


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 of these nine patients, flutter could not be reinitiated.
2 ction was intact and atrial flutter could be reinitiated.
3 ation, and flutter could not subsequently be reinitiated.
4 patients taking steroids when idelalisib was reinitiated.
5 eating a condition that can be sustained and reinitiated.
6 icase so that chromosomal replication can be reinitiated.
7  patient in whom anticoagulants had not been reinitiated.
8 and only decreased in nuclei as ciliogenesis reinitiated.
9             One child died after feeding was reinitiated 2 hours after undergoing sputum induction; t
10 pluripotence, the capacity to replicate, and reinitiate a program of differentiation after transplant
11 ing unhealthy because a second stimulus will reinitiate a robust rhythm.
12 ntrol the ability of the ribosome complex to reinitiate a second round of translation and thus expres
13 tion factor, have focused on cells that have reinitiated a cell cycle from quiescence, although recen
14  intensity (RR, 1.10; 95% CI, 1.05-1.16) and reinitiating a different versus the same statin (RR, 1.1
15 6), but no association was present for those reinitiating a moderate- versus low-intensity statin (RR
16 ponsible for the extrasystolic activity that reinitiates AF.
17      This observation implies that ribosomes reinitiate after termination, possibly after migrating i
18  expression is an intrinsic property of p44s reinitiated after transmission to naive mammalian hosts
19 y scanning past the upstream AUG codon or by reinitiating after having translated the uORF despite th
20 53 function was inhibited, DNA synthesis was reinitiated, an effect likely attributable, in part, to
21  origins with respect to their propensity to reinitiate and demonstrate that pre-RC formation is not
22 -treated mice retain PML/RARA expression and reinitiate APL in secondary transplants.
23                                 Origins that reinitiate are largely limited to those that can recruit
24 g after termination of sORF translation, and reinitiate at a downstream AUG.
25 had terminated prematurely, it was unable to reinitiate at a downstream gene.
26 40S subunits remain associated with mRNA and reinitiate at nearby AUGs.
27  the two sites and allowed the polymerase to reinitiate at the 17-nucleotide replicase recognition si
28 plate alone did not induce the polymerase to reinitiate at the 17-nucleotide signal.
29 can through the inhibitory uORF2 and instead reinitiate at the ATF4-coding region.
30 ly translate the uORF and are then unable to reinitiate at the downstream AUG codon, in part due to t
31 ells, ribosomes scanning downstream of uORF1 reinitiate at the next coding region, uORF2, an inhibito
32 ity, do not induce the jumping polymerase to reinitiate at these sites; and (vii) the junction site s
33 to remain on mRNA, scan bidirectionally, and reinitiate at upstream and downstream AUGs if mRNA regio
34 e an amino terminal truncated isoform of FAC reinitiated at methionine 55.
35  in which no transcription occurs, before it reinitiates at the downstream gene.
36 ge of only 84% of normal because translation reinitiates at the methionine codon at position 14.
37  newly replicated origins cannot immediately reinitiate because they undergo sequestration by the Seq
38                                              Reinitiating bisphosphonates after healing of ONJ is a r
39 ythms damped out after several days but were reinitiated by a variety of treatments, including a full
40 + T cells by silencing CD4 transcription and reinitiating CD8 transcription, events we refer to as "c
41                     We report here that they reinitiate cell divisions during the third instar (L3) t
42 n G(0)/G(1) when these cells were induced to reinitiate cell-cycle progression by dihydrotestosterone
43  but reacts relatively slowly with alkene to reinitiate chain growth is supported by these data.
44 ing bacteria (including mycobacteria) do not reinitiate chromosome replication until the previous rou
45 P115 may serve as a signal to the nucleus to reinitiate cilia formation during sea urchin development
46 -initiated coagulation, which are capable of reinitiating coagulation without input from extrinsic fa
47 controlled by discontinuing azathioprine and reinitiating CsA.
48 ed rats and can be stored frozen and used to reinitiate culture.
49 l, Ag-specific CD4(+) T cells were unable to reinitiate cytokine production after a second Ag exposur
50 ereas only a subpopulation of memory T cells reinitiated cytokine synthesis.
51  held in the dark for 4 d were still able to reinitiate development to produce siliques upon being br
52 n hours after the fly receives the signal to reinitiate development.
53 spindle inhibitors, a significant percentage reinitiate DNA replication and become polyploid.
54 antial fraction of NBS-deficient fibroblasts reinitiate DNA replication in discrete regions, and wild
55                         This is essential to reinitiate DNA synthesis and for correct G1-to-S transit
56 DNA electrophoresis shows that cdc16 mutants reinitiate DNA synthesis from normal chromosome replicat
57 tmitotic multinucleated myotubes that cannot reinitiate DNA synthesis.
58  cells increased transformation capacity and reinitiated DNA synthesis to levels observed in p53515A/
59             Leading-strand synthesis is then reinitiated downstream of the damage in a reaction that
60 yotic cells prevent replication origins from reinitiating during a single cell cycle.
61 cytes during adulthood, new myelin growth is reinitiated even after active myelination is terminated,
62  IS collection, and assess patients prior to reinitiating feeding after the IS procedure, to ensure p
63 ay be the source of active infection that is reinitiated following the cessation of antiretroviral th
64                                Sunitinib was reinitiated for two cycles in those patients with an inc
65 crose solution resulted in a shorter time to reinitiate foraging after a simulated predator attack.
66                 We observe that these spores reinitiate growth at a low but measureable frequency eve
67 on in the propensity of individual spores to reinitiate growth spontaneously.
68 prising a fraction of the dormant population reinitiate growth stochastically, independent of environ
69  CNS neurons with long-standing injuries can reinitiate growth, leading to improvement in motor funct
70  and tumors from treated patients eventually reinitiate growth.
71 dly conserved signal for nongrowing cells to reinitiate growth.
72 inished severely, and although injured axons reinitiated growth, they were repelled by denervated ski
73 MT rescue, in which a MT stops shrinking and reinitiates growth, is the least understood aspect of MT
74                            During periods of reinitiated high surface efflux, magma rose quickly and
75       High persistence was less common after reinitiating high- versus low-intensity statins (RR, 0.8
76 aPsi(mem) and ATP-generating capacity can be reinitiated in brain mitochondria hours after death indi
77 anisms by which cytokinesis is inhibited and reinitiated in GSCs and why such complex regulation exis
78                             The protocol was reinitiated in patients requiring rescue therapy.
79  find that ribosomes that translate the uORF reinitiate inefficiently and that the intercistronic seq
80 eptible to ciprofloxacin, were sufficient to reinitiate infection after the end of the therapy, and d
81 o explain how this virus survives winter and reinitiates infection in spring.
82        Cells producing virus pose a risk for reinitiating infection within niches inaccessible to dru
83  cells expressing GFP-VP16 could be observed reinitiating infection.
84 s or proteins associated with ribosomes help reinitiate insertion of internal TM segments into the me
85                                           To reinitiate investigation of this phenomenon, we previous
86 le-helix folding is terminated and cannot be reinitiated, leaving a nonhelical N-terminus.
87 ly shut off were able to persist in vivo and reinitiate leukemia in secondary recipients on Bcr-Abl r
88  incurable due to therapy-resistant, disease-reinitiating leukemic stem cells.
89 ting multiple secondary progenitors that can reinitiate long-term myeloid and lymphoid hematopoiesis
90 hreefold expansion of progenitors capable of reinitiating long-term stromal cell cultures.
91 ng hormone (LH) acts on ovarian follicles to reinitiate meiosis in prophase-arrested mammalian oocyte
92                     Although the stimulus to reinitiate meiosis in sea urchin oocytes is not known, w
93 so for rapid transmission of the signal that reinitiates meiosis from the follicle surface to the ooc
94                       In contrast, TM3 could reinitiate membrane insertion when the protein was trans
95     Twist expression, but not that of Snail, reinitiated metastatic outgrowth in dormant D2.OR cells.
96 asing their nuclear ploidy, but subsequently reinitiate mitotic division coupled with successive DNA
97 linositol-(3,4,5)-triphosphate levels, which reinitiates myelin growth.
98 at strategies designed to push mature OLs to reinitiate myelination may be beneficial both for enhanc
99 o drive mature OLs in the adult mouse CNS to reinitiate myelination, leading to new myelin wraps and
100  from the first ORF and that these ribosomes reinitiate on AUG codons 5' to the point of translation
101 wing terminating ribosomes to preferentially reinitiate on the same transcript.
102                   Subsequently, translation 'reinitiates' on the same codon, two individual proteins
103                 The partially full head then reinitiates packaging on a second DNA molecule.
104 xplained both the ability of the synthase to reinitiate polysaccharide synthesis following ejection o
105 e, we found that ATP binding was required to reinitiate processive stepping after the terminal backst
106 nt cells led to loss of tissue polarity, and reinitiated proliferation.
107 t the translation of uORF4, they efficiently reinitiated protein synthesis at Gcn4p.
108 ading-strand template lesions and can either reinitiate replication downstream of the lesion or recru
109 strand template, skipping over the damage by reinitiating replication at a new primer synthesized dow
110 phorylation favor early capacitation of such reinitiating ribosomes directing them to the inhibitory
111 manner consistent with defective scanning by reinitiating ribosomes.
112  block' cell-cycle checkpoint, as some cells reinitiated S phase.
113                              In addition, AA reinitiated secretion following a decline in the Ca2+-de
114 ated rats would reseal the disrupted BTB and reinitiate spermatogenesis.
115 findings suggest that overexpression of Cx43 reinitiated spermatogenesis at least through the steps o
116 strate in vivo and in vitro that PrimPol can reinitiate stalled mtDNA replication and can prime mtDNA
117 dels of recombination and its involvement in reinitiating stalled replication forks.
118                         Of this group, 53.7% reinitiated statins.
119                 Loss of SUR4 in rvs161 cells reinitiates Ste3 a-factor receptor endocytosis and requi
120            Moreover, overexpression of CDC55 reinitiates Ste3 endocytic-dependent degradation and res
121 polymerase that are proceeding downstream to reinitiate synthesis.
122 l genomes from this continuum by nicking and reinitiating synthesis at specific origins present withi
123 e ability of quiescent MS lesions to rapidly reinitiate the cell recruitment processes.
124  is reprotonated from the outside surface to reinitiate the cycle.
125  integrity, including ribosome abundance, to reinitiate the de novo protein synthesis required for re
126  granuloma that ruptures into the airways to reinitiate the infectious cycle.
127 wheat germ ribosomes in vitro, TM3 could not reinitiate the insertion of the protein into microsomal
128  removed by using a Pd-catalyzed reaction to reinitiate the polymerase reaction, thereby establishing
129 nditions to regenerate a free 3'-OH group to reinitiate the polymerase reaction.
130 elf-reactive specificity, those B cells that reinitiate the recombination process can perform a serie
131 ydrolysis is required to allow ssDNA-RecA to reinitiate the strand exchange from an internal homologo
132 er, the pups were returned to the females to reinitiate the suckling stimulus for 90 min and induce c
133 er, the pups were returned to the females to reinitiate the suckling stimulus for 90 min to induce cF
134                        Down-titrating versus reinitiating the same statin intensity (RR, 1.10; 95% CI
135 cells have been shown to dedifferentiate and reinitiate their myogenic program in vitro.
136  of therapy accompanied by rebound of virus, reinitiated therapy in 4 of 5 subjects resulted in suppr
137 lapse or progression (R/P) and the timing of reinitiating therapy among 235 patients initially treate
138                                              Reinitiating therapy with moderate-intensity statins, do
139 or growth and mitosis until branch formation reinitiates tip growth and nuclear divisions.
140 affold development and implantation was then reinitiated to identify the elements of the engineered b
141 ted with the ddNTPs, the polymerase reaction reinitiates to continue the sequence determination.
142 .e., the inability of the cells to resume or reinitiate transcription after the first TCR event withi
143 nd rapidly reactivate it without the need to reinitiate transcription of the complete gene.
144 together losing the ability to terminate and reinitiate transcription.
145 onuclease and the polymerase is liberated to reinitiate transcription.
146 quent binding to additional TATA elements to reinitiate transcription.
147 osomes that had translated uORF1 efficiently reinitiate translation at downstream AUGs.
148  when eIF2 phosphorylation is low, ribosomes reinitiate translation at the next ORF, the inhibitory u
149 etermine the efficiency with which ribosomes reinitiate translation downstream of it.
150 itive-acting, allowing scanning ribosomes to reinitiate translation of a downstream ORF.
151 he scanning ribosomes to become competent to reinitiate translation.
152                  Frequently, these ribosomes reinitiated translation without the need for a canonical
153 op that enabled AQP4-TM3 but not AQP1-TM3 to reinitiate translocation and cotranslationally span the
154 lthough many people who discontinue a statin reinitiate treatment, statin persistence after reinitiat
155              Subsequent reexpression of KRas reinitiated tumor growth, indicating that a percentage o
156 ubpopulations adept at resisting therapy and reinitiating tumor growth.
157 e cells beyond the point where growth can be reinitiated upon the removal of the drug due to depletio
158 6 to 17 days, fluoxetine-treated female rats reinitiated vaginal cyclicity and showed evidence of nor
159 tivation recurred 83+/-33 ms after shock and reinitiated ventricular fibrillation.
160 tricular fibrillation because the same shock reinitiates ventricular fibrillation after an isoelectri
161 ch infected cells are potentially capable of reinitiating virus replication upon cessation of HAART,
162 ng states that the drug must be initiated or reinitiated with continuous electrocardiographic monitor
163 eukocytes mediated by the selectins could be reinitiated within seconds by increasing the level of wa

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