


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ss in pelvic organ prolapse surgery has been redefined.
2 tegorized, deleted, added, split, merged and redefined.
3 humans and proximal chromosome 6 in mice was redefined.
4 rch efforts as the care of STEMI patients is redefined.
5 p of survivors of Hodgkin disease need to be redefined.
6  a history of aortic stenosis may need to be redefined.
7 ells and several types of amacrine cell were redefined.
8 or these agents in in vitro tests need to be redefined.
9  management of variceal bleeding needs to be redefined.
10 erance in chronic HBV infections needs to be redefined.
11                          The results help to redefine a broader understanding of the respective roles
12 e-expression of key transcription factors to redefine a cellular state.
13                                   These data redefine a structurally and functionally more related nu
14 nside axons during anterograde transport and redefines a role for Us9 in viral sorting and transport.
15                                              Redefining abnormal cTnT concentration as >/=0.03 ng/ml
16 MSHA structural and secretory locus has been redefined accordingly.
17 8)F-labeled agents for PET, as they begin to redefine-along with the corresponding (68)Ga-labeled age
18                               These findings redefine and deepen our understanding of the clamp-loadi
19                                These results redefine and expand our understanding of how perilipin r
20                  The role of leaf lipids was redefined and differentiated.
21 sults demonstrate that the XPA DBD should be redefined and that XPA(98-239) is a suitable model to ex
22 se remarkable molecular discoveries are both redefining and reinforcing the diagnostic role of bone m
23 ffectiveness studies, research goals must be redefined, and methods, such as cost-utility and econome
24  in kidney and liver transplant surgery were redefined, and new criteria for pancreas transplant surg
25 allenging until clinical features of CBD are redefined, and sensitive, specific biomarkers are identi
26  clones (epidemic clones I, II, and III) and redefined another epidemic clone (epidemic clone IV) in
27  Recent biochemical observations have helped redefine antigenic components within the voltage-gated p
28                   Findings support a need to redefine antisocial personality disorder diagnostic crit
29 rrestrial ecosystems until a faunal turnover redefined apex predator guild occupancy during the final
30                    This new family, which we redefine as the Group I Proteobacterial lipases, was sub
31                                      WHD was redefined as 4 units for the first day of each ICU stay,
32  model, metamaterial perfect absorber can be redefined as a meta-cavity exhibiting high Q-factor, str
33                       Epidemiology should be redefined as a study of the distribution and societal de
34 acute stroke receiving MT, success should be redefined as achieving a mTICI 3 score.
35 (A-R-N)n distal face-binding motif should be redefined as an (A-A-N)n binding motif.
36             B-PLL cases with a t(11;14) were redefined as MCL in the World Health Organization 2008 c
37                            Viruses are being redefined as more than just pathogens.
38 y nodule characterization is currently being redefined as new clinical, radiologic, and pathologic da
39 fore, paradoxically, this syndrome should be redefined as one of starvation that manifests as obesity
40 Accordingly, we suggest that inflammation be redefined as the innate immune response to potentially h
41  and trigger-point injections continue to be redefined as we gain a better understanding into the pat
42 his pattern was similar when DNR orders were redefined as within 24 hours, 72 hours, and 5 days of RO
43 ints are derived dynamically--i.e., they are redefined at each step of the algorithm.
44 ly and openly, allowing users to dynamically redefine binding motifs and their experimental support b
45 A model epsilon = -RTln(C(w)/C(w) (sat)) was redefined by replacing the term (C(w)/C(w) (sat)) with t
46                Essentially, physics is being redefined by the need to accommodate these new views of
47 e as an indicator of antitumor activity were redefined by the Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid T
48 These well-characterized primary tumor cells redefine cancer therapies with high translational releva
49 activation leads to precocious branching and redefines CaP axons as a responding population to dorsal
50 nding of heart failure: that is how we might redefine cardiomyopathy given our new information.
51 l lines, we provide compelling evidence that redefines causal genes at the 6q23 locus, one of the mos
52                                   These data redefine CD8 clonal expansions into at least two distinc
53 ith their rapid gene discovery are, however, redefining classical genetic approaches.
54  and require the neuro-oncology community to redefine clinical trial design and strategy continually.
55 sus criteria for early-phase clinical trials redefined clinical trial end points as first, to control
56 n incremental manner and to make progress in redefining clinical outcomes with greater precision.
57                                These results redefine cohesin's role in pluripotency and reveal a nov
58                     We propose a framing for redefining community based on place attachment (i.e., th
59 tion of the genetic basis of these syndromes redefines congenital contractures as unique defects of t
60  a joint document with the primary intent of redefining CPX analysis and reporting in a way that woul
61                               These findings redefine current hypotheses surrounding the refilling ph
62 rated that the DFNB11 locus resides within a redefined DFNB7 interval.
63 hed with customized null hypotheses, thereby redefining 'differential expression' in a way that is mo
64  on the pathophysiology of disease, may help redefine disease subtypes, and may also contribute to th
65 ormed, followed by linkage analysis with the redefined disease statuses, and whole genome and exome s
66 orous, thermodynamically-based approach that redefines domains as cooperative chain segments.
67 evidence reported by other groups, we hereby redefine DUF162 as the LUD domain family.
68           Improved treatment modalities have redefined expectations for many infants born with PIDs.
69                        Numerous studies have redefined facial morphology and variations in facial fea
70 rodegenerative and medical disorders, and to redefine FXTAS in view of its differing presentations an
71                                           We redefine gamma(i) to allow for the presence of functiona
72                   Accordingly, we propose to redefine GBA2 activity as the beta-glucosidase that is s
73 ases (ZFNs) are versatile reagents that have redefined genome engineering.
74                                              Redefining hotspots at mutant amino acid resolution will
75 ify an immunodominant MPO T-cell epitope and redefine how effector responses can induce injury in MPO
76 s become more accessible, these methods will redefine how emerging viruses are studied and outbreaks
77 e we discuss recent findings that might help redefine how heterogeneity in antiviral T cell populatio
78                               These findings redefine how TAL1 and neighboring genes communicate with
79 is between commensal bacteria and humans may redefine how we view the evolution of adaptive immunity
80                         New technologies are redefining how plant biology will meet societal challeng
81  causes and consequences of movement and are redefining how we view and manage individuals, populatio
82 he RNA quadruplex play a significant role in redefining hydration structure in the grooves and the hy
83                    Exploratory analyses that redefined hypoglycemia as glucose < or =60 mg/dL showed
84 iagnostic criteria or modified criteria that redefined IFG as 100-126 mg/dl, creating a similar basel
85 or patients in this category which should be redefined in future iterations of the recommendations.
86 ocedure of cardiac transplantation should be redefined in its relative role.
87  of allogeneic transplantation has also been redefined in light of advances in lymphoma classificatio
88                              Phenotypes were redefined in terms of principal components, which are sy
89 rical metrology by enabling the ampere to be redefined in terms of the elementary charge of an electr
90                                 SOA yield is redefined in this work by normalizing the molecular weig
91                                              Redefining induction failure to include morphologic indu
92                                 It's time to redefine inflammation.
93                       Breast cancer has been redefined into three clinically relevant subclasses: (i)
94 initiation, a temporary solution might be to redefine IRES to mean "internal regulatory expression se
95             To better organize the field, we redefine 'isolation', re-expressing it as the sum of thr
96 rize fundamental features of the disease and redefine its nosological relationship to other neurodege
97  5' end of a miRNA alters its seed sequence, redefining its repertoire of targets (Figure 1).
98 entional transmitted (dissociated) light, is redefining its role in vitreoretinal surgery.
99 r disease mechanisms and, in some cases, are redefining its taxonomy.
100                       If psychiatry fails to redefine itself on the basis of its scientific foundatio
101                                              Redefining key psychological constructs is unproductive.
102 rophyte phylogeny falls between the recently redefined Khakista and Phaeista assemblages.
103 Recent studies of primary visual cortex (V1) redefine layers 3 and 4 of V1 in monkeys and show that m
104 ta and technology points to opportunities to redefine lung diseases at the molecular level; to apply
105 changes in the new guidelines, which include redefining main duct IPMN and removing the recommendatio
106 obust across sensitivity analyses, including redefining marijuana use as any use in the previous year
107      A flotilla of subsequent spacecraft has redefined Mars from a volcanic planet to a hydrologicall
108                                    This work redefines mechanisms of ERK2 regulation by 7-TMR signali
109        Recent studies have helped define and redefine metabolic regulation of HSCs.
110 difying the metal-binding environment and/or redefining metal identity in the PDB file.
111                                              Redefined mission priorities, enhanced nonfinancial rewa
112                                              Redefining MR severity purely on EROA or RVol may cause
113 ory and burden of disease in humans has been redefined, mucosal immune responses associated with prot
114 nd the Union Internationale Contre le Cancer redefined N stage in gastric cancer.
115                                           We redefine nociception as the mechanism protecting the org
116 -based, quality-improvement process aimed to redefine norms and practices for respectful maternity ca
117 sing, but also present challenges in helping redefine nursing's identity and practice.
118 bsence of inflammation but the term has been redefined on the basis of a set of conserved molecular e
119                          PAL categories were redefined on the basis of the narrower PAL range observe
120                              Recent work has redefined optimality in terms of feedback control laws,
121                                   These data redefine our mechanistic concept of prestin.
122 the light of recent findings, we may have to redefine our thinking of endothelial cells as well as of
123 rk reveals multiple critical mechanisms that redefine our understanding of DNA licensing.
124                               These findings redefine our understanding of the brain's metabolic adap
125            These promising findings may help redefine our understanding of the exact DMN role in huma
126                     Together, these findings redefine our understanding of the GJ plaque structure an
127 escribe recent advances and discuss how they redefine our view of the way in which vitamins are cycle
128          In vivo optogenetic strategies have redefined our ability to assay how neural circuits gover
129 stematic AS characterization in single cells redefines our understanding of AS complexity in cell bio
130  the most diverse sampling of plants to date redefines our understanding of CMT evolution and its evo
131 w over deformation-dominated ice sheet flow, redefines our understanding of ice sheet dynamics, and h
132 ss shared, nonpolar plastid metabolite pools redefines our understanding of the biochemical continuit
133                                           We redefine p.R114W as a pathogenic mutation that causes a
134                               These findings redefine patch/matrix beyond traditional neurochemical t
135  (pDCs) but potently activates T cells, thus redefining pDCs; a new subdivision within the CD1C(+) su
136 tive medicine, imaging, and computer science redefined "personalized medicine" as clinical care that
137 oglycan in K. stuttgartiensis, we propose to redefine Planctomycetes as Gram-negative bacteria.
138 ranslated regions, identified new exons, and redefined previously annotated exons.
139 nalysis results between the original and the redefined probe sets reveals approximately 30-50% discre
140 gnosis similar to that of spontaneous MI, we redefined procedural MI using increasing CK-MB threshold
141 ique abilities, primary care can emerge as a redefined product that is attractive to patients, payers
142 ss in clinical and affective neuroscience is redefining psychiatric illness as symptomatic expression
143 of these forces leads to recommendations for redefining psychiatric practice and education.
144                                 Our findings redefine Pvf roles in hemocyte migration and highlight n
145 d international stakeholders collaborated to redefine quality expectations for heparin, thus making a
146                         Vested interests are redefining, rebranding and co-opting what is 'biopharmac
147 mplexes, explain substrate specificities and redefine relationships across the CE clan.
148  Sauropodomorpha and Herrerasauridae (as the redefined Saurischia) forming its monophyletic outgroup.
149                                      Here we redefined serotonergic subtypes on the basis of genetic
150 ultifactorial and supports the rationale for redefining severity on the basis of a continuum of clini
151                                              Redefining sewerage-without-treatment as "unimproved san
152                          Keven & Akins (K&A) redefine some of the neonatal imitation (NI) behaviors a
153                           Using our recently redefined sorting method, we isolated epidermal stem and
154 e switching process, ultimately leading to a redefined speed limit, and improved energy efficiency an
155                                     Here, we redefine structural domains in thermodynamic terms as co
156 rcation into physical and chemical channels, redefines structural dynamics of the energy landscape in
157 ct patient disclosure; and 5) how physicians redefined successful outcomes of universal screening.
158 r Langmuir, head of the Epidemiology Branch, redefined surveillance as the epidemiology-based critica
159                                       In the redefined TAA1-YUC auxin biosynthetic pathway, TAA1/TARs
160            New prospective data is needed to redefine target groups for prophylactic resection.
161                     Taken together, our data redefine the AVRs as Tie2 signaling-dependent specialize
162 he neuroendocrine repertoire of endoderm and redefine the boundaries of neural crest diversification.
163                               These findings redefine the challenges faced by nature in controlling t
164   Our combined enzymatic and genetic results redefine the Chi hotspot sequence, implicate the nucleas
165 of minimal residual disease is an attempt to redefine the concept of remission.
166 ying some forms of obstruction in humans and redefine the current model of ureter maturation.
167      On the basis of recent genetic data, we redefine the disorder into two states: severe (triglycer
168 eral Internal Medicine asked a task force to redefine the domain of general internal medicine.
169 el mechanisms of JA-Ile hormone turnover and redefine the dynamic metabolic grid of jasmonate convers
170                           These updated data redefine the effect of repeated mismatches in retranspla
171 xpected areas of plant G protein biology and redefine the ERES as a subcellular location for signal i
172                                 Our findings redefine the essential functions of Id2 in lymphoid deve
173                       Structural comparisons redefine the evolutionary relationships of CD28-related
174                                     Our data redefine the genetic basis behind GS.
175 ent disclosure, it may be more productive to redefine the goals of universal screening so that compas
176  role of Ang-II HSC/P traffic regulation and redefine the haematopoietic consequences of anti-angiote
177 Now in Cell Stem Cell, Taguchi et al. (2014) redefine the identity of embryonic kidney progenitors in
178        In practice, this principle led us to redefine the importance of a residue in terms of the imp
179                                           We redefine the information at a logo position as a per-obs
180 g experiments and bioinformatics analysis to redefine the Kni-binding motif, and mutational analysis
181 ght into protective immunity have started to redefine the landscape, and results from recent efficacy
182 les, nanowires, and thin films, nanolattices redefine the limits of the accessible material-property
183                            Overall, our data redefine the mechanics of retromer-based sorting and cal
184                 This review is an attempt to redefine the mechanism of gut-derived sepsis by focusing
185 e allowed the demarcation of boundaries that redefine the minimal Runx2-P1 promoter to include a 336-
186 gment assemblies, thus making it possible to redefine the molecular prerequisites for formation of th
187                          This prompted us to redefine the natural product structure by synthesizing a
188 abile nature of Cdc25A during interphase and redefine the nature of the Cdc25A-Cdk2 autoamplification
189 CR) used by these leukemic cells have helped redefine the nature of this disease.
190 otential of the cancer cells is starting the redefine the paradigm for cancer therapy.
191                 Collectively, these findings redefine the paradigm for cellular interactions specifyi
192 asing number of domain gains is predicted to redefine the persistence strategies of organisms in supe
193                             These results 1) redefine the phenotypic potential of CD11c(+) eATMPhis a
194                                  Our results redefine the physiological relationship between Mnt and
195  the rational design of novel GR ligands and redefine the quaternary structure of steroid receptors.
196                                These results redefine the relationship between cell division and adhe
197 ere, we use a new, highly sensitive assay to redefine the relationship between mitochondrial mutation
198                                      Here we redefine the role of Ascl1 (Mash1), one of the few regul
199                                These results redefine the role of beta subunits in PKA modulation of
200                                   These data redefine the role of cellular metabolism in memory cell
201                               These findings redefine the role of MNTB in sound localization and sugg
202                                 Our findings redefine the role of RNase E in RNA degradation and expl
203                           These observations redefine the role of sorption properties in olfaction an
204                                           We redefine the role of the Ubl domain not only as an inhib
205 hatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate, helping to redefine the role of this lipid in cells and in neurobio
206 lecular Microbiology, Tilly, Bestor and Rosa redefine the roles of two lipoproteins, OspC and VlsE, d
207                                This can help redefine the schizophrenia phenotype and shed light on t
208 , we modified the software to allow users to redefine the scoring function and replace the native TAN
209                                  Our results redefine the significance of O-mannosylation in humans a
210 the attending physician, lack the ability to redefine the standard of care and might expose subjects
211                Taken together, these results redefine the structural and functional core of the DDX3
212 rgeting a single or few molecules should not redefine the term 'exercise' and exercise concepts in an
213 ase and calcific aortic valve disease and to redefine the term degenerative valve disease in terms of
214                                   These data redefine the timing and extent of neuron formation from
215 ation of treatments is the starting point to redefine the treatment paradigm from a one-size-fits-all
216 ea of nanomedicine that has the potential to redefine the way certain cancers are treated.
217 tigators to expand, enhance, and potentially redefine the way they conduct clinical research.
218 ted missense variants at PNPLA3 and GCKR and redefined the association region at LYPLAL1.
219             Metallo-photoredox catalysis has redefined the available bond disconnections in the synth
220 tients with gliomas, these improvements have redefined the clinical possibilities, and here we review
221         An international task force recently redefined the concept of sepsis.
222                                           We redefined the disease-linked region to chr9q31.3-q34.2 a
223 c marker for rheumatoid arthritis (RA), have redefined the epidemiology of RA.
224                   Based on these results, we redefined the GRE to include this GU-repeat sequence.
225 nostic markers, validated existing ones, and redefined the impact of CDKN2A loss in LGG.
226                       These studies may have redefined the manner in which noninvasive stress imaging
227                 Together, these studies have redefined the organization of the CD59 gene and identifi
228 tra-deep NGS reports over the past year have redefined the premalignant landscape remarkably identify
229  Here, we highlight recent studies that have redefined the role of ERM proteins in lymphocyte activat
230                          Recent studies have redefined the role of percutaneous nephrolithotomy and f
231 plexity of ambulatory surgery procedures has redefined the role of spinal anesthesia for outpatients.
232 80(-/-)) receptor have been deleted, we have redefined the role of these receptors in TNF-induced act
233                              Our experiments redefined the structural organization of the gene by ide
234                         In addition, we have redefined the substrate specificity of the B. subtilis C
235                                           We redefined the wall composition of S. pombe vegetative ce
236 e first time microvillus assembly by villin, redefines the actin-bundling function of villin, and pro
237 idence from these Samoan lavas significantly redefines the composition of the EM2 (enriched mantle 2)
238 act with G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) redefines the concept of what constitutes a protease-act
239                           Our study not only redefines the functional role of TAB-1 in p38 kinase-med
240 enetics, gene expression and functional data redefines the Group III GH3 genes, of which AtGH3.12/PBS
241 n in this family outside the BB deletion and redefines the location of RP3.
242       Taken together, the discovery of svRNA redefines the mechanistic switch of influenza virus tran
243   Furthermore, the identification of Leu-574 redefines the N-terminal activation domain of HIF-1alpha
244        Under our model spatial heterogeneity redefines the notion of neutrality for a newly arising m
245 f the 20S core within the 26S proteasome and redefines the overall assignment of subunits within the
246 e delivery of SNO-based NO bioactivity by Hb redefines the respiratory cycle as a triune system (NO/O
247                                    Our study redefines the risk of medulloblastoma in Gorlin syndrome
248                                 This finding redefines the role for intrinsic genetic mechanisms to c
249 Smad4 ubiquitin ligase, and the second paper redefines the role of a previously identified Smad1 ubiq
250                                   This study redefines the role of CT in skeletal biology, confirms t
251           The pathway of CRISPR-Cas immunity redefines the roles of RNA in the flow of genetic inform
252 ection and pup survival, an observation that redefines the signaling processes responsible for milk e
253 f this RNA-accommodating ability of hpol eta redefines the traditional concept of human DNA polymeras
254    New regions of interest were generated by redefining the borders of each of the transcranial magne
255  comprise a powerful class of tools that are redefining the boundaries of biological research.
256 of protein and RNA molecules, and second, by redefining the boundary between signal and noise for com
257 Recent clinical and experimental studies are redefining the cellular and molecular bases of pulmonary
258 psychiatric practice and propose options for redefining the clinical and educational goals of psychia
259 ears, numerous advancements have occurred in redefining the clinical course of infantile hemangiomas,
260     These data give some support to consider redefining the continuum between seizures and PDs, sugge
261  did not abolish CO(2)/HCO(3)(-) signalling, redefining the convergence point of CO(2) and ABA signal
262 rogress in clinical trials and basic science redefining the diagnosis and treatment of well different
263                     These hybrid systems are redefining the diagnostic workup of patients with suspec
264                    In short, microarrays are redefining the drug discovery process by providing great
265                                              Redefining the frailty phenotype may be needed to improv
266 lamin-Bs but also establish a foundation for redefining the function of the nuclear lamina in the con
267        The basic idea of SPICA is built upon redefining the fundamental unit of statistical analysis.
268 ells and their microenvironment work towards redefining the identity and the differentiative fate of
269 science and healthcare communities have been redefining the importance of ribonucleic acid (RNA) thro
270 large-scale movements of the helical domain, redefining the location of the hinge area that enables s
271 aracterizing genetic recombination in T4, to redefining the nature of the gene, and to exploring the
272 ssue, we propose a new framework centered on redefining the neural code as the neural features that c
273 he plume hydrodynamics plays a great role in redefining the plasma thermodynamics and molecular forma
274 mine protein fragment-associated toxicity by redefining the role of AR proteolysis in spinal and bulb
275 ays a critical role in pathogenesis, thereby redefining the role of iNKT cells.
276 of sequence databases, which are effectively redefining the scope and contribution of these large-sca
277 is immediately upstream of a glutamine, thus redefining the specificity of cleavage for BMP-1-like en
278 we explore recent biologic advances that are redefining the spectrum of cancers linked to various her
279 ic APS have occurred, such as the concept of redefining the syndrome as inflammatory and clearer iden
280 ration of systemic therapy to radiation, and redefining the techniques for both modalities.
281 the tumor thrombus, the extent, and helps in redefining the TNM stage of such an aggressive thyroid t
282                          Perfusion scans are redefining the way we detect delayed ischaemia as a grow
283                   These novel approaches are redefining the way we study microbial mutualism and are
284 plogroup P where we delinked P4a and P4b and redefined them as P4 (New Guinean) and P11 (Australian),
285 s whether brentuximab vedotin plus AVD might redefine therapy in treatment-naive patients with Hodgki
286 paring of frontal grey matter, we propose to redefine these clinical syndromes as 'the behavioural/dy
287                            In this study, we redefine this mechanism, demonstrating that virus-specif
288 nstration of efficacy using thrombolysis has redefined this role, with the success of intervention be
289  terminated, and the goals of the study were redefined to be descriptive and not include hypothesis t
290 nal recoding whereby in-frame UGA codons are redefined to encode the selenium containing amino acid,
291           Thus, optimal reperfusion is being redefined to include intact microvascular flow and resto
292                                If ars3002 is redefined to include the enhancer, then the relative act
293 cumstance in which bacteriology attempted to redefine traditional conceptions of disease during the e
294                                          The REDEFINE trial (Right Ventricular Dysfunction in Tetralo
295                     Expression patterns were redefined using novel specific anti-FcR mAbs that reveal
296                   This finding fundamentally redefines what is known about the natural history of Ebo
297 clopoida, Harpacticoida and Cyclopinidae are redefined, while Canuelloida ordo. nov., Smirnovipinidae
298 k factors as NGT subjects, even when IFG was redefined with a lower threshold.
299 ycosyltransferase whose specificity has been redefined with the aid of glycan microarrays and so is a
300 editary inclusion body myopathies, are being redefined with the use of molecular genetics.

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