


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ctive state by phosphorylating Y(529) in its regulatory domain.
2 f a photosensory core and a carboxy-terminal regulatory domain.
3 l (DAG) through its interactions with the C1 regulatory domain.
4  linked to a protease catalytic domain and a regulatory domain.
5 ily diversity have focused on the C-terminal regulatory domain.
6 tide PapR on a tetratricopeptide repeat-type regulatory domain.
7 1 with truncation of its C-terminal negative-regulatory domain.
8 ed form of the enzyme lacking the N-terminal regulatory domain.
9 en share structural similarities with a bEBP regulatory domain.
10  14-3-3 proteins, to the phosphorylated Adr1 regulatory domain.
11 nding of allosteric effector tyrosine to the regulatory domain.
12 lude the structural switch of the downstream regulatory domain.
13 ic domain by a conserved helix in the kinase regulatory domain.
14 that the C-terminal domain of TREK1 is a key regulatory domain.
15 is regulated by cGMP binding to GAF-A in its regulatory domain.
16 he AAA+ domain that bypass repression by the regulatory domain.
17 on and prevents Smo accumulation through Krz regulatory domain.
18  inhibition by l-serine when it binds to the regulatory domain.
19 within or adjacent to the protein's negative regulatory domain.
20  interface that forms between the linker and regulatory domain.
21  in vivo, and we identify a potential second regulatory domain.
22 truncated form of CBS lacking the C-terminal regulatory domain.
23 nding of purine nucleotides to an allosteric regulatory domain.
24 ted on opposite sides of the SczA C-terminal regulatory domain.
25 Sho1p for binding via its N-terminal soluble regulatory domain.
26 y PARP-1 on three amino acids in a conserved regulatory domain.
27  only MKK containing three motifs within its regulatory domain.
28 mino acids within the SP-3 motif of the NFAT regulatory domain.
29 havior and interaction mechanism of the MKK7 regulatory domain.
30 idation of tandem methionine residues in its regulatory domain.
31 n that revealed sharp boundaries of the BX-C regulatory domains.
32 ther housekeeping genes that reside in large regulatory domains.
33  the Btk kinase domain in the absence of the regulatory domains.
34 th the nucleotide-binding and the C-terminal regulatory domains.
35 e between the proximal and distal C-terminal regulatory domains.
36 NA-binding domain/linker to seven additional regulatory domains.
37 architecture of discrete loops and potential regulatory domains.
38 ated with the organization of chromatin into regulatory domains.
39 rs the interaction between the catalytic and regulatory domains.
40 n modular, containing distinct catalytic and regulatory domains.
41 ugh the rearrangement of different 5' and 3' regulatory domains.
42 binding to exogenous ligands via each of its regulatory domains.
43 erase (PDE) that includes both catalytic and regulatory domains.
44 interactions between the phosphatase and the regulatory domains.
45 the polygenic signal across different genome regulatory domains.
46  well as in several of its multiple putative regulatory domains.
47 the carotenoid spanning the effector and the regulatory domains.
48 enomic studies have identified many types of regulatory domains.
49 which is located between the iab-6 and iab-7 regulatory domains.
50 nhibited by the assembly of similar adjacent regulatory domains.
51  E3 ligase for SUMOylation of the cell cycle regulatory domain 1 (CRD1) of CBP, which is located adja
52  binding with recombinant CFH5-7 lacking the regulatory domains 1-4.
53 ects a previously identified transcriptional regulatory domain 3 (TRD3) for which co-regulators remai
54        Our analysis indicated in addition to regulatory domains 5' of the transcriptional start site
55 he majority of them consist of an N-terminal regulatory domain, a central AAA domain and a C-terminal
56 he active site upon l-leucine binding in the regulatory domain, a distance of more than 50 A.
57 ain, and His108 and His112 in the C-terminal regulatory domain, abolish high-affinity Zn(II) binding
58 nd an unusual arrangement of the SH2 and SH3 regulatory domains about the kinase core, forming a comp
59 ults indicate that individual regions in the regulatory domain act in a distinct manner to control PK
60                                      Diverse regulatory domains adapt PP2C phosphatases to specific f
61                      This tailpiece is a key regulatory domain affecting NMII filament assembly prope
62  which corresponds to an extension to the TH regulatory domain, also interacts with negatively charge
63 r is controlled by three major transcription regulatory domains: an inducible proximal promoter, an u
64 terium incorporation, 35-41 and 42-71 in the regulatory domain and 295-299 in the catalytic domain.
65 d by phosphorylation of serine residues in a regulatory domain and by binding of catecholamines to th
66 rylation of serine residues in an N-terminal regulatory domain and catecholamine inhibition at the ac
67 re, we report the crystal structures of both regulatory domain and full-length CrgA, the first of a n
68 al truncation mutations lack a transcription regulatory domain and have increased DNA binding through
69 op of the kinase domain is stabilized by the regulatory domain and how the kinase linker region inter
70  regulated via acetylation of p53 C-terminal regulatory domain and phosphorylation of H1.2 C-terminal
71 oy a novel minichromosome model of the hGH-N regulatory domain and show that HSII confers robust POU1
72 Pases via its C-terminal tetramerization and regulatory domain and that p53.promoter complexes are in
73  the effect of mutations that alter the Mcm4 regulatory domain and the Rad53 targets, Sld3 and Dbf4.
74 nosylmethionine (AdoMet), which binds to the regulatory domain and triggers a conformational change t
75 th an inhibitory segment from the C-terminal regulatory domain and with a sodium channel Nav1.2 pepti
76 ds to individual SNAREs via their N-terminal regulatory domains and also to assembled SNARE complexes
77 five conserved histidine residues in two PTS regulatory domains and an EIIA-like domain also provided
78 : they must block crosstalk between adjacent regulatory domains and at the same time facilitate bound
79 ylalanine stabilizes the dimerization of the regulatory domains and exposes the active site for subst
80 sidase gene flanked by two estrogen receptor regulatory domains and intervening Asp-Glu-Val-Glu seque
81  existence of a recombination rate valley at regulatory domains and provide a potential molecular mec
82       However, the interaction between these regulatory domains and resulting changes in local contro
83               Many Deg/ENaC channels contain regulatory domains and sequence motifs within their cyto
84 sive, non-conserved interfaces between their regulatory domains and the 18 amino acids that serve as
85 nal regions of FH: the N-terminal complement regulatory domains and the C-terminal surface-recognitio
86 two nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs), and a regulatory domain, and its channel assembly requires mul
87 ange kinetics of a mutant enzyme lacking the regulatory domain are limited to peptides surrounding th
88 on and impacts the expression of genes whose regulatory domains are associated with RUNX1.
89  occupies an extended conformation where the regulatory domains are removed from the kinase core.
90  murine leukemia virus, architectures of the regulatory domains are similar and reveal common princip
91  regions, such as first introns of genes and regulatory domains, are associated with important risk f
92 uggest that interactions between cytoplasmic regulatory domains (both homo- and hetero-connexin) coul
93 )) matches the rate of Ca(2+) binding to the regulatory domain but also dominates the motion of the I
94 -BRAF fusion lacking the BRAF autoinhibitory regulatory domain but retaining an intact kinase domain.
95  N1-alpha(1) sGC splice variant contains the regulatory domain, but lacks the catalytic domain.
96 g was shown to elicit similar changes in the regulatory domain, but perturbs an alternate region of t
97 Chk1 is phosphorylated within its C-terminal regulatory domain by the upstream ATM/ATR kinases during
98                                Instead, each regulatory domain (C1a, C1b, and C2) appears to strength
99 ns, which occur in various combinations with regulatory domains, catalyze c-di-GMP synthesis and degr
100  The initial NMR study showed that the first regulatory domain, CBD1, unfolds in the absence of regul
101 lated by Ca(2+) binding to two intracellular regulatory domains, CBD1 and CBD2.
102 re in which the IT arm of troponin holds its regulatory domain close to the actin surface.
103 s of PDE4 and bound inhibitors that show the regulatory domain closed across the active site, thereby
104 tal structure detailing how the receptor and regulatory domains communicate in a ligand-dependent fas
105 ulfate proteoglycan that has a cell adhesion regulatory domain contained within its extracellular cor
106 They consist of three domains: an N-terminal regulatory domain containing four calcium-binding EF-han
107  The structure of a truncated version of the regulatory domain containing residues 65-159 has been de
108 a auto-repression also involves a C-terminal regulatory domain (CRD) adjacent to the leucine zipper.
109 ctionally modular, comprised of a C-terminal regulatory domain (CTD), an N-terminal effector domain (
110 tion domain, and the highly basic C-terminal regulatory domain (CTD).
111 d insertion domain (HEL2i), and a C-terminal regulatory domain (CTD).
112           Shorter variants miss a C-terminal regulatory domain (CTM), which allows them to activate a
113 tionship between recombination rate and gene regulatory domains, defined by a gene and its linked con
114                                          The regulatory domain, dephosphorylated, is located in the i
115  the allosteric site as the interface of the regulatory domain dimer formed in activated PheH.
116 ted state of the PheH tetramer depicting the regulatory domains docked against the catalytic domains
117 itutively active PKC-zeta mutant lacking all regulatory domain elements and containing "activating" g
118 s the interactions between the catalytic and regulatory domains, enhancing the interaction with calmo
119 domain as a second important transcriptional regulatory domain for Brd4 in addition to the carboxyl-t
120 entify the first propeller domain as a novel regulatory domain for DKK1 binding to LRP6 and show that
121 ind that a RUNX1 domain, termed the negative regulatory domain for DNA binding, can compensate for th
122 no acids 586-605) and shown to be a critical regulatory domain for protein complex formation, because
123  idea that these residues constitute a hyper-regulatory domain for the AMPA receptor.
124   Here, we present crystal structures of GAF regulatory domains for Aquifex aeolicus sigma(54) activa
125 f-principle screen that identifies novel cis-regulatory domains for miR-142 biogenesis.
126 onal domains of FH, including the complement regulatory domain formed by CCPs 1 to 4.
127               PDE5 has two highly homologous regulatory domains, GAF-A and GAF-B.
128                In the open conformation, the regulatory domain has moved out of the active site, allo
129      Mutations of the cardiac TnC N-terminal regulatory domain have been shown to alter both calcium
130                                    The Gcn2p regulatory domain homologous to histidyl-tRNA synthetase
131 sis of IFNL1 promoter revealed that positive-regulatory domain I and IFN-stimulated response element
132                           The human positive regulatory domain I-binding factor 1 (PRDI-BF1) and its
133  trait, cardiac troponin T, investigation of regulatory domains identified a locus on chromosome 9.
134 s indicates that many of the transcriptional regulatory domains identified here are conserved in mult
135 cific manner, and in IRF3-dependent positive regulatory domain III reporter assays, NSP1 inhibited IR
136    It thus appears that phosphorylation of a regulatory domain in 4.1R results in structural changes
137 teraction with calmodulin, but maintains the regulatory domain in a dynamic unstructured conformation
138                Consistent with the lack of a regulatory domain in AmiA, chlamydial CPn0902, annotated
139 t that inhibition of the catalytic or the C1 regulatory domain in CalDAG-GEFI will provide strong pro
140 s effect is parallel to the role of the Mcm4 regulatory domain in monitoring fork progression.
141  found that CoA directly binds to the CaMKII regulatory domain in the absence of Ca(2+) to activate C
142                        This is mediated by a regulatory domain in the Dcp2 C terminus, which, on the
143  somehow triggered by phosphorylation of the regulatory domain in the N terminus.
144 ty elements (IE) located in their C-terminal regulatory domains in a process that is sensitive to cyc
145 er enhancers are already marked as potential regulatory domains in embryonic stem cells.
146  individual protein kinase Calpha (PKCalpha) regulatory domains in maintaining catalytic autoinhibiti
147                    A screen of 192 chromatin regulatory domains in murine acute myeloid leukemia cell
148 ymes in situ to help establish chromatin and regulatory domains in the human genome.
149 he view that the PASYybT domains function as regulatory domains in the modulation of cellular cyclic
150 n factors Foxa1 and Foxa2 co-occupy multiple regulatory domains in the Pdx1 gene.
151 tion pathway relies on structurally distinct regulatory domains including one transmembrane voltage-s
152                   Large perturbations in the regulatory domain induced by effector molecule binding a
153                 Binding of calmodulin to the regulatory domain induces conformational changes that re
154 g proteins (SREBPs) through their C-terminal regulatory domains, inhibiting SREBP processing and acti
155 fusions we show that Bmh binding to the Adr1 regulatory domain inhibits an Adr1 activation domain but
156 at both the 14-3-3 protein Bmh2 and the Snf1 regulatory domain interact with the arrestin-like domain
157 tional equilibrium of PLN, whose cytoplasmic regulatory domain interconverts between three different
158 gated by way of the substrate binding domain-regulatory domain interface.
159 iant of Fis1DeltaTM that lacks an N-terminal regulatory domain is also found to be dimeric.
160 om autoinhibitory constraints imposed by the regulatory domain is catalytically competent and that Th
161                           The phosphorylated regulatory domain is disengaged from its inhibitory posi
162 heW, and the receptor binding site of CheA's regulatory domain is homologous to that of CheW.
163 ction between Mus101 and the Top2 C-terminal regulatory domain is phosphorylation-dependent because t
164                 Activation of the N-terminal regulatory domain is the key factor stabilizing the hexa
165 eosome, binding specifically to the positive regulatory domain IV (PRDIV) site of the enhancer DNA.
166 ivate JNK, activator protein-1, and positive regulatory domain IV to transcriptionally regulate the I
167 athic alpha-helix is bound to a cleft in the regulatory domain, leading to substrate transport by the
168              In the closed conformation, the regulatory domain lies across the active site loop conta
169        Available structures of TyrH lack the regulatory domain, limiting the understanding of the eff
170 ctive interplay of the ATPase motor with the regulatory domains may promote dynamic nucleosome struct
171 transgenic reporters using Tet1 and Tet2 cis-regulatory domains may serve to distinguish nuanced chan
172 h a PFKL/PFKP chimera indicate that the PFKL regulatory domain mediates filament assembly.
173 to F-actin in cells by binding to the CaMKII regulatory domain, mimicking CaM.
174 on involves a conformeric equilibrium of the regulatory domain, modulating substrate and nucleotide a
175                                     Two TyrH regulatory domain monomers form an ACT domain dimer comp
176  Cdk phosphorylation sites in its N-terminal regulatory domain, most or all of which contribute to in
177 h mutations in sld3 are suppressed by a mcm4 regulatory domain mutation.
178                                              Regulatory domain mutations are uncommon but may explain
179 the frequency and relevance to resistance of regulatory domain mutations in CML patients on imatinib,
180                                              Regulatory domain mutations were detected in 7 of 98 pat
181 nant myo1c construct containing the tail and regulatory domains (myo1c(IQ-tail)) to and from 100-nm d
182            Here, we show that the N-terminal regulatory domain (N) of CPT1A can adopt two complex amp
183                                 The negative regulatory domain (NRD) of the p53 tumor suppressor is i
184 -heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase with the regulatory domain of a regulated enzyme.
185 ng mutations of the glycine-serine-rich (GS) regulatory domain of ACVR1, encoding bone morphogenetic
186                         Bmh binds within the regulatory domain of Adr1 between amino acids 215 and 26
187  a predicted serine to alanine change in the regulatory domain of ADT2 (arogenate dehydratase 2).
188                           The autoinhibitory regulatory domain of AHA2 reduced the intrinsic pumping
189  sensing domain of one HTCS, BT1754, and the regulatory domain of another HTCS, BT0366, to explore th
190 hus, this novel domain does not resemble the regulatory domain of ARTD1.
191 hree amino-acid substitutions in an internal regulatory domain of CEBPB that are responsible for the
192                       Phosphorylation of the regulatory domain of CFTR by protein kinase A (PKA) is r
193                                       The Ex-regulatory domain of Crb maps to the juxtamembrane FERM-
194  cTnC, including TNT1, cTnT linker, I-T arm, regulatory domain of cTnI, the D-E linker of cTnC, and s
195 tire mRNA cleft and makes connections to the regulatory domain of eIF2?, eIF1A, and ribosomal element
196                   Deletion of the C-terminal regulatory domain of hCTPS1 also greatly increased the V
197 he functions executed by Sld3, Dbf4, and the regulatory domain of Mcm4 intersect to control origin fi
198                                          The regulatory domain of Mcm4 plays an important role in the
199                               The C-terminal regulatory domain of p53 provides a secondary binding si
200           The b and c inserts present in the regulatory domain of PAK3 splice variants decrease the d
201        Rather, the WGR domain is the central regulatory domain of PARP-2 and PARP-3.
202 ted regulatory domain (RDPheH(25-117) is the regulatory domain of PheH lacking residues 1-24) of the
203 omer very similar to that of the core of the regulatory domain of phenylalanine hydroxylase.
204  an unexpected accessibility of the terminal regulatory domain of plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase to prot
205 alyze the solution structure of the isolated regulatory domain of rat TyrH.
206 s in a three-residue motif of the C-terminal regulatory domain of RIG-I that physically interacts wit
207       We find that KHSRP associates with the regulatory domain of RIG-I to maintain the receptor in a
208  (ELC), and adjacent heavy chain (HC) in the regulatory domain of smooth muscle heavy meromyosin.
209                        During herbivory, the regulatory domain of TD2 is removed by proteolysis to ge
210                          We propose that the regulatory domain of TgCDPK1 acts as a molecular splint
211 ontrast to other Ca2+-regulated kinases, the regulatory domain of TgCDPK1 plays a dual role, inhibiti
212 gene in C. elegans and show that loss of the regulatory domain of the CaMKI enzyme produces thermal a
213 e of the unique, highly conserved C-terminal regulatory domain of the large subunit (p58C).
214 ine rich Walker A-type motifs present in the regulatory domain of the receptor.
215 e transport by a direct interaction with the regulatory domain of the transporter.
216                        Ca(2+) binding to the regulatory domain of TnC removes the inhibitory effect b
217 l(44), Met(45), Leu(48), and Met(81)) in the regulatory domain of TnC were individually substituted w
218 rements of the orientation of the IT arm and regulatory domain of troponin, which together form the t
219  phosphorylation sites within the N-terminal regulatory domain of UNG2 have been identified, although
220 abolish the antiviral activity of C-terminal regulatory domains of both RIG-I and DRH-1 in C. elegans
221                                          The regulatory domains of DNMT1 mediate a network of protein
222 tion rate valley is most pronounced for gene regulatory domains of early embryonic development genes,
223 olesterol needs, and subsequently from PM to regulatory domains of ER to suppress activation of SREBP
224 s in which Ser(700), located between the two regulatory domains of K(+) conductance (RCK) immediately
225                        Our dissection of the regulatory domains of Nkx6 using chimeric cell culture a
226     Buried extensively within the C-terminal regulatory domains of Rv3249c and Rv1816, we found fortu
227 conduit for transmitting the presence of the regulatory domains of Tec kinases to the catalytic domai
228 re revealing that the N-terminal DCB and HUS regulatory domains of the Arf-GEF Sec7 form a single str
229 f specific genes and should also incorporate regulatory domains of the human genome with critical ram
230 almost exclusively (9 of 10) in the terminal regulatory domains of the pumps.
231  and gene regulation, the ligand-binding and regulatory domains of the S(MK) box riboswitch are coinc
232 18 amino acids that link the DNA-binding and regulatory domains of three LacI/GalR homologues.
233 B sites, all of which are in the C-terminal "regulatory domain" of the molecule, failed to block orga
234  that CDK1-cyclin B1 phosphorylates the RNMT regulatory domain on T77 during G2/M phase of the cell c
235 Expression of these genes is governed by cis-regulatory domains, one for each parasegment.
236 domain that binds an effector molecule and a regulatory domain (or expression platform) that instruct
237  Tec kinases is positively influenced by the regulatory domains outside of the kinase domain.
238 ation surrounding a ring of alternating CheA regulatory domains (P5) and CheW couplers.
239 talytic domain, a site at the PAH N-terminal regulatory domain (PAH-RD), to activate the enzyme via a
240  homology to phosphotransferase system (PTS) regulatory domains (PRDs) found in sugar operon regulato
241                    RafK carries a C-terminal regulatory domain present in a subset of ATP-binding pro
242 domains (CARDs) transmit the signal, and the regulatory domain prevents signaling in the absence of v
243  the kinase domain: AMP binding to the gamma-regulatory domain promotes phosphorylation by the upstre
244 eable AXP (AMP/ADP/ATP) binding sites on the regulatory domain protects the enzyme from dephosphoryla
245 he pleckstrin homology domain (P domain) and regulatory domain (R domain) were critical in mediating
246                               CaM binds to a regulatory domain (RD) within CaN, causing a conformatio
247 ted on its lever arm domain, here called the regulatory domain (RD).
248             NMR spectroscopy of the isolated regulatory domain (RDPheH(25-117) is the regulatory doma
249 undergoes trans-autophosphorylation within a regulatory domain, referred to as the activation loop, w
250 known interactions between the C1a and other regulatory domains releases the autoinhibited interactio
251        Upon inducing signals, the N-terminal regulatory domain relocates to the periphery of the AAA
252  the transcriptional start site an important regulatory domain resides in intron 1 of the gene itself
253 g this interaction between the catalytic and regulatory domains reveals a direct correlation between
254    The 1.7 A structure of a AdoMet-bound CBS regulatory domain shows one AdoMet molecule per monomer,
255 domain orientation between the catalytic and regulatory domains significantly differs.
256 ence, the N-terminal region may constitute a regulatory domain, stabilizing these interactions.
257 ancers found inside topologically associated regulatory domains (TADs) express noncoding RNAs, known
258 nding causing a conformational change in the regulatory domain that alters the interaction between th
259 mational change in the Bateman module of the regulatory domain that favors its association with a Bat
260 ukaryotic MCM helicase contains an intrinsic regulatory domain that integrates multiple signals to co
261 nel is activated by PKA phosphorylation of a regulatory domain that interacts dynamically with multip
262        This suppression is mediated by a key regulatory domain that is specifically found in the Hoxc
263  helicase subunit, possesses an unstructured regulatory domain that mediates control from multiple ki
264 ent cytoplasmic precursor with an N-terminal regulatory domain that restricts its nuclear accumulatio
265 uenching, while the C-terminal domain is the regulatory domain that senses light and induces photoact
266 ent motifs in Csk directly interact with the regulatory domains that are important for Csk activation
267       GCN2 is a multidomain protein with key regulatory domains that directly monitor uncharged tRNAs
268 plex (BX-C) of Drosophila delimit autonomous regulatory domains that drive parasegment-specific expre
269 ANE territory separates into inner and outer regulatory domains that express the cardinal ANE transcr
270 hus, a single amino acid substitution in the regulatory domain (the tetratricopeptide repeat domain)
271 e high-affinity cGMP binding site within the regulatory domain, the altered PKG-1 is constitutively a
272                  The C terminus contains two regulatory domains, the autoinhibitory domain (AID) and
273 passes the sizes of genes, gene clusters and regulatory domains, the three-dimensional (3D) organizat
274 egion contains the following transcriptional regulatory domains: the acidic region, the WUS-box, whic
275 leosome sliding is tightly controlled by two regulatory domains: the DNA-binding domain, which interf
276 ss-Prot entry P29294) contains the catalytic/regulatory domain, three immunoglobulin-related motifs (
277 of concept, uniRapR is used as an artificial regulatory domain to control activity of kinases.
278 ory region are transmitted to the C-terminal regulatory domain to initiate the signalling cascade, is
279 ires at least three distinct transcriptional regulatory domains to control photoreceptor-specific rho
280 ional cell surface receptor that has several regulatory domains to control various biological process
281 4) activators use several different kinds of regulatory domains to respond to a wide variety of intra
282 domain at the N-terminus and sharing similar regulatory domains to the mammalian neuronal NOS (nNOS).
283 ended alpha-solenoid scaffold connecting key regulatory domains to the pore.
284 ensity attributable to the troponin-I mobile regulatory domain was positioned where it could hold tro
285 er evidence for the presence of a C-terminal regulatory domain was provided by single-amino-acid subs
286 g a myo1c construct containing the motor and regulatory domains, we found the force dependence of the
287 ARP-1 is over 500 residues and includes four regulatory domains, whereas PARP-2 and PARP-3 have small
288 ion in the absence of the Pax3 transcription regulatory domains, whereas Splotch Pax3 did not stimula
289 re inactive without assembly of the adjacent regulatory domains, whereas the Src kinase domains are a
290 g of S-adenosyl-l-methionine (AdoMet) to its regulatory domain, which activates its catalytic domain.
291 ins, and we propose they constitute a master regulatory domain, which contains overlapping molecular
292 -Thr382-Thr383 cluster within the C-terminal regulatory domain, which stabilizes PTEN, resulting in i
293 x3 locus forms a CTCF-independent autonomous regulatory domain with multiple combinatorial regulatory
294 structure-function analysis reveals a set of regulatory domains with activities that restrict Gek fun
295 eved in a regulator that contains duplicated regulatory domains with distinct dimerization properties
296                      Replacing Intersectin's regulatory domains with the BH3 peptide/Bcl-xL binding m
297 he N terminus of UL16 may be controlled by a regulatory domain within the C terminus.
298 ce and arrangement between the catalytic and regulatory domains within the CBS oligomer, thereby incr
299 at observed in yeast, as well as in positive-regulatory domain zinc finger protein 9-knockout mice, s
300 ely defined by binding sites of the positive-regulatory domain zinc finger protein 9.

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