


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 6,7-dibromo isomer was observed as the major regioisomer.
2 isubstituted 3,3'-bisisoxazole over the 4,5'-regioisomer.
3 iers for those pathways leading to the major regioisomer.
4 d identified a 6,13-endoperoxide as the sole regioisomer.
5 clusively, and form a single alkene addition regioisomer.
6 ted aryls correspondingly preferred the beta-regioisomer.
7 )imidazolidin-2-one in 96% yield as a single regioisomer.
8 ently on the way to the N(beta)-fumaroyl-DAP regioisomer.
9 producing a stable trans oxetane as the only regioisomer.
10 r the pyrimidin-7-one or the pyrimidin-5-one regioisomer.
11 preference for sn-2 versus the sn-1 acyl-LPA regioisomer.
12  for the 18:2 fatty acyl-stabilized LPA sn-1 regioisomer.
13  alternative Diels-Alder product as a single regioisomer.
14  GC-containing hairpin oligomer than the 2,7-regioisomer.
15 ut not by a structurally similar non-binding regioisomer.
16 fect for the 11, 12-epoxyeicosatrienoic acid regioisomer.
17  of the Z,E configuration as the more active regioisomer.
18 g in the preferential formation of the gamma-regioisomer.
19 ter produced the 1-aza-1,3-diene as the sole regioisomer.
20 varying amounts of the corresponding 2-amino regioisomer.
21 p, affording the natural product as a single regioisomer.
22 ylation of 2,5-dihydrofuran to form a single regioisomer.
23 ity at 1681 cm(-1) in the 1-benzoyl-3-pentyl regioisomer.
24 -ray crystallographic data of three pairs of regioisomers.
25 le product was found among the four expected regioisomers.
26 esent in the drug molecule revealed a set of regioisomers.
27 le derivative gave a nearly equal mixture of regioisomers.
28 cells, and the most phototoxic are the 13(1) regioisomers.
29  to provide allylic alcohols 2m-2o as single regioisomers.
30 tical distribution of zirconacyclopentadiene regioisomers.
31 acid (NO(2)-LA), exists as a mixture of four regioisomers.
32 tures of N9 (usually desired), N7, and other regioisomers.
33  biliverdin IXalpha out of the four possible regioisomers.
34 acement of Val-7.39 profoundly affected both regioisomers.
35 tion with the acetyl group of the stabilized regioisomers.
36 d much more effectively against the 4- and 7-regioisomers.
37 a substantial energetic difference for these regioisomers.
38 ,2-dialkylidene cyclopentanes as mixtures of regioisomers.
39 is employed, this method generally gives two regioisomers.
40  in CH(2)Cl(2) are (Z)-AM (anti-Markovnikov) regioisomers.
41 plex scaffolds, such as 11, contain multiple regioisomers.
42 tion of its 4'- (4a), 6'- (4b), and 7'- (4c) regioisomers.
43 romene-annulated bacteriochlorin stereo- and regioisomers.
44 n of the C-2, C-5, and C-6 prenylated A-ring regioisomers.
45 delate 1a to furnish adducts 5a-8a as single regioisomers.
46 ing step for one of the two possible product regioisomers.
47 hile N-Boc-alkyl ynamides yield a mixture of regioisomers.
48 hromatography of the ethyltoluene and cymene regioisomers.
49 ,3-dipolar cycloaddition yielding unexpected regioisomers.
50 diate is responsible for producing undesired regioisomers.
51 ed for two of the ferrocene-based compounds, regioisomers 1 and 5.
52 achidonylglycerol, 2-AG, and the more stable regioisomer, 1-AG, also were much more rapidly metaboliz
53 11 did not prevent formation of the minor N7 regioisomer 13.
54                                          One regioisomer, 14,15-EET, stereospecifically blocks cycloo
55                                While the two regioisomers 1PCP-IP5 and 5PCP-IP5 inhibited Akt phospho
56 ted activity previously reported for the AdA regioisomer 2''-phospho-3''-dephospho-AdA 40.
57                           The third possible regioisomer 2,6-diamino-3,7-dibromo product was formed,
58 ielded (S)-phenylpropanol in 99% ee, and its regioisomer 2-MAP gave the opposite enantiomer, (R)-phen
59 ctivities for two series of substituted aryl regioisomers (2', 3', 4') showed that 4'-modified deriva
60 zole (NAI) to different pyridylcarbinol (PC) regioisomers (2-PC, 3-PC, and 4-PC) is demonstrated for
61 icosatrienoylglycerols (2-EG), including two regioisomers, 2-(11,12-epoxyeicosatrienoyl)glycerol (2-1
62 ypothesis that the natural lactam may be the regioisomer 27, a structure previously ascribed by Jarvi
63 report catalytic asymmetric syntheses of Trp regioisomers 2a-e, where the alanine unit is attached no
64                                 The 1-lithio regioisomer, 2a, is insoluble; in the presence of additi
65 ies correspond well to the observed ratio of regioisomers 3-5.
66 thiazoles 3, which included examples of both regioisomers 4 and 5.
67                    Moreover, the three other regioisomers 5,6-, 8,9- and 14,15-DHET were equipotent w
68 e, LLCPKcl4, we determined that all four EET regioisomers (5,6-EET, 8,9-EET, 11,12-EET, and 14,15-EET
69 ntly more potent diaminoguanidinoacetic acid regioisomers 52 and 53.
70 hlorotoluene (affording 5a); the alternative regioisomer (5a') was obtained when using [Pd(cinnamyl)C
71             As compared with NSC 663284, the regioisomer 7-chloro-6-(2-morpholin-4-ylethylamino)quino
72 pecificity comparable to 4 was its 3-hydroxy regioisomer 8.
73  ligand and reaction conditions used, the C6 regioisomer a can be obtained in 4:1 ratio and excellent
74                           Within each set of regioisomers, a slight red shift is revealed in the onse
75 rcinoma HEp2 cells show that the 15(2)-lysyl regioisomers accumulate the most within cells, and the m
76                           8,9- and 14,15-EET regioisomers activated the Kir6.2 channel as potently as
77 ed amidoanthraquinones we find that the 2,7- regioisomer affords the best stabilisation of this TG tr
78 leads to only one of the two possible indole regioisomers, along with minor decomposition products.
79 -substituted-furo[2,3-d]pyrimidine thiophene regioisomers, also inhibited growth of FR-expressing CHO
80 howed a preference for the 1,4-anti-triazole regioisomers among nAChRs.
81                A beta-4-beta' C70 bis-adduct regioisomer and an uncommon mono-adduct beta-malonate C7
82      2-Chloroaryl triflates (Tf) produce one regioisomer and the corresponding 2-chloroaryl mesylates
83                                  Various EET regioisomers and enantiomers are formed from arachidonat
84 reaction paths that provide mixtures of both regioisomers and stereoisomers of the hexahydroindane ad
85 one step baseline-resolves underivatized EET regioisomers and their enantiomers.
86                         Each of the four EET regioisomers and their hydrolysis products (DHETs) has m
87 structures of AChE complexes with the TZ2PA5 regioisomers and their TZ2/PA5 precursors (2.1-2.7 A res
88                           Comparisons of the regioisomers and thermodynamics for addition reactions o
89  demonstrate good selectivity for the linear regioisomer, and the reactions with alkynes provide enon
90 rease was most significant for the 14,15-EET regioisomer, and there was a clear preference for hydrol
91       Alkene stereoisomers, vinylogous ester regioisomers, and beta-diketone congeners are also synth
92 tial reaction rates with MOF topology and PC regioisomer are consistent with preconcentration effects
93  aspects of the carboxonium group in various regioisomers are addressed by a combination of NOED spec
94 ission spectra of the neutral and protonated regioisomers are distinct from each other, and generally
95 f 11,12-EET, we also found that all four EET regioisomers are equipotent activators of the K(ATP) cha
96                  A number of different F4-NP regioisomers are formed from the peroxidation of DHA.
97 e case of the 1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-amines, the regioisomers are formed in approximately equal amounts a
98 with our hypothesis that 4- and 20-series NP regioisomers are preferentially generated.
99 ioactivities; therefore, to determine if the regioisomers are quantitatively or qualitatively differe
100 d reagent leads to the formation of a single regioisomer as a result of the pronounced directing effe
101 ncreased mechanical deformability of the 1,5-regioisomer as compared to the 1,4-isomer.
102 ulting in the formation of the unprecedented regioisomers as major products, which is in contrast to
103 ed with ribosome affinity for the anti (1,4)-regioisomers as revealed by measured Kd values.
104 conjugates are L-shaped, the 15(2) and 13(1) regioisomers assume extended conformations, and the 13(1
105 ters with linoleic acid and the synthesis of regioisomers at position 3'.
106                     From 40 to 120 psi, both regioisomer (b:l) and enantiomer (R:S) ratios are propor
107                       The thieno[3,2-c]B[f]Q regioisomers bearing a small alky1 (C1-C3) substituent a
108 , diborylation can be achieved with a single regioisomer being formed in certain cases.
109 Activation via this route is rapid for the 3-regioisomers, but is considerably slower for the 2-subst
110 , allowing the selective formation of either regioisomer by careful choice of reaction conditions.
111 at MDA can be converted into two glutathione regioisomers by human liver microsomes, but only the 5-(
112 ynthetic route to prepare all four carboline regioisomers by photostimulated cyclization of anilinoha
113                                Each of these regioisomers can be obtained as the major product depend
114  either one of the two possible beta-lactone regioisomers can be obtained selectively.
115 rence in profile between the 1,2,4 and 1,3,4 regioisomers can be rationalized by their intrinsically
116                  The analytical protocol for regioisomer characterisation of fatty acids in a triacyl
117 gioisomers of the lead revealed that the cis regioisomer, (+/-)-cis-2-(3,5-dichlorphenylcarbamoyl)cyc
118 d the characteristic headgroup fragment, the regioisomer composition from fragment ions unique to the
119                 The more stable dihydropyran regioisomer could not be generated due to poor geometric
120 yr) at ambient temperature gave the betabeta regioisomers, Cp(2)Zr[2,5-Me(2)-3,4-Mes(2)C(4)] and Cp(2
121 c analyses of AChE complexes with the TZ2PA6 regioisomers demonstrated that syn product association i
122 proceed to give head-to-tail or head-to-head regioisomers, depending on the nature of the solvent emp
123 eads to the synthesis of the most conjugated regioisomer derivative.
124 gue 2,2'-bithieno[3,2-b]thiophene, all three regioisomers derived from the dimerization of thieno[3,2
125                      14,15-DHET is the major regioisomer detected in the plasma samples while other r
126 tification and quantitation of monoglyceride regioisomers directly from tissue extracts.
127 ex formation and decomposition gave the same regioisomer distribution as untreated protein.
128 t methods for the quantitative prediction of regioisomer distribution in kinetically controlled nucle
129 Tethers less than 6 carbon atoms lead to 1,3-regioisomers due to conformational restrictions.
130                    The structures of the two regioisomers Eu(3+) subset1 and Eu(3+) subset2 were assi
131          Of the five possible indenofluorene regioisomers, examples of a fully conjugated indeno[1,2-
132                               [3]Naphthylene regioisomers exhibited distinct optoelectronic propertie
133                                 The 3-lithio regioisomer exists as tetranuclear [2-(Me2NCH2)C10H6Li-3
134 gs in the exTTFs, as well as the more stable regioisomers for the bisadducts 28.
135 lectrostatic interactions (i.e., for the 1,5-regioisomer formation from 1-fluoro-2-butyne and methyl
136 s), and excellent regioselectivity (only one regioisomer formed).
137  triazoles were compared to the 1,4- and 1,5-regioisomers formed in the reaction of an azide with a t
138 xidation of internal alkynes as the opposite regioisomers frequently predominate.
139 us report, these reactions yield mixtures of regioisomers generally favoring the 2,2,3-trisubstituted
140 CHCl3 solution the relative stability of the regioisomers (Gexp = 1.2 kcal/mol; Gcalcd = 3.2 kcal/mol
141                 The finding that only the 5'-regioisomer (GNTI) possessed potent kappa-opioid antagon
142 ore hindered, less stable, and usually minor regioisomer has been developed.
143 When a terminal alkyne is employed, only one regioisomer has been isolated.
144                 To date, the availability of regioisomers has been dictated by the innate electronics
145              The formation of two benzofuran regioisomers has been explained in terms of competitive
146                                  Mixtures of regioisomers have been obtained when unsymmetrical alkyn
147 ced intermediates representing each of these regioisomers have been prepared, and the new C-6 interme
148      The set of 131 phospholipids (including regioisomers) here identified represents the most compre
149 nd (13)C chemical shift assignments for each regioisomer, heteronuclear multiple-bond correlation spe
150 ols and furyl sulfonamides generate only one regioisomer in each case.
151  enzyme counterpart and that yields a single regioisomer in high enantiomeric excess.
152 with sn-18:1-16:0-18:1 as the most prevalent regioisomer in the milk (13.8+/-2.7%).
153  yielded the 2-carbaldehyde (3) as the major regioisomer in up to 68% yield (with ligand L2) along wi
154 or the preparation of all TG enantiomers and regioisomers in a mixture, while the stereospecific este
155 ular nature of the process, providing single regioisomers in all cases.
156 consisted of four, rather than two, nitrated regioisomers in approximately equal abundance.
157        The composition of TG enantiomers and regioisomers in hazelnut oil and human plasma samples is
158  of a series of unprecedented [3]naphthylene regioisomers in high yields, where three naphthalenoids
159  allows for quantification of the designated regioisomers in one simple, rapid chromatographic proced
160 baseline-resolves underivatized EET and DHET regioisomers in one step.
161  reactivity differences between naphthopyran regioisomers in terms of the alignment of the target C-O
162 terization of purified 3-ring and 4-ring MDA regioisomers in this current study.
163                          The percentage of M regioisomer increased significantly with 1 and BrCl in M
164                                The preferred regioisomer is determined by thermodynamic rather than k
165 ethyl [6,6]-pyrrolidino-Y3N@C80 to the [5,6] regioisomer is reported, as well as the synthesis, chara
166 e pathway leading to the tetrahydroquinoline regioisomer is significantly more sensitive toward the e
167        Complexation with Ni(II) of the major regioisomer led to good quality crystals, suitable for X
168 lglucopyranose and N'-biphenoylglucopyranose regioisomers led to the production of a focused set of l
169 rovides a quick access to a large variety of regioisomer libraries that can be tested for selective r
170 e formation of two different hydroxybenzoate regioisomers, likely in a single active site.
171          The synthesis of thiazole(Tz)-based regioisomer materials using selective direct arylation t
172 port the notion that these novel O-3 and O-4 regioisomers may represent novel promising leads for dru
173 the formation of the product as a mixture of regioisomers mediated by a ring-opening reaction.
174          Seven examples provided inseparable regioisomer mixtures of -two to three compounds (16 nucl
175                       The ratio of the three regioisomers N-alkyl-N-nitrosourethane 3, azoxy 4, and O
176  in variation of the N-arylprotoporphyrin-IX regioisomer (N(B):N(A):N(C):N(D)) adduct pattern from 39
177 hynyl)benzene with zirconocene gave a single regioisomer (o-xylyl groups in both beta-positions) whil
178                Four analogues of the natural regioisomer of alpha-conotoxin SI were designed and synt
179                    The discovery that the 6'-regioisomer of GNTI was a potent kappa-agonist, together
180 aminofuro[2,3-d]pyrimidine (1) [which is a 6-regioisomer of LY231514 (Alimta)] and a 6-subsituted 2-a
181 rtorum, a producer of desertorin A, the 6,8'-regioisomer of orlandin.
182 ndolo-, pyrrolo[2,1-a]isoquinolines 15a-g, a regioisomer of the bisindolo[1,2-a]quinolines used as or
183 n good yields giving a single diastereo- and regioisomer of the branched allylic acetate trans-vinyls
184                                            A regioisomer of the phenyltriazole substituent, that is t
185  the access to either formal hydrosilylation regioisomer of unsymmetrical aliphatic-substituted inter
186 A-ring unsubstituted nor the B-ring 3-chloro-regioisomer of XK469 showed antitumor activity.
187 nine, 2 and 3, respectively, which represent regioisomers of (2S,3R)-ceramide (1).
188            Furthermore, the isolation of the regioisomers of (i) ethyltoluene and (ii) cymene, togeth
189 at allowed for distinction between the three regioisomers of 1,2-di(9Z-octadecenoyl)-sn-glycero-3-[ph
190 hod for the preparation of both 1,4- and 1,6-regioisomers of 1-substituted 4(6)-trifluoromethyl-pyrim
191 s rich in CLA, with a ratio of sn-1,3/sn-1,2 regioisomers of 21.8, compared to 2.3 for Novozym(R) 435
192      MRS 1740 and MRS 1741, thiourea-linked, regioisomers of a binary conjugate, were highly potent a
193 yrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidine antifolate thiophene regioisomers of AGF94 (4) with a thienoyl side chain and
194 lpha-MeDA and 6-(glutathion-S-yl)-alpha-MeDA regioisomers of alpha-MeDA.
195 ensional (1)H and (13)C NMR assigned the two regioisomers of benzo[a]pyrene-7,8-catechol monosulfate
196                                     Here two regioisomers of bis(10H-phenothiazin-10-yl)dibenzo[b,d]t
197              This is the first time that the regioisomers of carotenoid esters have been identified i
198                                        Novel regioisomers of conformationally constrained analogues o
199 column at similar retention times while four regioisomers of DHETs and 20-HETE eluted separately.
200 r detected in the plasma samples while other regioisomers of DHETs are probably present at too low a
201          All four approaches generate single regioisomers of diversely substituted chlorins, and in e
202          Under the conditions used, all four regioisomers of EET eluted from the capillary gas chroma
203                                   Thus, both regioisomers of enantioenriched 1,2-aminoalcohols can be
204                             Each of the four regioisomers of epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EETs) is a ca
205          Both the BacA and BacB products are regioisomers of H(2)HPP (dihydro-4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate
206 ion of PPARgamma-dependent LNO(2) signaling, regioisomers of LNO(2) were synthesized and characterize
207 ctrometric analysis to identify and quantify regioisomers of monoglycerides in biological samples.
208 ng in the case of each reagent two different regioisomers of NHC-coordinated cyclic germylenes.
209 revious studies with the naturally occurring regioisomers of nitrolinoleic acid revealed that the iso
210                         We conclude that the regioisomers of NO(2)-LA are not functionally equivalent
211 e the deacetylated peptide and the 2' and 3' regioisomers of O-acetyl ADP ribose (AADPR), formed thro
212                                        These regioisomers of OA-NO2 were quantified in clinical sampl
213            F(2)-isoprostanes are stereo- and regioisomers of prostaglandin F(2alpha) (PGF(2alpha)) an
214 xides can be manipulated to provide pairs of regioisomers of pyrrole-modified porphyrin N-oxides.
215 tion-elimination process, yielding different regioisomers of the allylic alkylation products in a hig
216                            Resolution of the regioisomers of the lead revealed that the cis regioisom
217  not available in the stacked dimer or other regioisomers of the polymer which possess lesser degrees
218 omerically pure diastereomers of the several regioisomers of these important human metabolites.
219 cile access to 1,4-cycloheptadienes that are regioisomers of those formed from the tandem cyclopropan
220 NTP incorporation, consists of a set of four regioisomers of trifluoromethyl benzimidazole.
221  the characterization of the [5,6] and [6,6] regioisomers of trimetallic nitride endohedral metallofu
222 ure (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and the regioisomers of xylene), into their pure components, in
223 the fatty acid composition (determination of regioisomers) of the lipids without purification of the
224 dology enabled the synthesis of each desired regioisomer on 50-75 g scale with minimal purification.
225 nctional groups, or from mixtures of epoxide regioisomers or enantiomers, with several examples of sy
226 ly substituted aryne either gave mixtures of regioisomers or failed.
227 There was no selectivity among different EET regioisomers or stereoisomers.
228  classes because the precursors that lead to regioisomers other than those of the 4- and 20-series ca
229 ges of alkynes correlated qualitatively with regioisomer outcome.
230  quantification of all DAG species including regioisomers, particularly in an approach of shotgun lip
231  With the exception of 3 and ICl, the (E)-AM regioisomers predominate when pyridine was added as an a
232 ifying and quantifying DAG species including regioisomers present in lipid extracts of biological sam
233                                    All 4 EET regioisomers produced potent, concentration-dependent va
234                  Of these, 32 yielded single regioisomer products, and six resulted in separable mixt
235  electrophilic cyclization and separation of regioisomers provided the corresponding 2,7,3',6'-tetras
236 as developed, validated and caffeoyl glucose regioisomers quantified for the first time in dietary pl
237                                          The regioisomer ratios (3 degrees,2 degrees /2 degrees,3 deg
238                                     Reversed regioisomer ratios were observed with 6,7-epoxygeranyl a
239 ed at 25 degrees C, most of the EET and DHET regioisomers remained intact when suspended in alkaline
240 le in the preparation of the pyrimidin-5-one regioisomer represents a correction of previously report
241               Herein, the preparation of the regioisomer (S)-N(1)-methyl-2-[2'-(3''-methoxy-4''-hydro
242 ed by allylation typically gives mixtures of regioisomers (S(N)2 and S(N)2' products), whereas transm
243 u-2.60 and Val-7.39 of LPA(3) underlying the regioisomer-selective interaction with the acetyl group
244                          The (+/-)-14,15-EET regioisomer selectively rescues breast cancer cells from
245                By contrast the 1,5- and 2,6- regioisomers show no interaction with TG triplexes.
246 )H and (11)B NMR studies on two boro-oxazine regioisomers showed that selective deprotection can be p
247       The 1-benzoyl-3-n-pentylindole inverse regioisomer shows a base peak at m/z 105 for the benzoyl
248 djacency penalty rule), (iii) the changes in regioisomer stability due to the chemical nature of the
249 eration and activates apoptosis, whereas its regioisomers stimulate growth.
250 e pyrrole or the furan derivative is pH- and regioisomer-structure-dependent.
251 electron-poor alkynes are shown to favor the regioisomer that has either the most favorable TS intera
252 ynes, on the other hand, generally favor the regioisomer that has the smaller TS distortion energy.
253 deborylation reactions provide monoborylated regioisomers that complement those prepared by C-H boryl
254 3-O-picolinyl-4-O-benzyl N-acetylglucosamine regioisomer the picolinyl-acetamide hydrogen bond persis
255 d metabolic stability in comparison to its 5-regioisomer, the 3-amino-isoxazole group was combined wi
256 three possible disulfide-cross-linked NCR247 regioisomers, the reduced peptide, and a variant lacking
257  to afford 5-alkyl or 4-alkyl cyclopentenone regioisomers: the former conditions afford 5-alkyl subst
258                                          The regioisomers, their anomeric forms, the interconversion
259  minimal discrimination against the 5- and 6-regioisomers, they discriminated much more effectively a
260 aining 18:3 fatty acyl chains as well as TAG regioisomers to be separated and identified.
261 t similar changes were not observed with the regioisomer (+/-)-trans-4,5-dihydroxy-4,5-dihydrobenzo[a
262                               The mixture of regioisomers, trapped as carboxylates, formed in an equi
263 ion in molecular solvents led to mixtures of regioisomers under similar conditions.
264 ectroscopy, and it converted to a mixture of regioisomers upon heating via a sigmatropic rearrangemen
265 E) and four epoxyeicosatetraenoic (EET) acid regioisomers using d8-HETE as internal standard.
266 t-dependent polymerization of one macrocycle regioisomer was observed and characterized.
267 ed (R > or = 1.3); 10 pg of an EET or a DHET regioisomer was readily detectable at 194 nm.
268    An access to N-sulfonylated 2-substituted regioisomers was established.
269       When subjected to CE, the EET and DHET regioisomers were baseline resolved (R > or = 1.3); 10 p
270                                          The regioisomers were characterized by elemental analyses (C
271                       Minor amounts of the M regioisomers were formed with 1 and 2 and BrCl.
272                                    Three EET regioisomers were found to be substrates for COX, based
273  enzyme assay, whereas the corresponding C-4 regioisomers were less potent.
274  (KRs) or thermodynamically (TRs) controlled regioisomers were obtained at room temperature and on he
275                                       Single regioisomers were obtained when three atoms linked the k
276 f medicinal chemistry where para-substituted regioisomers were perhaps more easily accessed, and furt
277            Purified methylenedianiline (MDA) regioisomers were structurally characterized and differe
278                                         Both regioisomers were synthesized from the cyclocondensation
279                                    All three regioisomers were synthesized in good yields and in five
280                    Isolated yields of single regioisomers were typically 65-84%, while observed regio
281 ly proceed to an equilibrium distribution of regioisomers where Rh-CH(CH(2)OH)X is the predominant th
282 d substrate for the corresponding 1,3-distal regioisomer, whereas the opposite holds for GpA.
283  increased the EC(50) of the sn-2 acetyl-LPA regioisomers, whereas alanine replacement of Val-7.39 pr
284 DG meta-substituted aryls preferred the beta-regioisomer, which was demonstrated by 3,5-dimethoxy- an
285 c acid into 4 epoxyeicosatrienoic acid (EET) regioisomers, which were recently identified as endothel
286 ome extent, favored the cyclopentenone alpha-regioisomer, while the EWG-substituted aryls correspondi
287 ng group desosamine affords a 1:1 mixture of regioisomers, while synthetic anchors shift YC-17 analog
288                  Subsequent coupling of each regioisomer with diethyl-l-glutamate followed by saponif
289 regioselectivity toward the targeted 3-amino regioisomer with significantly shorter reaction times an
290 ty and potency against human tumor cells, 3b regioisomers with [1,3] (7 and 8) and [1,2] (4, 5, and 6
291 lpha-methylene lactone reacts to mixtures of regioisomers with a high proportion of (E)-alpha-benzyli
292 gen bonds, the reaction selectively leads to regioisomers with C4 symmetry.
293 the latter result in the 4-alkyl substituted regioisomers with concomitant oxidation at the gamma-pos
294                              Two alternative regioisomers with different polymer attachment points ar
295 resent evidence that these phospholipids are regioisomers with epoxide groups at the 5,6-, 8,9-, 11,1
296 roducts of hydrohydroxymethylation as single regioisomers with excellent levels of enantiomeric enric
297 duct, and carbamates gave a 50:50 mixture of regioisomers with phthalimide as the nucleophile.
298  substitution is favored over meta and ortho regioisomers, with p-chlorophenyl (p-ClPh) being one of
299 f the reaction, opening the access to either regioisomer without modification of the starting substra
300 he differentiation of discrete monoglyceride regioisomers without chromatography through their distin

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