


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                     STEAP1/4 knockdown also reduced the ability of keratinocytes to induce neutrophil che
2              Treatment of cultured cortical neurons with E2 reduced the accumulation of GABAARs and gephyrin at inhibitor
3      Treatment with an Aha1 inhibitor, KU-177, dramatically reduced the accumulation of insoluble tau.
4                       Finally, the presence of ApN markedly reduced the activity of NF-kappaB, a key player in muscle inf
5                          Deletion of P1 CTD, but not P2 CTD reduced the affinity of the pentamer for RTA.
6 of FDC secretion of IFN-alpha restored B cell tolerance and reduced the amount of GCs and pathogenic autoantibody.
7                       The deletion of misR or misS severely reduced the capacity of N. gonorrhoeae to colonize mice or ma
8      Whilst washing with the control tap water (28mug/L As) reduced the concentration of As in rice by 23%, the use of di
9 mphetamine, that is thought to disrupt DAT OF conformation, reduced the concentration of wild-type DAT in filopodia.
10                                                     Burning reduced the cover of the dominant grasses by more than 75%.
11           Importantly, IFN-gamma exposure during activation reduced the cytotoxicity of human-origin type 1 diabetes-rele
12                                                       MET-1 reduced the excitability of DRG neurons by significantly incr
13      Small interfering RNA knockdown of beta2-microglobulin reduced the expression of class I H chain on the cancer targe
14 natively activated (CD11b(+), CCR7(-), F4/80(+)) phenotype, reduced the expression of inflammatory genes (TNF-alpha, IFN-
15                                         In NB, neither drug reduced the expression of ligands for activating NK receptors
16             Despite increased FA oxidation, Acot1 knockdown reduced the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated r
17 ted the HS-induced activation of nuclear factor kappa B and reduced the expression of proinflammatory proteins (inducible
18               (13)C-flux analysis showed that Pkm2 deletion reduced the flow of glucose carbons into lactate and glutamat
19                            In spinal cord slices, clonidine reduced the frequency of capsaicin-induced miniature EPSCs in
20 ween 2 and 5 months post-status epilepticus and drastically reduced the frequency of spontaneous seizures measured at 5 m
21 idgut NETs with long-acting and repeatable octreotide, PRRT reduced the hazard of disease progression and death by 79%.
22                                  Denosumab improved BMD and reduced the incidence of new radiographic vertebral fractures
23                                             In parallel, it reduced the incidence of seizures and delayed their occurrenc
24      Depletion of endothelial-derived MPs from ACS patients reduced the induction of senescence.
25 l molecule inhibitor of drebrin binding to actin filaments, reduced the invasion of prostate cancer cell lines in 3D in v
26 % for more than 10 weeks without microglial activation, and reduced the levels of cerebellar ATXN2.
27 IGF1R neutralization in orthotopic colorectal cancer models reduced the number of mice with organ metastases.
28 scriptional regulators, Pumilio 1 (Pum1) and Pum2, severely reduced the number of neural stem cells (NSCs) in the postnat
29                                 An educational intervention reduced the number of rA TTEs ordered by attending physicians
30 he Rpe65(-/-) mouse model of Leber congenital amaurosis and reduced the number of TUNEL(+) cells.
31 domized trial, the routine use of pasireotide significantly reduced the occurrence of POPF without increasing the overall
32                               Conversely, TDP-43 deficiency reduced the population of processing intermediates and impair
33 vation of Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells and, importantly, strongly reduced the production of inflammatory cytokines upon stimula
34 , TAMs isolated from IH-exposed mice treated with celecoxib reduced the proliferation of LLC1 naive cells, while the oppo
35         As predicted, increasing active lead-in variability reduced the rate of motor adaptation, whereas changes in visu
36                                                         CRT reduced the rate of onset of new ventricular arrhythmias dete
37 f oral cephalexin and metronidazole, compared with placebo, reduced the rate of SSI within 30 days after delivery.
38                                       Maternal immunisation reduced the rates of low birthweight by 15% (95% CI 3-25) in
39  of gamma-secretase enhanced surface expression of BCMA and reduced the release of sBCMA by pDCs.
40                Overexpression of constitutively active SHP2 reduced the responsiveness of fibroblasts to profibrotic stim
41 ), random assignment to 1 year of trastuzumab significantly reduced the risk of a disease-free survival event (HR 0.76, 9
42      Among individuals with LDL-C >/=190 mg/dL, pravastatin reduced the risk of coronary heart disease by 27% (P=0.033) a
43                       Potent P2Y12 inhibitors significantly reduced the risk of MACE by 14% in women (hazard ratio [HR]:
44     Relative to placebo, evolocumab treatment significantly reduced the risk of the primary end point (1344 patients [9.8
45                                                      AAL(S) reduced the severity of acute AAD by suppressing tissue eosin
46 s the first proposed hypothesis to explain how this element reduced the severity of plant diseases.
47 esorption, injection of mmu-miR-155-5p or anti-mmu-miR-2137 reduced the size of the lesion significantly.
48                                          Tyrosinase greatly reduced the solubility of oat protein despite limited crossli
49                         However, these 5' deletions greatly reduced the synthesis of viral RNA in vitro, which was detect
50     Strikingly, when centrosome activity was experimentally reduced, the absence of KLP-7 or the mammalian kinesin-13 pro

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