


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ons at heightened risk of widespread vaccine refusal.
2 were lack of clinical indication and patient refusal.
3 cause of medical contraindication or patient refusal.
4 31% because of excessive toxicity or patient refusal.
5  principles of informed consent and informed refusal.
6 rove patient well-being and reduce treatment refusal.
7 ce of pretreatment attrition was participant refusal.
8 eased odds (OR = 0.38, P = .0385) of surgery refusal.
9 monly cited reason for vaccine hesitancy and refusal.
10 cluded because of either medical problems or refusal.
11 d linkage system a median of 3.9 years after refusal.
12 ogression, unacceptable toxicity, or patient refusal.
13 verse effects, concomitant disease, or study refusal.
14 od of mutism, immobility, and food and fluid refusal.
15 ican-American ethnicity were associated with refusal.
16 ly receiving recommended therapy by having a refusal (0% to 14%) or contraindication (1% to 30%) docu
17 itial presentation to healthcare, with fewer refusals (11.4% [95% confidence interval {CI}, 5.3%-17.5
18 ns for failure to randomize included patient refusal (12 patients), early progression or death on ind
19 ly (cisplatin because of toxicity or patient refusal [17%], and paclitaxel because of progression [20
20 ons for ENE were no consent (42%), physician refusal (24%), missed randomization window (15%), and cu
21  providing adjuvant therapy included patient refusal (30% for chemotherapy, 22% for radiation therapy
22  it was recommended or discussed was patient refusal (54 of 74, 73%).
23 ating included absenteeism (6.3%) and parent refusal (6.7%).
24 asons for failed enrollment included patient refusal (88%) and failed eligibility (12%).
25 48%) were not vaccinated because of traveler refusal, 966 (28%) because of provider decision, and 822
26 tributing to this shortage is a high rate of refusal among families who are asked for permission to r
27 essity may cause increasing rates of vaccine refusal among some parents, but clear messages from prov
28 aphic method to examine the reasons for such refusal among women who are homeless and psychiatrically
29 itive for heroin (with additional 9.5% urine refusal and 14.0% incarceration, for whom urinalyses wer
30 for advanced age, acquired comorbidities, or refusal and 30 (22%) with recurrence beyond MC.
31  because there is no evidence supporting the refusal and because many of these organs were transplant
32 sal codes were used to place recipients into refusal and nonrefusal groups; demographics, morbidity a
33 s for lack of random assignment were patient refusal and relapse.
34 rstanding of the association between vaccine refusal and the epidemiology of these diseases is needed
35                                              Refusal and toxicity were the main reasons for never sta
36 es might prevent the relatives' regret about refusal and unnecessary loss of organs.
37 ed, and data were collected on the length of refusal and whether the refusal episode was terminated v
38                                              Refusals and contraindications are common and may accoun
39 nts did not undergo surgery (noncandidacy or refusal) and one patient had had a prior aortic valve re
40  sharing, contributing to vaccine hesitancy, refusals, and disease outbreaks.
41 substitute decision makers (SDMs), physician refusals, and protocols prohibiting coenrollment.
42 lace; families might have evidence regarding refusal; and failure to permit overrules could weaken tr
43 luate their decision differently: in case of refusal, approximately one third regret their decision,
44 unization requirements (a measure of vaccine refusal) are at increased risk for measles and pertussis
45                       It concludes that such refusals arise not only from a lack of insight but also
46  found conflicting results regarding patient refusals as a source of racial variation.
47 , affected by diarrhea, weight loss and food refusal, as expected.
48 f the 200 parents had given valid consent or refusal but the remainder had problems in one or more of
49                     All states sanction such refusal by competent patients, and most states allow sur
50 e organ procurement organization resulted in refusal by multiple centers.
51 uency of use of the four roles, and frequent refusal by physicians to provide treatment recommendatio
52 d recommends that clinicians address vaccine refusal by respectfully listening to parental concerns a
53                                      Vaccine refusal can lead to renewed outbreaks of previously elim
54 e negative sequelae of in-hospital treatment refusal cannot be eliminated by rapid treatment.
55                                Specific UNOS refusal codes were used to place recipients into refusal
56                     We combined the costs of refusals, confirmatory tests, punishment of confirmed po
57 s necessitates constant reappraisal of donor refusal criteria.
58 ight-to-die cases extends ordinary treatment refusal doctrine to end-of-life decisions.
59 ted on the length of refusal and whether the refusal episode was terminated voluntarily or involuntar
60                                              Refusal episodes were brief, on average 2.8 days, and al
61           Criteria for patient selection and refusal for liver transplantation are being established
62  Injunctive social norms can prevent vaccine refusal, if vaccine acceptance is sufficiently high in t
63 ents feeling "too ill" in 8 (16.7%), patient refusal in 8 (16.7%), and internet connectivity problems
64                         Risk factors for ICU refusal in patients considered "too ill/old" were advanc
65                         Risk factors for ICU refusal in patients considered "too well" were advanced
66 rns about donor quality were the reasons for refusal in the majority of cases.
67  There is evidence of an increase in vaccine refusal in the United States and of geographic clusterin
68 dy districts had a history of persistent OPV refusals in previous campaigns.
69 tistics were used to test for differences in refusal/ineligibility by race and site at 4 screening po
70 igned to rIL-2 never initiated it because of refusal, intercurrent medical problems, or relapse, and
71 , and 14 were not treated because of patient refusal (n = 13) or death (n = 1).
72 , an early recurrence (n = 6), and patient's refusal (n = 2).
73 , concern for xerostomia (n = 4), or patient refusal (n = 2).
74 ); decreased hemoglobin level (n=2); patient refusal (n=2); and arthralgia, rash, and malaise (n=1 ea
75 us nurse navigation to testing completion or refusal ("navigated").
76  engagement of such functions when observing refusal of altruism from a genetic sister.
77                     The authors examined the refusal of antipsychotic medications and associated outc
78         Because of Jehovah's Witnesses' (JW) refusal of blood products, treatment challenges arise.
79        Advance directive statements included refusal of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), nutritio
80 clusion criteria: death, severe comorbidity, refusal of care, advanced age (>/=80 years), or prior ma
81 alues, and, finally, responding to patients' refusal of care.
82         The main outcome measure was patient refusal of fellow eye surgery for glaucoma.
83                                              Refusal of fellow eye surgery was not uncommonly encount
84                                    Voluntary refusal of food and fluids has been proposed as an alter
85 who deliberately hastened death by voluntary refusal of food and fluids.
86 thors have recommended terminal sedation and refusal of hydration and nutrition as important, morally
87 per presents terminal sedation and voluntary refusal of hydration and nutrition as potential last res
88 us ways that the terms terminal sedation and refusal of hydration and nutrition have been used in the
89 al problems, terminal sedation and voluntary refusal of hydration and nutrition substantially increas
90 the issues surrounding terminal sedation and refusal of hydration and nutrition, a complexity that ha
91 , it was effectively shut down following the refusal of journals to accept articles that had been cir
92 the criteria leading to a DKT and the common refusal of kidneys that are judged too marginal.
93 stimates of glomerulosclerosis can result in refusal of kidneys that might be suitable for transplant
94  how this practice resembles or differs from refusal of life-sustaining treatment.
95  The approach does, however, justify patient refusal of oral intake in specific circumstances.
96 Eradication Initiative program is persistent refusal of oral polio vaccine (OPV) and harassment of va
97 onance imaging, a movie was shown, depicting refusal of organ donation between two sisters, with subj
98  by concerns about organ quality, leading to refusal of potential donor organ offers.
99 er Report 2004) supports precluding parental refusal of resuscitation before birth.
100             Recent advances in perioperative refusal of resuscitation center on goal-directed orders.
101 ession before radiation therapy [RT], n = 9; refusal of surgery or RT, n = 5; extrapleural pneumonect
102  of respondents answered correctly regarding refusal of treatment, 46% for withdrawal of treatment, 2
103 lid distinction between assisted suicide and refusal of treatment.
104                       In response to patient refusals of beneficial treatments, physicians report the
105 netheless, treatment was stopped for patient refusal or toxicity just as often while patients were re
106 or comorbidity; race was not associated with refusals or contraindications to other treatments.
107 of illness, lack/unavailability of siblings, refusal, or, primarily, unclear reasons (21 patients).
108  medical charts to determine whether patient refusal, outside care, or other justifiable exceptions t
109 ost-generating events were the punishment of refusals--over one third of cost a)--and testing positiv
110                       Chart review of missed/refusal patients created a truly consecutive case series
111 es included donor characteristics, number of refusals per organ, and proportion of different refusal
112 yses, LMPT infants were at increased risk of refusal/picky eating (RR: 1.53; 95% CI: 1.03, 2.25) and
113 ire to assess eating behaviors in 4 domains: refusal/picky eating, oral motor problems, oral hypersen
114 may stop releasing pheromones, assume a mate refusal posture, or move less in response to males.
115 dred and nineteen interviews were completed (refusal rate 24%).
116  considered the reasons for the high vaccine refusal rate along with risk factors for a given local g
117                                              Refusal rate increased with increasing patient age (18-4
118 ve in an establishment for 500 inmates where refusal rate is a) 10% or b) nil; and 35% of urine sampl
119 ality and intubation rates were similar, but refusal rate was lower, reduction in respiratory rate wa
120 e tumors was confirmed, but the high patient refusal rate, lower than expected event rate, and failur
121                                              Refusal rates, kappa coefficients, and intraclass correl
122                                Although high refusal rates, low OPV campaign awareness, and heterogen
123  approach all MSM in each venue and recorded refusal rates.
124                                         Many refusal reasons are not plausible, because there is no e
125 usals per organ, and proportion of different refusal reasons in the whole sample and subgroups.
126                      Seventy-five percent of refusal reasons were donor related (e.g., "lab results",
127 status and chronic disorder, and the initial refusal receiver operating characteristics were area und
128 ength-training alternatives to AAS use, drug refusal role play, and anti-AAS media messages.
129                                  The initial refusal score and final triage score provide objective d
130                                  The initial refusal score included age, diagnosis, systolic blood pr
131                        Patients with initial refusal scores >173.5 or final triage scores = 0 should
132 e adverse consequences of AAS, improved drug refusal skills, less belief in AAS-promoting media messa
133 tinuation because of toxicity and/or patient refusal than megestrol acetate (36% v 25%; P =.03).
134 nited States and of geographic clustering of refusals that results in outbreaks.
135  health behaviors - such as vaccination, and refusal thereof - can spread across social networks thro
136  access may be limited owing to psychiatrist refusal to accept insurance.
137 e main reason for participant withdrawal was refusal to continue.
138 stance from the cancer center (13%), patient refusal to disclose reason (11%), and insurance denial (
139 erious adverse event, a high temperature and refusal to feed after the first vaccination visit in a c
140  3), florid alcoholic hepatitis (n = 6), and refusal to give consent (n = 5).
141 e, assessment rules which positively judge a refusal to help bad people produce a poor correlation be
142 f assessment rules which positively judges a refusal to help scofflaws cannot invade a population of
143 s conditions, and tightly linked to explicit refusal to help.
144 Mental Disorders Volume 4 (DSM IV), as one's refusal to maintain a body weight that is above the calc
145 such male counterattacks are associated with refusal to mate with the aggressive females.
146       A strong correlation was found between refusal to participate in the inspection and failure rat
147 and ivacaftor arm due to withdrawal based on refusal to provide blood tests) and were not included in
148 he impact of donor age and ICU stay on organ refusal varied substantially: organs were refused due to
149                    The phenomenon of vaccine refusal was associated with an increased risk for measle
150               Nonvaccination due to traveler refusal was most frequent in the South (1432 travelers [
151                                        Prior refusal was not an independent risk factor for recipient
152 o waning immunity and other factors, vaccine refusal was still associated with an increased risk for
153             In 1 out of 4 respondents (25%), refusal was the main reason their child was not vaccinat
154                           Stated reasons for refusal were qualitatively quantified.

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