


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  of this cofactor requires O2, Fe(II), and a reducing equivalent.
2 ast to a previous report, does not require a reducing equivalent.
3  oxygenase requires molecular oxygen and one reducing equivalent.
4 y self-assembly from Fe(II)2-NrdB, O2, and a reducing equivalent.
5 and the availability of elemental sulfur and reducing equivalents.
6 oxide to liberate dioxygen in the absence of reducing equivalents.
7 tudies of the output state for NADPH derived reducing equivalents.
8 d from the protein surface to permit exit of reducing equivalents.
9 the first step of NOS catalysis requires two reducing equivalents.
10 he parasite-specific thiol trypanothione for reducing equivalents.
11  essential cofactors such as glutathione and reducing equivalents.
12 ic processes that either generate or consume reducing equivalents.
13 H(3)-H(4)folate) using NADH as the source of reducing equivalents.
14 en and carbon fixation pathways that utilize reducing equivalents.
15 in dinitrosyl iron complex requires cellular reducing equivalents.
16 quired GSH and glutaredoxin as the source of reducing equivalents.
17  explaining how NAD competes with oxygen for reducing equivalents.
18 cytes to promote PPP activation and generate reducing equivalents.
19 injury in the presence of increased cellular reducing equivalents.
20 ith glycogen added back to supply energy and reducing equivalents.
21 e, encoding a trans-thylakoid transporter of reducing equivalents.
22 ing one equivalent of O(2) and two exogenous reducing equivalents.
23 source, however, could draw upon a supply of reducing equivalents 1000-fold more abundant than NADH,
24 re prevented by antioxidants, a scavenger of reducing equivalents, a NOS inhibitor and/or overexpress
25 during ischemia prior to reperfusion because reducing equivalents accumulate and promote superoxide p
26 often relying on metabolic cycles to shuttle reducing equivalents across intracellular membranes.
27         We suggest that passing even limited reducing equivalents among lipoyl groups maintains E2 li
28  part of the respiratory pathway to generate reducing equivalents and carbon skeletons during prefere
29 e H2 per N2 reduced, which would "waste" two reducing equivalents and four ATP.
30 s reaction simultaneously disposes of excess reducing equivalents and removes toxic aldehydes, both o
31  and TCE are mainly dependent on the initial reducing equivalents and that the TCE reduction rate is
32 ses in substrate level generation of ATP and reducing equivalents, and recycling of N and possibly CO
33 hich more than 40 per cent of the proton and reducing equivalents are delivered to N2.
34                                              Reducing equivalents are derived from a redox partner, w
35 uring steady-state turnover only 0.5% of the reducing equivalents are detected in solution as hydroge
36 veral major presumed sources of biosynthetic reducing equivalents are non-essential in yeast cells gr
37 py shows that Fe(II)SORBED and the resulting reducing equivalents are not available in the outermost
38                                              Reducing equivalents are now shown to transfer directly
39 AD of the reductase is reduced by NADPH, and reducing equivalents are passed to a redox-active disulf
40  reaction (CO2 + H2 --> CO + H2O), where the reducing equivalents are provided by renewable H2.
41                       In this natural cycle, reducing equivalents are provided by specific interactio
42 and for NADPH in cancer cells is elevated as reducing equivalents are required for the high levels of
43                                          The reducing equivalents are shuttled between the NADH-oxidi
44                                The generated reducing equivalents are subsequently transferred to the
45                                              Reducing equivalents are transferred from the apolar fla
46 f two oxidation steps, both of which produce reducing equivalents as follows: the conversion of proli
47 us intermediate", which has accumulated four reducing equivalents as two [Fe-H-Fe] bridging hydrides.
48 r health remains controversial, and cellular reducing equivalents, as indicators of cellular energy p
49                           In the presence of reducing equivalents, AsP(3) was found to allow access t
50 thiols, which prevents delocalization of the reducing equivalents between catalytic disulfide and FAD
51   Transhydrogenase catalyses the transfer of reducing equivalents between NAD(H) and NADP(H) coupled
52 DmTrxR) catalyzes the reversible transfer of reducing equivalents between NADPH and thioredoxin (Trx)
53 onsecutive near equilibrium steps for moving reducing equivalents between the intramitochondrial [NAD
54 meable to pyridine nucleotides, transport of reducing equivalents between the mitochondrial matrix an
55  that product release requires an additional reducing equivalent beyond those necessary for the first
56 are not only a source of carbon, energy, and reducing equivalents but are also a source of amino acid
57 mmon reaction mechanism and requirements for reducing equivalents but differ in regulation; the endot
58 MPT) to H4MPT using flavins as the source of reducing equivalents, but the mechanistic details have n
59 an assay procedure based on the provision of reducing equivalents by a Tris-light system which may be
60        Hence, increased oxidation of dietary-reducing equivalents by elevated muscle mitochondrial re
61 l ROI production and the metabolic supply of reducing equivalents by the PPP.
62  fully catalytic in the absence of exogenous reducing equivalents, by contrast to the published stoic
63 ics with respect to the amount of oxygen and reducing equivalents consumed, however, with (S)-2-ethyl
64 ional mechanisms influencing availability of reducing equivalents donated by P450 oxidoreductase (POR
65 lytic intermediate that has accumulated four reducing equivalents (E(4)).
66                         Continuous supply of reducing equivalents enabled acetate production at a rat
67                   The apparent limitation in reducing equivalent flow between cyto-b and cyto-c in th
68 , the dynamics of ETF, and the protection of reducing equivalents following disassembly of the TMADH-
69 s for nucleotide and lipid biosynthesis, and reducing equivalents for antioxidant defense.
70                                 Trx provides reducing equivalents for central metabolic enzymes and i
71  controlled delivery of metal, oxidants, and reducing equivalents for cofactor assembly in ribonucleo
72 tly improve the efficiency of utilization of reducing equivalents for contaminant removal.
73  is then used by living cells as a source of reducing equivalents for conversion of CO2 to the value-
74 itical overlapping functions in provision of reducing equivalents for defense against endogenous or e
75                                          The reducing equivalents for each step are provided by two m
76  is essential for SYK-6 to obtain sufficient reducing equivalents for its healthy growth; cosubstrate
77 s a small redox-active protein that provides reducing equivalents for key cysteine residues of protei
78 athione, and NADH, were each able to provide reducing equivalents for MauG-dependent TTQ biosynthesis
79 lectrons, thus providing both the carbon and reducing equivalents for operation of the Wood-Ljungdahl
80 lpha-KG cosubstrate supplying the additional reducing equivalents for oxygen activation.
81  the energy of visible light is converted to reducing equivalents for plastocyanin and cytochrome c.
82 ual flavin radicals can serve as a source of reducing equivalents for slow turnover in the absence of
83 Asc) to the intravesicular matrix to provide reducing equivalents for the dopamine beta-monooxygenase
84        Unlike the class I and II RNRs, where reducing equivalents for the reaction are delivered by a
85 e activity and to rely on Trx as a source of reducing equivalents for the reduction of H2O2.
86  redox environment by using NADPH to provide reducing equivalents for thioredoxins (Trxs).
87 to the 1+ state, followed by transfer of the reducing equivalent from the [4Fe-4S](H) subcluster to t
88 yme, a third redox active group shuttles the reducing equivalent from the apolar active site to the p
89 ic systems for CO2 reduction must derive the reducing equivalents from a renewable source rather than
90           FMN-bound reductase, supplied with reducing equivalents from a Tris-light electron generati
91 f 4-chlorotoluene using molecular oxygen and reducing equivalents from bacterial putidaredoxin and pu
92 occurs on the basis of increased delivery of reducing equivalents from beta-oxidation to the electron
93 ysteine peroxiredoxins efficiently utilizing reducing equivalents from both the thioredoxin and gluta
94 tate metabolism in the heart by transferring reducing equivalents from cytosol into mitochondria.
95 couples D-2HG metabolism to the shuttling of reducing equivalents from cytosolic NADH to the mitochon
96 f bound metal and cofactors but does require reducing equivalents from either DTT or a thioredoxin-re
97  is limited by the slow internal transfer of reducing equivalents from enzyme dithiol to oxidized fla
98 here exists a group that is able to transfer reducing equivalents from FAD to a redox-active disulfid
99                                              Reducing equivalents from FAO enter OXPHOS at the level
100 data show that the protein does not transfer reducing equivalents from flavins to disulfides as in NT
101  DmrB uses a ping-pong mechanism to transfer reducing equivalents from FMN to the pterin substrate.
102 nt, cytochrome c, which normally derives its reducing equivalents from food metabolism.
103                                              Reducing equivalents from free thiols were required beca
104  donor for HO1, that results in diversion of reducing equivalents from heme oxidation to oxygen reduc
105 he futile cycle trap by limiting transfer of reducing equivalents from LpDsbDs to DsbA2.
106 itroreductases but does not directly consume reducing equivalents from NAD(P)H, nor demonstrate nitro
107    The enzyme also catalyzes the transfer of reducing equivalents from NADH or CH(3)-H(4)folate to me
108 NT) is a mitochondrial enzyme that transfers reducing equivalents from NADH to NADPH.
109 ansfers among the redox centers by accepting reducing equivalents from NADH.
110                 Investigation of the fate of reducing equivalents from NADPH added to Fpr under aerob
111 oxiredoxin-3 reduces H(2)O(2) to water using reducing equivalents from NADPH supplied by thioredoxin-
112 ons as a cofactor of FRP(Vh) in transferring reducing equivalents from NADPH to a flavin substrate in
113  intricate mechanism, these enzymes transfer reducing equivalents from NADPH to bound FAD and subsequ
114                     P450 reductase transfers reducing equivalents from NADPH to P450, which in turn c
115                                  Transfer of reducing equivalents from NADPH to the cytochromes P450
116 htly bound FAD and FMN cofactors to transfer reducing equivalents from NADPH to the heme active site.
117 ectron donor, rubredoxin, was used to supply reducing equivalents from NADPH via ferredoxin: NADP+ ox
118  the reaction center of PS II and release of reducing equivalents from reaction center to b(6)f compl
119 and co-workers, permits internal transfer of reducing equivalents from reduced FAD to the active-site
120   This amino acid has been proposed to carry reducing equivalents from the active site to substrates.
121 ondrial complexes, catalyzes the transfer of reducing equivalents from the bound dihydrolipoate of th
122 malian cells have a pathway for transferring reducing equivalents from the cytosol to the ER, which i
123 the aspartate-malate NADH shuttle that moves reducing equivalents from the cytosol to the mitochondri
124 edox centers that facilitate the transfer of reducing equivalents from the dithiol substrates of thes
125 ype cytochrome prosthetic group that accepts reducing equivalents from the molybdenum center and pass
126              During catalysis, TrxR conducts reducing equivalents from the NADPH-reduced flavin to Tr
127 and Deltapsim are regulated by the supply of reducing equivalents from the pentose phosphate pathway
128 denosine 5'-phosphate (AMP) and sulfite with reducing equivalents from the protein cofactor, thioredo
129           Thus, catalysis involves a flow of reducing equivalents from the reduced CxC motif of Mia40
130  selenocysteine was required for transfer of reducing equivalents from the thiol/disulfide active sit
131 an oxidative stress defense system that uses reducing equivalents from thioredoxin (Trx1) and thiored
132 edoxin suggested that these residues shuttle reducing equivalents from thioredoxin to the active site
133                              The transfer of reducing equivalents, from disulphide bond formation, to
134                These shuttles are needed for reducing equivalents generated by metabolic reactions in
135 teins support hydroperoxide removal with the reducing equivalents generated by the electron transport
136 that the molybdenum center takes up only two reducing equivalents, implying that the two pyranopterin
137 xidative pentose phosphate pathway, provides reducing equivalents important for defense responses and
138 e issue of whether BH(4) supplies the second reducing equivalent in the monooxygenation of eNOS was i
139 and satisfies the requirement for an "extra" reducing equivalent in Y(*) generation.
140 t the injured neonatal brain, high levels of reducing equivalents in activated microglia, GSH, trigge
141                                  Storing two reducing equivalents in adjacent metal hydrides that evo
142 ivity is linked to a thiol-based transfer of reducing equivalents in bacterial membranes.
143 ture of yeast ERV2p suggest that the flow of reducing equivalents in intact avian QSOX is dithiol sub
144 hways, with increased demands for energy and reducing equivalents in kernels with a higher oil conten
145       Glutathione (GSH) is a major source of reducing equivalents in mammalian cells.
146 drives the production of chemical energy and reducing equivalents in photosynthetic organisms require
147  synthesis of numerous processes that affect reducing equivalents in Rhodobacter capsulatus.
148 inished, suggesting increased utilization of reducing equivalents in SLE.
149               NADPH is the primary source of reducing equivalents in the cytosol.
150 n the Krebs cycle, and stepwise oxidation of reducing equivalents in the electron transfer chain.
151                    Loss in activity required reducing equivalents in the form of NADH and was not rev
152  these oxidases do not significantly utilize reducing equivalents in the thylakoid membrane.
153 t showed a differential depletion of GSH and reducing equivalents in the tumor tissue.
154                            The source of the reducing equivalents in vivo has not been definitively e
155 flect the availability of oxygen, light, and reducing equivalents, in a process termed "energy taxis.
156 as led to the suggestion that the storage of reducing equivalents into M-M bonds, and their use in th
157 sent data indicate that the transfer of this reducing equivalent is not rate-limiting for Y177 radica
158 7 radical formation and that transfer of the reducing equivalent is relatively facile imply that the
159          For the Hox --> Hred transition the reducing equivalent is stored on the binuclear part, ([4
160  of the malate-aspartate shuttle, in which a reducing equivalent is transported via malate, which whe
161 Therefore, even in cases where the supply of reducing equivalents is increased (e.g., ethanol metabol
162 mmunologic effector cells, but its source of reducing equivalents is not known.
163 a PARP-1 inhibitor simultaneously, consuming reducing equivalents, leading to DNA damage concomitant
164                   The decoupling of cellular reducing equivalents levels from cell survival has impor
165 lutathione and glutaredoxin as the source of reducing equivalents, like Acr2p and R773 ArsC, rather t
166 ccurs because both interventions provide the reducing equivalents necessary to counter mitochondrial
167 suggesting a decrease in production of NADPH reducing equivalents needed both for biosynthesis and fo
168 this was due to an inability to generate the reducing equivalents needed for biosynthetic reactions.
169 via its NADPH:flavin reductase activity, the reducing equivalents needed for the detoxification react
170 onstrated that the heme has a capacity for a reducing equivalent of 1-1.5.
171 n as the Janus intermediate that stores four reducing equivalents on FeMo-co as two [Fe-H-Fe] bridgin
172      To determine if the requirement was for reducing equivalents or for a redox potential (ratio of
173 is of ATP, which promotes the consumption of reducing equivalents, or by the progressive activation o
174 d in Erv2p consistent with a distribution of reducing equivalents over the flavin and distal disulfid
175 rs whilst maintaining or increasing cellular reducing equivalents, partly be increasing NADPH levels.
176                                          The reducing equivalent required for diferric-Y* cofactor bi
177                            The source of the reducing equivalent required for generation of Cmpd II f
178 his was due to an imbalance in the supply of reducing equivalents required for choline catabolism, wh
179  Escherichia coli, are thought to supply the reducing equivalents required for the biogenesis of c-ty
180 a fraction of the sample, which provides the reducing equivalents required to bring about reduction o
181 ns develop alternative means to remove these reducing equivalents, resulting in the synthesis of larg
182 rmined for the first time that mitochondrial reducing equivalent shuttles regulate metabolism in the
183                               The additional reducing equivalents stored in each tricopper unit are e
184 ubterminal step converted acetate to CO2 and reducing equivalents, such as H2, which then fed autotro
185  CH(4) to CH(3)OH by AOB was also limited by reducing equivalents supply, which could be overcome by
186                  Protein thiols are critical reducing equivalents that maintain cellular redox state
187  the efficiency of fermentation by consuming reducing equivalents, thereby maintaining a high NAD(+)/
188 on or light intensity, modulates the flow of reducing equivalents through the electron transport syst
189 drial ROI production and metabolic supply of reducing equivalents through the PPP, TAL regulates susc
190 ulfide anion radical proposed to provide the reducing equivalent to the 3'-keto-deoxycytidine interme
191 rmediate (1) requires transfer of an "extra" reducing equivalent to the buried diiron cluster followi
192 e inhibitor, demonstrating that Trx provides reducing equivalents to a bioreductive enzyme for redox
193                     The enzyme transfers its reducing equivalents to a broad range of electron accept
194  mitochondrial catabolic pathways and divert reducing equivalents to anabolic pathways.
195 or high PDC activity, directed channeling of reducing equivalents to bound E3 must be very efficient
196 gely discussed from the context of providing reducing equivalents to detoxify reactive oxygen and nit
197 the tricarboxylic acid cycle, which produces reducing equivalents to drive oxidative ATP synthesis.
198  of acyl-CoA thioesters with the transfer of reducing equivalents to electron-transferring flavoprote
199 ies because there is no source of additional reducing equivalents to form the Fe(II)-(hydro)peroxo st
200 cysteines in RNR's active site that supplies reducing equivalents to make dNDPs.
201              Glucose and fatty acids provide reducing equivalents to mitochondria to generate energy,
202  cellular thioredoxin system, which provides reducing equivalents to numerous intracellular target di
203 he cytochrome bc1 complex, causing a leak of reducing equivalents to O2 whereby electrons that would
204 ough palmitoyl-CoA and octanoyl-CoA provided reducing equivalents to OXPHOS-containing supercomplex f
205 metry studies indicated enhanced coupling of reducing equivalents to product formation for ( S)-warfa
206 hway, which is responsible for generation of reducing equivalents to protect cellular integrity from
207         The initial location for transfer of reducing equivalents to RNR is located at the C terminus
208 tress, SORs efficiently divert intracellular reducing equivalents to superoxide.
209 ptimal bioenergetics by providing sufficient reducing equivalents to support oxidative phosphorylatio
210 rce of electrons and enables X-ray generated reducing equivalents to support substrate hydroxylation.
211 is a major pathway for transfer of cytosolic reducing equivalents to the mitochondrial electron trans
212                Because NS1 could not provide reducing equivalents to the protein and competed with NA
213 s44-SSCoA disulfide promotes the transfer of reducing equivalents to the RHD, with the swinging pante
214                                By delivering reducing equivalents to thioredoxin, thioredoxin reducta
215 e activity and on the diversion of the NADPH-reducing equivalent toward unproductive peroxide formati
216 solely using H(2) and light as the source of reducing equivalents under conditions where Photosystem
217                            The CQDs produced reducing equivalents under solar irradiation in a homoge
218 ons, hydroxylamine oxidation by AOB provided reducing equivalents used solely for nitrite reduction t
219 d strategy for microbes adept at dissipating reducing equivalents via anaerobic respiration.
220 rations in environmental glucose on cellular reducing equivalents was assessed by MTT dye reduction a
221                           Additional 1.5-2.5 reducing equivalents were consumed before heme reduction
222 DP+ ratio decreased slightly indicating that reducing equivalents were consumed.
223                                     Cellular reducing equivalents were nonetheless increased in all m
224 tudies on avian QSOX led to a model in which reducing equivalents were proposed to relay through the
225 enefit of preventing the undesirable loss of reducing equivalents which results from semiquinone oxid
226 ng form of the enzyme contains an additional reducing equivalent, which is distributed among the rema
227 ell proliferation promotes the production of reducing equivalents, which counteract the effects of re
228 ocitrate dehydrogenase-dependent transfer of reducing equivalents, which generates NADPH and reduced
229  of NADPH is in the maintenance of a pool of reducing equivalents, which is essential to counteract o
230       Reaction of the radical species with a reducing equivalent yields the verdoheme-heme oxygenase

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