


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ditional investigations to either confirm or refute.
2 ment effects that are difficult to detect or refute.
3                  Here, these suggestions are refuted.
4 epair gene polymorphisms can be validated or refuted.
5 tions to separation of the two issues can be refuted.
6  originated, was perpetuated, and eventually refuted.
7 uss how the hypothesis could be confirmed or refuted.
8 y with which outbreaks could be confirmed or refuted.
9   BALANCE could neither reliably confirm nor refute a benefit of combination therapy compared with li
10                                   These data refute a cause-and-effect relationship between enhanced
11 rance and summarize the data that support or refute a CD4 regulatory mechanism.
12  not necessary but may be used to confirm or refute a conflicting history and test result.
13  Lp-PLA2 inhibitors are needed to confirm or refute a contributory role for Lp-PLA2 in CHD.
14     This fluidity also makes it difficult to refute a country's denial of poaching problems.
15             Current data neither confirm nor refute a definitive cancer-preventive role of green tea
16                        Furthermore, our data refute a mitochondrial origin of the animal tRNA nucleot
17                   Taken together, these data refute a model in which the chains of the ligands intera
18                             The data clearly refute a parallel model but support two antiparallel mod
19                          These data strongly refute a parent-of-origin effect for 1p deletions in NB
20                                  Our results refute a previous claim that all proposals had nearly id
21 gAMA1 cleavage plays a role in invasion, but refute a recently proposed model in which parasite repli
22                            Together our data refute a role for CAVEOLIN-1 as a breast tumour suppress
23 ls/L, evidence is insufficient to support or refute a survival benefit conferred by early versus dela
24 uid overload avoidance trials may confirm or refute a true fluid overload-outcome causative associati
25                                 Our analysis refutes a 5.0-10.0% relative increase in the risk of can
26 e the companion piece in this issue of PNAS) refutes a recent model of Olmec "one-way" trade.
27     However, evidence that both supports and refutes a role for NO in functional hyperemia have been
28 halose, a sugar not present in mammals, thus refuting a role in nutrient acquisition from the host.
29  studies remain consistent with, rather than refute, a role for C-terminal phosphorylation in regulat
30 may be of value for confirming, and possibly refuting, a clinical diagnosis of CNS Whipple's disease
31 andertals and modern human ancestors, and it refutes alternative scenarios of a relatively recent or
32 h the mid-membrane SRII-HtrII interface, and refuting alternative models that propose signal relay in
33                                These results refute an essential underlying assumption of the dogma a
34                                   These data refute an origin of chondrules in protoplanetary collisi
35 derpowered pooled data, neither supports nor refutes an association of systemic antibiotic therapy wi
36 on that is based on approximation for delay, refuting an explicit delayed-state representation.
37 sis of acute rejection could be supported or refuted, and predictors of citrulline levels posttranspl
38 eliminary drug metabolites were confirmed or refuted, based on accurate mass.
39  existence of stem-cell plasticity have been refuted because stem cells have been shown to adopt the
40  Fortunately, such claims are starting to be refuted by a diverse set of global cancer partnerships a
41 h as N-formylated tripeptides, have all been refuted by recent biochemical and structural results.
42 ng electrons to adventitious iron on DNA was refuted by recent studies in Escherichia coli.
43 ntity distributed over all items seems to be refuted by the appearance of guessing in human responses
44 t in the transcriptional repression of AR is refuted by the finding that small interfering RNA knockd
45                                     Although refuted by the findings of a subsequent study, a substud
46 ntrast, analysis of alanine racemase clearly refutes claims that global analysis of progress curves c
47                                   This study refutes claims that indexical or referential pointing is
48 ich were then genome sequenced to confirm or refute commonality.
49 ainst HIV than in placebo-controlled trials, refuting concerns that effectiveness would be less in a
50   As scholars have rushed to either prove or refute cultural group selection (CGS), the debate lacks
51 ity occurred at microgeographical scales and refute currently accepted ecological and taxonomic parad
52                        Experimental evidence refuting Dale's principle, the notion that each neuron s
53 ismatches and supply evidence to support and refute different models proposed for initiation steps in
54 ackling long-standing problems in science or refuting dogma is not necessarily the best strategy for
55                 Taken together, our findings refute earlier proposals that STK33 inhibition may be a
56                The present biochemical study refutes earlier claims that no reaction between dirhodiu
57  occurs in leeches with severed nerve cords, refuting earlier conclusions that sensory feedback canno
58 ryocytes in the c-myb(-/-) foetal liver also refute early suggestions that megakaryopoiesis is unaffe
59 s to Cnidaria, whereas LSU data alone do not refute either hypothesis.
60 parently wet, warm conditions at 7,300 yr BP refutes emigration to avoid xeric conditions.
61 domised controlled trials in cardiac surgery refutes findings from observational studies that liberal
62 ion for the Chatelperron stratigraphy can be refuted from many different aspects of the stratigraphic
63 s witnessed hundreds of reports declaring or refuting genetic association with putative Alzheimer dis
64 mine the available evidence that supports or refutes goal-directed therapy toward supranormal oxygen
65  (WGS) has typically been used to confirm or refute hospital/ward outbreaks of methicillin-resistant
66  extend back into the Miocene epoch, thereby refuting hypotheses that they are a recent radiation fir
67               Positive initial findings were refuted in 24 cases.
68 tudies, that of a proton-shuttle pathway, is refuted in favor of a simple but computationally intract
69 ll-cell adhesion has been both supported and refuted in recent conflicting publications.
70 ished using pharmacological methods has been refuted in recent genetic studies.
71   Yet, our ability to use counterexamples to refute invalid inferences provides a foundation for rati
72 port this belief and recent experiments that refute it are discussed.
73 ation using mitochondrial markers, let alone refute it.
74 troversial, and recent studies claim to have refuted it.
75 en ZAL2(m) chromosomes inside the inversion, refuting its potential status as a non-recombining autos
76 ested similar origins for European Jewry and refuted large-scale genetic contributions of Central and
77 ondition learned defensive behavior, further refuting long-standing claims that the hypothalamus is u
78 r ADHD to include subcortical structures and refute medication effects on brain volume suggested by e
79 t small Hsps bind Igs with high affinity and refute much of the serological data used to assign alpha
80                                  Rather than refute multistate kinetics, the presence of the inflecti
81 vergent in 18S rRNA trees, the trees neither refute nor support the monophyly of Apusozoa.
82 gh this incomplete study cannot conclusively refute or support the safety of exogenous estrogen with
83 EHR, these putative interactions were either refuted or corroborated.
84 does not explain regional odour differences, refuting other potential explanations such as group odou
85 ied some implicated risk factors for TMD and refuted others, redirecting our thinking.
86 are no such universals, and invite others to refute our claim by providing a list of some universals
87 n other populations are needed to confirm or refute our findings.
88 ge-related cataract are needed to confirm or refute our findings.
89         A recent manuscript by Torres et al. refutes our prior work.
90 ect would be expected among young rural men, refuting our a priori hypothesis that urban populations
91 dividuals than in the young, comprehensively refuting our hypothesis that amino acid availability lim
92 scriminatory power to confidently confirm or refute outbreaks in hospital and community settings.
93 re as fast or faster than the native extein, refuting past assumptions that the naturally selected fl
94            An expert panel then validated or refuted potential indicators utilizing a proven methodol
95      This study was undertaken to confirm or refute previous reports that link bipolar affective diso
96 0, our red-backed voles expressed serine and refute previous suggestions that a serine in this positi
97 ts with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, which refutes previous findings from subgroup analyses of surv
98 ated oil concentrations down to 300 ppb oil, refuting previous reports.
99                                              Refuting previous theory, however, we discovered that ho
100 d power to detect novel loci, may confirm or refute regions detected in smaller individual studies, a
101                      This study confirms and refutes some previous hypotheses about biochemical and m
102                                These results refute specific predictions of the prevailing hypothesis
103                        All 3 hypotheses were refuted, suggesting that females use a more complex mech
104 sequencing (WGS) could be used to support or refute suspected links between cases and hospitals.
105                WGS can be used to support or refute suspected links between hospitals and Legionnaire
106  to the conclusion that we cannot confirm or refute that instability induction by radiation is involv
107 he evidence does not conclusively support or refute that omega-3 LCPUFA supplementation in pregnancy
108                      Nevertheless, we cannot refute that the small group of patients who received add
109 brane leakage, but other experiments seem to refute that.
110                       This could potentially refute the "failing" grade that is the hallmark of the H
111 on depth but no clear evidence to support or refute the 2010 recommendations of >50 mm.
112 cohort studies have been used in attempts to refute the alleged causal link between SV40 and human ca
113 ller long-term effective population size but refute the anthropocentric view that a grand enhancement
114 sually occurring without facts to support or refute the arguments.
115     Further studies are needed to confirm or refute the association of the Q allele with adverse card
116 icronutrient deficiencies or to recommend or refute the benefit of providing micronutrient supplement
117 gies, independently as well as collectively, refute the claim that a NOS isoform exists within rat li
118         The existence of this state seems to refute the common belief that a flag is always unstable
119                                           To refute the common misperceptions, we reviewed our 4-year
120                                These results refute the commonality of emotional expression across ma
121                                   These data refute the concept that macrophages are dominantly clear
122                   Taken together, these data refute the concept that ongoing HIV replication is commo
123 eatures of oculopalatal tremor and plausibly refute the confounding experimental results.
124                                     The data refute the contention that CI contributes to impaired ex
125 pidly, better studies are needed to prove or refute the contention that managed care has a significan
126 able, objective tests to either establish or refute the diagnosis have become a standard of care.
127 namic assessments to definitively confirm or refute the diagnosis of HFpEF.
128                      These findings directly refute the dogma that TSPO is indispensable for steroid
129                         Together, these data refute the dominant model that Syt IV functions as an in
130        There were limited data to support or refute the effectiveness of disease management programs
131  data are insufficient to clearly support or refute the effectiveness of substitution with NNS as a m
132 pal component and pairwise distance analyses refute the Evans North African hypothesis.
133 , further studies are required to confirm or refute the existence of any moderate associations, parti
134                                     Our data refute the existence of healthy obese phenotypes because
135    Larger cohorts are required to confirm or refute the findings.
136                                These results refute the former hypothesis that the ancient Maya respo
137                                  Our results refute the general validity of the infinite sites assump
138                                 Our findings refute the hypothesis of extensive O-linked N-acetylgluc
139              These experiments unambiguously refute the hypothesis of quaternary enhancement and indi
140 ptible to immune suppression by WT Tregs and refute the hypothesis that B7-CTLA-4 interaction between
141                                 Our findings refute the hypothesis that CPE sequences alone account f
142                                These results refute the hypothesis that general patterns of synaptic
143 ries of complementary analyses to confirm or refute the hypothesis that Iha is a virulence factor in
144                                  Our results refute the hypothesis that men's attraction to red is li
145  results contradict previous conclusions and refute the hypothesis that NKT cell defects underlie mos
146 ogenicity but cannot conclusively confirm or refute the hypothesis that TFE is carcinogenic to humans
147 primary visual cortex would be sufficient to refute the hypothesis that the primary visual cortex and
148                                   These data refute the hypothesis that transient lower esophageal sp
149  evidence still cannot definitively prove or refute the hypothesis.
150                             The results also refute the idea that benzodiazepine-induced phase shifts
151 dea that insect wings evolved from limbs but refute the idea that insect and crustacean jaws are fund
152  non-synaptic, with every dendritic spine we refute the idea that physical proximity is sufficient to
153 d to either reliably confirm or conclusively refute the initial hypothesis regarding the role of CAPN
154 ur observations provide succinct evidence to refute the long-standing dogma of interplastid connectiv
155 onic message with an invitation to affirm or refute the message, add comments, and submit an automate
156                                   These data refute the necessity of DA for the reward processes mani
157  wild type DCCD sensitivity in E229Q mutants refute the notion that Glu229 is the residue whose coval
158 cases, but compelling evidence to support or refute the pathogenicity of this variant is lacking.
159                  Little data substantiate or refute the perceived high trauma malpractice risk.
160                            These data do not refute the potential importance of indirect allorecognit
161                            These differences refute the prevailing hypothesis that similarities betwe
162  Do such "flip-flop" associations confirm or refute the previous association findings?
163                                   These data refute the previous assumption that recombination is pro
164                             Our results also refute the previous hypothesis that dynamin-independent
165 ical assumptions are misinformed, failing to refute the previously existing hypothesis that human-lik
166      This study was performed to validate or refute the prognostic value of the previously defined ca
167         A protocol is suggested to establish/refute the proposition that two fibers--one of which is
168                           This enabled us to refute the recently proposed theory that PKA catalytic s
169 and a summary of existing data to support or refute the relationship between the processes of care pr
170                        To further confirm or refute the relevance of our findings in vivo, we next ex
171                       In order to confirm or refute the relevance of these in vitro studies, we next
172    While these results, when taken together, refute the simple notion that these three "classic" myos
173 r scan was likely to show new findings or to refute the sonographer's findings.
174 uld be seen as a decision tool to support or refute the start of a large-scale M&M trial on drugs tar
175                     Together, these findings refute the suggestion that high-spatial frequencies are
176                          Overall, these data refute the suggestion that MIF is required for the CR ef
177 ersonhood, and science can neither prove nor refute the teaching of those religions that consider the
178                                   These data refute the tenet that the cornea is immune privileged du
179                               Do they really refute the traditional view that the ability to discrimi
180 , and acetonitrile halides (X = F(-), Cl(-)) refute the traditional view that the acceleration of SN2
181 h our results cannot conclusively confirm or refute the utility of intracranial pressure monitoring i
182                                           We refute the view of the local population as a relevant de
183                              The experiments refuted the idea that chirality of the iron complex affe
184                               This discovery refuted the intermediacy of 3 and bridged the missing li
185                                  Our results refuted the need for spatial expansion of the core feedb
186  mammals from differentiated donor cells has refuted the old dogma that development is an irreversibl
187 ot overlap the absorbance spectrum of FeEnt, refuted the possibility that the fluorescence quenching
188 eatures, such as Golgi and mitochondria, has refuted the proposal that its emergence from the eukaryo
189  state of protein kinase B and p38, our data refuted the role of these two signaling kinases in FTY72
190 ation caused by natural selection indirectly refutes the allopatric alternative.
191 k of CAD in white populations, which further refutes the causal relevance of moderately elevated tHcy
192  new paradigm of forest loss in Amazonia and refutes the claim that agricultural intensification does
193 ive drift in evolution on a molecular level, refutes the debated activity/stability trade-off, and su
194 ion locally within the retina, a notion that refutes the dogma that RGCs only provide physiological s
195 lation-based cohort study in the Netherlands refutes the finding from a previous report that suggests
196 nflux of carbon dioxide to the surface water refutes the hypothesis that COP seep methane appreciably
197                                         This refutes the hypothesis that such fossil microbodies coul
198 tromeres to the same underlying DNA sequence refutes the idea of a DNA sequence based neocentromere '
199 of pyruvate oxidation in the septic patients refutes the notion of a sepsis-induced impairment in pyr
200  microscopy, we provide direct evidence that refutes the notion that acute myocardial dysfunction by
201 of pmrH and pagP expression in the intestine refutes the paradigm of PhoP/PhoQ and PmrA/PmrB in vivo
202                                         This refutes the prevailing view that horsetails and ferns ar
203 rongly supports a 7TM topology for hASBT and refutes the previously proposed 9TM model.
204 s concordant with other insular endemics and refutes the relictural nature of woody Sonchus in the Ma
205                              This study also refutes the second messenger role of D-myo-inositol 1,3,
206 from a single germ layer, the endoderm, thus refuting the 'dual-origin' model of thymic epithelial on
207  review examines the evidence supporting and refuting the canonical hypothesis and highlights recentl
208 logs, supporting the ortholog conjecture and refuting the cellular context hypothesis for gene expres
209 horylated tau-induced MT formation in vitro, refuting the commonly accepted model in which Pin1 bindi
210 n large marine protected areas than outside, refuting the critique that they only occur in pristine a
211 re studied for the purpose of reinforcing or refuting the dichotomy proposed on the basis of membrane
212  fibroblasts contained immunoreactive hVLCS, refuting the earlier hypothesis that ALDP is required to
213 lerate, yielding rigorous data supporting or refuting the efficacy and safety of new interventions mo
214 ese data support the second hypothesis while refuting the first, and suggest that local Ca(2+) signal
215 ze of studies supporting, not supporting, or refuting the hypotheses.
216 n-reactive epitopes that were noninhibitory, refuting the hypothesis but confirming the importance of
217 occurs predominantly on K20-dimethylated H4, refuting the hypothesis that K20 methylation antagonizes
218         We discuss several lines of evidence refuting the hypothesis that procedural or declarative m
219        In this article, we evaluate evidence refuting the linear no-threshold model and corollary eff
220 e of eCO2 -induced productivity enhancement, refuting the long-held hypothesis that this effect resul
221                                           By refuting the long-standing universality hypothesis, our
222 er experimental evidence both supporting and refuting the notion that modulation of these pathways pe
223 e available levels of evidence supporting or refuting the notion that patients with asthma or atopic
224 this mechanism as well as data supporting or refuting the possibility that this disorder or similar a
225 y in the complete absence of the C-ring thus refuting the previous 'cup' model for hook-length contro
226 ficant resources often have to be devoted to refuting the results of poor research when those resourc
227  is not the trigger for G2/M or cytokinesis, refuting the unexamined assumption that meristematic cel
228  present biochemical and biological evidence refuting the use of 3AB as the donor for VPg uridylylati
229 riptome includes active transcript clusters, refuting the view of EBCs as passive storage compartment
230 hich there are high-level data to support or refute their role in treating this disease.
231 ce of these findings research to validate or refute them is required.
232 y has confirmed these findings and many have refuted them.
233  findings in a way that neither confirms nor refutes them; and a focus on comparing prototypical pati
234  of experimental studies that corroborate or refute therapeutic notions that had been adopted prematu
235 confounding factors are needed to confirm or refute these associations.
236 rder subjects are needed to either affirm or refute these data on age at illness onset.
237  to acetaminophen is necessary to confirm or refute these findings and to identify subgroups whose as
238 urpose of the current study is to confirm or refute these findings by expanding datasets to additiona
239 plication studies are required to confirm or refute these findings.
240                   Our results presented here refute these mechanisms of Pin1 action.
241 ells when pretreated with TAM; other studies refute these results.
242  Additional studies are needed to confirm or refute these results.
243     The target article does not reference or refute these views, and provides no explicit arguments f
244 Subsequently, more robust meta-analyses have refuted these findings, demonstrating no association bet
245                   Review of current evidence refutes these myths and misconceptions and provides insi
246     We comprehensively review the literature refuting these myths and misconceptions and describe evi
247                                     Here, we refute this assumed universality.
248 y little empirical data to either support or refute this conclusion at present.
249 ed analyses from one anomalous sample do not refute this conclusion, nor do the claimed shortcomings
250 ssils" in a simulated warm polar environment refute this explanation.
251 rial is a feasible method to substantiate or refute this finding.
252      In this issue of the JCI, Foretz et al. refute this hypothesis by showing that AMPK is dispensab
253 linical trials are now planned to confirm or refute this hypothesis.
254  showed a lack of quality data to support or refute this hypothesis.
255 el, but few data are available to support or refute this impression.
256                     However, recent findings refute this limited view and suggest a more expanded rol
257 , and electrophysiological measurements that refute this long-held view.
258 of slime; however, experiments to confirm or refute this model are still lacking and the force exerte
259 results of an exciting and elegant new study refute this model, showing that right doesn't have to be
260                      Several recent articles refute this notion, however, demonstrating that at a min
261           No data exist either to support or refute this policy.
262                 However, many recent studies refute this prediction.
263 literature to provide evidence to support or refute this proposition.
264 Prospective studies are warranted to confirm/refute this relationship, which may have meaningful publ
265 ks related to continental collisions clearly refute this statement, suggesting that material of conti
266 ed phenotypes, direct evidence to support or refute this theory is lacking.
267 regimens, although robust data to support or refute this therapeutic strategy are sparse.
268                                   These data refute this traditional clinical practice.
269 le, few studies have been done to confirm or refute this.
270 al research is available to either verify or refute this.
271 ntensity levels, and degrees of call overlap refuted this hypothesis.
272 dation is historically cited, a recent study refutes this and implicates a role for erythrocytes.
273       In this study, we report evidence that refutes this hypothesis and reinforces the notion that S
274                        Lead isotope analysis refutes this hypothesis but provides new evidence of the
275 t, it has been argued that the fossil record refutes this hypothesis, placing a 'big bang' of avian r
276 amines the published evidence supporting and refuting this hypothesis and concludes that there are, t
277 e report evidence from five major crop pests refuting this hypothesis.
278 n evolution in vertebrates and invertebrates refuting this hypothesis.
279                               In addition to refuting this new theory, our studies help to formalize
280 iscuss results of multiple published studies refuting this toxicity hypothesis.
281 ll be necessary to more firmly establish (or refute) this hypothesis.
282                                 Our findings refute traditional paradigms of passengers as neutral ev
283            Furthermore, these results, which refute traditional theories, show that the capacity of a
284        We provide experimental evidence that refutes use of either a short donor-acceptor distance or
285 key components in this modulation were later refuted using advanced model systems, especially transge
286 n attitudes by providing scientific evidence refuting vaccination myths, but these interventions have
287                              This notion was refuted when it was discovered that sterol regulatory el
288  by existing iterative search algorithms" is refuted with a MEM analysis of their triexponential test
289 diagnosis of HIT, which can be supported (or refuted) with a strong positive (or negative) laboratory

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