


コーパス検索結果 ( left1)

1 eeded, the credibility of the third genome duplication (3R) remains to be investigated.
2 nce underlying the connection between cholesterol and Abeta remains to be investigated.
3 ed populations (e.g., those with chronic pain or addiction) remains to be investigated.
4                         The neuronal network for clonic AGS remains to be investigated.
5 ogical activities, such as vasoconstriction and anxiolysis, remains to be investigated, adequate tools are now available.
6 ls, but whether C1q binds to nuclear DNA in apoptotic cells remains to be investigated.
7               Nevertheless, the role of YKL-40 on BSM cells remains to be investigated.
8 described, the role of the import of sugars into host cells remains to be investigated.
9 ze side effects, the translation of this idea to the clinic remains to be investigated.
10 ate the coordinated expression of these synaptic components remains to be investigated.
11 idual experience or whether they are genetically determined remains to be investigated.
12  with UM, but its level and role in severe malarial disease remains to be investigated.
13  factor that contributes to the pathogenesis of the disease remains to be investigated.
14 er of orphan receptors, and their role in vascular diseases remains to be investigated.
15 opathology and behavioral impairments have been established remains to be investigated.
16 nput and whether GABA contributes to a specific CG function remains to be investigated.
17   Their functional importance at a clinical level, however, remains to be investigated in detail.
18 of these rapid shifts in glacial and oceanic mass, however, remains to be investigated.
19 ever, the mechanism for the synaptic toxicity of mutant htt remains to be investigated.
20 alization of glands in patients with four-gland hyperplasia remains to be investigated.
21 ply to general pedigrees (including unaffected individuals) remains to be investigated.
22 mals, although the clinical significance of its involvement remains to be investigated.
23                                                          It remains to be investigated to what extent the concomitant ret
24                                                          It remains to be investigated to what extent the observed excess
25                                                          It remains to be investigated whether the interaction of MC1R an
26                                                          It remains to be investigated whether this predicts long-term co
27                                                          It remains to be investigated, however, if memory of anxiety is
28                                                 However, it remains to be investigated whether the same mechanism causes
29                                                      Yet it remains to be investigated whether these functions are tempor
30                       The function of mammalian WNK3 kinase remains to be investigated.
31                                               Although much remains to be investigated, these new discoveries have change
32  to DIT relative to other tissues, such as skeletal muscle, remains to be investigated.
33  disorders, yet the mechanism behind postnatal neurogenesis remains to be investigated.
34 or are complemented by other classes of inhibitory neurons, remains to be investigated.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Cortical sl
35 ation of [Ca(2+)](i) oscillations relates to neurosecretion remains to be investigated.
36 CRs; however, the existence of APJ homodimers and oligomers remains to be investigated.
37    The degree of conservation of mbt gene cluster orthologs remains to be investigated as well.
38   However, how they interact and influence its pathogenesis remains to be investigated.
39 potensive peptide in the regulation of intraocular pressure remains to be investigated.
40 cipatory modulation of digit placement to object properties remains to be investigated.
41 ogical and clinical relevance of the genotypes of these RDs remains to be investigated.
42  hypothalamic neuroestrogens in the control of GnRH release remains to be investigated.
43                            The physiological role of HNMT-S remains to be investigated.
44 he biological function of the second substrate-binding site remains to be investigated, the structure of a substrate anal
45 gy in humans has been well studied for some allergens, this remains to be investigated for animal patients, where owner-r
46 ividual Mediator subunits may function in different tissues remains to be investigated.
47 ole of AID loss in hematopoiesis and myeloid transformation remains to be investigated.
48 ression and function of Irx3 in human postnatal vasculature remains to be investigated.
49  mosaic landscapes, although the extent of this versatility remains to be investigated.
50 ation of the neural tissue structure upon activation, which remains to be investigated.

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