. p
225 enes involved in nucleotide excision repair, recombinational repair, postreplication repair including
226                                   Homologous recombinational repair preserves chromosomal integrity b
227                       In wild-type cells the recombinational repair process is efficient and fairly a
228 heless, few genes encoding components of DNA recombinational repair processes have been identified in
229 on strand invasion intermediate in these two recombinational repair processes.
230 the enzymes involved are those that catalyze recombinational-repair processes.
231             Biochemical interaction with the recombinational repair protein Rad51, demonstrates that
232 eukaryotic proteins related to the bacterial recombinational repair protein RecA.
233 PF/ERCC1 is stably associated with hRad52, a recombinational repair protein, in human cell-free extra
234                                              Recombinational repair provides accurate chromosomal res
235 members of the RAD52 epistasis group for DNA recombinational repair (rad50, rad52 and rad57).
236 the DNA polymerase delta (POL3) gene and the recombinational repair RAD52 gene were studied in combin
237 t high temperature, suggesting dependence on recombinational repair rather than on the RecBCD-catalyz
238                     Testing known mutants in recombinational repair revealed an additional interactio
239 ed in nucleotide excision repair (rad13) and recombinational repair (rhp51) are much more alkylation
240 ns in additional components of the bacterial recombinational repair system and the replication restar
241              Furthermore, by comparison, its recombinational repair system seems to be only minimally
242 ad51 complex and balances a finely regulated recombinational repair system.
243 mechanism for p53-mediated regulation of DNA recombinational repair that involves p53 post-translatio
244  suggest that RadC functions specifically in recombinational repair that is associated with the repli
245 gmentation, making seqA mutants dependent on recombinational repair (the seqA recA colethality).
246 s a structure-specific mediator that targets recombinational repair to ssDNA-dsDNA junctions.
247  mode of genomic maintenance by "error-free" recombinational repair, to one of "error-prone" DNA repl
248 te by the intron RNP particles, gapping, and recombinational repair using homologous sequences in don
249                         The possibility that recombinational repair was responsible for the survival
250 s that MMR sensitization is due to decreased recombinational repair, we used a RecA-mediated strand e
251  that both Ung and Fpg create substrates for recombinational repair, which is consistent with the obs
252 n and the up-regulation of genes involved in recombinational repair with the level of DNA damage, we
253  that heterology decreases the efficiency of recombinational repair, with 1.2% sequence divergence re

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