


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 alG4), whose catalytic functions are clearly regiospecific.
2 thase (ISPS), enzymes that catalyze a formal regiospecific 1,4-conjugate elimination of hydrogen diph
3 a functionalized arylstannane gave expedient regiospecific access to a wide range of functionally div
4 ence of substituted pyridine N-oxides offers regiospecific access to acyl/aryl, acyl/alkenyl, and acy
5 bstrate scope, circumventing the problematic regiospecific acylation of free 2-aminoimidazoles.
6 amantyl amide anion results in efficient and regiospecific addition to C3 of the aromatic ring.
7 ring, we unravel structural contributions to regiospecific aldol condensations and show that reshapin
8  report that the cleavage products vary from regiospecific alkyl cleavage to predominant aryl cleavag
9                The first key reaction is the regiospecific alkylation/rearrangement between the aryne
10 iliverdin IXalpha by heme oxygenase involves regiospecific alpha-meso-hydroxylation followed by extru
11 tion of proteins entails forming two or more regiospecific amide bonds of multiple free peptide segme
12                       Biquinone 2b underwent regiospecific amination at the unsubstituted chloronapht
13                                            A regiospecific and convergent route the lipophilic antifo
14             In addition, the UV spectra were regiospecific and identical to those obtained during HPL
15 dies revealed that SRPK1 phosphorylates RS1, regiospecific and temporal-specific control within the l
16 dies reveal CalE10-catalyzed oxidation to be regiospecific and to present trace amounts of the corres
17         The isomerization was observed to be regiospecific, and thin films showed alignment.
18 stal cavity where substrate must bind during regiospecific aromatic ring hydroxylation catalysis.
19                                              Regiospecific arylation occurs at the alpha-carbon of th
20 lts show that the process was not completely regiospecific at sn-1,3 positions, due to the spontaneou
21                                              Regiospecific beta-N-linkage formation was established b
22 our unprotected segments forming two or more regiospecific bonds consecutively without a deprotection
23 s good functional-group compatibility and is regiospecific, both of which can be issues with traditio
24               This is the first example of a regiospecific bromination by a vanadium haloperoxidase a
25                                              Regiospecific bromination, conversion to the substituted
26                           Here we report the regiospecific bromoperoxidative oxidation of 1,3-di-tert
27               Here we report the stereo- and regiospecific C-6 alkylation of a trans-inden-5-one (fro
28 such as 1c,f,g are mild, regioselective, and regiospecific C-acylating agents of particular utility w
29  quinoxalines) and methylbenzenes leading to regiospecific C-aroylation has been accomplished using A
30    Using this strategy, we demonstrate ortho-regiospecific C-H activation of pyridines and an example
31                                              Regiospecific C-N photocyclization of 2-styrylquinolines
32                                              Regiospecific C-N photocyclization of mono- and bis-styr
33               The WhiE ARO/CYC catalyzes the regiospecific C9-C14 and C7-C16 cyclization and aromatiz
34                                 The observed regiospecific catalytic activity suggests roles of CYP12
35           The disproportionation reaction is regiospecific, catalyzing the conversion of two equivale
36                                          The regiospecific character of the synthetic procedure and t
37 controlled on microfabricated substrata with regiospecific chemistry by confining attachment and spre
38  hydrolyzed products was consistent with the regiospecific chlorination at position 5 and then positi
39 oramine likely plays a key role in directing regiospecific chlorination of substrate in this importan
40 sis of these compounds, a novel tin-mediated regiospecific cleavage reaction of the dioxole intermedi
41 son-Khand reaction has been explored for the regiospecific construction of []- and []te
42 ings are presented as a new strategy for the regiospecific construction of diaryl and alkyl aryl ethe
43  for the mechanistic and structural study of regiospecific control of the substrate hydroxylation by
44  Interestingly, both the stereoselective and regiospecific control over phenoxy radical-radical coupl
45   The reaction proceeds smoothly in absolute regiospecific control when symmetrical diynes are applie
46             A dimeric ligand, synthesized by regiospecific coupling of the 20-mer peptide with a bifu
47  with unique chemical reactivity that allows regiospecific covalent conjugation in the presence of th
48                                              Regiospecific covalent functionalization, nonspecific su
49 t in aromatic polyketide biosynthesis is the regiospecific cyclization of a linear, preassembled poly
50                           Key steps included regiospecific cyclization of an alpha-diazo-beta-ketoest
51 tase/cyclases (ARO/CYCs) are responsible for regiospecific cyclization of bacterial polyketides.
52 is a bifunctional protein that catalyzes the regiospecific cyclization of the Tcm PKS-bound linear de
53 nthases (NR-PKS group of IPKSs) results from regiospecific cyclizations of reactive poly-beta-keto in
54      These results strongly suggest that the regiospecific cyclizations of the first two rings and su
55                                              Regiospecific cyclizations of the nascent poly-beta-keto
56 tutive monoterpenes that is conferred by two regiospecific cytochrome P450 limonene-3- and limonene-6
57 ups) and its d4-analogue provide evidence of regiospecific decompositions after attachment of fluorid
58                      The ring contraction is regiospecific despite the formation of some 1-methylenes
59 coumaran benzylic ether reductase only shows regiospecific discrimination.
60           NMR was also used to quantify PUFA regiospecific distribution in TAG and PL.
61 te localization to the base of the heart and regiospecific distributions of nucleoside derivatives an
62 eal that the CT exerts both multifaceted and regiospecific effects on catalytic activities and relate
63                                    The rapid regiospecific entry into the two dicyclopentapentanoid s
64       Alternatively, an enantioselective and regiospecific enzymatic resolution of a racemic dimethyl
65 e by heme oxygenase (HO-1) results in highly regiospecific extrusion of the alpha-meso-carbon as CO a
66  and dicyclopenta[a,f]pentalene (from 11) in regiospecific fashion in a one-pot process.
67 crete aromatase/cyclase enzymes in bacteria, regiospecific first-ring aldol cyclizations result in ch
68 benzoyl-CoA, respectively, and is apparently regiospecific for acylation of the 2alpha-hydroxyl group
69 tructure of a ligase ribozyme that catalyzes regiospecific formation of a 5' to 3' phosphodiester bon
70 , the formation of six stereocenters and the regiospecific formation of six rings in A-74528 appear t
71 rythro-pentofuranosyl chloride proceeds with regiospecific formation of the N9 isomers.
72 ification has been demonstrated to be highly regiospecific, forming proteinogenic para-Tyr (p-Tyr) ex
73 tC is a geranyl transferase that catalyzes a regiospecific Friedel-Crafts alkylation of the naphthace
74         These reactions now allow catalytic, regiospecific functionalization of alkanes under thermal
75 n chemistry, the latter enabling the direct, regiospecific functionalization of the unsubstituted thi
76 ping approach to explore the determinants of regiospecific glycosylation of two GTs of Arabidopsis th
77  cosubstrates, purified RebH displays robust regiospecific halogenating activity to generate 7-chloro
78               We report a novel strategy for regiospecific hetero-assembly of DNA-modified gold nanop
79                          A Au(III)-catalyzed regiospecific hydration of N-(diphenylphosphinoyl)propar
80    A key step employed the chemospecific and regiospecific hydroboration/oxidation at C(16)-C(17); th
81 dihydroxybenzoyl)serine (DHB-Ser) moiety and regiospecific hydrolysis of an ester linkage in the tril
82 iron enzymes, which catalyze the stereo- and regiospecific hydroperoxidation of unsaturated fatty aci
83  distinct cytochrome P450s that catalyze the regiospecific hydroxylation of (-)-4S-limonene at C3 or
84  enantiofacial errors, and is 3.5 times less regiospecific in propylene polymerizations at the same c
85  differentiate block-hybrid dendrons and was regiospecific in the retro-aldol reaction of dendron 21.
86                      The first step involves regiospecific insertion of an oxygen atom at the alpha-m
87 anamidyl/arylcyanamidyl radical, followed by regiospecific interaction of its nitrile-N center with b
88                 We propose novel stereo- and regiospecific intramolecular cycloadditions, under tight
89 so been extended to deuterodeboronations for regiospecific ipso-deuterations of aryls and heteroaryls
90 addition with a 3-furyl-benzoate followed by regiospecific lactonization provided rapid, large-scale
91 pagation within a highly stereoselective and regiospecific living coordination polymerization of 1,6-
92  into the imidazole moiety was achieved in a regiospecific manner to establish both C-N bonds to C(6)
93 on metal catalysis, the reaction occurs in a regiospecific manner, leading exclusively to the product
94 been synthesized under these conditions in a regiospecific manner.
95 nulation to give 3-(2-alkenyl)naphthoates in regiospecific manner.
96 nt O-methyltransferase; (ii) NcsB1 catalyzes regiospecific methylation at the 7-hydroxy group of its
97 -induced cytokine secretion was dependent on regiospecific methylation of the flavonol scaffold with
98  level of control of scaffold bioactivity by regiospecific methylation, with important implications f
99 xpected to further enhance the potential for regiospecific modification of bacterial aromatic polyket
100  aerobic, transition-metal-free, direct, and regiospecific mono-alpha-arylation of ketones to yield a
101                The synthesis highlighted the regiospecific multiaddition reaction for C(60) surface f
102 acia G4 and a previously reported T4MO G103L regiospecific mutant.
103 sol and o-methoxyphenol as model substrates, regiospecific mutants of T4MO were created; for example,
104  a four-component complex that catalyzes the regiospecific, NADH-dependent hydroxylation of toluene t
105 bstrates for C4-prenylation and also acts as regiospecific O-dimethylallyltransferase (DMAT) on a tyr
106 ynaphthoic acids as substrates and catalyzes regiospecific O-methylation; and (iv) the carboxylate an
107 terification processes are preferred due the regiospecific outcome.
108 id-mediated conditions, the model under went regiospecific oxa-conjugate addition producing a stable
109 ethionine salvage pathway that catalyzes the regiospecific oxidation of 1,2-dihydroxy-3-oxo-(S)-methy
110                    Both enzymes catalyze the regiospecific oxidation of 1,3-di-tert-butylindole in a
111 e, an enzyme has been engineered so that its regiospecific oxidation of a substrate can be controlled
112 selected reaction monitoring to quantify the regiospecific oxidation of apoA-I.
113 oluene-o-xylene monooxygenase influences the regiospecific oxidation of aromatics (e.g., from o-creso
114                                   Hence, the regiospecific oxidation of o-methoxyphenol and o-cresol
115  alpha-sulfonamide carbanion is possible and regiospecific oxidation with chromyl acetate has been ac
116 que 'grab-and-pull' mechanism to control the regiospecific phosphorylation of its protein substrate.
117 This is consistent with their formation by a regiospecific polymerization of C(1) species derived fro
118 differential activity has drawn attention to regiospecific preparation of the C-2, C-5, and C-6 preny
119                            The reactions are regiospecific, producing mainly 3'-5'-phosphodiester bon
120                                              Regiospecific protein identifications acquired using thi
121 ted that methionine oxidation can direct the regiospecific proteolysis of peptides by cathepsin G.
122 tion is generated by anchimerically assisted regiospecific protonation of a double bond adjacent to t
123 proved this novel technique by capturing the regiospecific reaction between a thiol and a vicinal dis
124 an-1-amine isomer (b) occurred, leading to a regiospecific reaction in the radiolabeling of [(18)F]-f
125  and to underpin the exact mechanism of this regiospecific reaction.
126 ay are a valuable resource for understanding regiospecific reactions and substrate selectivities and
127 from vinorelbine by means of an original and regiospecific rearrangement and subsequent diastereosele
128  The target N9-H analogues were obtained via regiospecific reductive amination of the appropriate ben
129  The N9-CH3 analogues were synthesized via a regiospecific reductive methylation of the corresponding
130  MS analyses proved unequivocally the highly regiospecific regular prenylation at C-5 of the indole n
131 ed by means of quaternization and subsequent regiospecific ring opening at C4 of the azetidinium inte
132                      The reactions involve a regiospecific ring opening of aziridines with benzimidaz
133 of triethylamine hydrobromide, enabled their regiospecific ring-opening at C6 position by organometal
134 hese indole alkaloids and provides the first regiospecific route to 11-methoxy-substituted ajmaline/v
135                 Propargyl substrates undergo regiospecific S(N)2' substitution in the absence of seve
136  [FAC], [Cl(-)]) permitted quantification of regiospecific second-order rate constants for formation
137 ide, bromide, and chlorine) were varied, and regiospecific second-order rate constants were calculate
138                                  We report a regiospecific silver-mediated fluorination of aryl stann
139      An efficient synthetic strategy for the regiospecific silylvinylation of internal alkynes is des
140 a and para dibenzyl pyromellitates served as regiospecific sources of other diesters, by further este
141 inal bronchioles and support the notion that regiospecific stem cell niches function to maintain epit
142    This ester was then employed in the first regiospecific, stereospecific total synthesis of (+)-12-
143  predict P450 3A residues that contribute to regiospecific steroid hydroxylation.
144                                              Regiospecific substitution with 1 has also been achieved
145 tive L-dCs are introduced into a D-template, regiospecific synthesis of 3'-5' oligo(G)s proceeds to t
146  promoted the mild and efficient stereo- and regiospecific synthesis of biologically important vinyl
147                       A high yielding (93%), regiospecific synthesis of cis(4,4')-di(carbomethoxybenz
148                                            A regiospecific synthesis of multifunctional pyrazoleshas
149 col provides the facile and highly efficient regiospecific synthesis of various 1,2,4-thiadiazole der
150                                            A regiospecific synthetic strategy for the synthesis of 2-
151 uV, none of which are shell proteins, allows regiospecific targeting of the reporter group to the emp
152 rmer is the more stereospecific and the less regiospecific, the sum of these two enantioface errors i
153                      A practical one-pot and regiospecific three-component process for the synthesis
154      Type A photorearrangements of 9a-g were regiospecific to give mixtures of two diastereomers of t
155 ut 10-fold more efficiently than (2S)-1, and regiospecific toward both substrates with exclusive atta
156  acetyl CoA, respectively, and is apparently regiospecific toward the 10-hydroxyl group of the taxane
157 a molecular mass of 54 kDa and catalyzed the regiospecific transfer of a glucuronosyl unit from UDP-g
158  fucosyltransferase 1 (AtFUT1) catalyzes the regiospecific transfer of terminal 1,2-fucosyl residues
159      Small size and minimal requirements for regiospecific translational activity strongly support th
160 hyll a biosynthesis requires the stereo- and regiospecific two electron reduction of the C7-C8 double
161 pha-arylated ketones, which are converted to regiospecific vinyl triflates and cyclized by a palladiu
162 ctions involving aldoxime ethers) as well as regiospecific when using 2'-aryl groups with meta-substi

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