


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ment but were lost to follow-up, and one was reinfected.
2 eligmosomoides polygyrus infection and later reinfected.
3 esponses, suggesting that they were also not reinfected.
4               Twenty-eight participants were reinfected (12.3 cases/100 person-years; 95% confidence
5  women treated for Chlamydia trachomatis are reinfected 3 to 4 months after treatment, suggesting the
6 l dose of H. capsulatum (1 x 10(5)) and then reinfected 3 wk later with a lethal dose of H. capsulatu
7  infected with RSV as neonates or adults and reinfected 5 weeks later.
8 d shortly after birth or at weaning and were reinfected 5 wk later, followed by assessment of airway
9 ch they need to survive before the chance of reinfecting a new host occurs.
10 creased in lungs exposed to RSV in utero and reinfected after birth, and blocking TrkA signaling inhi
11 mL from the same donor, X355 was transiently reinfected and again rapidly lost all HCV markers.
12 re drug-cured of initial infection and later reinfected and treated with anti-IL-4R mAb, an antagonis
13 in characteristics of RSV is that it readily reinfects and causes disease throughout life without the
14 ion gradient were observed between naive and reinfected animals, indicating that the skewing of mRNA
15 ewer of the originally infected sites became reinfected at 12 months despite lack of maintenance ther
16 ly infected with RSV at 1 wk of age and were reinfected at 6 wk of age.
17 s are only partially immune (ie, they can be reinfected, but infections are usually abbreviated and l
18 rs at the time of initial infection, 6% were reinfected by 6 months, 11% by 1 year, and 17% by 2 year
19 in the gastrointestinal tract and can become reinfected by autoinoculation from that site.
20 nd and Cambodia who were classified as being reinfected by the standard polymerase chain reaction pro
21                            The proportion of reinfected children was high (81%) and there was cluster
22                     Eighteen subjects became reinfected during follow-up; this coincided with a subse
23 ry syncytial virus (RSV) readily infects and reinfects during infancy and throughout life, despite ma
24  virus is reactivated from neural fibers and reinfects epithelial cells.
25 fected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) could be reinfected, even with the original infecting strain.
26 ead, intracellular toxoplasmas replicate and reinfect, eventually lysing the macrophage population.
27                   Clearly, many women become reinfected from an untreated partner; however, we propos
28 lled treponemes (NI/HKTP), and an immune and reinfected group (I/TP).
29 esulting in emergence of new strains able to reinfect hosts immune to previously circulating viruses.
30 ngs indicate that HERV-K remained capable of reinfecting humans through very recent evolutionary time
31  an endogenous retrovirus that is capable of reinfecting humans today.
32 in the dry season were less likely to become reinfected in the subsequent rainy season than those wit
33                     This allows the virus to reinfect individuals that have acquired immunity to prev
34                                      Rapidly reinfected individuals did not have the positive treatme
35            Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) reinfects individuals repeatedly.
36 ntestinal villi, is shed into the lumen, and reinfects intestinal immune cells that traffic to liver
37                              All groups were reinfected intraperitoneally, 30 days later, with a leth
38 sis to determine the history and ancestry of reinfecting lineages.
39 s become infected with HCV, and 10 to 25% of reinfected livers develop cirrhosis within 5 years.
40 which CNS reservoirs of HIV-1 could directly reinfect lymphoid tissue without being exposed to circul
41 lies, and bacteria isolated from flies could reinfect mammalian macrophages.
42                                              Reinfected mice developed enhanced IgG2b, IgG2a, and IgG
43 ach phenotype were isolated and then used to reinfect naive mice.
44  ticks, persisting through tick molting, and reinfecting new mammalian hosts.
45                                              Reinfecting parasites with the pfmdr1 N86/184F/D1246 hap
46 apidly mount effector functions to eliminate reinfecting pathogens in a strictly Ag-dependent fashion
47  22 (59%) remained HBsAg negative, and all 9 reinfected patients were HBV-DNA positive before treatme
48 neous viral clearance was observed in 83% of reinfected patients.
49 of a reservoir of HIV that could potentially reinfect peripheral tissues.
50 ting a potential for virus within the CNS to reinfect peripheral tissues.
51 g the virus population to evade immunity and reinfect previously infected individuals.
52 m to evade immunity in their human hosts and reinfect previously infected individuals.
53 ted and lineage-1 underrepresented among the reinfecting strains (P = .004).
54 % of previously infected women do not become reinfected strongly suggests a role for an adaptive immu
55 iral pseudoparticles were detected in 60% of reinfected subjects; cross-reactive nAbs are rarely dete
56 virus did not alter its host range and could reinfect T cells as well as primary astrocytes.
57 y pass into the environment and may possibly reinfect the animal.
58 t lineages in a single patient were found to reinfect the new liver.
59 o show that HERV-K replicated as a virus and reinfected the germline of the common ancestor of the fo
60 that escaped the humoral immune response and reinfected the liver graft of transplant patients, it ma
61 al villi into the small intestinal lumen and reinfected the Peyer's patches.
62            To address this question, we have reinfected the same set of D. melanogaster lines with Se
63 II.4 genotype can persist over long periods, reinfecting the population.
64 lthough the new liver is known to be rapidly reinfected, the dynamics and source of the reinfecting v
65 e immunity, as individuals can be repeatedly reinfected throughout life.
66             Nine (69.2%) of these cases were reinfected versus 20 (35.7%) in the group that received
67 y reinfected, the dynamics and source of the reinfecting virus(es) are unclear, resulting in some con
68 isingly, approximately 50% of animals became reinfected when homologously challenged with MoPn, altho
69 n, with HCV eradication achieved, but became reinfected with a different HCV strain after treatment.
70          Eleven percent of the patients were reinfected with a genetically different strain following
71 9% lower (aHR: 0.51, 95% CI: 0.27-0.94) when reinfected with a heterologous HCV genotype.
72 ity to clear one HCV strain, patients may be reinfected with a heterologous strain that can then pers
73 infection (day 180), BJAB cells could not be reinfected with adenovirus, even when CAR was reintroduc
74 e, gammadelta T cells from the lungs of mice reinfected with B. pertussis produced significantly more
75 xposed to bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) were reinfected with BCG, were treated either with tenofovir
76                Two infants were infected and reinfected with different RSV-A strains during the same
77 gocytophilum for the first time than in mice reinfected with either homologous or heterologous isolat
78 thin some serovars, 10 of 15 subjects became reinfected with gonococci expressing identical Por prote
79  C Injection Drug User Cohort Study who were reinfected with HCV from 2009 to 2012.
80 nown that the rabbit model and humans can be reinfected with heterologous isolates.
81 l exhaustion, and in individuals chronically reinfected with malaria.
82     Ninety-four percent of the children were reinfected with P. vivax during biweekly follow-ups for
83                              Individuals are reinfected with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) repeat
84 m falciparum (Pf) in individuals chronically reinfected with the parasite.
85 ice leads to exacerbated disease if mice are reinfected with the same virus as adults.
86 s provide protection in chimpanzees serially reinfected with the virus.
87  transmission was high: 54.8% and 91.1% were reinfected within 6 and 18 months, respectively.

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