


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 erved along the sedimentary column, a highly reducing environment.
2 solution and dissolve preferentially under a reducing environment.
3  cross-links, even though the cytoplasm is a reducing environment.
4 ood cells, this activity is regulated by the reducing environment.
5 r weight distribution (M(w)/M(n) < 1.5) in a reducing environment.
6  the intracellular redox state toward a more reducing environment.
7 nges between proteins even in an unfavorable reducing environment.
8 as very similar, and optimal at acid pH in a reducing environment.
9 owing for transient activation in an overall reducing environment.
10 of arsenic during magnetite precipitation in reducing environments.
11 ert to monomeric therapeutic within cellular reducing environments.
12 essing abiotic degradation of EDB in sulfate-reducing environments.
13 ation of the metals, driven by oxidizing and reducing environments.
14 nelid hemoglobin evolution and adaptation to reducing environments.
15 nism responsible for arsenic mobilization in reducing environments.
16                                         In a reducing environment (0.01 M dithiothreitol in pH 7.0 am
17 ions but require a polycysteine tag motif, a reducing environment and cell transfection or permeabili
18 rm a disulfide that is stable even in a very reducing environment and demonstrate that this disulfide
19 mycetes family, to maintain an intracellular reducing environment and protect against oxidative and a
20                       We thus propose that a reducing environment and the protein-protein interaction
21 t a susceptibility to the cellular disulfide reducing environment and zinc loss may convert otherwise
22            Pyrite is a ubiquitous mineral in reducing environments and is well-known to incorporate t
23  the cytosolic fraction, its dependence on a reducing environment, and its high affinity for UDP-GlcN
24 of the geochemistry of Fe(II) and arsenic in reducing environments, and demonstrate the utility of me
25        The intracellular milieu is usually a reducing environment as a result of high concentrations
26 hown to release doxorubicin in response to a reducing environment as measured by flow cytometry and w
27                        We demonstrate that a reducing environment, as found under hypoxia-triggered n
28 press electronic leakage when exposed to the reducing environment at the fuel interface.
29  induced by exposure of mammalian cells to a reducing environment but revealed an unanticipated stabi
30 ase (Mtr) helps to maintain an intracellular reducing environment by reducing MSSM back to MSH.
31 housand is indicative of naturally occurring reducing environments conducive to U(VI) reduction.
32 hermal annealing of the nanowire fabric in a reducing environment converts the polyphenylsilane coati
33                                           In reducing environments, EDB is highly susceptible to abio
34 reductive solubilization may be important in reducing environments, especially in the presence of com
35                       Both enzymes require a reducing environment for maximal activity, but the mitoc
36 that lysosomal cysteine cathepsins require a reducing environment for optimal activity, it is not fir
37 eleasing sulfur or sulfide (depending on the reducing environment) from L-cysteine, in agreement with
38                        We show here that the reducing environment generated by dithiothreitol (DTT) i
39                      After exposing YSZ to a reducing environment (H2) at elevated temperatures (1000
40 ase subunit is activated when exposed to the reducing environment in mammalian cells.
41 tem plays an important role in maintaining a reducing environment in the cell.
42          Our results help to explain how the reducing environment in the cytoplasm is maintained so t
43 s) and re-entry of the virus particle into a reducing environment in the endosome or the cytosol.
44 a valuable functional ingredient to create a reducing environment in the intestine and to partially m
45 perature oxidation of graphene in a slightly reducing environment in the presence of ammonia to affor
46 active oxygen species, helping to maintain a reducing environment in vivo.
47  value might be characteristic for many iron-reducing environments in the subsurface at circumneutral
48 nenveloped animal virus despite the normally reducing environment inside cells.
49 at pattern is consistent with the chemically reducing environment inside the cells of well-studied or
50            While such natural attenuation in reducing environments mitigates the risk associated with
51 f toxic compounds, and helps to maintain the reducing environment of the cell.
52 icating that they are well shielded from the reducing environment of the cell.
53 Fv) have been reported to fold poorly in the reducing environment of the cytoplasm and as such there
54 he transcriptional activity of sigmaR in the reducing environment of the cytoplasm but undergoes reve
55  critical disulfide bonds cannot form in the reducing environment of the cytoplasm or because of diff
56 affinity and stability when expressed in the reducing environment of the cytoplasm.
57 uggest a mechanism of virus uncoating in the reducing environment of the cytoplasm.
58 in scaffold, which also readily folds in the reducing environment of the cytoplasm.
59 t can be challenging to express scFvs in the reducing environment of the cytosol.
60 n following dissociation of the dimer in the reducing environment of the cytosol.
61 s in nascent viral proteins that fold in the reducing environment of the eukaryotic host cytoplasm.
62                                 Thus, in the reducing environment of the periplasm, NikA may serve as
63                  Moreover, although the more reducing environment of their ER protects cultured ERO1-
64 MS ensure efficient oxidative folding in the reducing environment of this compartment.
65 active Top1-Clamp was cytotoxic, even in the reducing environment of yeast cells.
66 hich most likely evolved in the iron-replete reducing environments of the Proterozoic ocean [1].
67 ynthesizing nitrogen-bearing organics than a reducing environment rich in ammonia.
68 sure of in vitro-derived cysts to an acidic, reducing environment (stage I) followed by protease trea
69 ase single-chain Fvs (scFvs), which tolerate reducing environments, such as the cytoplasm of cancer c
70 , suggesting that with the appropriate thiol-reducing environment, the CcsB and CcsA proteins compris
71                             In intracellular reducing environment, the RBC-nanogels showed an acceler
72 erase isoenzyme (hBCATm) must be stored in a reducing environment to remain active.
73                                           In reducing environments, Top1-Clamp was catalytically acti
74            Disassembly was accomplished in a reducing environment, using DTT as an external stimulus,
75 of nanotubes embedded in a gel matrix with a reducing environment, we quantified all emissive nanotub
76                                         In a reducing environment, when complexed with Cu2+, 1,10-o-p
77 inders further improvements, particularly in reducing environments where U(IV) predominates.
78  pathway for redox couples in nonequilibrium reducing environments, which provides starting organic c
79  the pro-drug hydrogels was observed under a reducing environment while cargo retention and integrity
80  linked via a tether that breaks down in the reducing environment within cells.

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