


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 , but its production yields greater than 25% rejects.
2 MS is less effective than plastic stents was rejected.
3 esponding non-inferiority hypothesis was not rejected.
4 environmental conditions were overwhelmingly rejected.
5 ions, because more high-quality work is also rejected.
6 edicted whether the risky lotteries would be rejected.
7 cal evidence for placoderm paraphyly must be rejected.
8  sequences with less homology are eventually rejected.
9 nosuppression, allogeneic organs are acutely rejected.
10           Of those 14 articles, 12 were desk-rejected.
11 tituberculate affinities of haramiyidans are rejected.
12                 All other tested models were rejected.
13 either that threshold or that sample must be rejected.
14 nge of parameters, this hypothesis cannot be rejected.
15 into the material while larger molecules are rejected.
16 disease cannot unequivocally be confirmed or rejected.
17 othelial keratoplasty: 40 clear, 23 actively rejecting, 24 rejected, and 9 nonimmunologic failed graf
18 Ox/PPy-Cl bilayer biosensor was effective in rejecting 98% of ascorbic acid and 100% of glycine, glut
19 ing quantum chemistry approaches (confirm or reject a candidate structure) has been tackled with arti
20 t of the species diagnosis and allowed us to reject a previous hypothesis of close phylogenetic relat
21                                  Our results reject a simple nonrecombining, clonal mode for the labo
22  up to 510,982 amino acid positions, clearly reject a sister-group relationship between Hexapoda and
23 t with 4-1BB aptamer-raptor siRNA, failed to reject a subsequent tumor challenge.
24 y shown that Drosophila females consistently reject a sucrose-containing substrate and choose a plain
25      It also reports a P -value in favour of rejecting a constant-expression model for switch-like di
26 us would be considered highly informative by rejecting a large proportion of possible inputs.
27 f TME is associated with a decreased risk of rejecting a maternal graft, it is unknown whether TME pl
28 pproaches adopted for patients who initially reject abstinence as a goal.
29 attempted every few MD steps and accepted or rejected according to a Metropolis-Hastings criterion.
30 ts, favoring instead deontological responses-rejecting actions that harm even one person.
31        Remarkably, skin allografts also were rejected acutely by splenectomized aly/aly (aly/aly-spl(
32  an effector memory phenotype and grafts are rejected acutely.
33 in 2 orders of magnitude of AQPs' rates, and reject all ions except protons.
34 rget stem cells as shown by their ability to reject allogeneic hematopoietic stem cells but not solid
35 s (miRNAs) and messenger RNAs (mRNAs) in the rejecting allograft will result in a better understandin
36 t without immunosuppression, T cells rapidly reject allografts.
37  cells were comparable in both surviving and rejected allografts implying that their perturbation was
38                Decreased uptake of [N]NH3 in rejecting allografts may be reflective of decreased myoc
39 tches allows an initial 8 bp test to rapidly reject almost all non-homologous sequences.
40        However, it has proven challenging to reject alternative views, including the null hypothesis
41 tatic selection') is often suggested without rejecting alternative explanations.
42                   Obtaining lower gains than rejected alternatives during decision making evokes feel
43      The judgment of whether to accept or to reject an offer is determined by positive and negative a
44 hat was modified so that, having accepted or rejected an offer from the proposer, participants then h
45                                   Among both rejected and accepted articles, manuscripts with lower s
46  visible with MDCT was not different between rejected and control lungs.
47 ision is as good as random, so that narrowly rejected and narrowly approved immigrant applicants are
48 rences of arterial intimal thickness between rejecting and AD-MSC-treated animals (P < 0.01).
49 oplasty: 40 clear, 23 actively rejecting, 24 rejected, and 9 nonimmunologic failed grafts; along with
50         The proportional-odds assumption was rejected, and therefore results are reported descriptive
51                                        Among rejected articles, desk-rejected manuscripts, deemed as
52 must also be applied and scanned in order to reject artifact peaks caused by ejection of unfragmented
53                         This possibility was rejected as CL316,243 (0.15 mg kg(-1) i.v.) evoked simil
54         Taphonomic biases are considered and rejected as explanations for arthropod rarity; the prese
55 productivity and topographic complexity were rejected as explanations.
56 mmals has historically been widely summarily rejected as obviously incompatible with the mechanics of
57 "gapes") whereby a substance in the mouth is rejected as unpalatable.
58                               Maxillopoda is rejected, as it is a polyphyletic group.
59 how that most incorrect pairings are rapidly rejected at this stage.
60 rned to select ("approach") rewarding and to reject ("avoid") punishing options.
61  explanatory frameworks that are accepted or rejected based on their consistency with one's motivatio
62                Organ transplants are rapidly rejected because T cells in the recipient attack the for
63 e, recipients treated on POD 4, and controls rejected before POD 50.
64  were first identified for their capacity to reject bone marrow allografts in lethally irradiated mic
65                                   Three dogs rejected both their marrow transplants and VCA at 5 to 7
66 g a nociceptive electrocutaneous stimulus or rejecting both.
67 exchange resins is self-regenerated with the reject brine from the RO process, thus requiring no addi
68                      Infiltrating cells from rejected but not quiescent grafts proliferated in respon
69               In Drosophila, a courting male rejected by a mated female subsequently courts less avid
70    In contrast, cardiac transplants were not rejected by aly/aly-spl(-) mice.
71 neic organs, allogeneic tumours are reliably rejected by host T cells, even when the tumour and host
72 pondents who applied for insurance, 60% were rejected by insurers.
73                    More than 88% of ions are rejected by membranes having pore areas ranging from 20
74 ion at our Unit; 142 patients (23%) had been rejected by other Italian centers, because of recipient
75 7.9% of phosphate phosphorus (PO4(3-)-P) was rejected by the FO membrane and enriched within the bior
76 lls expressing foreign Ags, but they are not rejected by the immune system.
77 search, particularly since it was originally rejected by the Journal!
78 species-specific pheromone blend are usually rejected by the male.
79 EVT) invade the uterine mucosa without being rejected by the maternal immune system.
80 ber of CAD-system-detected nodules that were rejected by the radiologists was also documented.
81 TOrCs that were detected in the DS were well rejected by the RO membrane.
82 -/-) bone marrow (BM) cells were selectively rejected by wild-type B6 recipients, to a similar extent
83  In this way the user can directly accept or reject candidate metabolites by taking advantage of the
84 arations from 12 failing native hearts and 2 rejected cardiac allografts explanted during transplant
85 ced a marked increase in the influx of tumor-rejecting CD8(+) over FoxP3(+) T cells that was dependen
86  substantial increase in the influx of tumor-rejecting CD8(+) over FoxP3(+) T cells.
87                                          The rejected cells were apparently killed by apoptosis.
88  addition, Nkrp1b(-/-) mice are defective in rejecting cells lacking Clr-b, supporting a role for NKR
89                            Untreated animals rejected class II disparate and fully allogeneic cardiac
90                                  Our results reject climate change as the primary driver of megafauna
91 loom-detecting neurons face the challenge of rejecting confounding stimuli.
92             We have previously shown that in rejected corneal allografts regulatory T cells (Treg) de
93 ly, IL-17(+) F4/80(+) macrophages within the rejecting corneal allografts.
94 rain that allows females to either accept or reject courting males.
95 levels, participants made a series of accept/reject decisions on whether the stake offered (1, 4, 8,
96 ls are qualitatively different on accept and reject decisions, meaning that they are also postdecisio
97 ession, whereas non-Treg cell BMT recipients rejected delayed donor kidneys within 3 to 4 weeks.
98 ion by reverse osmosis or RO, concentrate or reject disposal poses a major challenge.
99                    We observed that Dmc1 can reject divergent DNA sequences while bypassing a few mis
100 ces, but uplift of the Gangdese mountains is rejected due to its timing.
101            A diagnosis of Leigh syndrome was rejected due to normal lactate profiles.
102 ered from donors after circulatory death and rejected due to prolonged donor warm ischemic times; one
103 owstand accompanying marine isotope stage 6, rejecting earlier records of bison in North America.
104  although third-party CD4(+) iNKT cells were rejected early after allogeneic HCT.
105                          However, pairs that rejected eggs were not more likely to mob a cuckoo.
106 me of the supplied heat into electricity and rejecting entropy by interband emission.
107 , and use the other two qubits to detect and reject errors caused by energy relaxation.
108 of defense might be necessary to confidently reject escalation of defense.
109 that the inability of these T cells to fully reject established tumors resulted from suppression in t
110 long repeated sequences could be efficiently rejected even though most homologous pairings form irrev
111                Neutrality was overwhelmingly rejected for all alleles studied, with point estimates o
112    In both groves, the hypothesis of CSR was rejected for all tests performed including quadrats test
113                       Recipients were mainly rejected for comorbidity (19%), portal vein thrombosis (
114        However, about 25% of all samples are rejected for genetic analyses for reasons that include t
115                                  Donors were rejected for HBcAb+ (33%), HCV+ (18%), liver biopsy (9%)
116                                 Studies were rejected for low-quality design or the lack of an outcom
117                                 Studies were rejected for poor-quality study methods and for the lack
118             Recipients and donor grafts were rejected for reasons not accepted by scientific literatu
119 -stage failing hearts (F) and 6 donor hearts rejected for transplantation (D).
120 ates of morphological evolution are strongly rejected for two ecologically important traits, body siz
121 ss parasitism events, they may recognize and reject foreign eggs more readily than parents who did no
122 including those coproduced with oil and gas, rejected from desalination technologies, or used as work
123 han that of CCT, in differentiating actively rejecting from clear grafts (100% and 96% sensitivity; 9
124 vity; 92.5% and 92.5% specificity), actively rejecting from rejected grafts (88% and 83% sensitivity;
125 F may determine why fussy children typically reject fruit and vegetables.
126  of lymph nodes and Peyer's patches, acutely rejected fully allogeneic skin and heart grafts.
127 ilize Ae. aegypti females by causing them to reject future mates [9].
128              These civilians-turned-fighters rejected Gaddafi's jamahiriyya (state of the masses) and
129 mbling task in which they chose to accept or reject gambles of varying expected value.
130                      Infiltrating cells from rejected (graft enterectomy for rejection) and accepted
131 specificity), and nonimmunologic failed from rejected grafts (100% and 100% sensitivity; 88% and 100%
132  92.5% specificity), actively rejecting from rejected grafts (88% and 83% sensitivity; 91% and 83% sp
133                         Although all WT mice rejected grafts by 16 days, survival in CD200(tg) was ap
134  T helper cells from hosts with accepted and rejected grafts express high levels of P-selectin glycop
135                                              Rejected grafts had the highest DMT and DRI compared to
136                                  In actively rejecting grafts, DMT and DRI were significantly greater
137                                           In rejecting grafts, the predominant populations were TcRal
138                                         They rejected harmful actions of any kind (thus their respons
139 recombination between divergent sequences by rejecting heteroduplex DNA containing excessive nucleoti
140 itute an interactive proof system that could reject hoax items and clear authentic warheads with exce
141 at RIG-I has a 'proof-reading' mechanism for rejecting host RNA targets, and that disruptions of this
142 %) and in 45 of 70 cases changed possible to rejected IE (64%).
143 ion in laboratory strains such that colonies reject if they do not share a common allele at either lo
144 anoma cells engineered to secrete GIFT4 were rejected immunologically in a B-cell-dependent manner.
145                       Migration could not be rejected in any population, but required rates much high
146 way of alloimmune response and were promptly rejected in immune competent hosts.
147 driven inverse cascade in 3D fluids had been rejected in the 1970s based on equilibrium-thermodynamic
148                    Directional selection was rejected in three populations in favour of balancing sel
149 nd provided a conclusive diagnosis (definite/rejected) in 95% of cases.
150 ts provide effective fidelity checkpoints to reject incorrect substrates and enhance the fidelity of
151                          All Nup98 FG phases rejected inert macromolecules and yet allowed far larger
152                                              Rejecting information-processing-based theory permits th
153  quantify individual components in mixtures, reject interferences, and offer more stable response ove
154 e-layer molybdenum disulfide can effectively reject ions and allow transport of water at a high rate.
155 mimic this high water permeability, and none reject ions at a significant level.
156                 Moreover, Akita mice readily rejected islet allografts, and chronic hyperglycemia had
157 y declining molar row in Malleodectes can be rejected, it continues to seem likely that malleodectids
158                    When such an allograft is rejected, it has been assumed that the same rules of all
159                     Hulleman & Olivers (H&O) reject item-based serial models of visual search, and th
160 ped graft-versus-host disease, whereas 1 dog rejected its stem cell graft by week 15 but exhibited lo
161 t serum, peripheral blood mononuclear cells, rejected kidney tissue, and graft infiltrating cells.
162 orescence, having the ability to efficiently reject laser background through microsecond time gating.
163 rt the first series of five transplants with rejected livers following viability assessment by normot
164                        Broccoli segments and rejected lots of 10 seed cultivars were analyzed using U
165 gage in diplomatic bargaining will similarly reject low offers because past research has been based a
166 l public, elites are actually more likely to reject low offers when playing a standard "ultimatum gam
167  higher levels of sweet and salty tastes and reject lower levels of bitter tastes than do adults.
168 are unable to differentiate into Th17 cells, rejected lung allografts and developed OB similar to con
169                     Lungs from patients with rejected lung allografts treated by a second transplant
170 sent or prior confabulation were impaired in rejecting lures and in classifying stimulus belongingnes
171 tion of two decoherence-free states, thereby rejecting magnetic field fluctuations common to both ion
172  decode male courtship and almost invariably reject males.
173 ekeeping is scant, largely because access to rejected manuscripts from journals is rarely available.
174                Among rejected articles, desk-rejected manuscripts, deemed as unworthy of peer review
175 les in our dataset, our three focal journals rejected many highly cited manuscripts, including the 14
176 er's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae does not reject mates engineered to produce pheromones from highl
177 istic understanding of how solid tumours are rejected may aid the design of more effective protocols
178 terminally differentiated memory T cells/muL rejected, median pretransplant values of the biomarkers
179  is achieved by water permeation across salt-rejecting membranes, whereas RED is driven by ion flux a
180                                           We reject models of refugia with subsequent expansion into
181                                 Our analyses reject monophyly of plant R-proteins and NLRs and sugges
182  initial homology test of 8 contiguous bases rejects most interactions containing more than 1/8 misma
183 ertain from the distribution, and accepts or rejects new position according to a simulated annealing
184 lize hypothesis testing for accepting versus rejecting newly created strategies.
185 and noise cannot be perfectly separated, and rejecting noise also means rejecting signal.
186 to many DNA repair enzymes that can directly reject non-target sites as structural misfits, our resul
187 dding to the sensitivity gains realized from rejecting non-modulatable background, the selective sign
188 th sequential gates favoring cognate DNA and rejecting nonsubstrates.
189 or recognized old items (Hits) and correctly rejected novel items (CRs).
190  editing potentially provides a mechanism to reject np AAs, some have pathological associations.
191 d ZTP with nanomolar affinity while strongly rejecting numerous natural analogs.
192 r-level theoretical frameworks are sometimes rejected on the grounds that they force conclusions that
193 ation block, the participant could choose to reject or terminate the provoking stimuli resulting in c
194 a transplanted allograft is stably accepted, rejected, or achieves immunological tolerance is depende
195 ks to add to a literature that has partially rejected orthodox, gene-centric evolutionary theory.
196 ferentiated in their thermal responses, thus rejecting our hypothesis of adaptation to climate-of-ori
197 rious keys to success have been proposed and rejected over the five-decade history of research in thi
198 he remaining 80 youth purchase attempts were rejected owing to age verification, resulting in a youth
199 ly to fail (p = 0.05) and 20% less likely to reject (p = 0.01) compared with H-Y mismatches.
200 ly to fail (p = 0.04) and 30% less likely to reject (p = 0.01).
201  to fail (p < 0.0001) and 30% less likely to reject (p = 0.01); M-->M were 20% less likely to fail (p
202 sis of more than minimal IPT inferiority was rejected (p=0.035).
203 ber of CAD-system-detected nodules that were rejected per CT scan for CAD systems 1-4 at time 0 was 7
204                      This enabled pistils to reject pollen expressing cognate PrpS.
205 ncompatibility (SI) mechanisms plants use to reject pollen from close relatives.
206      Plants have mechanisms to recognize and reject pollen from other species.
207 -independent IRBs also clearly contribute to rejecting pollen from these species.
208  the immune response to prevent, detect, and reject premalignancy.
209 ction is enzymatically feasible and that one rejected reaction does not occur in vitro.
210 ion under immunosuppression, and chronically rejecting recipients.
211                  The first approach, outlier rejecting regression, allows explicit specification of a
212           It is critical for laboratories to reject requests for susceptibility testing of other beta
213 mate projections, because we are now able to reject results from climate models with an excessive liq
214 , 4 indeterminate, 1 invalid, and 2 specimen-rejected results.
215                               Some consumers rejected rocket based on GSL/ITC concentrations, whereas
216 y mechanism enables the pistil of a plant to reject self-pollen and therefore promote out-crossing.
217 ecific reproductive barrier by which pistils reject self-pollen to prevent inbreeding and accept non-
218 eeping mistakes in leading journals, such as rejecting seminal contributions or accepting mediocre su
219                                 Our analysis rejects several models of stochastic behavior, including
220 ly separated, and rejecting noise also means rejecting signal.
221 th to recognize previously-viewed photos and reject similar lures.
222 -assembled allogeneic constructs engraft and reject similar to allogeneic skin despite the absence of
223 gy), we observed redundant regulation, hence rejecting "simple regulation" in favor of the "coordinat
224 al assessment, few studies have been able to reject simpler assessment strategies.
225 mers who, out of medical or ethical reasons, reject specific meat fractions.
226                  However, tumours are rarely rejected spontaneously, reflecting their ability to main
227                                           We reject stochastic drift in favour of selection in some c
228 re humans accumulated reward by accepting or rejecting successive monetary gambles within arbitrarily
229 owed a simple one-pulse model to be robustly rejected, suggesting that differences in selection canno
230                                  Reasons for rejecting surgery were fear (37%), preferred medical tre
231 al rod-shaped cell is restored, conclusively rejecting template-directed models, at least for the est
232 to the cognate codon and is more efficiently rejected than the fully modified tRNA(Lys).
233  risk alleles for type 2 diabetes, we cannot reject that their distribution is as expected from Out-o
234      We consider the possibility, which they reject, that general ideological postures, if consistent
235                             If the model was rejected, that would indicate a significant difference i
236  learning and retention in motor adaptation, reject the assumption that motor adaptation is independe
237                                           We reject the first hypothesis that the archaeological data
238  and the adaptive immune system cooperate to reject the foreign heart.
239                               This led us to reject the hypothesis that anammox is more cold-adapted
240 sent-day and ancient Polynesians, and we can reject the hypothesis that any of these individuals had
241                          Though we could not reject the hypothesis that culling up to three badgers p
242  might avoid perturbation, we also could not reject the hypothesis that killing a single badger promp
243                               These analyses reject the hypothesis that the domain architecture of R-
244 e basic structure of the spider tree and all reject the long-accepted monophyly of Orbiculariae, by p
245                                 We failed to reject the null association with exposure after the deat
246                                    We cannot reject the null hypothesis of no placebo effect.
247 inferiority of 1.08; therefore, we could not reject the null hypothesis that ibandronic acid was infe
248                               We examine and reject the possibility that the fast decay is due to fer
249                           Instead, we should reject the requirement of accurate self-awareness for mo
250                                           We reject the time-to-exclusion hypothesis as the reason wh
251 For one of the bumblebee species, we clearly rejected the MISS model, while for the other two we foun
252                                           We rejected the null hypothesis that efavirenz is inferior
253 tests across homeologous groups consistently rejected the seemingly parsimonious hypothesis of 'conte
254 erant to their donor skin graft and promptly rejected the third-party skin grafts.
255 a are closer to Trematoda than to Monogenea, rejecting the concept of the Cercomeromorpha.
256 ques provide a useful tool for confirming or rejecting the diagnosis of myocarditis and are superior
257                       I sketch a solution by rejecting the distinction: Unlike most animal communicat
258 lted in decreased perceived intensity, while rejecting the reward to avoid pain resulted in increased
259 ting the action of purifying selection, thus rejecting the theory of neutral mutation in IYSV populat
260 gle fluorescence (SAF) detection efficiently rejects the fluorescence originating from deeper sample
261 ng farming populations, our inference method rejects the hypothesis that the ancestors of AMH were ge
262 ify the specific alternative hypothesis that rejects the null.
263                                  FO membrane rejects the nutrients (e.g., PO4(3-), Ca(2+), Mg(2+), et
264 here is no evidence presented in Buhaug that rejects the original results of Burke et al.
265 ental and uncontroversial spider clades, but rejects the prevailing paradigm of a monophyletic Orbicu
266                             If the responder rejects the proposal, both players get nothing.
267 erator either provides the correct answer or rejects the question as ambiguous; the engine proposes t
268                      We describe a view that rejects the tradition that genetic proof has to be absol
269  a variable set and consider, and ultimately reject, the naive estimator, a statistic based on the ob
270 s all similarly treated wild-type recipients rejected their transplants by 21 days after transplantat
271            Three of the four dogs in group 2 rejected their VCA transplants after the cessation of im
272 s hampered in hosts who are at high risk for rejecting their graft.
273 vival in recipients that are at high risk of rejecting their grafts.
274  in self-views and deprecating the peers who rejected them.
275 r understanding of visual search behavior by rejecting theories based on discrete stimulus items.
276 thma and atopic dermatitis was made, but she rejected therapy except for Saibokutou, a Kampo herbal m
277                                           To reject these treatments as no more than placebo may mean
278 eras accepted donor skin grafts and promptly rejected third-party skin grafts.
279                                     Here, we reject this evolutionary lag hypothesis, based on assess
280 ed option, females execute their decision to reject this inferior substrate not by stopping their vis
281 es and genotyping for a sex-linked marker to reject this model: sex in diploid dioecious M. annua is
282                Although these results do not reject those more elaborate hypotheses, they suggest a s
283 inear phase inversion processing was used to reject tissue echoes while maintaining echoes from very
284 e first show that exposed partridges did not reject treated seeds but reduced food intake and lost bo
285 n accept trials, and negatively with wins on reject trials, consistent with striatal activity at feed
286 y to instruct T lymphocytes to recognize and reject tumor cells.
287 response to viral infection and more readily rejected tumors.
288  Game, such that winners were more likely to reject unfair offers.
289 nformation sampling and subsequent choices ("rejecting unsampled options").
290          Interestingly, transformed DCs were rejected upon adoptive transfer into wild-type but not l
291 e for the typical localization errors, which rejects various models and constrains neural substrates.
292  newborns and infants or when adult patients reject venipuncture for cultural or religious reasons.
293 in (17.1-fold, P < 0.005) are upregulated in rejected versus accepted allogeneic transplants.
294 vestigate expression of P- and E-selectin in rejected versus accepted allografts and lymph node flow
295                            Consequently, the reject volume can be reduced by 50% without the threat o
296 ced recovery and consequent reduction in the reject volume using RO processes is limited by the solub
297 ced recovery and consequent reduction in the reject volume.
298 rogen removal via nitrite from sewage sludge reject water.
299              The competition model had to be rejected, whereas the angiogenesis inhibition and prolif
300 nt pCMV in the donor animals and pCMV in the rejected xeno-kidneys.

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