


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 , when combined with a Hantzsch ester as the reductant.
2 ) to ABTS(2-), that NAD(+) can function as a reductant.
3 d on the other hand it acts as a sacrificial reductant.
4 otein disulfide bonds using glutathione as a reductant.
5 hen dithionite and mediators are used as the reductant.
6 er aerobic conditions in the presence of the reductant.
7 orane depending on the hydroborane used as a reductant.
8 , pyruvate, and/or hydrogen as the source of reductant.
9 g aqueous sodium formate as a stoichiometric reductant.
10 opropyl alcohol as both a solvent and formal reductant.
11 e by producing NADPH, the main intracellular reductant.
12 ty using a safe and inexpensive amine as the reductant.
13 n vitro in the presence of dithionite as the reductant.
14 III RNRs examined to date use formate as the reductant.
15 tion activity by promoting activation of the reductant.
16 roxyl) is formed, at least when tppts is the reductant.
17 ed mutant was reduced by the addition of the reductant.
18 n by hydrating gel pieces in base and adding reductant.
19 ically using ethanol (EtOH) as a sacrificial reductant.
20  the ThiC reaction requires AdoMet, AIR, and reductant.
21 ic compounds functioning both as sorbent and reductant.
22 to 80% simply by addition of an outer-sphere reductant.
23 cids using triethylphosphite as the terminal reductant.
24 sion of CO2 into HCO2 Bpin with HBpin as the reductant.
25 ates in the presence of hydrosilane terminal reductant.
26 lamin to AdoCbl in the presence of ATP and a reductant.
27 avoid the costs associated with this natural reductant.
28 er from CuA using a physiologically relevant reductant.
29 drogen atom donor as well as an outer-sphere reductant.
30 ocesses by choice of the appropriate oxidant/reductant.
31 ed through the choice of the solvent and the reductant.
32 subsequent stepwise hydrogenation with CO as reductant.
33 -light-driven CO2 reduction using water as a reductant.
34 oximately 30% as a function of in situ added reductant.
35 ical calculations showing that BU6 acts as a reductant.
36 a slight excess of triethyl phosphite as the reductant.
37 ROS in vitro in the presence of a biological reductant.
38 lI yields P and then CAM without an external reductant.
39 as a substrate in the presence or absence of reductants.
40 aces where they can be scavenged by cellular reductants.
41  acrylamide, and thiol- and phosphorus-based reductants.
42 attainable by other single electron transfer reductants.
43 acellular matrix for oxidative catabolism of reductants.
44 llowing H2O2 detection by its reduction, and reductants.
45  presence of many acids, bases, oxidants and reductants.
46  its formation is NO reduction by biological reductants.
47 ence is unlikely in the presence of sediment reductants.
48 de bond linkage between the AM and the thiol reductants.
49 etween the AM, the thiol conjugates, and the reductants.
50 ate reduced back to ferrous Cygb by cellular reductants.
51 tentials in a range accessible to biological reductants.
52 or its function can be bypassed by exogenous reductants.
53  was overcome by introducing alkali atoms as reductants.
54 n to effect this conversion without external reductants.
55 y relevant non-tertiary alcohols as terminal reductants.
56 ymatic reductase versus other small molecule reductants.
57 etF than by the previously employed chemical reductant, 1-methoxy-5-methylphenazinium methyl sulfate.
58 step in the catalytic cycle, the sacrificial reductant, 3-mercaptopropionic acid, scavenges the excit
59 iments were performed at pH 6 with ligand or reductant alone and in combination, and under both oxic
60 ith black carbon and serves as both a strong reductant and a nucleophile for the abiotic transformati
61 utidinium triflate (Lut-H) are employed as a reductant and a proton source, respectively.
62 -99%) using decamethylferrocene (Fc*) as the reductant and acetic acid as the proton source.
63 experiment using Cp*2Co and [H2NPh2][OTf] as reductant and acid source.
64 with a sacrificial sterically hindered amine reductant and an onium salt oxidant.
65 traviolet light, use hydrogen sulfide as the reductant and can be accelerated by Cu(I)-Cu(II) photore
66 inerals acted as an accelerator for both the reductant and catalyst.
67  combination with hydrogen gas as a terminal reductant and enables the high-yielding reduction of sug
68 e unknown ability of NAD(+) to function as a reductant and H(-) donor may lead to undiscovered biolog
69 l chloride reduction with Ti(III)-citrate as reductant and methyl viologen as mediator were similar t
70 enophile in the presence of iron powder as a reductant and montmorillonite K10 as a catalyst in aqueo
71 s on triethylphosphite as the stoichiometric reductant and organocatalytic benzoisothiazolone/O2 in a
72 gen source was achieved using Mo(CO)6 as the reductant and origin of the CO.
73        Previously recognized as an effective reductant and oxygen scavenger, nanoparticulate FeS was
74 e adsorption of dyes by converting to Cr(VI) reductant and porous carbon material.
75 own to be active in vitro in the presence of reductant and purified as a tetramer, as determined by a
76 glutathione (GSH) is a crucial intracellular reductant and radical scavenger, but it may also coordin
77 duced and reoxidized soil humic acid (HA) as reductant and sorbent at copper loadings of 9.5-600 mmol
78 ted with SAM in the absence of substrate and reductant and then incubated with excess S-adenosyl-l-[m
79 nisms, providing NADPH for use as a cellular reductant and various carbohydrate intermediates used in
80 nsfer were used to determine the appropriate reductants and acids to access the catalytic cycle in a
81 oxygen and iron, here we report a search for reductants and catalysts of intracellular phenazine redu
82 ethod avoids the use of stoichiometric metal reductants and is compatible with the presence of haloge
83 reducing assay can detect various biological reductants and is especially sensitive to glutathione (G
84 oxidation, and the availability of inorganic reductants and organic electron donors that consume oxid
85 rea MoS2 is chemically doped using molecular reductants and oxidants.
86                          The synergy between reductants and rare-earth-metal complexes allows the cle
87 f NO by Cygb in the presence of the cellular reductants and reducing systems ascorbate (Asc) and cyto
88 is an exceptionally efficient stoichiometric reductant, and it is now possible to significantly decre
89 ilities because of sulfide, which is a known reductant, and Mn, the oxyhydroxides of which are known
90 , diethoxymethylsilane as the stoichiometric reductant, and O-benzoylhydroxylamines as the electrophi
91 bin in the presence of low concentrations of reductant, and the possibility of decreasing the intrins
92 dots (QDs), without a sacrificial oxidant or reductant, and without a co-catalyst.
93 id bilayers, regenerability by water-soluble reductants, and binding to human tocopherol transport pr
94 nt, spin state, redox potential, external co-reductants, and ligand architecture can all play importa
95 ecies for substrate reductions avoids strong reductants, and may enable nitrogenase to reduce multipl
96 ergy as chemical energy in two electrodes, a reductant (anode) and an oxidant (cathode), separated by
97 +) dissociation occurs in the absence of any reductants, apparently through a hydrolytic mechanism th
98 ich a phosphoric acid catalyst, oxidant, and reductant are present in the reaction mixture.
99                 The products with the latter reductant are the respective sulfenic acids CysS(O)H and
100 ganic Fe(II) oxidant and the organic Fe(III) reductant are unclear, their behavior is consistent with
101 tom-economical as stoichiometric oxidants or reductants are not required.
102 rted the detection of TR1, which is the Trx1 reductant, as well as mitochondrial intermembrane protei
103 WT enzyme in the presence of the cosubstrate/reductant ascorbate and that this process is not facilit
104 istic effects between biogenic ligands and a reductant (ascorbate) can occur in Fe mobilization from
105 lenediamine-N,N'-diacetic acid (HBED)) and a reductant (ascorbate) in goethite dissolution.
106            In the presence of the biological reductants, ascorbate and cysteine, platinum(IV) complex
107  10-fold more rapidly than with the chemical reductant ascorbic acid.
108  NH3 under an atmosphere of N2 with acid and reductant at low temperatures.
109 cotyl/radicle generate the bulk of plastidic reductant/ATP via photosynthesis, while the inner cotyle
110 f the metallacycle Ni-O bond with the silane reductant becomes rate limiting.
111 presses its capacity to use glutathione as a reductant but is sufficient to allow the regeneration of
112 endergonic ferredoxin reduction with NADH as reductant by coupling it to the exergonic NADH-dependent
113 s formed in situ in the presence of O(2) and reductant by Fe(II)-(3-AP).
114 studies demonstrate the importance of native reductants by revealing reactivity unobserved when dithi
115 ted from benzylic acetals, TMSCl, and a mild reductant can participate in chemoselective cross-coupli
116                              The presence of reductants can accelerate PbO(2) dissolution and enhance
117                   This previously unexpected reductant capacity for yeast Sil1 has potential implicat
118 nergy issue that can be overcome by stronger reductants/catalysts.
119 o ZnO nanocrystals (NCs) using the molecular reductants CoCp*2 and CrCp*2 [Cp* = eta(5)-pentamethylcy
120                                 Notably, the reductant (CoCp*2) and acid (Ph2NH2OTf) used are conside
121 als and pKa values of specific Bronsted acid/reductant combinations to their capacity to act jointly
122 e considered: first-order; Michaelis-Menten; reductant; competition; and combined models.
123  redox states of these sites under different reductant conditions, showing that the Cu(Z)* site acces
124 -terminal domain of the unique transmembrane reductant conductor DsbD as a model for an in-depth anal
125 O(2), which originated from poor coupling of reductant consumption with alkane formation.
126  the largest reported to date for low-valent reductants containing bound water.
127                     We explored if alternate reductants could overcome this limitation with a primary
128    Addition of an excess of the one-electron reductant Cp*2Co (Cp* = pentamethylcyclopentadienyl) giv
129                                   The weaker reductant Cp*2Cr transfers electrons only to ZnO NCs in
130            Upon soaking in a solution of the reductant Cp2Co, Mn((N,O)L)(DMSO) undergoes a ligand-cen
131 , this risk may still persist in Mn-rich and reductant-deficient environments.
132 ment due to competition with various natural reductant demand (NRD) processes, especially the reducti
133 hosphate pathway varied independently of the reductant demand for biosynthesis, (ii) non-plastidic pr
134 stent with progressive depletion of aquifer "reductant demand".
135                       Formate can be used as reductant directly in the active site, or glutaredoxins
136 (MoFe and Fe protein), ATP, and an exogenous reductant (dithionite, DT), as with N2 and known alterna
137    By contrast, in the absence of the strong reductant, dithionite, the carboxylate of 6-CP is esteri
138 bition can be reversed by treatment with the reductants dithiothreitol or reduced glutathione or by i
139 e weathering in soil environments based on a reductant-driven Fenton's reaction.
140  free thiol groups in p65, whereas the thiol reductant DTT reversed the inhibiting effect of H2S on t
141 TCH3-Fc protein treated with three different reductants (DTT, beta-mercaptoethanol, and TCEP).
142 hydrogen-evolving Hyc enzyme, removes excess reductant during fermentative growth.
143 e 1T phase under a large excess of the NaBH4 reductant during synthesis can effectively improve the i
144 mbination of Ni catalysis with TDAE as final reductant enables the direct formation of Csp(3)-Csp(3)
145  roles in the overall cellular production of reductants, energy, and carbohydrate metabolites and tha
146 ing these challenges, by serving as both the reductant, (Fe(II)), and the immobilization agent to for
147  of flavin hydroquinone as a single electron reductant, flavin semiquinone as the hydrogen atom sourc
148 Fe protein cycle involving the physiological reductant flavodoxin reported a major revision of the ra
149 s photosynthesis (70%) is ultimately used as reductant for biosynthetic pathways and for the generati
150 yed to the next cycle where it serves as the reductant for C-C bond formation.
151 bon monoxide dehydrogenase, CO was used as a reductant for converting carboxylic acids to alcohols.
152   The potential synergism between ligand and reductant for iron (hydr)oxide dissolution may have impo
153    We report the discovery of an outstanding reductant for metal-catalyzed radical hydrofunctionaliza
154  space, while simultaneously providing a key reductant for microbial metabolism.
155 to lie outside the scope of the classic SmI2 reductant for more than 30 years.
156 -derived silane reagents are utilized as the reductant for nickel-catalyzed aldehyde-alkyne reductive
157 red monothiol bacillithiol did not work as a reductant for RNR, either directly or via any of the red
158 en gas has enormous potential as a source of reductant for the microbial production of biofuels, but
159 ause of its ability to act as a rechargeable reductant for U(VI).
160 cturally diverse, thermodynamically powerful reductants for efficient electron transfer to a variety
161 olloidal reduced ZnO nanocrystals are potent reductants for one-electron or multielectron redox chemi
162 e two known environmentally relevant mineral reductants for selenate.
163 ihydrides such as 1 are reported as terminal reductants for the selective title reaction.
164 rryl heme iron reduction by externally added reductants, for example, ascorbate.
165 sible-light, catalytic Ru(bpy)3(PF6)2, and a reductant fragments to form the corresponding tertiary c
166                Key features of this gas- and reductant-free reaction include the low loadings of pall
167 n act as a multifunctional electron sink for reductant from cytosolic pathways.
168  production occurs via hydrogenase utilizing reductant from glycolytic catabolism of carbohydrates (a
169 in the presence of Mn(0) as a stoichiometric reductant generates acyclic alpha,alpha-disubstituted ke
170 tic water oxidation, fermentation, and other reductant-generating pathways to specific redox enzymes
171      Kinetics experiments using the cellular reductant glutathione show that Cys(101)-NO is substanti
172 m (Pd)-based catalysts and hydrogen gas as a reductant has been extensively studied at the bench-scal
173 nes using formic acid and Zn as the terminal reductants has been developed.
174  effective redox potential of these powerful reductants has not been determined.
175                Recently, samarium(II) iodide reductants have emerged as powerful single electron dono
176              In the case of pyrite acting as reductant, however, denitrification is associated with t
177 ly long half-lives in the presence of excess reductants; however, the complexes exhibited moderate po
178  hydrothermal method with varying amounts of reductant, i.e., sodium borohydride (NaBH4).
179  been known to function as a single electron reductant in biological settings, but this reactivity ha
180 henylsilane is not the kinetically preferred reductant in many of these transformations.
181 )] can potentially serve as both oxidant and reductant in one-electron-transfer reactions with other
182 conducted to identify the role of O2 and the reductant in product formation.
183 differential subcellular compartmentation of reductant in the different organs.
184 ethod with sodium borohydride (NaBH4) as the reductant in the presence of 0.8% wt. sodium carboxymeth
185 ypothesize that the allocation of carbon and reductants in diatoms is controlled by a feedback mechan
186  was generated by reaction with one-electron reductants in laser flash-quench experiments and could b
187 know the identity and reactivity of chemical reductants in natural sediments and to associate their r
188 ine the isotopic fractionations for dominant reductants in reactive barriers and reduced sediments ob
189 d Fe(II) and reduced DOC are the predominant reductants in the anaerobic sediments, and that aqueous
190 t-mining natural attenuation by the residual reductants in the ore body and reduced down-gradient sed
191                     The choice of the silane reductant influences the degree of deoxygenation, with d
192 s likely a threshold response to diminishing reductant input from Earth's interior.
193 and is realized via the addition of chemical reductants into the polymerization reactor.
194 gous potentiometric titration of any soluble reductants involving so many electrons.
195                   We propose that the active reductant is an N,O chelate formed between SmI2 and 2 eq
196     While the use of triphenylphosphine as a reductant is common in organic synthesis, the resulting
197 of anaerobic CO(2) fixation with hydrogen as reductant is considered a candidate for the first life-s
198 f Br(2)Si(SAr(Me(6)))(2) with a magnesium(I) reductant is described.
199  reagent as the CF(3) source and MeOH as the reductant is disclosed.
200 monoxide, pressurized gas, or stoichiometric reductant is employed.
201                                Subsequently, reductant is removed and all disulfide bridges are reoxi
202 usly, the photobiological flux of carbon and reductants is used to synthesize lipids.
203 e generated, H2S can be oxidized to generate reductant-labile sulfane sulfur pools, which include hyd
204 elying on the specific properties of various reductants lead to the proposal that this surface prered
205 reductase-based reduction system, with other reductants leading to an uncoupled cleavage of the co-su
206 up to 47 equiv for P3(C)) by increasing acid/reductant loading with highly purified acid.
207 tly reflect the dark metabolic production of reductants (mainly NAD(P)H) in the stroma of chloroplast
208 ng metabolic activities with availability of reductant, making it a critical factor in the global car
209 Flavin reduction by either light or cellular reductants may be a general mechanism of CRY activation.
210              In this system, citrate was the reductant, Mn(II) was a catalyst, and the clay minerals
211                                          The reductant model achieved best results, but required very
212 ts obtained using different alkali metals as reductants (Na, K, Rb, Cs).
213 igh glucose decreases the principal cellular reductant, NADPH by impairing the activity of glucose 6-
214 man liver microsomes in the presence of four reductants, namely, GSH, l-Cys, N-acetyl-l-cysteine (NAC
215 metabolic activities that could generate the reductant necessary to explain the high H2 yield.
216                          NADPH is a critical reductant needed in cancer cells to fuel the biosynthesi
217 lasmic thioredoxin (TlpA) acts as a specific reductant not only for the Cu(2+) transfer chaperone Sco
218      The activity of RNR with its endogenous reductants, NrdH and TrxR, is 5,000 and 1,500 units/mg f
219 odisulfide and highlight its reactivity with reductants, nucleophiles, electrophiles, acids, and base
220       We further show that HEPES buffer is a reductant of lattice Mn(IV) in the vernadite structure i
221 Fe(2+) in magnetite was determined to be the reductant of NO2(-) based on the lack of measurable diss
222 s a base in the transformation but also as a reductant of the peroxide to the corresponding alpha-hyd
223               An investigation of the native reductant of the system revealed no interaction with glu
224    The nitroxyl radicals served as selective reductants of APO-I, reacting only slowly with APO-II.
225 aring clay minerals are widespread potential reductants of Cr(VI), but the kinetics and pathways of C
226                                     Chemical reductants of sub-conduction-band potentials are demonst
227  additional electron sink for photogenerated reductant or by dampening the generation of reactive oxy
228      Goethite dissolution in the presence of reductant or ligand alone followed classic surface-contr
229 ATP through the use of potent small-molecule reductants or light-driven electron injection, but succe
230 tion is mediated by microbes or by inorganic reductants), our results demonstrate that mineral format
231 s, the ACF system contains Pd/H2 as catalyst/reductant pair for fast reduction of Fe(III) back to Fe(
232 d membranes: they regulate redox balance and reductant partitioning in these oxygenic photosynthetic
233 fluxes through central metabolism to produce reductant power and transfer the generated electrons to
234 e sp. ATCC 51142, with a particular focus on reductant production and partitioning within the ETC.
235 ]methionine in the presence of substrate and reductant, production of the unlabeled product precedes
236  Photosynthetic growth of P. aestuarii using reductant provided by either an electrode or syntrophy i
237 the presence of silane and titanium alkoxide reductants provides direct access to skipped diene produ
238                   IruO is the likely in vivo reductant required for heme degradation by S. aureus.
239 NADPH ratio from photosynthesis and balances reductant requirements of biosynthesis with maintaining
240 vary considerably in terms of complexity and reductant requirements.
241 lts from inability of the mutant to activate reductant-requiring pathways that detoxify ROS when phot
242 e employed as the amine source (oxidant) and reductant respectively.
243 en utilized for source zone control, yet the reductant responsible for pollutant transformation and t
244 drosulfide anion functions as a one-electron reductant, resulting in the formation of polysulfide ani
245  in THF and hexanes using the highly soluble reductant {Sm[N(SiMe3)2]2(THF)2}.
246 ough most organisms use soluble oxidants and reductants, some microbes can access solid-phase materia
247 ll metabolome indicates that these cells are reductant-starved in the dark, likely because enzymes of
248 chondrial respiration partially relieved the reductant stress; however, prolonged high-light exposure
249 evels of nitrite and either NO or a suitable reductant such as L-cysteine, these ferric heme sites ca
250 mic spectrometry (CF-HG-AS), using different reductants such as borane-ammonia (AB), borane-tert-buty
251 iven by electricity or light or by renewable reductants such as formate/formic acid.
252                                              Reductants such as glutathione and ascorbate inhibited b
253  at positions 68 and 73 in the presence of a reductant suggest that the enzyme does not require a dis
254 he range accessible to cellular oxidants and reductants, suggesting they can redox cycle.
255 ntrations is controlled by the chloroplastic reductant supply.
256 es] in one homogeneous and two heterogeneous reductant systems: solutions of Cr(H(2)O)(6)(2+), suspen
257    These results and studies with an organic reductant (TDAE) argue against the intermediacy of organ
258 ed in aquifers hosting sufficiently reactive reductants that can promote autotrophic denitrification.
259 gents that require special handling or harsh reductants that limit functionality.
260                     In addition, when enough reductant (that is, H2) is provided, the fermentation em
261                    In the presence of excess reductant, the number of electrons per NC (ne(-)) reache
262                  In the presence of heme and reductant, the ROS scavenging experiments show that Irr
263                                     For most reductants, the results are inconsistent with simple rat
264 sis without net generation of photosynthetic reductants, the two AEF are critical for restoration of
265                  The differences between the reductants, the volume dependence, calculations of the F
266 P production was restored by the addition of reductants, these findings may be relevant to novel redo
267 mV and is efficiently reduced by the protein reductant, thioredoxin, with a rate constant of 16,180 m
268 ded by peroxiredoxins (Prdxs) and their main reductants, thioredoxins (Trxs).
269 oxidized at the electrode and reduced by the reductant; thus, the signal is amplified in situ during
270 the presence of a diamine ligand and a metal reductant to allow late-stage incorporation of saturated
271 ignificant in terms of providing respiratory reductant to facilitate either organ colonization or con
272 -light-driven CO2 reduction using water as a reductant to generate CO and O2, with the assistance of
273 n (Fd) pathway, involved in recycling excess reductant to increase ATP synthesis, may be controlled b
274 driving force for electron transfer from the reductant to the NCs was varied systematically by the ad
275     Surprisingly, adding more equivalents of reductant to the system gives a product in which the N-N
276 e species plays the dual role of reagent and reductant to yield [{(eta(5) -C5 H5 )Co}2 {mu:eta(6) ,et
277  conduction-band potential and allows better reductants to be prepared from Zn(1-x)Mg(x)O nanocrystal
278 e reduced by strong chemical and biochemical reductants to Fe(II)-CBS, which can bind carbon monoxide
279 nd its excited state can be quenched by mild reductants to generate a powerful electron transfer reag
280 ith reducing radicals and other one-electron reductants to produce a relatively stable product, the h
281  the presence of tetramethyldisiloxane, as a reductant, to directly generate hemiaminal species able
282                               By employing a reductant, tris(2-carboxyethyl) phosphine hydrochloride
283 cted with ascorbate or N-acetylcysteine as a reductant under aerobic conditions identified d2Ih as th
284 t peroxide-detoxifying system that acts as a reductant under stress conditions.
285 s deperoxidation step via (i) the removal of reductant (use of different base, e.g., DBU) or the modu
286 ntial at pH 7.0 (E degrees 'H) of all of the reductants used in these experiments (AH2DS, CN32, dithi
287 omes (HLMs) is greatly affected by the thiol reductants used.
288 yst, KCl, and ascorbic acid as a sacrificial reductant, using visible light irradiation at 470 +/- 20
289 *W(CNAr)6 complexes are exceptionally strong reductants: [W(CNAr)6](+)/*W(CNAr)6 potentials are more
290 der rate constant k2 = 0.003 min(-1); when a reductant was added, these chlorinated intermediates wer
291 he simultaneous presence of both oxidant and reductant was enabled by phase separation and resulted i
292             Results showed that the obtained reductant was mainly composed of Fe(0) and Cu(0), and ex
293 endergonic ferredoxin reduction with NADH as reductant was possible, but only in the presence of Delt
294 e to the rapid reduction of Cygb by cellular reductants, which greatly increases the rate of consumpt
295 thodology is fast and does not need chemical reductants, which would have an important impact in high
296 ection employs tripropylamine, a sacrificial reductant, while applying 0.95 V vs Ag/AgCl.
297 n reduced coenzyme F420 (F420H2), a stronger reductant with a mid-point redox potential (E'0) of -360
298 at these compounds are reduced by biological reductants with loss of the axial ligands.
299 and nontoxic catalyst (iron(II) bromide) and reductant (zinc).
300                     The use of mild terminal reductants (Zn or Et2 Zn) confers significant functional

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