


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  mice and humans; however, tumors frequently recur.
2  favorable prognosis, 10% to 25% of HPV-OPCs recur.
3 e of the potential for low T-stage tumors to recur.
4 t eventually become estrogen independent and recur.
5 emolysis settled after treatment and did not recur.
6 ), in which the native kidney disease cannot recur.
7 T) is regarded a chronic disease as it often recurs.
8 on, and the residual tumor generally rapidly recurs.
9 n causes severe complications and frequently recurs.
10 mmon health care-associated infection, often recurs.
11 009 and 2012 for chest wall disease that had recurred.
12 s, only one of 24 patients who achieved a CR recurred.
13  poor response to treatment and 15% of cases recurred.
14 d therapeutically after disease symptoms had recurred.
15 ominal pain and frequent non-bloody diarrhea recurred.
16 e of the living-unrelated donors' recipients recurred.
17 ce, as evidenced by 3 T1 primary tumors that recurred.
18 ew, 2996 cases were identified, of which 363 recurred.
19 had node-negative disease, of which 54 (17%) recurred.
20 need to prevent the injury from worsening or recurring.
21                                 Her symptoms recurred 3 days later, and a pericardial drain was place
22 ho underwent upfront LR (group LR), 90 (69%) recurred, 31 could undergo SLT (group SLT).
23 andard of care for women with ovarian cancer recurring 6 months after completion of initial therapy.
24 bor metabolically interdependent groups that recur across diverse habitats.
25 ms, and the prophets of religious movements, recur across human societies.
26 ople, activate communities, and connect care-recurred across the articles as direct and strategic opp
27 ong and weak fields was spatially stable and recurred across trials.
28 , quasi-stable FC configurations (FC states) recurring across time and subjects.
29 ry 3 months, and if infestation persisted or recurred, additional treatments were delivered.
30 sms may be more reflective of demands during recurring adverse episodes than under average conditions
31                They were also less likely to recur after a remission lasting 2 years or a remission l
32 tu hybridization and a failure of disease to recur after CD3 T cell depletion.
33 from the AIM Dysplasia trial, we found BE to recur after CEIM by RFA in almost one third of patients
34               Remarkably, breast cancers can recur after extended periods of clinical remission, impl
35 t of emergent diverticulitis patients do not recur after initial medical treatment.
36                   Sarcoidosis is reported to recur after lung transplantation (LT).
37 arly-stage prostate cancer would progress or recur after primary definitive treatment.
38 from birth eliminates seizures, but seizures recur after rapamycin withdrawal.
39 ning most of the stomach were more likely to recur after repair when compared with those involving ga
40                                           VF recurred after 166 shocks (74%) and recurred within 30 s
41 ed after topical corticosteroid therapy, but recurred after each adalimumab injection over the follow
42 was feasible in only a third of patients who recurred after LR.
43 atients with intraocular retinoblastoma that recurred after prior OAC.
44                           Among patients who recurred after resection of CRLM, G12V, G12C, and G12S m
45 oemulsions where all resolved tumors quickly recurred after the completion of treatment and proved re
46 EG-PDLA micellar or nanoemulsion formulation recurred after the completion of treatment but proved se
47                                   MN rapidly recurred after transplantation.
48 ncers are imprecise, with 30-50% of patients recurring after image-guided radiotherapy or radical pro
49 inal structures, abutting the chest wall, or recurring after previous treatment.
50                               Melanoma often recurs after a latency period of several years, presenti
51                 Crohn's disease (CD) usually recurs after intestinal resection; postoperative endosco
52 tle is known about the prognosis of HCC that recurs after resection and the outcomes associated with
53                       However, CD frequently recurs after resection.
54 ly prevalent, often persists, and frequently recurs after treatment, interventions that reduce BV ove
55  suggest that an allergic recall response to recurring Ag exposures preferentially triggers an increa
56 ths before multiple plaque and tumor lesions recurred, along with the development of inguinal lymphad
57 rranged cases comprise 5.3% of cases lacking recurring alterations.
58 matic mutations of pre-mRNA splicing factors recur among patients with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)
59                 Copy number analysis reveals recurring amplification of the spermatocyte development
60 reatment, most high-grade gliomas eventually recur and are ultimately incurable.
61 lassified as a complete responder eventually recur and succumb to the disease.
62                  Two (5.1%) enteric fistulas recurred and were treated conservatively resulting in cl
63 cent years, on the study of biofilms in many recurring and chronic infections.
64 arly tumor resection, mice died from locally recurring and distant tumors, but adjuvant administratio
65                              Depression is a recurring and life-threatening illness that affects up t
66 to prevent variceal rebleeding, but bleeding recurs and mortality is high.
67    Vaginal infections are common, frequently recur, and may increase women's risk for sexually transm
68         Once home later that night, the pain recurred, and she was taken to the hospital.
69                                        These recurring antibodies cross-react with DENV1, but not oth
70  the spleen may have a profound influence on recurring anxiety disorders.
71 rations of neuronal group activity) reliably recur, as defined using Ward-method clustering.
72                We found that the presence of recurring assemblies per se was not correlated with beha
73 hquakes, including episodic tremor and slip, recur at intervals of less than six months to more than
74                     Neither BE nor dysplasia recurred at a constant rate.
75  patients were identified, of whom 613 (60%) recurred at a median follow-up of 50 months.
76 ress linguistic input; (2) as the bottleneck recurs at each new representational level, the language
77 betic recipients against both alloimmune and recurring autoimmune responses.
78 PTSD), a mental illness characterized by the recurring avoidance of situations that evoke trauma-rela
79 rapy, nearly 50% of high-risk neuroblastomas recur because of chemoresistance.
80 amanism is an ancient human institution that recurs because of the capacity of cultural evolution to
81                          Trigger waves are a recurring biological phenomenon involved in transmitting
82                        Plants are exposed to recurring biotic and abiotic stresses that can, in extre
83 arkably, these optix knockouts phenocopy the recurring "black and blue" wing pattern archetype that h
84 ngle isolated bleaching and can acclimate to recurring bleaching events that are separated by multipl
85 age 3+ ROP with confluent neovascularization recurred both at the advancing edge and at the initial r
86  3.2 channels can generate a significant and recurring Ca(2+) signal, and how CaV 1.3 channels may co
87  von Helmholtz cited multistable perception: recurring changes in perception despite unchanging senso
88  aneuploid tumours select for particular and recurring chromosome combinations, single-cell analysis
89      If untreated, anxiety disorders tend to recur chronically.
90 cal margin taken was greater for tumors that recurred compared with tumors that did not recur (P = .0
91 However, population activation events with a recurring configuration of core neurons did not appear t
92 ssilized feces (coprolites) that demonstrate recurring consumption of crustaceans and rotted wood by
93  people tend to repeat the same behaviors in recurring contexts.
94 ns, vulnerabilities in risk assessments, and recurring corporate lawsuits.
95 lcium oscillations to circadian rhythms that recur daily.
96                                              Recurring deletions of chromosome 7 and 7q [-7/del(7q)]
97 t this variation has likely arisen from many recurring deletions, more specifically, reversions of an
98                           Those with chronic/recurring depressive symptoms (>/=2 of 3 occasions) in t
99 helial carcinoma whose disease progressed or recurred despite previous treatment with at least one pl
100 form of status epilepticus that continues or recurs despite 24 hours or more of anesthetic treatment.
101 ntestinal disorders that can produce serious recurring diarrhea in affected patients.
102  corresponding to midlife, even when chronic/recurring, do not increase the risk for dementia.
103            Plasmodium vivax infections often recur due to relapse of hypnozoites from the liver.
104         aHUS episodes are often initiated or recur during inflammation.
105    Twenty-three out of 37 high-risk patients recurred during follow-up, but in nine of them the tumor
106 are available for patients with advanced and recurring endometrial cancers.
107 riations, pathogen and herbivory attacks are recurring environmental stresses experienced by plants t
108 ined in stable remission, and 25 developed a recurring episode over the 14 months of clinical follow-
109 ge-eating disorder (BED) is characterized by recurring episodes of excessive consumption of palatable
110      MDD patients often suffer from lifelong recurring episodes of increasing severity, reduced thera
111 ickle cell disease (SCD) is characterized by recurring episodes of vascular occlusion in which neutro
112 athological uPAR is circulating and FSGS can recur even after a damaged kidney is replaced with a hea
113 essing and response selection in the face of recurring events.
114 characterized by bursts of action potentials recurring every 2-3 min.
115 events have occurred in the last 2500 years, recurring every 550 to 700 years.
116                        Toxin resistance is a recurring evolutionary response by predators feeding on
117                                              Recurring exonic deletions in HP likely enhance human he
118 in's suprachiasmic nucleus, which interprets recurring external stimuli, and autonomous molecular net
119                                   Because of recurring failures in differentiating the two CO2 sample
120                      Genome instability is a recurring feature of tumorigenesis.
121                                            A recurring feature uniting these pollinator modes is host
122                                            A recurring finding in this extensive body of work is that
123                       Although ALD and NAFLD recur frequently after liver transplantation, graft loss
124 cular or neural activations that appeared to recur frequently during the animals' behavior.
125 ents with Crohn's disease, perianal fistulas recur frequently, causing substantial morbidity.
126 quence of cortical or muscular activity that recurred frequently during the animals' behavior.
127                                    Infection recurs frequently and establishes a weak and short-lived
128                           Among patients who recurred, G12V (HR, 2.96; 95% CI, 1.32-6.61; P = .01), G
129  and Relevance: Among adults with frequently recurring genital HSV-2, the use of pritelivir compared
130 nd the microRNA pathway in the adaptation to recurring heat stress (HS memory) at the physiological a
131 e miR156-SPL module mediates the response to recurring HS in Arabidopsis thaliana and thus may serve
132                                              Recurring hypomethylation also affected previously unann
133                                        Three recurring hypotheses are often used to explain the effec
134  survival is significantly prolonged, tumors recur in >50% of mice.
135 orm of pericardial disease worldwide and may recur in as many as one-third of patients who present wi
136       Prostate cancer is known to frequently recur in bone; however, how dormant cells switch its phe
137 e of genetic and epigenetic alterations that recur in ccRCC and discuss the mechanisms through which
138  breakpoints near PONDS-forming repeats also recur in different individuals and patient tumor samples
139                           Although all TERMs recur in diverse proteins, some appear specialized for c
140              Membranous nephropathy (MN) can recur in kidney allografts leading to graft dysfunction
141 compass and overlap with shorter themes that recur in numerous proteins.
142 stabilizes an inactive conformation known to recur in protein kinases.
143 skin lesions resolve with therapy, but often recur in the same locations when therapy is discontinued
144  demonstrated corneal perforation; infection recurred in 1 of them.
145                                       Hernia recurred in 1 patient (0.7%) assigned to the low-cost me
146 wever, a nontargeted ventricular tachycardia recurred in 1 patient at a median of 13 months' follow u
147 uccessful in all 52 strictures, but stenosis recurred in 10 patients and was treated with surgery (n
148                               Adenocarcinoma recurred in 11 patients (25%), with a 64% recurrence-fre
149                                          HCC recurred in 12 HIV-infected patients (16%) and 32 non-HI
150                       Venous thromboembolism recurred in 15 of the 307 patients who received sulodexi
151            Within 5 years, lower GI bleeding recurred in 18.9% of aspirin users (95% confidence inter
152                                      Disease recurred in 185 patients (90.2%) at a median of 8 months
153                                      Disease recurred in 185 patients (90.2%) at a median of 8 months
154       During the 2-year follow-up period, VT recurred in 28 (37.3%) patients in group 1, 52 (61.9%) p
155                      Atrial tachyarrhythmias recurred in 28 PVI-only group patients and 24 Substrate-
156                   Retinopathy of prematurity recurred in 3 (14%) of 22 IVB-treated eyes and in 1 (3%)
157 ation was successful in 10 patients, and VAs recurred in 4 during a mean follow-up period of 41+/-24
158                              In contrast, VT recurred in 4 of 9 patients without procedural success.
159           On follow-up of 590+/-722 days, VT recurred in 4 out of 7 patients, 3 of whom were successf
160                                           VT recurred in 44 patients (51%) during a median follow-up
161                                Invasive IPMN recurred in 45% of cases, whereas noninvasive in only 9%
162                                           AF recurred in 544 of 846 eligible individuals without perm
163                                          TTP recurred in 6 pregnancies.
164 tic and 25 [15.5%] with asymptomatic AF); AF recurred in 62.2% of group B patients and 79.2% of group
165                                     Seizures recurred in 67%.
166     Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis recurred in eight patients (19%) at a median time of 15.
167 hina was seemingly averted, human infections recurred in October 2013.
168 eyond the sentinel lymph node basin and 3.4% recurred in the basin.
169 onfirmed six known mutations, three of which recurred in three, five and seven patients, respectively
170 of 50.9 months, hepatocellular carcinoma had recurred in two patients and five patients had died, the
171                       Membranous nephropathy recurs in 48% of cases threatening the allograft.
172 rug temozolomide, but the disease inevitably recurs in a drug-resistant form after initial treatment.
173                                           AF recurs in most individuals, including those diagnosed wi
174 a highly lethal brain cancer that frequently recurs in proximity to the original resection cavity.
175 6 per 100000 children per year, while stroke recurs in up to 20% of patients at 5 years.
176 ymuria in ovulating women might be a sign of recurring increases of tubular cell turnover that potent
177                Influenza is a ubiquitous and recurring infection that results in approximately 500000
178 support a role for Abs in protecting against recurring infections, but S. aureus modulates the B cell
179 cal cross-linking of the complex at multiple recurring interfaces, involving hydrogen bonds, salt bri
180                         Common pitfalls that recurred irrespective of RCT context indicate opportunit
181 differences between same-patient persistent, recurring isolates.
182 ) are highly pathogenic and have both caused recurring, large outbreaks.
183 d estrogen receptor-positive tumors that may recur later in the disease course (the ACOSOG is now par
184  gels with the remarkable ability to sustain recurring loads due to shear flows and wound stretching.
185 of plasmacytoid carcinomas, which frequently recur locally, CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knockout of CDH1 in
186 an follow-up period of 15.8 months, 1 lesion recurred locally; the remaining 7 lesions had sustained
187 -approved targeted therapies, and frequently recur, making the discovery of novel therapeutic targets
188  more complex and nuanced than simply one of recurring manic and depressive episodes.
189                             In addition, the recurring MDD group also exhibited RSATL hyperconnectivi
190                                          The recurring MDD group showed higher connectivity than the
191                    Tissues and cells sustain recurring mechanical loads that span a wide range of loa
192    Epigenetic dysregulation has emerged as a recurring mechanism in the etiology of neurodevelopmenta
193 s between hnRNPs represents an important and recurring mechanism underlying splicing regulation.
194                   Cores exhibit a pattern of recurring meetings across weeks and months, each with va
195 occurrence and hint at cooperative groups as recurring modules of microbial community architecture.
196          Cancer cells that survive radiation recur more rapidly in a xenograft model of irradiated br
197                         Mitral regurgitation recurred more frequently in the repair group, resulting
198          This genetic disorder exemplifies a recurring motif in neurodegeneration, whereby mutations
199  library of 20 pipecolic acid derivatives, a recurring motif in various prescription drugs, could be
200  provides insights into the dynamics of this recurring motif.
201 he "motif network," in which nodes represent recurring motifs, and edges connect motifs that appear i
202 butes to the protective host defense against recurring MRSA infection.
203  constitutes a common phenotype with a major recurring mutation (p.Arg853Gln: two new and four previo
204                          Here, we describe a recurring mutation, c.276_278del, p.F93del, in NDUFB11,
205                                     Commonly recurring mutations include MYD88 (95% to 97%), CXCR4 (3
206                                              Recurring mutations were detected in ASXL1 (44%) and BCO
207 used to differentiate between narratives and recurring narrative elements, such as people and locatio
208  associated with the formation of transient, recurring nuclear openings and selective histone release
209 cardioverter-defibrillator alone but did not recur on quinidine.
210                Such eruptions are thought to recur on timescales of ten thousand to a million years.
211 nt neovascularization (2/14 infants [14.3%]) recurred only at the advancing edge.
212 e median follow-up of 5.1 years, 16 patients recurred or progressed, with seven deaths after relapse.
213 ess of whether the population event showed a recurring or nonrecurring configuration of neurons, the
214 HSV-2) are large DNA viruses associated with recurring oral or genital erosions that transmit virus.
215 n sensory neurons and commonly manifest with recurring oral or genital erosions that transmit virus.
216 aramyxoviruses and approaches to controlling recurring outbreaks.
217 en frequency domains as building blocks that recur over days to weeks.
218 are variable and commonly chronic, sometimes recurring over decades.
219 t recurred compared with tumors that did not recur (P = .003).
220 nal trauma 5 years earlier and complained of recurring pain.
221  in vivo IMPORTANCE: Influenza epidemics and recurring pandemics are responsible for significant glob
222          Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is a recurring part of the sleep-wake cycle characterized by
223  taxonomic analyses allowed the detection of recurring patterns down to the genus level.
224                   Sequence motifs are short, recurring patterns in DNA that can mediate sequence-spec
225 d a wide range of pathologic tissue changes, recurring patterns of tissue damage were evident.
226                                   Drought, a recurring phenomenon with major impacts on both human an
227 ividual and social learning play in creating recurring phenotypes on which selection can act.
228                                    While how recurring point mutations affect kinase activity has bee
229                               Three commonly recurring practices compromised equipoise communication
230  standard treatment and those who did not or recurred prematurely.
231        Interoperability between formats is a recurring problem in systems biology research.
232                                      A major recurring problem within group II chaperonin research, e
233  a continuous slab and allows the process to recur, providing a mechanism for the transient character
234         Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a recurring psychiatric illness that causes substantial he
235                                          One recurring puzzle in both intra- and inter-species studie
236                                          Two recurring questions in the application of GUTS concern t
237 ng 449+/-89 ms), meandered substantially but recurred repetitively in the same region.
238                          The contribution of recurring seizures to the progression of epileptogenesis
239 and L-pyroglutamic acid (PGA) are capable of recurring self-actuation due to rapid release of latent
240  endogenous network activity, in the form of recurring self-maintained depolarized states (Up states)
241 part of a repeating cycle of experimentation recurring since the mid-18th century.
242      Next-generation sequencing has revealed recurring somatic mutations in Waldenstrom macroglobulin
243  Here we describe the crystal structure of a recurring somatic oncogenic mutation located in the C-te
244 of awake mice builds neuronal ensembles that recur spontaneously after being imprinted and do not dis
245                        The high frequency of recurring SSSI due to S. aureus, including methicillin-r
246              Moreover, the high frequency of recurring SSSI due to S. aureus, particularly methicilli
247 riming also protected rag1(-/-) mice against recurring SSSI, with increased MPhi and LDC infiltration
248 s or to detect transition types that lead to recurring stimulus patterns.
249 sting-state networks are gradually shaped by recurring stimulus-elicited connectivity across developm
250 g-state network development is influenced by recurring stimulus-elicited connectivity through prospec
251 s that promotes a more efficient response to recurring stress.
252       Because the PIF pocket appears to be a recurring structural feature of the kinase fold, known g
253 Protein Data Bank led to identification of a recurring structural motif where lysine NH3(+) group int
254 ructured RNAs are built from a common set of recurring structural motifs, leading to the perspective
255 s defined as a statistically significant and recurring subgraph pattern within a network.
256 graft detachment and graft failure tended to recur, suggesting that intrinsic properties of the host
257 2; 95% CI, 0.72-1.44) but those with chronic/recurring symptoms in the late phase (mean follow-up, 11
258 lecular and environmental perturbations is a recurring task in transcriptional data analysis.
259 ple distinct meristem identities, obscures a recurring theme emerging from developmental genetic stud
260 ole of microRNAs (miRNAs) is also unclear, a recurring theme emphasizes their function in cellular st
261 evelopment-related functions, which may be a recurring theme in eukaryotic organisms experiencing pro
262 molecular electron transfer (ET), which is a recurring theme in the research on oxidoreductases conta
263                                            A recurring theme in these diseases is a link between oste
264  impact on scientific understanding, while a recurring theme is the benefit of such data for the tran
265                                            A recurring theme is the need to explore the flexibility o
266 formational flexibility that appears to be a recurring theme with this enzyme class.
267 ly distinct interactions and mechanisms, the recurring themes appear to consist of autoinhibited rest
268                                        While recurring themes are emerging, there is no clear correla
269 ere transcribed, translated into English and recurring themes coded and categorized as the impact of
270                  Throughout this Commission, recurring themes include poor guideline implementation a
271                                              Recurring themes included (i) how miRNAs can be differen
272  population turnover and migration have been recurring themes of European prehistory.
273 le can be overridden by entrainment to daily recurring threats.
274  with epileptic encephalopathy (one mutation recurred three times independently).
275 e prevailed upon Dr Betensky to address some recurring topics in our editorial conferences.
276 sequencing and obtained evidence of numerous recurring TRA-co-expression patterns, each present in on
277                              There have been recurring translational failures in treatment strategies
278 ing West African Ebola epidemic highlights a recurring trend in the zoonotic emergence of virulent pa
279  mislead targeted therapies for the distally recurred tumor.
280 icant implications for the responsiveness of recurring tumors to therapy.
281 ch may be responsive to corticosteroids, but recur upon tapering.
282            A 39-old male was admitted due to recurring upper abdominal pain that lasted several weeks
283 e low probability of reinfection by multiple recurring variants.
284                    Between-group difference (recurring vs stable MDD) in RSATL connectivity, with an
285 nt, a control subject with DCIS that did not recur was identified and matched on the basis of clinica
286 esponded well to corticosteroids and did not recur when treatment with the MEK inhibitor was restarte
287 spines, where inhibitory synapses frequently recur while excitatory synapses are stable.
288  After withdrawal, paroxysmal manifestations recurred with a mean of 24.2 (+/- 21.9, 52% motor events
289 ecurrences; 2 patients who initially had BCA recurred with BCAC.
290  is brief, and allergen hypersensitivity can recur within days following allergen withdrawal.
291 a (HCC) resection is limited to patients who recur within Milan criteria (MC).
292                Eleven (44%) of the 25 tumors recurred within 1 y.
293                                 The majority recurred within 2 years.
294       VF recurred after 166 shocks (74%) and recurred within 30 seconds in 69 shocks.
295 (5/22) of clinical successes, CRE infections recurred within 90 days.
296  provided little durable benefit, and tumors recurred within several months.
297 In most symptomatic patients (93%), symptoms recurred within the 24 hours preceding SCA.
298 rence was 0.61 years, with 10 (71%) patients recurring within the first 2 years.
299 dimensional structure, utilising a fold that recurs within larger polypeptides and in other protein m
300                              When angioedema recurs without significant wheals, the patient should be

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