


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 cancer risk is associated with diets high in red meat.
2 proposing a mechanism of cancer promotion by red meat.
3 minantly attributable to intake of fiber and red meat.
4 hat it is highly and selectively enriched in red meat.
5 gE response to the alpha-Gal glycan found in red meat.
6 95% CI: 1.24, 1.35; n = 5 studies) for total red meat.
7 en accompanied by a high intake of processed red meat.
8 gely because of the consumption of processed red meat.
9 vere allergic reactions after consumption of red meat.
10 sk of CHD compared with 1 serving per day of red meat.
11 nd is associated with delayed anaphylaxis to red meat.
12 10, 95% confidence interval: 0.83, 1.45) for red meat.
13 , and intake of calcium and fat derived from red meat.
14 d with the effect of a diet that was high in red meat.
15 o cow's milk, and (3) delayed anaphylaxis to red meat.
16 ystemic reactions 3-7 h after consumption of red meat.
17 allergic symptoms 3-6 h after consumption of red meat.
18 gy, saturated fat, fruit and vegetables, and red meat.
19 kely originating from Neu5Gc-rich foods like red meats.
20 d summed intake of unprocessed and processed red meats.
21 ere major correlates of t-16:1n-7, including red meats (0.72 higher SD per serving/d, P < 0.001), but
22 r-sweetened beverages (1.00 lb), unprocessed red meats (0.95 lb), and processed meats (0.93 lb) and w
23 : 0.98, 1.22; n = 6 studies) for unprocessed red meat, 1.23 (95% CI: 1.17, 1.28; n = 6 studies) for p
24 o consumption, high consumption of processed red meat (100 g/d) was associated with shorter survival
25 est increase was associated with unprocessed red meats (+14.4% [95% UI, 9.1%-19.5%]).
26 rted (fiber, 63%; fruit and vegetables, 54%; red meat, 47%; physical activity, 45%), with consumption
27  more potatoes (95% CI: 18%, 106%), 46% more red meat (95% CI: 4%, 106%), and, in women, 61% more sug
28 imilarly, compared with 1 serving per day of red meat, a lower risk was associated with 1 serving per
29    Data were sourced from Scotland's largest red meat abattoir throughout 2013 and 2014.
30           Upon institution of a diet free of red meat, all patients had no further episodes of anaphy
31                  In conclusion, we show that red meat allergic patients have a selective IgE response
32                 We found that none of the 24 red meat allergic patients investigated had an IgE antib
33             We investigated whether IgE from red meat allergic patients recognizes other mammalian gl
34 ctive in allergic disease are not targets of red meat allergic patients' IgE.
35  Furthermore, a dose-dependent inhibition of red meat-allergic patients' IgE to beef by alpha-Gal was
36 t-coupled proteomic analysis using sera from red meat-allergic patients.
37  40 of 1335 subjects: 30 of 40 patients with red meat allergy (12 also clinically allergic to gelatin
38 sitization to alpha-Gal, with development of red meat allergy as a secondary phenomena.
39                                              Red meat allergy presents a novel form of food allergy w
40 sociated with IgE responses to alpha-Gal and red meat allergy.
41  positivity and carry a considerable risk of red meat allergy.
42                  Consumption of nonprocessed red meat alone was not associated with shorter survival.
43 ship between tick bites and sensitization to red meat, alpha-Gal, and gelatin (with or without clinic
44 ry L-carnitine, a trimethylamine abundant in red meat, also produces TMAO and accelerates atheroscler
45 he cohort died] according to levels of total red meat and combined levels of processed and nonprocess
46                                        Fresh red meat and cured meat consumption increases the risk o
47 Gc from exogenous sources, including dietary red meat and dairy products.
48 diet high in vegetables and fruit and low in red meat and fried foods.
49 t investigated possible interactions between red meat and FV consumption and evaluated the dose-respo
50 f FV consumption, and no interaction between red meat and FV consumption was detected.
51                                              Red meat and FV consumption were assessed through a self
52                        A diet low in fat and red meat and high in protein and vegetables, as well as
53 ciation between the consumption of processed red meat and hypertension.
54 the consumption of unprocessed and processed red meat and incident hypertension.
55                                         Lean red meat and low-fat dairy produced a similar glycemic r
56 ndance in people with high levels of dietary red meat and may therefore be a causative factor in CRC.
57 ning-detected colorectal adenomas shows that red meat and meat cooked at high temperatures are associ
58 ave observed patients clinically allergic to red meat and meat-derived gelatin.
59 lly explain the positive association between red meat and pancreatic cancer.
60  a fruit and vegetables, a diet foods, and a red meat and potatoes pattern.
61                               In conclusion, red meat and poultry intakes were associated with a high
62 abundant extra-virgin olive oil, and minimal red meat and processed foods.
63 ize the evidence from prospective studies on red meat and processed meat consumption in relationship
64                          High consumption of red meat and processed meat has been associated with inc
65  with a lower risk of colorectal cancer, and red meat and processed meat have been associated with an
66 e relationship between allergic reactions to red meat and sensitization to gelatin and galactose-alph
67 n with daily exercise and limiting intake of red meat and sugary beverages would help reduce uric aci
68 eme iron in the promotion of colon cancer by red meat and suggest that heme iron could initiate carci
69 te Neu5Gc from dietary sources, particularly red meats and milk products.
70 on between consumption of different types of red meats and risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D) remains unce
71 airy (from milk, yogurt, or custard) with no red meat, and a control diet that contained neither red
72                       Similarly, total meat, red meat, and dairy products were not related to risk.
73 igher intakes of refined grains, vegetables, red meat, and fats and Dominicans having higher intakes
74 lcholine, which is mainly derived from eggs, red meat, and fish, is related to all-cause and CVD mort
75 kes of total iron, iron from meat, iron from red meat, and heme iron were all close to unity, and the
76 on, we found that intakes of processed meat, red meat, and heme iron, which characterized the Western
77                                  We identify red meat, and to a lesser extent the broader animal-base
78 ed by high intakes of processed meats, eggs, red meats, and high-fat dairy products, and the American
79 ually separated from markets selling fish or red-meat animals, but the stalls can be near each other
80 ages were allocated to receive PRT with lean red meat ( approximately 160 g cooked) to be consumed 6
81                                          The red meat-associated diabetes risk was largely attenuated
82                                          The red meat-associated diabetes risk was significantly (P <
83 terchanging protein foods (e.g., chicken for red meat), but they may be exchanged for carbohydrate-ri
84 sis, consumption of processed meat and total red meat, but not unprocessed red meat, was statisticall
85 ted completely for poultry and partially for red meat by heme iron intake.
86 a tick bite was associated with allergies to red meat, cetuximab, and gelatin.
87 ntified: fast food and full-fat dairy, fish, red meat, chicken, low-fat milk, and legumes.
88  meals (iAUC: 159.65 +/- 20.0 mU/L . 3 h for red meat compared with 167.49 +/- 24.1 mU/L . 3 h for da
89 iets, diets that include large quantities of red meat, constipation, or physical inactivity increase
90                  Impacts may include reduced red meat consumption (with positive effects on saturated
91  for the epidemiological association between red meat consumption and carcinoma risk.
92 well-established link between high levels of red meat consumption and CVD risk.
93 tial mediators of the relation between total red meat consumption and diabetes risk in Cox models.
94 oxy-sphingomyelin 14:1) were associated with red meat consumption and diabetes risk.
95 association was observed between unprocessed red meat consumption and hypertension.
96   We observed no association for unprocessed red meat consumption and hypertension.
97 ssociation between unprocessed and processed red meat consumption and incident T2D in US adults.
98 effect of CML AGE on the association between red meat consumption and pancreatic cancer.
99 to determine whether the association between red meat consumption and the risk of all-cause, CVD, and
100 n the circulation were associated with total red meat consumption and, independent of red meat, with
101               Men in the highest quintile of red meat consumption had higher risk of pancreatic cance
102                                              Red meat consumption has been associated with negative h
103                   Epidemiological studies of red meat consumption in relation to risk of heart failur
104 rospective study of men with low to moderate red meat consumption indicate that processed red meat co
105 s for increasing quintiles of total meat and red meat consumption indicated no association with color
106                                         High red meat consumption is associated with a shorter surviv
107                                         High red meat consumption is associated with an increased mor
108                               High processed red meat consumption is associated with increased risk o
109 n counterbalance the negative impact of high red meat consumption is unknown.
110                              A high level of red meat consumption may represent a novel risk factor f
111 rials (RCTs) that investigate the effects of red meat consumption on CVD risk factors.
112         Physical inactivity, obesity, higher red meat consumption or Western pattern diet, insulin an
113                                        Daily red meat consumption over years may increase CKD risk, w
114 ntify blood metabolites that possibly relate red meat consumption to the occurrence of type 2 diabete
115 645 Swedish men (40,089) and women (34,556), red meat consumption was assessed through a self-adminis
116                     We found that high total red meat consumption was associated with progressively s
117                                     Habitual red meat consumption was consistently related to a highe
118                                        Total red meat consumption was defined as energy-standardized
119  lifestyle, diet, and body mass index, total red meat consumption was directly related to diabetes ri
120                                              Red meat consumption was positively associated with ferr
121 ncrease in unprocessed, processed, and total red meat consumption were 1.12 (1.08, 1.16), 1.32 (1.25,
122 he associations of unprocessed and processed red meat consumption with HF incidence and mortality in
123  changes in fruit and vegetable consumption, red meat consumption, and bodyweight for deaths from cor
124 pability to identify potential biomarkers of red meat consumption, as well as possible health risk fa
125 red meat consumption indicate that processed red meat consumption, but not unprocessed red meat, is a
126                     Our results suggest that red meat consumption, particularly processed red meat, i
127 kg/m(2), diabetes, past and current smoking, red meat consumption, saturated fat and cholesterol were
128 participants in the lowest quintile of total red meat consumption, those in the highest quintile had
129 ombined levels of processed and nonprocessed red meat consumption.
130 er mortality according to quintiles of total red meat consumption.
131 nd vegetable consumption, and 0.7% (0.1%) in red meat consumption.
132  processes epidemiologically associated with red meat consumption.
133         The high sodium content of processed red meat could increase blood pressure and explain the a
134 ility that several specific foods, including red meat, could affect cancer risk through the lowering
135  and 1.51 (1.25, 1.83) for 100 g unprocessed red meat/d and for 50 g processed red meat/d, respective
136  the consumption of >/=0.5 servings of total red meat/d does not influence blood lipids and lipoprote
137 f consuming >/=0.5 or <0.5 servings of total red meat/d on CVD risk factors [blood total cholesterol
138  the consumption of >/=0.5 servings of total red meat/d would have a negative effect on these CVD ris
139 nprocessed red meat/d and for 50 g processed red meat/d, respectively.
140  body by means of food ingestion, mostly via red meat, dairy products and fatty marine foods.
141 ns between prostate cancer risk and fat from red meat, dairy products, and fish.
142 een a diet rich in refined grains, cured and red meats, desserts, and French fries and the risk of CO
143 a Western pattern (refined grains, cured and red meats, desserts, French fries).
144 y higher after the dairy diet than after the red meat diet (P < 0.01) with no change in fasting gluco
145 in women after the dairy diet than after the red meat diet (P < 0.01) with no difference between diet
146 e, HOMA-IR was significantly lower after the red meat diet than after the dairy diet (1.33 +/- 0.8 co
147                          High consumption of red meat does not increase risk of RA, whereas alcohol i
148                                    Intake of red meat during adolescence was not associated with colo
149 se results indicate that high consumption of red meat, especially processed meat, may increase all-ca
150 er risk factors, higher intakes of red meat, red meat excluding processed meat, and high-fat dairy we
151 r boiled chicken, vegetables, and nuts (F3); red meat (F4); processed foods comprising cakes, sweet b
152                       One hypothesis is that red meat facilitates the nitrosation of bile acid conjug
153                           High scores on the red meat factor were associated with increased risk: men
154 stic consumption of processed or unprocessed red meat, fish, or skinless poultry is not associated wi
155 tic consumption of processed and unprocessed red meat, fish, poultry, and eggs and the risk of prosta
156         Intakes of processed and unprocessed red meat, fish, total poultry, and skinless poultry were
157 ruit and decrease intakes of regular cheese, red meat, fried food, fast food, and fat (P < 0.05) than
158 eling to 1) continue breastfeeding, 2) offer red meat &gt;/=3 d/wk, and 3) offer fruit and vegetables da
159 Compared with no consumption, consumption of red meat &gt;100 g/d was progressively associated with shor
160 onsumption of both processed and unprocessed red meat has been associated with a higher risk of major
161 iated with red and processed meat for total (red meat: hazard ratio (HR) = 1.12, 95% confidence inter
162 or total fat (HR: 1.15; 95% CI: 1.01, 1.30), red meat (HR: 1.31; 95% CI: 1.12, 1.53), and processed m
163 HR = 1.07, 95% CI: 1.00, 1.14) and advanced (red meat: HR = 1.31, 95% CI: 1.05, 1.65; processed meat:
164 ensitivity compared with a diet high in lean red meat in overweight and obese subjects, some of whom
165 oultry and fish and reduced intakes of fats, red meats (including pork), sodium, and added sugars.
166                         Heme, the pigment of red meat, induces cytotoxicity of colonic contents and e
167 m of anaphylaxis that occurs 3-6 hours after red meat ingestion.
168  of T2D even after additional adjustment for red meat intake (multivariate-adjusted hazard ratio = 1.
169 5% confidence interval (CI): 1.14, 1.33) for red meat intake (P for trend < 0.001), 1.15 (95% CI: 1.0
170 ose with both a high HCA-risk score and high red meat intake (P-interaction = 0.01).
171                                              Red meat intake [62.7 g (quintile 5) compared with 9.8 g
172         NGG infants had significantly higher red meat intake [mean +/- SD: 5.4 +/- 1.8 compared with
173           Observational associations between red meat intake and cardiovascular disease (CVD) are inc
174 e new guidelines showed efficacy with higher red meat intake and positive effects on hemoglobin and h
175 or both modes of acquisition (ESI-/ESI+) and red meat intake classes (YES/NO).
176                                              Red meat intake did not affect lipid-lipoprotein profile
177 ndings do not suggest an association between red meat intake during adolescence and colorectal adenom
178 cantly (p<0.05) different between yes and no red meat intake groups.
179 served a tendency for an increased risk with red meat intake in never smoking men and women; however,
180                 These data suggest that high red meat intake increases risk of CHD and that CHD risk
181                                         High red meat intake is associated with an elevated risk of c
182                                      Greater red meat intake is associated with an increased type 2 d
183                                      Greater red meat intake is associated with unfavorable plasma co
184  Adherence to a plant-based diet that limits red meat intake may be associated with reduced risk of b
185                         Our study shows that red meat intake may increase the risk of ESRD in the gen
186                                              Red meat intake may increase the risk of RCC through mec
187 er additional adjustment for heme iron, only red meat intake remained significantly associated with T
188                                              Red meat intake strongly associated with ESRD risk in a
189                     However, the relation of red meat intake to biomarkers of inflammation and glucos
190  A 2-fold elevated risk associated with high red meat intake was found for colorectal polyps or adeno
191                 Among patients, the level of red meat intake was higher (P = 0.04) and that of vitami
192                                              Red meat intake was not associated with CHD (n=4 studies
193 ions of aMT6s across increasing quartiles of red meat intake were 17.9, 17.0, 18.1, and 15.3 ng/mg cr
194 ponectin was not associated with any type of red meat intake when further adjusted for medical and li
195              Substituting a serving of total red meat intake with alternative protein food in a combi
196 sociations of processed meat and unprocessed red meat intake with fasting glucose and insulin concent
197                 We hypothesized that greater red meat intake would be associated with biomarkers of i
198 igarettes, maintaining lean weight, limiting red meat intake, and controlling hypertension might lowe
199 iations of total, unprocessed, and processed red meat intakes (quartile categories) with plasma C-rea
200    Greater total, unprocessed, and processed red meat intakes were associated with higher plasma CRP,
201 risk factors, both unprocessed and processed red meat intakes were positively associated with T2D ris
202                           The consumption of red meat is a risk factor in human colorectal cancer (CR
203  indicate that high consumption of processed red meat is associated with an increased COPD risk among
204                      Tick-induced allergy to red meat is associated with anti-alpha-Gal IgE antibody
205                      In contrast to chicken, red meat is not heavily contaminated at point of sale.
206 g . kg(-)(1) . d(-)(1) achieved through lean red meat is safe and effective for enhancing the effects
207 ed red meat consumption, but not unprocessed red meat, is associated with an increased risk of HF.
208 red meat consumption, particularly processed red meat, is associated with an increased risk of T2D.
209      Consumption of processed meats, but not red meats, is associated with higher incidence of CHD an
210 idal anti-inflammatory drugs, high intake of red meat, low intake of fiber, and low intake of calcium
211 y higher after the dairy meal than after the red meat meal (2.23 +/- 0.49 compared with 0.88 +/- 0.57
212                                          The red meat meal resulted in a higher glucose response at 3
213 ose response 30 min after consumption of the red meat meal was likely attributable to differences in
214 insulin response than a carbohydrate-matched red meat meal would, which might account for the change
215 who indicated having "greatly" changed their red meat (men) or bacon (women) intake during the 10 y b
216 mal fats, dairy, eggs, fish/seafood, poultry/red meat, miscellaneous animal-based foods) received rev
217 mechanisms by which high-risk diets (such as red meat) modulate disease risk and they are generating
218 t, and a control diet that contained neither red meat nor dairy.
219  carcinomas is the long-term consumption of "red meat" of mammalian origin.
220 otein-enriched diet facilitated through lean red meat on lean tissue mass (LTM), muscle size, strengt
221                               Consumption of red meat or fish was not related to risk, but replacemen
222 ed anaphylaxis occurring upon consumption of red meat or innards.
223 ation on the vitamin D content of Australian red meat or on the possible influence of latitude on thi
224  confidence intervals for the association of red meat or processed meat consumption with all-cause mo
225 cts with the highest level of consumption of red meat (OR 1.9, 95% CI 0.9-4.0), meat and meat product
226 ness were strongest for well-/very well done red meat (OR = 1.7, 95% CI: 1.2, 2.5).
227 very additional 100-g serving of unprocessed red meat per day was associated with a 0.037-mmol/L (95%
228  and whole grains per day for one serving of red meat per day were associated with a 16-35% lower ris
229 sociation between consumption of total meat, red meat, poultry, and processed meat and weight gain af
230      Positive associations were observed for red meat, poultry, and processed meat.
231            We evaluated the relationships of red meat, poultry, fish, and shellfish intakes, as well
232 nced adenomas [highest compared with lowest: red meat, PR: 1.07 (95% CI: 0.83, 1.37); processed meat,
233 tern, characterized by a high consumption of red meat, pre-made foods, snacks, alcohol, and sugar-swe
234 s consumed increasing quantities of chicken, red meat, processed meat, and fish over 3 successive wee
235 een Western dietary pattern (high intakes of red meat, processed meat, and low fiber) and T2D; a stro
236           We investigated the association of red meat, processed meat, and meat mutagen intake with l
237                                  In summary, red meat, processed meat, and meat mutagens were indepen
238 s, fruits, nuts, legumes, eggs, dairy, fish, red meat, processed meat, and sugar-sweetened beverages,
239 d fish, coffee, refined grains, fried foods, red meat, processed meat, and sugar-sweetened soda were
240 ting 3 servings of nuts/wk for 3 servings of red meat, processed meat, eggs, or refined grains/wk was
241 attern was characterized by higher intake of red meat, processed meat, high-fat dairy products, Frenc
242 ns, and refined grains), animal food intake (red meat, processed meat, poultry, fish, high-fat dairy,
243 ern pattern scores reflected high intakes of red meat, processed meat, refined grains, french fries,
244  use, and dietary intake of calcium, folate, red meat, processed meat, vegetables, fruit, and fiber).
245  minimally processed whole grains; and fewer red meats, processed (eg, sodium-preserved) meats, and f
246 ables, nuts/seeds, whole grains, unprocessed red meats, processed meats, sugar-sweetened beverages (S
247 intake of total protein, animal protein, and red meat protein was positively associated with T2D prev
248 8%) for total protein-, animal protein-, and red meat protein-T2D associations, respectively.
249 al protein, and 1.75 (95% CI: 1.14-2.68) for red meat protein.
250                   Thus, the allergenicity of red meat proteins is preserved even upon different therm
251 tion in patients with delayed anaphylaxis to red meat providing further confirmation for the clinical
252 g, and other risk factors, higher intakes of red meat, red meat excluding processed meat, and high-fa
253                             Western (high in red meat, refined grains, and high-fat dairy) and pruden
254 orted a novel form of delayed anaphylaxis to red meat related to serum IgE antibodies to the oligosac
255 bohydrate, CHD mortality was associated with red meats (risk ratio = 1.44, 95% CI: 1.06, 1.94) and da
256 -cause mortality decreased; higher intake of red meat (RR: 1.10; 95% CI: 1.04, 1.18) and processed me
257 ; P for trend = 0.045] and of heme iron from red meat (RR: 1.63; 1.26, 2.10; P for trend < 0.001) wer
258 nsumed 6 d/wk [resistance training plus lean red meat (RT+Meat) group; n = 53] or control PRT [1 serv
259 firmed some of the long-standing suspicions (red meats, seafood, beer, and liquor), exonerated others
260 firmed some of the long-standing suspicions (red meats, seafood, beer, and liquor), exonerated others
261 bles, chicken, and nuts and a pattern low in red meat seems to be associated with a lower prevalence
262 19 y, 3) consumption of >/=0.5 or <0.5 total red meat servings/d [35 g (1.25 ounces)], and 4) reporti
263 ar-sweetened beverages, citrus, added sugar, red meat, shellfish, desserts, and wine.
264                    Citrus, green vegetables, red meat, shellfish, fish, peanuts, rice, butter, coffee
265                        Heme-iron intake from red meat sources is positively associated with the risk
266 Total iron intake, heme-iron intake from non-red meat sources, and blood donations are not related to
267 with fatty foods, for example 'red wine with red meat', suggest that astringents such as pickles, sor
268 s who consumed 75 g/day or more of processed red meat, the hazard ratio was 1.26 (95% confidence inte
269 getables, nuts, legumes, whole grains, fish, red meat, the monounsaturated fat:saturated fat ratio, a
270            Despite slightly elevated HRs for red meat, there were no clear associations for red or pr
271 uintiles 5 with 1 (Q5vsQ1), a high intake of red meat was associated with an increased risk of lung c
272 with higher fasting glucose, and unprocessed red meat was associated with both higher fasting glucose
273 her physical inactivity nor intake of fat or red meat was associated with diverticulosis.
274                           A higher intake of red meat was associated with higher ferritin concentrati
275                                    Well-done red meat was associated with increased risk of colorecta
276 sh patients with delayed severe reactions to red meat was included in the study.
277                   Consumption of unprocessed red meat was not associated with COPD incidence.
278                        Intake of unprocessed red meat was not associated with incident diabetes (OR f
279 ssed meat, such as spam, but not unprocessed red meat, was associated with higher risk of diabetes in
280        A higher intake of meat, particularly red meat, was associated with lower concentrations of aM
281 meat and total red meat, but not unprocessed red meat, was statistically significantly positively ass
282                              High intakes of red meat were associated with a higher risk of all-cause
283  vegetables, milk, and higher consumption of red meat were associated with higher likelihood of havin
284    High and moderate intakes of nonprocessed red meat were associated with shorter survival only when
285                    Most patients allergic to red meat were sensitized to gelatin, and a subset was cl
286 ed with increased risks include starches and red meats, whereas moderate alcohol intake and polyunsat
287                           The consumption of red meat, which is CML-AGE rich, has been positively ass
288 and consumption of processed and unprocessed red meat while taking into account smoking status.
289 ncers, independent of calcium and intakes of red meat, white meat, dairy, and fish.
290          Replacement of 1 serving per day of red meat with 1 serving per day of poultry or fish was a
291                                 Substituting red meat with another protein food is associated with a
292         Severe hypersensitivity reactions to red meat with delay of several hours in patients with Ig
293 teractions of processed meat and unprocessed red meat with genetic risk score related to fasting gluc
294 sensitivity of consuming a diet high in lean red meat with minimal dairy, a diet high in primarily lo
295 stitution analysis, replacing one serving of red meat with other food sources of protein associated w
296 tal red meat consumption and, independent of red meat, with diabetes risk.
297                                    Intake of red meat, with known doneness/cooking methods, was assoc
298 en who consumed >/=5 servings of unprocessed red meat/wk (100 g = 1 serving) were compared with women
299 omen who consumed >/=5 servings of processed red meat/wk (50 g = 1 serving) had a 17% higher rate of
300 th women who consumed <1 serving unprocessed red meat/wk, the multivariate HR was 0.99 (95% CI: 0.91,

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