


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e proform of MMP-2 that runs at 72 kDa under reducing conditions).
2 ad witout severing the disulfide bonds under reducing condition.
3 or Tc(IV)-sulfides during the development of reducing conditions.
4  phosphate on schwertmannite stability under reducing conditions.
5  soil is faced with organic carbon input and reducing conditions.
6 lysates were subjected to SDS-PAGE under non-reducing conditions.
7 dry weight basis) under nitrate- and sulfate-reducing conditions.
8 e (As(III)) with Fe(III)-NOM complexes under reducing conditions.
9 synapse of untransformed human T cells under reducing conditions.
10 rcury formation, under iron(III) and sulfate reducing conditions.
11 er facilitates cargo release, but only under reducing conditions.
12  are highly stable under both denaturing and reducing conditions.
13 eral in the redox cycling of U under sulfate reducing conditions.
14 which could be significantly abolished under reducing conditions.
15 bearing colloids that can be released during reducing conditions.
16 e fusion, but bioactivity was restored under reducing conditions.
17 nant population during stimulation for metal-reducing conditions.
18  particles that deshield under intracellular reducing conditions.
19  glutathione, and mercaptoacetic acid, under reducing conditions.
20 tivated by removal of oxygen and exposure to reducing conditions.
21 binant human protein, residues 47-152, under reducing conditions.
22 on of Cp*2 Ln(BPh4 ) with HAN under strongly reducing conditions.
23 ggregation of zinc-deficient SOD under thiol-reducing conditions.
24 robically isolated RibL is active only under reducing conditions.
25 M and was resistant to heat denaturation and reducing conditions.
26 d chemical state in response to oxidizing or reducing conditions.
27 consisting of six or more monomers under non-reducing conditions.
28  with appropriate metal salt solutions under reducing conditions.
29 y the ArcAB system, which is activated under reducing conditions.
30 ivation of apo-dinitrogenase under anaerobic-reducing conditions.
31 der certain anaerobic conditions, e.g., TMAO-reducing conditions.
32 del describing the catalytic mechanism under reducing conditions.
33 ulfides with substituted benzaldehydes under reducing conditions.
34  and decameric forms when purified under non-reducing conditions.
35 e in adaptation of this organism under metal-reducing conditions.
36  occurred only under anaerobic (per)chlorate-reducing conditions.
37  elevated transcript levels across all metal-reducing conditions.
38 tate, when alternating between oxidizing and reducing conditions.
39     These interactions were eliminated under reducing conditions.
40 ases in relative mRNA abundances under metal-reducing conditions.
41 y to reduction by this reagent under typical reducing conditions.
42 plex is heat stable and unaffected by SDS or reducing conditions.
43 the deposition of La(0.5)Sr(0.5)FeO(3) under reducing conditions.
44 , whereas C53A binds DNA under oxidizing and reducing conditions.
45 us acetate amendment had resulted in sulfate-reducing conditions.
46 cts with recombinant CD206 when subjected to reducing conditions.
47 grated as a 90-kDa protein on SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions.
48 ng conditions and a single 25 kDa band under reducing conditions.
49 gative regulator of SigH activity only under reducing conditions.
50 rwise SDS-resistant eNOS dimers occurs under reducing conditions.
51  isolated as a stable covalent species under reducing conditions.
52 and yielded multiple bands in SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions.
53  or even when collagen I was denatured under reducing conditions.
54 c/apyrimidinic sites within duplex DNA under reducing conditions.
55 nder nonreducing conditions and 34 kDa under reducing conditions.
56 ions similarly to the 3-repeat isoform under reducing conditions.
57 ubated with iron and sulfide under anaerobic reducing conditions.
58 e-enriched RELM alpha is a monomer under non-reducing conditions.
59 NA, but forms heterodimers with TB-RBP under reducing conditions.
60 odimer that can be converted to a monomer by reducing conditions.
61 eitol, but multimers sized >40 kDa under non-reducing conditions.
62 vation was reversed rapidly by imposition of reducing conditions.
63 taining granulysin peptides is unaffected by reducing conditions.
64 SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis using reducing conditions.
65 vefold by treatment with sulfide (HS-) under reducing conditions.
66 he MoFe and Fe proteins of nitrogenase under reducing conditions.
67 24.15 was significantly diminished under non-reducing conditions.
68 nonreducing conditions but dissociates under reducing conditions.
69  a single monomeric species at 160 kDa under reducing conditions.
70 a stable location in calcite deposited under reducing conditions.
71 omeric form of the receptor at 160 kDa under reducing conditions.
72 to the 8Fe form with a high efficiency under reducing conditions.
73 igrated with an apparent Mr of 10, 000 under reducing conditions.
74 SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions.
75 gher binding affinity under oxidizing versus reducing conditions.
76  -PAGE performed under both reducing and non-reducing conditions.
77 or consequences for As/Fe/S speciation under reducing conditions.
78 t pH 6.5 and 8.5, which became soluble under reducing conditions.
79 ultiple reversible redox events under highly reducing conditions.
80 e synthesized and reacted with NpO2(+) under reducing conditions.
81 emarkably similar under aerobic and fumarate-reducing conditions.
82 ity in natural environments under moderately reducing conditions.
83  of (bpy)NiCl2 and a chiral titanocene under reducing conditions.
84  trypsin inhibitory activity (TIA) under non-reducing conditions.
85 jected to successive cycles of oxidizing and reducing conditions.
86 ganophosphate and promote the development of reducing conditions.
87 ntrations were associated with geochemically reducing conditions.
88 hich is preferentially lipoylated under less reducing conditions.
89 lide, and a vinyl triflate to epoxides under reducing conditions.
90  presence of octadecyl sulfate inducer under reducing conditions.
91 egradation considerably slower under sulfate-reducing conditions.
92 rrelation of Fe and Cd changes under Fe(III)-reducing conditions.
93 c (less reducing) and anaerobic (microbially reducing) conditions.
94 ally denatured RNase A was placed under mild reducing conditions (0.2-1 mM dithiothreitol for 10 min)
95 st time, determined in two field sites under reducing conditions (2.1 +/- 0.1 and 2.2 +/- 2.9).
96 d per min/mg of Fe protein) as compared with reducing conditions (80-230 nmol of MgNDP formed per min
97  major extracellular species of norrin under reducing conditions after cross-linking of norrin oligom
98                                         Mild reducing conditions allowed for selection of the most th
99                The trimers were stable under reducing conditions, although disulfide bonds appear to
100 h apparent molecular mass of 27-29 kDa under reducing conditions and 21-23 kDa under non-reducing con
101 SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions and 95 kDa by chromatography on Supe
102 ted that BST2 formed a stable tetramer under reducing conditions and a dimer when oxidized to form di
103 pendence on Dopa, which is most stable under reducing conditions and acidic pH.
104         SP lyase activity was dependent upon reducing conditions and addition of S-adenosylmethionine
105 imately 110, and approximately 100 kDa under reducing conditions and approximately 230, approximately
106  compounds retain substantial activity under reducing conditions and are fully reversible on the 10-m
107 1C mutant proteins migrated at 120 kDa under reducing conditions and displayed a partial mobility shi
108 land may become a source of As under sulfate-reducing conditions and emphasize the pivotal role Fe-ri
109 sembly of tau(297-391) under reduced and non-reducing conditions and for truncated tau carrying a C32
110                       The electrodes produce reducing conditions and H(2) at the cathode and oxidizin
111 of purified Hsp70 and Hsc70 is minimal under reducing conditions and increases in environments that m
112 was labeled using sodium pertechnetate under reducing conditions and injected intravenously into CAIX
113 inking followed by Endo Lys-C cleavage under reducing conditions and intramolecular radiolabel transf
114 ) occurs on the pyrite surface under suboxic-reducing conditions and is promoted at low pH.
115                   Altogether, we showed that reducing conditions and mutations in the DSB system caus
116 s(III) and precipitated as AsS under sulfate-reducing conditions and remained as As(V) under abiotic
117 and ternary complexes survive SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions and take on a compact conformation t
118 drite as a competing mineral adsorbent under reducing conditions and tested their stability against o
119 f precursors, such as oxides, but the highly reducing conditions and the low mobility of N(3-) specie
120 ls were grown from Cys mutant peptides under reducing conditions and then challenged with an alkylati
121  the stability field of Cu(II) to moderately reducing conditions and to reduce the stability field of
122 o low concentrations of SDS and sensitive to reducing conditions and ultracentrifugation.
123 he MYB domain of c-MYB, binds DNA only under reducing conditions, and its binding is significantly af
124 thiol Cys(87) was not alkylated by BES under reducing conditions, and no amino acid residues were mod
125 er activity was observed only under strongly reducing conditions, and was half-maximal at -486 mV at
126  vinosum determined with NMR spectroscopy in reducing conditions, and we describe the redox behavior
127  rates were 20 times higher under dithionite reducing conditions (approximately 4,000 nmol of MgADP f
128 ater interface under the expected anoxic and reducing conditions are a matter of debate.
129 evious work has suggested that anoxic and/or reducing conditions are needed to synthesize the Fe-rich
130                                         When reducing conditions are no longer maintained, Mn redox c
131 nd all recognized VCP on Western blots under reducing conditions as well as native-bound VCP in a san
132 DI units in the two cyclic derivatives under reducing conditions, as determined by differential pulse
133  supported nanoparticles under oxidizing and reducing conditions, as well as the transformation from
134                                        Under reducing conditions at 30 degrees C, E2cd had a concentr
135 ike structures on incubation at pH 6.9 under reducing conditions at 35 degrees C during 90 min.
136 the primary arsenic-bearing phase in sulfate-reducing conditions at concentrations of 1-3 mmol.kg(-1)
137 OD1 destabilization under cellular disulfide-reducing conditions at physiological pH and temperature
138 n approximately 210-kDa antigen which, under reducing conditions, became a 35-kDa antigen.
139 e range of pH values (pH 2.8 to 12.8), under reducing conditions (biological thiols such as glutathio
140                                        Under reducing conditions, both the predicted PSGL-1 approxima
141                                        Under reducing conditions, both wild-type GluR2 and the G725C
142 lacement results in T(m) < 0 degrees C under reducing conditions but shows a broad transition (T(m) a
143                     Yap1p was purified under reducing conditions, but removal of reducing agents resu
144 ntracellular region is diminished under mild reducing conditions by DTT and enhanced by H(2)O(2) oxid
145 scherichia coli, the cytoplasm is kept under reducing conditions by the thioredoxins with the help of
146 s large as expected from their sequence, but reducing conditions cause a decrease to the predicted mo
147        The band was shifted to 41 kDa in the reducing condition, confirming that BAT1 and rBAT are li
148 ectrophoresis shows two fragments only under reducing conditions, confirming the existence of a disul
149 h regulates NRF2 stability only under normal reducing conditions, CRIF1 regulates NRF2 stability and
150             It is interesting that under non-reducing conditions, Cys-49 and Cys-53 form a disulfide
151  analyses of CEACAM16 under reducing and non-reducing conditions demonstrated oligomerization via unp
152 Western blot analysis of HUVEC lysates under reducing conditions demonstrated significantly increased
153 tein lysate from keratinocytes, using strong reducing conditions, demonstrates two KPRP bands of appr
154  the ER is oxidizing and this shifts towards reducing conditions during ageing, whereas in the cytoso
155              A progression from oxidizing to reducing conditions during an eight-month period trigger
156 vity was strongly dependent upon maintaining reducing conditions during purification and storage.
157 honic acid (AMPA) degradation occurred under reducing conditions during the summer.
158 ation, are mixed and subjected to controlled reducing conditions during which they exchange heavy-lig
159 ioarsenates form from arsenite under sulfate-reducing conditions, e.g., in rice paddy soils, and are
160 itions (Eh = +0.28 to -0.64 V) and SWy under reducing conditions (Eh = -0.64 V) was consistent with p
161 Wy) under anoxic (O2 < 0.1 ppm) and strongly reducing conditions (Eh = -0.64 V).
162 ated with redox regulator Ref-1 and cellular reducing condition enhances the effect of SCF on gamma-g
163 s of protein extracts under reducing and non-reducing conditions, evidence of intermolecular associat
164                                    Under non-reducing condition, exposed cysteines form intermolecula
165               Thus, under short-term Fe(III)-reducing conditions facilitating the fast attainment of
166 ecome buried, and eventually be subjected to reducing conditions facilitating trace metal(loid) relea
167  pre-GOE atmospheric aberrations toward more reducing conditions-featuring a methane-derived organic-
168                                        Under reducing conditions, flocs may become exposed to aqueous
169   PlgHNE was subjected to SDS/PAGE under non-reducing conditions, followed by western blotting, and i
170 ic activities of the PTP complex all require reducing conditions for activity, which can be provided
171      We show that the C53S mutation requires reducing conditions for DNA-binding, whereas C53A binds
172 nvestigated continuous As mobilization under reducing conditions for more than 3 months.
173 asma membrane by a link that is sensitive to reducing conditions, forming a heterodimeric receptor.
174 ts the electrophoretic mobility of CaR under reducing conditions from a predominantly monomeric to th
175 In one approach, amyloid fibrils grown under reducing conditions from each of three double cysteine m
176 by multistep chromatography under anaerobic, reducing conditions from the hyperthermophilic archaeon
177  biological [2Fe-2S] cluster breakdown under reducing conditions generally releases Fe(2+) from the p
178                           We find that under reducing conditions, generated by addition of titanium c
179                                              Reducing conditions greatly enhanced PMS uptake by C. al
180 e thiols of hBCATc, which implied that under reducing conditions GSH was operating as a thiol donor w
181 t flow conditions, demonstrated that Fe(III)-reducing conditions had developed by 60 days.
182 emediation via the generation of microbially reducing conditions has the potential to remove aqueous
183                                        Under reducing conditions, however, apo-PITP recovered more th
184                                          The reducing conditions in a nuclear waste repository render
185 se (up to 9 muM) was strongest under sulfate reducing conditions in areas receiving the highest loadi
186  KDH are exclusively lipoylated under strong reducing conditions in contrast to the H-protein which i
187 its of molecular mass of 28 and 30 kDa under reducing conditions in SDS/PAGE.
188 ticularly arsenic-sulfur interactions, under reducing conditions in soils, sediments, and shallow gro
189 bodies are mixed and subjected to controlled reducing conditions in vitro that separate the antibodie
190                       In wild-type channels, reducing conditions increase the frequency and decrease
191 but for leaves P-fertilization together with reducing conditions increased the As(V) content compared
192 complex [Fe(cyclohexyl)4 ] from Fe(II) under reducing conditions is best explained by disproportionat
193                          This sensitivity to reducing conditions is not a general property of mutants
194 ulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) under sulfate-reducing conditions is probably one of the most importan
195 tivation mediated by rare-earth metals under reducing conditions is reported.
196 se inhibitor cystatin under oxidizing versus reducing conditions is the first experimental case in wh
197                           The maintenance of reducing conditions is thus regarded as the primary stra
198 While electron transfer to and from HS under reducing conditions is well investigated, comparatively
199 arison of folding kinetics, in oxidizing and reducing conditions, is used to elucidate the order in w
200                            When subjected to reducing conditions, jarosite may undergo reductive diss
201                                 We find that reducing conditions lead to arsenic release from histori
202 o newly formed Fe(III) (oxyhydr)oxides under reducing conditions leads to a transient stabilization o
203 the iron(V) nitrido complex with water under reducing conditions leads to high yields of ammonia with
204 pacities, SRB communities in natural sulfate reducing conditions likely have a significant and specif
205        The precursor is trapped under highly reducing conditions (&lt;-0.5 V vs SHE) that prevent fusion
206 nding sites of humic substances formed under reducing conditions may also act as binding sites for tr
207 formation of sulfide-bearing cumulates under reducing conditions may be a critical step in continent
208 on sulfide precipitates formed under sulfate reducing conditions may buffer U(IV) insoluble solid pha
209                                        Under reducing conditions, Mel-CAM's Ig domains were found to
210            As an alternative to the strongly reducing conditions necessary for the formation of silac
211                                        Under reducing conditions of SDS-polyacrylamide gel electropho
212 e (Ca0.4Ce0.4TiO3) was stabilized due to the reducing conditions of this technique.
213 ter under non-reducing conditions than under reducing conditions on SDS-PAGE.
214 oximately 120 kDa under both nonreducing and reducing conditions on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electropho
215                               Increasing the reducing conditions or adding the HHCC domain to Ndelta1
216 imally active when cultures were grown under reducing conditions or when the disulfide bonding system
217 en acetate addition and the onset of sulfate reducing conditions over subsequent amendments, from 20
218                                        Under reducing conditions, p75-TM-WT is in a monomer-dimer equ
219 ominantly fermentative conditions, and where reducing conditions persisted for several months after i
220 nnealing conditions to 8.0 x 10(8) s(-1) for reducing conditions, presumably due to an enhanced elect
221 t levels drop rapidly as animals mature, and reducing conditions prevail throughout the reproductive
222 oterozoic Eon, pushing it away from the more reducing conditions prevalent during the Archean.
223                     In wild-type yeast under reducing conditions, pro-CPY can be found in a complex w
224 nt belief that core formation occurred under reducing conditions, proposes that Earth's magma ocean s
225 eduction across the nanoporous wall required reducing conditions, provided by Escherichia coli, and a
226 the disulfide would form under intracellular reducing conditions, raising the possibility that this u
227 as composed of fibrous elements which, under reducing conditions, rapidly decomposed into individual
228 s apoB28 synthesized in hepatoma cells under reducing conditions remained lipid poor (d > 1.25 g/ml)
229  As, Fe, and Mn speciation under microbially reducing conditions remains largely unknown.
230  reducing conditions and 21-23 kDa under non-reducing conditions, respectively.
231  by applying different Eapp potentials, more reducing conditions resulted in faster Rp.
232                 SDS-PAGE in non-reducing and reducing conditions revealed the polypeptide composition
233 lyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of LF under reducing conditions revealed two subunits of 57 and 60 k
234 the native CD3delta segment in oxidizing and reducing conditions reveals numerous spectral difference
235 hows a nonreduced size of 210 kDa and, under reducing conditions, reveals an alpha-chain of 130 kDa a
236                                        Under reducing conditions, RyR1 and RyR3 activities are inhibi
237                            By contrast, mild reducing conditions selectively disrupted the N-terminal
238 subjected to Western blot analysis under non-reducing conditions, several immunoreactive species were
239             Cultures incubated under nitrate-reducing conditions showed significant carbon and highly
240                SDS-gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions showed that the norrin expressed had
241          Limited proteolysis of BjPutA under reducing conditions shows FAD reduction does not influen
242                     Chemical crosslinking in reducing conditions shows that disulfide bridges are inv
243       The anaerobic pre-treatment under iron-reducing conditions significantly enhanced the removal o
244 ed nanowires with metal salt solutions under reducing conditions, site-specific diffusion occurs to c
245                                 Under Fe(3+)-reducing conditions, soil Fe(2+) oxidation has been show
246 In addition, based on the resistance to mild reducing conditions, structured des species appear to fo
247 alyze the oxidation of MT even under overall reducing conditions such as those prevailing in the cyto
248 trophoretic mobilities under nonreducing and reducing conditions suggested that they form thiol-sensi
249 ase in activity and GSS-Ras was labile under reducing conditions, suggesting the essential nature of
250 britin construct was more stable to heat and reducing conditions than the GCN4 construct.
251 and pea thylakoids migrated faster under non-reducing conditions than under reducing conditions on SD
252 erals buffer metamorphic fluids to extremely reducing conditions that are capable of producing hydrog
253 -DNA complexes were detected under different reducing conditions that differed 5-fold in their dissoc
254 ding-site interfaces, but can be restored by reducing conditions that promote disulfide bond breakage
255                                        Under reducing conditions that would promote the reductive cle
256 ents identified a 26-kD protein (14 kD under reducing conditions) that was distinct from basic FGF.
257 olubilized from the perinuclear matrix under reducing conditions (the SOAF transition) to generate SO
258 on equilibrium studies reveal that under non-reducing conditions, the Bre5 NTF2-like domain is exclus
259                                        Under reducing conditions, the cysteines do not form disulfide
260                                           In reducing conditions, the DsrC structure is disordered in
261                                        Under reducing conditions, the gel band of the 70 kDa polypept
262                               However, under reducing conditions, the monomeric receptor species repr
263  exhibited, upon treatment with CO and under reducing conditions, the NiFeC EPR signal quantifying to
264              Under anoxic or environmentally reducing conditions, the sensor kinase (ArcB) is stimula
265 proposed for sulfide oxidation under nitrate reducing conditions, the sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase
266                                        Under reducing conditions, the WT and all Cys-substituted form
267 zyme activity of BoNT/A revealed that, under reducing conditions, there was a strong correlation in t
268 Molybdenum precipitates preferentially under reducing conditions; therefore, its occurrence in sedime
269 srupt a thumb-fingers salt-bridge and, under reducing conditions, this mutant enzyme shows reduced pr
270                                    Under non-reducing conditions, threshold concentrations of 3-repea
271 the included paramagnetic moieties in highly reducing conditions through the formation of the supramo
272 nd the 60-kDa fragment were joined under non-reducing conditions, thus confirming Cys-450 participate
273 nerals could be a sink for Cd in soils under reducing conditions, thus decreasing the mobility of Cd
274 re, we report a selective route under highly reducing conditions to monohydrodeaminate the 2,3-di(met
275 h employing the cysteine protease IdeS under reducing conditions to obtain three mAb subunits of appr
276 esent, emphasizing the importance of sulfate-reducing conditions to uranium retention and the essenti
277 ts interaction with system soil/water in the reducing conditions typical of paddy fields and is influ
278  conditions that are much different from the reducing conditions under which the E chondrites formed.
279 and ethanol mixtures under iron- and nitrate-reducing conditions, using in situ push-pull tests.
280 arallel picosecond experiment under strongly reducing conditions was also done as a control experimen
281 rization of tau protein into filaments under reducing conditions was characterized through a combinat
282 gher than on STx, whereas the sorption under reducing conditions was essentially the same.
283 structures and chemistry under oxidizing and reducing conditions was studied with ambient-pressure XP
284                 A 100-kDa protein (under non-reducing conditions) was found to bind the radiolabeled
285 the protein and its mutants to oxidizing and reducing conditions, we demonstrated that ssDNA binding
286                  Free Ag(+) activities under reducing conditions were controlled by Ag(0) formation r
287 sembly kinetics and extent of assembly under reducing conditions were differentially sensitive to ion
288 ow release and degradation of EVO with time, reducing conditions were sustained for approximately one
289                                        Under reducing conditions where alpha-lactalbumin (LA) unfolds
290 ovel pathway of tau filament formation under reducing conditions, where oxidation may contribute to f
291 riched protein almost exclusively under iron-reducing conditions whereas the Leptospirillum spp. synt
292     MON persisted under fermentative/sulfate-reducing conditions, whereas SAL was transformed by ferm
293 ong-lived daf-2 mutants transition faster to reducing conditions, whereas short-lived daf-16 mutants
294 corresponding to approximately 120 kDa under reducing conditions, whereas under nonreducing condition
295 the early transition metals especially under reducing conditions which enable the controlled linking
296 anionic radical, seen primarily under weakly reducing conditions, which is present in wild type, and
297 est that U(IV) can be mobilized under deeply reducing conditions, which may contribute to maintenance
298 " bands are recovered, not discernible under reducing conditions, which represent minor species that
299 re of these archaea under anaerobic, nitrate-reducing conditions with a continuous supply of methane.
300    In environments with high organic carbon, reducing conditions within aggregate cores (microbially)

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