


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 omplete a phase III clinical trial was human recumbent activated protein C.
2 des orthostatic vital signs measured in both recumbent and vertical positions; however, specialized l
3 men x+/- SD body weight: 76 +/- 21 kg) while recumbent at rest, sitting motionless, standing motionle
4 e volunteers (n = 14) underwent standardized recumbent bicycle exercise.
5 ic (FIO2 0.12) rest and exercise (100 W on a recumbent cycle ergometer).
6 ercise test, and two 30 min sessions of semi-recumbent cycling exercise at 50% peak output following
7 bserved on supine plain abdominal (n = 6) or recumbent frontal chest (n = 3) radiographs in nine pati
8                 Of 13 patients who underwent recumbent imaging, 10 (77%) had hiatal hernias and nine
9 03-2004 through 2011-2012 in high weight for recumbent length among infants and toddlers, obesity in
10 f infants and toddlers had a high weight-for-recumbent length and 16.9% (95% CI, 15.4%-18.4%) of chil
11 significant linear trends in high weight for recumbent length or high BMI were found over the time pe
12        Analyses of trends in high weight for recumbent length or obesity prevalence were conducted ov
13 dlers from birth to 2 years, high weight for recumbent length was defined as weight for length at or
14                         Weight and height or recumbent length were measured in 9120 participants in t
15  of infants and toddlers had high weight for recumbent length, and 16.9% (95% CI, 14.9%-19.2%) of 2-
16  above the 95th percentile of the weight-for-recumbent-length growth charts.
17 hange, but change of posture from upright to recumbent may contribute to the relative nocturnal IOP e
18  basis to either the puncture-site-dependent recumbent position (210 biopsies) or the puncture-site-n
19  biopsies) or the puncture-site-nondependent recumbent position (213 biopsies) for at least 1 1/2 hou
20 ce-detected) was significantly higher in the recumbent position compared to the upright position [11.
21  and is alleviated while sitting, lying in a recumbent position, standing against a wall or using wal
22 ach acid reflux episode, particularly in the recumbent position.
23 1)] with the greatest difference seen in the recumbent position.
24 nce of ventilator-associated pneumonia: semi-recumbent positioning in all eligible patients, sucralfa
25  the strongest supportive evidence were semi-recumbent positioning, sucralfate instead of H2-antagoni
26 , upright [58.6 s vs 13.1 s (p < 0.01)], and recumbent positions [136.7 s vs 14.2 s (p < 0.01)] with
27                                       In the recumbent positions, IOP was measured in the supine posi
28 red with neck flexion or extension or in the recumbent positions.
29 -7 lx) with maintained wakefulness in a semi-recumbent posture.
30 ter the Valsalva strain), or a standard semi-recumbent Valsalva manoeuvre.
31 rgo a modified Valsalva manoeuvre (done semi-recumbent with supine repositioning and passive leg rais
32 s of IOP measurements performed, sitting and recumbent, with the order of these sets of measurements

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