


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  oxidized conformations were reminimized and rehydrated.
2 estored when germination occurs and the core rehydrates.
3 hermore, our data suggest that strategies to rehydrate airway surfaces may provide a novel form of th
4 tions that existed regarding optimal ways to rehydrate and then refeed infants and children with diar
5 with water, casein micelles were immediately rehydrated and aggregates were broken up in a matter of
6                           FOB tests were not rehydrated and dietary restrictions were imposed only fo
7 ethylhydrazone/azo form of the enzyme slowly rehydrates and eliminates MeN=NH to give the triol cofac
8 lysis of these structures was carried out by rehydrating and sectioning the whole-mount specimens.
9      In addition, the tadpoles can be dried, rehydrated, and stored in water for 5 months without a c
10 e person being tested, whether the sample is rehydrated, and whether the test is used for initial scr
11 7 d-dehydrated (D7), and 7 d-dehydrated/21 d-rehydrated animals (R21)] and stained with Isolectin-B4-
12          Control, 2-day dehydrated and 9-day rehydrated animals, had more vertical cells which were o
13        Addition of a PEG-based sample buffer rehydrates antibody/DEX droplets for analysis.
14 sed hypertonic saline (HS) as an osmolyte to rehydrate ASL.
15 tibody, was used to characterize desiccation/rehydrated-associated changes in ubiquitin-mediated prot
16 ostasis as mature pollen desiccates and then rehydrates at germination.
17               In this report, we demonstrate rehydrated ATPS components for multiplex ELISA retain th
18   When 48 h water-deprived rats were acutely rehydrated by giving access to tap water 2 h before expe
19 aced on heaters in solution, dried, and then rehydrated by ssDNA target molecules in droplets for hyb
20              Regarding sensorial analysis of rehydrated carrots, US-pretreated samples presented acce
21                                          The rehydrated cells were K(+)-depleted (K(+) = 20 +/- 14 mm
22 ducts were obtained with DNA from desiccated/rehydrating cells and a liquid culture derived from the
23 sed and the activity was distributed between rehydrating cells and the extracellular fluid.
24                                              Rehydrating CF mucus has become a recent clinical focus
25                                Moreover, the rehydrated cross-linked liposomes continued to be resist
26 ile analytes in sample buffer partition into rehydrated DEX droplets for analysis.
27        Limits of detection on the dehydrated/rehydrated DOPC+/PEG-PE membranes were determined to be
28 with 20 to 30% acetone, whereas a simple dry-rehydrate-dry cycle provided optimal M-ELISA staining.
29 . glyptostroboides immediately alleviated by rehydrating excised shoots.
30  effective strategy for white men was annual rehydrated fecal occult blood testing (FOBT) plus sigmoi
31                                 AlloDerm and rehydrated FlexHD were found to be the best barriers to
32 10 years was prohibitively expensive; annual rehydrated FOBT plus sigmoidoscopy every 5 years had an
33                        In animals allowed to rehydrate for 9 days following a period of dehydration,
34 ), dehydrated for 2 h (D2), 24 h (D24), then rehydrated for 2 h (R2) and 48 h (R48)), were sampled fo
35 s for fecal occult-blood testing, which were rehydrated for interpretation.
36 fter injecting oocytes with sperm heads from rehydrated freeze-dried and from thawed spermatozoa deve
37                         When instantaneously rehydrated from a water-stressed state, fern and lycophy
38                                              Rehydrated gum arabic microcapsules retained more total
39  in hypotonic media are lyophilized and then rehydrated in buffer containing mannitol, NaSCN, and/or
40                               Scaffolds were rehydrated in situ with a suspension of cells (primary b
41 ve), and their energies were reminimized and rehydrated in the loop-closed state.
42 essential for preservation of the dehydrated/rehydrated liposomes on nitrocellulose.
43 optical coherence tomography (OCT) to detect rehydrated, lyophilized platelets (RL platelets) that ar
44 hought to derive from dense SSRBCs that have rehydrated, may represent a terminal cellular phase.
45 philized in the presence of 10% sucrose, the rehydrated Pdot bioconjugates did not show any signs of
46 ic resonance (SSNMR) studies on lyophilized, rehydrated POPC Nanodiscs prepared with uniformly (13)C-
47        Dried apples (FD and CD samples) were rehydrated prior to digestion.
48 ON-VGL tissues from control, dehydrated, and rehydrated rats were then studied by using SDS-PAGE and
49 rabidopsis primary walls with dehydrated and rehydrated samples.
50 yper-distended 6 h after a satiating meal of rehydrated seaweed; that is, the crop took in water and
51 sence of external calcium, the generation of rehydrated SSRBCs was inhibited during oxy/deoxy cycling
52 at (35 degrees C) in control, dehydrated and rehydrated states.
53 layed twofold or greater abundance in dry or rehydrating states, suggesting that these compounds migh
54 rption, and utilizing hyperosmotic agents to rehydrate the airway surface.
55  nucleotide receptor agonists to effectively rehydrate the ASL of CF airways.
56 ht the solution to the dehydrated liposomes, rehydrated them, and caused them to migrate to the antib
57 ogical reagent was dried on the platform and rehydrated to carry out the assay.
58 ed plants were then decapitated and soil was rehydrated to determine the growth potential of undergro
59 dy was to image changes in MCT produced by a rehydrating treatment based on hypertonic saline (HS), a
60 re indistinguishable between never-dried and rehydrated walls.
61                                     Gels are rehydrated with a solution of detection antibody.
62 lds that were introduced with a catheter and rehydrated with cells had recovered their original shape
63                      When stem segments were rehydrated with H2O after excision, vessel refilling occ
64 grees C and can be reversibly dehydrated and rehydrated with no loss of crystallinity.
65  (2-HED) (1:3) or were cup-loaded on a strip rehydrated with sample buffer containing 2-HED.
66 m (HTM) broth and dried commercial MIC trays rehydrated with the following media: in-house and commer
67 se dihydrate as well as trehalose glass when rehydrated with water vapor.
68                 They could be dehydrated and rehydrated without loss of function, offering potential
69 hospholipid membranes, can be dehydrated and rehydrated without loss of integrity, as assessed by flu
70 h of a 3:1 (silica:collagen ratio by weight) rehydrated xerogel was 0.161 +/- 0.073 N/mm (n = 12), wh

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