


コーパス検索結果 ( right1)

1                   How this may alter the outcome of disease remains to be determined.
2 l mechanism underpinning its effects on alcohol consumption remains to be determined.
3 r, and which mutations are drivers and which are passengers remains to be determined.
4 uct, Fe-O horizontal lineI-Ph, or an Fe(V) horizontal lineO remains to be determined.
5    Precisely how cellular DNA gains access to the cytoplasm remains to be determined.
6                       The purpose of this novel interaction remains to be determined.
7  human ribosome and a means of regulating ribosome function remains to be determined.
8 me (smORF)-encoded microproteins in mammals, their function remains to be determined.
9 the mechanism of MPA-mediated inhibition of HCV replication remains to be determined.
10  protective role, but a mechanism providing such protection remains to be determined.
11 of IL-17C in the pathogenesis of H. pylori-induced diseases remains to be determined.
12 o facilitate transmission of regulators such as ROS or H(+) remains to be determined.
13 ble attention, the clinical relevance of these associations remains to be determined.
14 of Fancd2 functions in normal development and tumorigenesis remains to be determined.
15                         The etiology of these abnormalities remains to be determined.
16 value of BTK inhibition in the context of allergic diseases remains to be determined.
17 er, the role of its receptors in Mos/Mps in cardiac healing remains to be determined.
18  exhibits a significantly increased mutation rate in cancer remains to be determined.
19                    However, the link between CB1R and GLUT2 remains to be determined.
20 lysis-induced alkalemia, but whether these truly cause harm remains to be determined.
21 tic understanding for how this cellular process is mediated remains to be determined.
22  in systemic infection and particularly abortion in animals remains to be determined.
23 h as gravity, through computations whose neuronal substrate remains to be determined.
24 lls and fibroblasts by vehiculing these mediators in asthma remains to be determined.
25  only manifestation; however, their impact on FLCN function remains to be determined.
26 own, since the biological role of the encoded TRMT1 protein remains to be determined.
27 m-cell marker, but its biological function in the intestine remains to be determined.
28         How oncogenic U2AF35 mutants promote transformation remains to be determined.
29            The clinical significance of this small decrease remains to be determined.
30 imerism (DC) required to prevent HLH reactivation in humans remains to be determined.
31 t, opportune, and safe use of rituximab for this indication remains to be determined.
32 itis; however, its role in the pathogenesis of osteoporosis remains to be determined.
33 er, its regulation of the interaction between cNCCs and SHF remains to be determined.
34 he pathogenic impact of SZ-risk mutations on corticogenesis remains to be determined.
35                                                        Much remains to be determined about cannabis trends and the role o
36 ), normally act to prevent protein aggregation; however, it remains to be determined how aggregation-prone alpha-syn evad
37 microbiota as a key regulator of brain and behavior, yet it remains to be determined if gut bacteria play a role in visce
38 ether CCL2 may serve as a therapeutic target in advanced SM remains to be determined in forthcoming studies.
39  in which the beetles prepare the carcass for reproduction, remains to be determined in future work.
40   Although the clinical importance of these "rising" clones remains to be determined, it will be important to distinguish
41                                                          It remains to be determined to what extent perturbations in IMCL
42                                                          It remains to be determined what causes the transition from "phy
43                                                          It remains to be determined what the rates of implementation are
44                                                          It remains to be determined whether all proteins are synthesized
45                                                 However, it remains to be determined whether p62 also plays a role in reg
46                                                 However, it remains to be determined whether the microtubule-associated p
47                    Beyond its implications for contempt, it remains to be determined whether the sentiment concept might
48                                                 However, it remains to be determined whether these alterations are specif
49                                                          It remains to be determined whether this "Kahlbaum-Hecker-Kraepe
50                                                          It remains to be determined which of these abnormal neurocellula

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