


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  With GTN, the secondary nitrate was removed reductively 6 times faster than the primary nitrate, wit
2 only constructs of the E. coli PDHc-E1 could reductively acetylate E. coli PDHc-E2.
3 e of PDHc-E2, as reflected by the ability to reductively acetylate the latter; and (2) amino terminal
4 ffect on the ability of the E2p domain to be reductively acetylated but did confer a slight increase
5 the lipoyl-lysine residue could no longer be reductively acetylated by E1p.
6 main significantly reduces its ability to be reductively acetylated by the cognate E1.
7 ihemoprotein oxidoreductase, EC can reductively activate mitomycin antibiotics through a one
8 the wild-type rat enzyme in their ability to reductively activate the cytotoxic drug CB 1954 (5-(azir
9 '-deoxyguanosine adduct (C8-AP-dG) formed by reductively activated 1-nitropyrene (1-NP).
10                                              Reductively activated 1-NP forms a major DNA adduct, N-(
11 athway to the inhibition of transcription by reductively activated adriamycin and daunomycin.
12 toxic potency of MA is MA's propensity to be reductively activated by cellular thiols while MC is res
13                         Mitomycin C (MC) was reductively activated by DT-diaphorase [DTD; NAD(P)H:qui
14                                 The PBIs are reductively activated by DT-diaphorase and alkylate the
15 ings for five of the seven iron sites of the reductively activated E(4) FeMo-co, and given the magnit
16                               We show that a reductively activated pimonidazole metabolite can be ima
17 ed as prototypical members of a new class of reductively activated prodrugs of the duocarmycin and CC
18             Interestingly, MCRPS can also be reductively activated with analogues of CoBSH such as Co
19  show that holomycin, a prototypical DTP, is reductively activated, and reduced holomycin chelates zi
20 oli contains a dinuclear iron cluster, which reductively activates O2 to produce the enzyme's functio
21 f-1), which repairs oxidative DNA damage and reductively activates transcription factors including AP
22 dox factor-1 (Ref-1) repairs damaged DNA and reductively activates transcription factors, including a
23                             R2 is capable of reductively activating O(2) to produce a stable tyrosine
24 ormed in situ such that the ligands could be reductively adsorbed onto glassy carbon electrode surfac
25  dervied from unstable parent aldehydes were reductively alkylated in a direct fashion with a variety
26 ine 6, containing an ester group at C-6, was reductively alkylated to give dihydroindolizines 8 and 9
27 n artifact of acid hydrolysis, proteins were reductively alkylated with formaldehyde to convert ornit
28 n 1e led to aniline derivative 1t, which was reductively alkylated with hexanal and coupled to l-prol
29 vealed that the active site Lys1003 had been reductively alkylated with the aldehyde inhibitor.
30 formation of alpha-ketoisocaproate, which is reductively aminated back to L-leucine by leucine dehydr
31      Acid hydrolysis of 6 gave 11, which was reductively aminated to give (+/-)-narwedine 2.
32 e fragmentation characteristics of N-glycans reductively aminated with 2-aminobenzoic acid and 2-amin
33     The resulting oligosaccharides were then reductively aminated with 2-aminopyridine and the struct
34 re released by treatment with N-glycanase F, reductively aminated with anthranilic acid, and fraction
35     Glutamine-derived alpha-ketoglutarate is reductively carboxylated by the NADPH-linked mitochondri
36  connection with both protease-cleavable and reductively cleavable antibody-drug conjugates that were
37 this reaction by using a [4Fe-4S] cluster to reductively cleave AdoMet to form a transient 5'-deoxyad
38 t) enzyme that uses a [4Fe-4S](+) cluster to reductively cleave AdoMet to methionine and a 5'-deoxyad
39 t several of the mutant enzymes were able to reductively cleave AdoMet, but none were able to produce
40                           Additionally, they reductively cleave ArC-X, ArX-C (X = N or O) and ArC-C b
41 n at 365 nm, they are even more powerful and reductively cleave aryl chlorides.
42 al SAM superfamily, composed of enzymes that reductively cleave S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM or AdoMe
43   SPL utilizes a special [4Fe-4S] cluster to reductively cleave S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) to generat
44 ymes that contain an iron-sulfur cluster and reductively cleave S-adenosylmethionine, forming an enzy
45 cus infernus is a radical SAM enzyme able to reductively cleave SAM to 5'-deoxyadenosine radical and
46  employed dithiothreitol as a cosubstrate to reductively cleave the persulfide intermediate, and it h
47           The ability of professional APC to reductively cleave this peptide modification presumably
48                                This ester is reductively cleaved by a thiol molecule (RSH) such as GS
49 reported as new members of a unique class of reductively cleaved prodrugs of the duocarmycin family o
50  site-differentiated [4Fe-4S] cluster and is reductively cleaved to generate a 5'-deoxyadenosyl radic
51 luster and S-adenosyl-L-methionine, which is reductively cleaved to L-methionine and 5'-deoxyadenosin
52 s 7 upon further reaction with NaTeC6H5 were reductively cleaved to provide 2 equiv of the correspond
53 f the alpha-ester at C16, the ether bond was reductively cleaved with TFA/Et3SiH in high yield.
54 dical S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) enzyme that reductively cleaves S-adenosylmethionine, generating 5'-
55                    However, although viperin reductively cleaves SAM to form 5'-deoxyadenosine in a s
56 yme superfamily in which a [4Fe-4S]+ cluster reductively cleaves SAM to produce the 5'-deoxyadenosyl
57 e thorium-bpy complex (1) that is capable of reductively cleaving the R-NC bond in a series of organi
58 d the precursors to P-clusters, which can be reductively coupled into the mature [Fe(8)S(7)] structur
59 scU homodimer and that these clusters can be reductively coupled to form a single [4Fe-4S] cluster.
60 ns, a variety of aryl and vinyl bromides are reductively coupled with alkyl bromides in high yields.
61 nalogue, (C(5)Me(5))(2)Sm(THF)(2), complex 1 reductively couples CO(2) to form the oxalate-bridged di
62  alpha-diimine chromium dimer [(H)L(iPr)Cr]2 reductively couples cyclohexyl isocyanide to produce var
63 complex, [Cu(I)(tmpa)(MeCN)](+), effectively reductively couples NO(g) at RT in methanol (MeOH), givi
64                                 Benzaldehyde reductively couples to stilbene with 100% selectivity an
65 wild-type Nei and Nei-Q261A mutants could be reductively cross-linked to damaged base-containing DNA.
66 atalyzed Ullmann cross-coupling reaction, is reductively cyclized under conventional conditions to gi
67  dibromoazabicyclo[2.1.1]hexanes 9 have been reductively debrominated to afford the first reported 2-
68 emonstrate that the D. mccartyi strain CBDB1 reductively debrominated two oligocyclic aromatic phenol
69 s ethenogenes is the only bacterium known to reductively dechlorinate the groundwater pollutants, tet
70  prominent groundwater pollutant that can be reductively dechlorinated by mixed anaerobic microbial p
71                                       DDT is reductively dechlorinated to DDD and dehydrochlorinated
72 h high total organic carbon (TOC) and VC was reductively dechlorinated to ethene.
73         This study suggests that PCDD/Fs are reductively dechlorinated to nontoxic non-2,3,7,8 PCDD/F
74  5-chloro-1,2, 4-trihydroxybenzene, which is reductively dechlorinated to produce the common key meta
75  2,6-dichloro-1,4-dihydroxybenzene, which is reductively dechlorinated to yield 2-chloro-1,4-dihydrox
76 of an anaerobic bacterium, strain TCA1, that reductively dechlorinates TCA to 1,1-dichloroethane and
77                                   Strain 11a reductively dechlorinates TCE, 1,1-DCE, cis-DCE, trans-D
78 ccurring Mn(III)-oxalic acid complexes could reductively decompose certain organic compounds in the e
79 3-dimethylimidazol-2-ylidene borane provides reductively decyanated products in good yields.
80 nt this difficulty by allowing the enzyme to reductively dehalogenate CHBr(2)NO(2), thereby generatin
81 nic chain reaction by which the precursor is reductively deiodinated with HI.
82             Since alkanethiolate surfactants reductively desorb at potentials close to the onset of C
83 ylthio-d-xylulose 5-phosphate (MTXu 5-P) and reductively dethiomethylated to 1-deoxy-d-xylulose 5-pho
84         After 300 days, ferric sorbents were reductively dissolved.
85 y = 4'-vinyl-2,2':6',2''-terpyridine) can be reductively electropolymerized on nanocrystalline TiO2 f
86 orizontal lineCH2)(O2CCH3-O,O')](-) (6) that reductively eliminate 1-butene, to form [(CH2CO2-C,O)M(O
87                              These complexes reductively eliminate Ar-X (X = OH, Br, Cl) in water at
88 , reduce some nitrogenase substrates, and/or reductively eliminate H2 to generate reduced iron center
89                       The platinum complexes reductively eliminated biaryl compounds in quantitative
90                                   Compound 2 reductively eliminates benzene upon addition of NCMe at
91 an Ir(V) complex ((carb)PNP)Ir(H)3(Et) which reductively eliminates ethane with a very low barrier to
92             At much slower rates, hydride 20 reductively eliminates free ligand, which ultimately gen
93  of an unprecedented [10-S-4] sulfurane that reductively eliminates to afford a 3,6-dihydrothiazine,
94 oduce a seven-coordinate intermediate, which reductively eliminates to afford product with retention
95 C-H bond of a second styrene molecule before reductively eliminating product.
96                                              Reductively evolved linker sequence lengths in growth ra
97 ligand, is likely obtained from the in situ, reductively generated 16 VE Fe(0) complex, [Fe{((Dipp)C:
98 2) evolution likely occurs by protonation of reductively generated Co(II)H rather than homolysis of t
99                        Thus, addition of the reductively generated trichloromethyl radical to a heme
100 imple triamidoamine uranium(III) complex can reductively homologate CO and be recycled for reuse.
101 at in spheroids, isocitrate/citrate produced reductively in the cytosol could enter the mitochondria
102 lecule that activates the drug metronidazole reductively in the treatment of trichomoniasis.
103 jor groove interactions, while the APBIs are reductively inactivated by this enzyme since only the qu
104 S](2+) and [4Fe-4S](2+) clusters in IscU are reductively labile and are degraded within minutes upon
105 omposition was developed that incorporates a reductively labile cross-linker to achieve activated rel
106 endered transiently insoluble using a novel, reductively labile disulfide-based cross-linker.
107 n originally introduced for formation of the reductively labile prodrug functionality are detailed.
108                                              Reductively metabolized glutamine is a major cellular ca
109 assigning the NMR peaks to the corresponding reductively methylated amine hinders its use.
110                                     However, reductively methylated apoE was unable to inhibit smooth
111           Additional experiments showed that reductively methylated apoE, which is incapable of recep
112 umulation because accumulation occurred with reductively methylated LDL and in the presence of an ant
113 e strategies used to assign the NMR peaks of reductively methylated protein amines.
114 oteins containing covalent cross-link(s) are reductively methylated to convert lysine residues to dim
115 free, ferritin bound (from which iron can be reductively mobilized), or transferrin bound (which gene
116 ed P(C) can be both oxidatively (p-type) and reductively (n-type) doped to a conductive state, wherea
117                     These can be intercepted reductively or with organolithium reagents to produce di
118 avidus metallidurans, a bacterium capable of reductively precipitating toxic, aqueous gold(I/III)-com
119 y)2(dtbbpy)](+)* can be both oxidatively and reductively quenched by Ni4P2 and TEOA, respectively.
120 e about 70 ns, and this excited state can be reductively quenched by triethylamine or 1,4-diazabicycl
121 on collection at Rh in the excited state and reductively quenched state.
122 ain sufficient thioredoxin NADPH activity to reductively reactivate oxidized PTEN and oppose Akt down
123                    The oligoglycosyl alditol reductively released from the least polar pGPL-I was ful
124  the bacterial and mammalian enzymes must be reductively remethylated.
125                       The auxiliaries can be reductively removed or cleaved by nucleophilic acyl subs
126  study implied that Tc(VII) migration can be reductively retarded at Hanford site with a retardation
127 (VII) migration in the diffusion columns was reductively retarded with retardation degrees correlated
128 tress response in low-oxygen environments by reductively scavenging nitric oxide (NO).
129         Here, its catalytic A chain (RTA) is reductively separated from the cell-binding B chain, and
130 appearance of dTDP-hexopyranose-5,6-ene (the reductively stabilized dTDP-4-ketoglucose-5,6-ene), and
131  borohydride, which stopped the reaction and reductively stabilized the intermediates and product.
132 R-group" approach, high molecular weight and reductively stable conjugates were accessible without ex
133                 The Te atomic layer was then reductively stripped from the deposit, leaving the Ge an
134 of producing large amounts of net acetyl-CoA reductively, the cells adapt by reducing their demand fo
135 ecursor is oxidized, decarboxylated and then reductively thiolated to form CoM.
136       The resulting cycloadducts are cleaved reductively to provide azapolycyclic scaffolds with stra
137     Characterization of MRD revealed that it reductively transforms MC into 1,2-cis-1-hydroxy-2,7-dia
138 ic changes allows the mutant IDH1 enzymes to reductively trap alphaKG directly into 2HG, rather than
139  studying the conformational propensities of reductively unfolded RNase A under folding conditions, s
140 s, the protein linkers of prokaryotes evolve reductively whereas those of eukaryotes do not.

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