


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 (-/-) mice, and expression of E-cadherin was reestablished.
2 chimerism, above which immune regulation was reestablished.
3 omic data and named persons can sometimes be reestablished.
4 hibit complementation if silencing cannot be reestablished.
5  onset until proper attachment or tension is reestablished.
6  expression of several misregulated genes is reestablished.
7 lization of the EYFP-RabA4b compartments was reestablished.
8 PVT as long as physiological portal flow was reestablished.
9 the suture model where blood flow is rapidly reestablished.
10 t it is not known how HSC quiescence is then reestablished.
11 ss glucose uptake once energy homeostasis is reestablished.
12 1 promoter demethylation was insufficient to reestablish 15-LOX-1 expression.
13                     Gastric feeding was then reestablished (3 mL/kg/hr) within a median time of 3 hrs
14 he compensatory responses evoked ex utero to reestablish a barrier.
15 formats suggests that it is not necessary to reestablish a baseline viral load when changing AMPLICOR
16 ellular loss from natural causes, migrate to reestablish a confluent monolayer.
17 able to rapidly invade an injured tissue and reestablish a developmental program that is beneficial f
18  withdrawal, a recovery phase was allowed to reestablish a euglycemic state.
19 Further changes in placental morphology that reestablish a larger surface area are also associated wi
20  and eventually extend strands themselves to reestablish a network in the mid-colon.
21  by which organisms are able to reorient, or reestablish a position, in the world after losing their
22 y k81 mutants, the maternal supplies fail to reestablish a protective cap on paternal telomeres, lead
23 ts interaction with the receptor function to reestablish a receptor pool at the site of polarized gro
24 ation from cell cycle arrest and maintain or reestablish a replication-competent state within termina
25 tive breeding program, this finding may help reestablish a species that was thought to have gone exti
26  restored 18:1 levels in HRT ssi2 plants and reestablished a dependence on rrt.
27 sis, and found that glutamatergic modulation reestablished a rhythm in the absence of Math1.
28                 These findings indicate that reestablishing a functional population of hippocampal ne
29                                              Reestablishing a marine mammal component in the condor d
30 fully controls the tumor growth, probably by reestablishing a natural balance between VEGF and semaph
31 fter the first contraction and started to be reestablished after 10.7 +/- 0.9 s, with restoration to
32 insertions, we propose that alignment can be reestablished after a megabase-scale gap in sequence hom
33 ependent on ATP or external cations, and was reestablished after reversal of the glucose gradient.
34 t tissue types is frequently injured and not reestablished after surgical repair.
35 toration of LKB1 function in LKB1-null cells reestablished Akt-mediated FoxO3a phosphorylation.
36 unavailable, a supercharged jejunal flap may reestablish alimentary tract continuity.
37 n C/EBPa mutants with inflammatory cytokines reestablished AML transformation capacity.
38 until susceptibility to adamantanes has been reestablished among circulating influenza A isolates.
39 m, a Wnt inhibitor, are mutually required to reestablish an anterior signaling center that expresses
40 ch SPR-5 and MET-2 function cooperatively to reestablish an epigenetic ground state required for the
41  including potent tumorigenicity, ability to reestablish an epithelial tumor, and enhanced resistance
42  included three positively charged residues, reestablishing an interaction with the CXCR4 extracellul
43 rmonal influence, clinicians should consider reestablishing anabolic stimuli and reducing catabolic s
44 cal for the higher plants in pine barrens to reestablish and grow after the area had been exposed to
45    When the CD8+ cells returned, control was reestablished and the levels of small subsets of previou
46                            Expectations that reestablishing and maintaining sinus rhythm in patients
47 pair K5/14, the keratin filament network was reestablished, and mechanical properties were restored a
48 ance between NMDAR and AMPAR transmission is reestablished, and the LTP magnitude is no longer increa
49 at ectopically restoring 15-LOX-1 expression reestablished apoptosis in Caco-2 cells.
50 d that was not regained when the tumors were reestablished as secondary xenografts.
51  the onset of functional hyperemia by 1-2 s, reestablishing astrocytes as potential regulators of neu
52 es until the original vasculature pattern is reestablished at approximately 35 dpa.
53 totic activity of p80HT and TRAF1 deficiency reestablishes B cell homeostasis in p80HT mice.
54  H3K9, and increases miR34a expression, thus reestablishing BA homeostasis.
55 ng activity are normally targeted but do not reestablish beta(2)-spectrin in ankyrin-B(+/-) cardiomyo
56 gh suppressing inflammation in the liver may reestablish bile acid homeostasis.
57 st that ECFC + MPC delivery could be used to reestablish blood flow in ischemic tissues, and this may
58 s because sprouting of recipient capillaries reestablished blood flow in grafted islets.
59 can rescue irradiated mice from lethality by reestablishing blood cell production.
60 of any of the NPF domains of GFP-FIP2(S227E) reestablished both proteins at the apical junctions.
61 own both by enhanced lymphocyte survival and reestablished BTK activation upon B cell receptor stimul
62  Interestingly, flower specification is also reestablished by augmenting the size of the SAM in pny p
63 ult of long-term allergen exposure, could be reestablished by depleting gammadelta T cells, in partic
64 is indicates that the optical quality can be reestablished by DMEK in patients with failed DSAEK.
65 ever, functional chemoreceptor arrays can be reestablished by increasing cellular levels of CheA and
66                         This must be quickly reestablished by poorly understood cytoskeleton remodeli
67  antiallodynic effect lasted 6 weeks and was reestablished by reinoculation.
68  key cytokine in eosinophil recruitment, was reestablished by replenishment of IL-5.
69  expansion in the presence of gentamicin was reestablished by selection of phenotype-stable SCVs and
70                Complementation of the mutant reestablished Caco-2 invasive phenotype to wild-type lev
71 osphorylation of PLN at Ser-16 and/or Thr-17 reestablishes calcium flux, the regulatory mechanism of
72 ells in which Wnt signaling is appropriately reestablished can differentiate along mature connective
73 tive pathway by which B. fragilis is able to reestablish capsule production and modulate expression o
74  mice restored sensitivity to cell death and reestablished cardiomyopathy.
75 is represents an opportunity to establish or reestablish care with ACHD specialists and to reestablis
76 d shifts in gene and protein expression that reestablish cell cycle checkpoints, halt protein transla
77 ls depleted of E-cadherin failed to properly reestablish cell polarity after junction disassembly.
78 the ER protein folding environment cannot be reestablished, cells commit to apoptosis.
79 ic strategies that restore Nrf2 signaling to reestablish cellular homeostasis in aging and age-relate
80 gram of stress-inducible gene expression, to reestablish cellular homeostasis.
81 paired, if transcription does not restart to reestablish cellular metabolism.
82 ation of CST fibers can be extensive and can reestablish certain specific patterns of SCG connections
83 transmissibility, and in some cases they can reestablish chains of transmission in human populations.
84 irst to use in vivo therapeutic treatment to reestablish cilia in a mammalian ciliopathy.
85 on-EMT cells then enter the blood stream and reestablish colonies in the secondary sites.
86 development of next-generation probiotics to reestablish colonization resistance and eliminate potent
87 are stable throughout the cell cycle and are reestablished concomitantly with DNA replication.
88 the loop nucleotides, metal ion coordination reestablishes conformational homogeneity.
89 jury requires transected axons to regrow and reestablish connection with their original target tissue
90 sted the ability of graft-derived neurons to reestablish connectivity by forming neuronal relays betw
91 eestablish care with ACHD specialists and to reestablish continuing long-term care for their CHD.
92 s rescues nuclear centrin2 sequestration and reestablishes control against centrosome amplification,
93 t with salicylate, a known inhibitor of NLC, reestablishes control cell behavior.
94  humans, do intrahepatic transplanted islets reestablish coordinated puslatile insulin secretion? and
95 as successful in improving visual acuity and reestablishing corneal transparency in mid- to advanced
96 indings indicate that NP12 reduces fibrosis, reestablishes coronary blood flow, and improves ventricu
97 rmalized circulating IGF-I/IGFBP3 levels and reestablished CoSC homeostasis.
98  Modulation of TGF-beta or PTH signaling may reestablish coupled bone remodeling and be a potential t
99 ucleotide binding and hydrolysis and thereby reestablish coupling between GTP binding and eIF5B domai
100 rom host cells is driven by the inability to reestablish CTXvarphi lysogeny while RstC is overexpress
101 m restored ExoS secretion but did not always reestablish cytotoxicity, suggesting that CF strains acc
102 sults suggest compensating mutations in HEWL reestablish desired properties.
103 er the reprogramming activity of oocytes can reestablish developmental pluripotency of malignant canc
104 d a number of gene promoters, are capable of reestablishing DNA methylation and silencing of misregul
105 e of transcription observed in interphase is reestablished during mitotic exit.
106 ecific genome organization that is gradually reestablished during reprogramming.
107 g, whereas a compensatory charge reversal to reestablish electrostatic attraction restored function.
108 that, in nonhuman primates, the pancreas can reestablish endogenous insulin production after chemical
109 ith TNP470, a non-canonical Wnt5a inhibitor, reestablishes endothelial expression of CCN1 and signifi
110                     Restoring Notch activity reestablished enhancer function and EPHB3 expression.
111 atment and restricted RW access successfully reestablished entrained circadian rhythms in mice with S
112                A function of RDR6-RdDM is to reestablish epigenetic silencing of active TEs, but it i
113 itions at bronchial branchpoints, where they reestablish epithelial structure and express neuroendocr
114                                              Reestablishing epithelial integrity and biosynthetic cap
115                                              Reestablishing ERalpha signaling alone was not sufficien
116                                   Failure to reestablish flow in embolized vessels can lead to system
117 replacing the viscous layer of molecules and reestablishing free surface behavior.
118 nsplantation (SCT), T lymphocyte function is reestablished from the donor's postthymic T cells and th
119                 These roles are important in reestablishing function and biodiversity in ecosystem re
120 sue repair and regeneration are essential in reestablishing function.
121 lator mRNA, restore full-length protein, and reestablish functional chloride currents across the plas
122  to both disengage from the interruption and reestablish functional connections associated with the d
123  demonstrates that steroid hormones can help reestablish functional neuronal circuits following degen
124 epair factors, including 53BP1 and BRCA1, to reestablish genome integrity.
125   Restoration is increasingly implemented to reestablish habitat structure and function following phy
126 d prothrombin complex concentrate, FEIBA, to reestablish hemostasis independent of the pharmacologic
127 unction mutation in the fog-2 locus, thereby reestablishing hermaphroditism as the primary means of r
128                                           To reestablish homeostasis and mitigate stress, cells must
129 ent mechanism for forming new crypt units to reestablish homeostasis.
130 tribute to resolve acute inflammation and to reestablish homeostasis.
131 scriptional programs to promote survival and reestablish homeostasis.
132 renin when additional hormone is required to reestablish homeostasis: specific subpopulations of appa
133                                              Reestablishing homeostasis after tissue damage depends o
134 tenuation of N-myc by Huwe1 is essential for reestablishing homeostasis following stress.
135 nagement for chronic postneurotrauma pain by reestablishing homeostasis of sensory circuits.
136 ell-ordered adsorbate layer, it is partially reestablished; however, the molecular orientation and st
137 ion of tau from these lines into naive cells reestablishes identical clones.
138                  Endemic transmission can be reestablished if rates of vaccination fall below the eli
139         However, regular breathing cannot be reestablished if synaptic inhibition is blocked after AI
140 ve function and hippocampal neurogenesis and reestablished IFN-II-dependent choroid plexus activity,
141 nadate and metformin or knocking down PTP-1B reestablishes IFNalpha response.
142 recipients under the "Edmonton protocol." To reestablish II, we performed supplemental islet infusion
143 ever, wild poliovirus (WPV) transmission was reestablished in 2006 continuing through 2011 (last WPV
144 hat the ability to learn and remember can be reestablished in a mouse model of dementia through eithe
145 that after removal of TSA, GFP silencing was reestablished in a subset of cells.
146 ng were reversible as polar localization was reestablished in adapted cells.
147 itory cortex that juvenile plasticity can be reestablished in adulthood if acoustic stimuli are paire
148                     The histone-DNA contacts reestablished in front of pol II stabilize backtracked c
149                Moreover, H3K4me3 levels were reestablished in HAT mutants following loss of JHD2, whi
150 arks are not directly inherited but, rather, reestablished in inheriting progeny.
151 at coordinate pulsatile insulin secretion is reestablished in islet transplant recipients and that gl
152  relationship between Notch and Nodal may be reestablished in melanoma.
153 hloem-specific distribution of the virus was reestablished in the absence of aphid transmission.
154        Knockdown of E2 in immortalized cells reestablishes in a reversible manner the expression of t
155 hat naturally lack the corresponding plasmid reestablished infectivity in mice.
156                                           We reestablished insulin regulation of the alpha-cell by re
157          Hindlimb locomotion was restored by reestablished integrity of submidbrain circuits of serot
158 n and contribution of proliferating cells in reestablishing islet function could provide strategies f
159    After mucosal injury, the epithelium must reestablish its barrier and transport functions for home
160     After the dawn expulsion, the epithelium reestablished its polarity, and the residual symbionts b
161  ryanodine receptors (RyRs) in these neurons reestablished L-LTP and STC.
162 ed plants, however, KNOX1 gene expression is reestablished later in the developing primordia, creatin
163 ability to give rise to leukemia in vivo and reestablished leukemic DNA methylation/gene expression p
164            However, several ncHLI genes have reestablished light-dependent regulation, which appears
165 effective, and minimally invasive method for reestablishing luminal patency.
166 o restore poorly and nonaerated lung tissue, reestablishing lung elastance and oxygenation while avoi
167 rtance, addition of exogenous C24:1 ceramide reestablishes membrane association of aPKC, restores pri
168                                         This reestablished metapopulation is the largest of any nativ
169            Reverting foragers back to nurses reestablished methylation levels for a majority of genes
170                                              Reestablishing microbiota-mediated colonization resistan
171 neously within 5 days, and the SAP6 rescuant reestablished moderate disease severity.
172  natural direct reprogramming to maintain or reestablish multipotency; they acquire an active block t
173 erglades National Park in Florida, USA is to reestablish native wetlands by complete removal of the i
174 toration of normal BDNF signaling could help reestablish normal homeostatic controls.
175 ribosome biogenesis defect, allowing them to reestablish normal levels of ribosome production and cel
176 atic cells with otherwise low levels of ZBP1 reestablished normal patterns of beta-actin mRNA targeti
177 ducing PC1-CTT into cultured Pkd1 null cells reestablishes normal growth rate, suppresses apoptosis,
178 nd stimulation therapy in addiction involves reestablishing normal brain function in target regions i
179       The results of this study confirm that reestablishing normal elastin levels is a logical object
180              How this cysteine is reduced to reestablish 'normal' BiP activity post-oxidative stress
181 ved within 10 hrs, and perioperative warming reestablished normothermia within 1 hr.
182                                              Reestablishing normothermia during anesthesia completely
183 ably, multiple functional CF innervation was reestablished on these mature PCs, simultaneously with t
184 developed into next-generation probiotics to reestablish or enhance colonization resistance.
185 hat with both strategies animals effectively reestablished original breaking points.
186                       If zinc balance is not reestablished, other metabolic adjustments occur to mobi
187     We demonstrate that the motor cortex can reestablish output to the limbs longitudinally.
188 with a control cell in vitro and in vivo and reestablished overload-induced muscle growth.
189  PARP1 from BCL2 in a dose-dependent manner, reestablishing PARP1 activity and DNA repair and promoti
190 can overcome pathogen suppression of PTI and reestablish pathogen resistance through effector-trigger
191                                              Reestablishing perimetric and structural baselines with
192                      Among PVT patients with reestablished physiological portal inflow (PVT: physiolo
193 ells use the planar cell polarity pathway to reestablish polarity and reintegrate daughter cells into
194 planarians, but it is unclear how planarians reestablish polarity signaling centers after injury and
195                This Act has the potential to reestablish primary care as the foundation of U.S. healt
196 ose regimen, baseline timing performance was reestablished prior to the rats' receiving reversal trai
197 e gut microbiome of individual humans can be reestablished, providing opportunities for precise and p
198 ly, covarying nucleotide changes proposed to reestablish pseudoknot pairings do not rescue replicatio
199 ) but that restoring HapR in V. cholerae(Cl) reestablishes QS-dependent repression of exopolysacchari
200 uiescent, SCs causes failure of the cells to reestablish quiescence and allows premature activation.
201  we demonstrate that IFN-1-exposed HSCs with reestablished quiescence are largely protected from the
202 B cell receptor (pre-BCR) expression and for reestablishing quiescence after pre-BCR-induced expansio
203  represents a novel, efficacious strategy to reestablish redox homeostasis and accelerate diabetic cu
204 adenosine receptors as key to the process of reestablishing renal perfusion following ischemic AKI.
205 of Brc1 bypasses a repair defect in smc6-74, reestablishing resolution of lesions by recombination.
206                 This modified CHCHD4 protein reestablished respiratory function in AIF-deficient cell
207  and identifies a novel means by which cells reestablish ROS homeostasis when one of these family mem
208 le plasmid pEPSA5 carrying teg49 was able to reestablish sarA P3 and P2 transcription and augment RNA
209 enic seeds of nondormant mutants tt3 and tt4 reestablished seed dormancy.
210                                              Reestablishing self-tolerance in autoimmunity is thought
211                                      Gliomas reestablish sensitivity to CSF-1R inhibition upon transp
212 he high temperature, but it took >8 hours to reestablish silencing after a shift back to 25 degrees .
213 s15 localization at the lateral membrane and reestablished single-lumen cyst formation in GFP-FIP2(S2
214 unomycin and full intercalation of the drug, reestablishing stacking with the flanking base pairs and
215  Vernal refractoriness to short photoperiods reestablished summer-like methylation of the dio3 promot
216  ERE-independent ERalpha signaling partially reestablishes susceptibility to maternal HFD.
217 ks or more, S-cell axons had regenerated and reestablished synapses at their usual locations with nei
218 cemia improves retinal function but does not reestablish synaptic contacts lost by chronic hypoglycem
219 after spinal transection but by 2 months had reestablished synaptic organization despite continuous s
220 f the CD11b+, CD14- myeloid suppressor cells reestablished T cell proliferation and CD3zeta chain exp
221 transcripts to both trigger and correctively reestablish TE methylation and epigenetic silencing.
222                       Regulatory lymphocytes reestablish the anti-inflammatory potential of beta2-ago
223 ic interdomain interactions were required to reestablish the bifunctional active site.
224 mit the activity of the elevator muscles and reestablish the depth of the vestibule.
225                                           To reestablish the epithelial barrier, the epithelium must
226 d approximately 30 min washout was needed to reestablish the initial gating properties.
227              Our findings stress the need to reestablish the integrated functions of the CS system at
228 sted that the compensatory G88R change could reestablish the integrity of the M1 layer through new sa
229 ty to localize to the kinetochore and cannot reestablish the mitotic checkpoint in hMps1-depleted cel
230 nonsaturating levels, collaborate to rapidly reestablish the nuclear compartment at the end of mitosi
231 reinforcement were assessed in an attempt to reestablish the original preinactivation breaking point.
232 anic osmolytes in the direction necessary to reestablish the osmotic equilibrium.
233   Lines derived from mutant aubergine stocks reestablish the P cytotype quickly, unlike lines derived
234                  This study was performed to reestablish the quality control ranges for telavancin wh
235                         The objective was to reestablish the relations between food cost, energy, and
236 lly confirm the lipid raft hypothesis and to reestablish the scientific credibility of this area.
237 nd a circadian-regulated kinase inhibitor to reestablish the sensitivity of breast tumors to tamoxife
238 vels, and systemic CORT antagonist injection reestablished the age-appropriate odor-preference learni
239 high frequency and that plasmid transmission reestablished the capacity for intracellular growth in m
240 ss "stored" growth such that once turgor was reestablished the cells elongated to the length that the
241                 Furthermore, these compounds reestablished the enhancement of CREB phosphorylation oc
242  colibactin gene function by complementation reestablished the fully virulent phenotype.
243 s short (724 ps), and electron back-transfer reestablished the ground state of the system within 1 ns
244    Spinal transections of post-switch larvae reestablished the immature locomotor pattern, which was
245 oration of the balance between PI3K and PTEN reestablished the inhibitory effect of PGE(2) on fibrobl
246                                   FAK rescue reestablished the mesenchymal characteristics of FAK-nul
247 G(102)G(103)-to-G(102)A(103) reversion alone reestablished the neurovirulent phenotype.
248 eased their activation of Smad2/3, which (i) reestablished the physiologic balance between canonical
249                                      We then reestablished the physiological receptive field dimensio
250 ent at the Permian-Triassic boundary largely reestablished the preextinction structure of marine trop
251                         Recent findings have reestablished the role of chronic vasoconstriction in th
252 sfer of CD4(+)CD25(-) regulatory lymphocytes reestablishes the anti-inflammatory potential of the vag
253  VTA dopamine neurons, while PDE4 inhibition reestablishes the balance between excitation and inhibit
254  Then, VWM encodes the novel information and reestablishes the correspondence between the new represe
255 expressing islet-like cell aggregates, which reestablishes the epithelial character typical of islet
256 us 8 to the inner ear of newborn mutant mice reestablishes the expression and targeting of the protei
257 tein, and hydrolysis of the phosphoryl group reestablishes the inactive state.
258 (coalescence), after which neutral evolution reestablishes the province and the patterns reorganize.
259 oteasomal degradation of GADD34 protein then reestablishes the sensitivity of cells to subsequent bou
260 ue to fight this retroviral infection, as it reestablishes the Th1/Th2 balance.
261  latrunculin A, mutant cells were delayed in reestablishing the actin cytoskeleton.
262 neration of Prxs containing Cys-SO(2)H, thus reestablishing the antioxidant firewall.
263                                   Therefore, reestablishing the association between these two domains
264 to validate these findings experimentally by reestablishing the catalytic activity of allosterically
265 ctron density of the pair to prevent it from reestablishing the dative bond.
266 elial RhoGDI-1 function may be beneficial in reestablishing the endothelial barrier and lung fluid ba
267 ses the expression of the Nodal antagonists, reestablishing the equilibrium.
268 sed the DAMGO-mediated potentiation, thereby reestablishing the inhibitory effects of opioids on GABA
269                                              Reestablishing the joint surface, improving the blood su
270 esting that sleep might play a major role in reestablishing the neuronal membrane homeostasis.
271 on of the normal olfactory epithelium and in reestablishing the neuronal population during regenerati
272 mmune diseases and to develop strategies for reestablishing the normal balance between effector and r
273 s own detached axon segment, thereby rapidly reestablishing the original axonal tract.
274 in concentration leads to the first steps in reestablishing the shoot stem cell niche in vitro.
275 aphorin-7a in ERF-overexpressing EpRas cells reestablished their ability to undergo EMT.
276 w that overexpression of ZBP1 in these cells reestablishes their ability to secrete interferon in res
277                    During mitotic exit, they reestablish these adhesions and at the same time physica
278 ell transplantation or stimulation, focus on reestablishing these circuits through multiple mechanism
279                 The S107 molecule is able to reestablish this binding resulting in improved muscle fu
280  probably reflects the energetic penalty for reestablishing this site for productive coenzyme binding
281 ed mixed chimerism reversed autoimmunity and reestablished thymic negative selection of autoreactive
282  dox extinguished BRAF(V600E) expression and reestablished thyroid follicular architecture and normal
283 ntional resuscitation fluids are designed to reestablish tissue perfusion, but they fail to prevent l
284 , which diminishes the size of the wound and reestablishes tissue integrity.
285 e transcriptionally active NF-kappaB p65 and reestablishes TNF-alpha mRNA levels.
286                                  SGT was not reestablished to its preoperative dimensions by the end
287 ietic cell transplantation has been shown to reestablish tolerance in both prediabetic and diabetic N
288 tively target mSin3A to tumor marker AFP and reestablish transcription repression.
289                                 Furthermore, reestablished TrkC expression in colorectal cancer cell
290 anercept) was interrupted, but remission was reestablished upon reinstitution of therapy.
291  MIC ranges for quality control strains were reestablished using media supplemented with a surfactant
292       Inhibiting glucose exit with phloretin reestablishes vestibular hypertonicity, as it reequilibr
293 xposed to anoxic conditions, the n-damo zone reestablished well below the sediment surface, completel
294                                Once the AMOC reestablished, wetter conditions developed north of the
295 high-reward (3 pellet) lever was selectively reestablished when GPR88 expression was restored to the
296 l corticostriatal modulation by dopamine was reestablished with a GABAA receptor antagonist.
297 NGFI-A was decreased in Fgf2 KO mice and was reestablished with FGF2 treatment.
298 ver, replication competency was surprisingly reestablished with one further truncation, corresponding
299     These parameters of Foxo3 regulation are reestablished with the completion of liver growth and re
300 pparently ceased in the 3 AFR countries with reestablished WPV transmission-Angola, the Democratic Re

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