


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 sion defects in ftsEX mutants are often salt remedial.
2 ange, a substantial proportion have received remedial academic or behavioral services (65%).
3 e first 6 months after access placement or a remedial access-related procedure.
4 in later periods after access placement or a remedial access-related procedure.
5  are unknown, it is likely that some type of remedial action against environmentally induced damage i
6         Promisingly, however, much scope for remedial action exists.
7 ull removal can be a highly successful beach remedial action to improve microbial water quality.
8 tially adverse procedural events and guiding remedial action will be an important consideration in it
9  cancer in men and sufficient in scope that "remedial action" was warranted at the societal level.
10 ng four malpositions, and guided appropriate remedial action.
11 red large population declines, by which time remedial actions can have severe economic consequences,
12                                        Other remedial actions have greatly reduced metal loads into d
13 cursors in groundwater strongly suggest that remedial activities altered the subsurface PFAS distribu
14 training area to examine the extent to which remedial activities have altered the composition and spa
15 monitoring to determine the effectiveness of remedial activities taken to reduce adverse effects of c
16 rly when using phytoremediation, a long-term remedial approach.
17 ng their detrimental effects, preventive and remedial approaches must be adopted prior to the occurre
18  together with a program of rapid, effective remedial biofilm, plumbing and water treatment to charac
19 otential toxins should be aimed at targeting remedial bioprocessing to safe limits as stipulated by r
20                        The identification of remedial causes of persistent LF after TAVR may represen
21 reventive soil insecticides, but options for remedial control of adults and larvae presently are limi
22 ries are evaluated against the detriments of remedial costs and life cycle environmental impacts.
23                 Potential trade-offs between remedial costs, environmental effects, human health risk
24              Loss of Ctr1A results in copper-remedial developmental arrest at early larval stages.
25    Efforts to develop preventive vaccines or remedial drugs are handicapped by the parasite's rapid e
26 nditions such as severe oligozoospermia, non-remedial ductal obstruction, and absence of sperm fertil
27         Mechanistic study indicates that the remedial effects of OS47720 depend upon HSF1 activation
28 was little evidence that chlorinated solvent remedial efforts (e.g., chemical oxidation, enhanced bio
29                                              Remedial exploration employing minimally invasive techni
30                                              Remedial exploration for persistent 1 degrees HPTH poses
31                                Of these, 130 remedial explorations were performed in 128 patients who
32            The cure rate in the conventional remedial group (n = 107) was 94% and was associated with
33              Complications were rare in both remedial groups.
34                                          The remedial injection successfully reduced parent compound
35      We examined whether 100 hr of intensive remedial instruction affected the white matter of 8- to
36                  Using data collected in the remedial investigation, concentrations of PCBs and PCDD/
37                    In addition to suggesting remedial measures, the note provides information on the
38 ormal tissue risk assessment and planning of remedial measures.
39 ring a college readiness track rather than a remedial one near the transition to high school 2 y late
40   This prospective series of 130 consecutive remedial operations for primary hyperparathyroidism sele
41                                              Remedial parathyroid surgery can be accomplished with ac
42             Of these, 56 (12.5%) represented remedial patients who had each undergone one or more pre
43 thors now employ this technique routinely in remedial patients with negative noninvasive imaging stud
44 ed to measure microbial activity and predict remedial performance in sites with trichloroethene (TCE)
45 itched, although almost all did so following remedial procedures after the study.
46 er sediments decreased the efficiency of the remedial process but did not alter the transformation pa
47 from 149 mug/dL to 15 mug/dL over the 4-year remedial program.
48    Long-term monitoring (LTM) of groundwater remedial projects is costly and time-consuming, particul
49 nal design of microbes or enzymes with novel remedial properties.
50  long history of being used for a variety of remedial purposes, such as the fever, skin diseases, mus
51                                          The remedial response to hepatitis C must not neglect action
52 ing PE strips at stations outside of a pilot remedial sand cap area were similar to those measured at
53 onment has been difficult to accomplish with remedial sanitation, large-scale reductions in cockroach
54 ignificantly increased rates of school based remedial services for academic underachievement, neurops
55                           Selecting the best remedial strategy is challenging due to uncertainties an
56                                              Remedial surgery for primary hyperparathyroidism is chal
57  immediate breast reconstruction by reducing remedial surgery on the opposite breast.
58 een groups, as was the final pass rate after remedial teaching, which was 94.2% in the e-ALS group an
59 s much greater than that achieved with other remedial techniques.
60 ith a weakened cell wall, including sorbitol-remedial temperature sensitivity and sensitivities to ca
61 mportant role played by the various types of remedial therapy in the prevention and treatment of peri
62                                     Although remedial training can help restore cognitive function, t
63 ir specific practice setting to determine if remedial training is indicated.
64 icians moved into the acceptable range after remedial training, the expected result would be (a) diag
65 rmed the efficacy of the grape seed oil as a remedial treatment.
66     This proposal has implications for early remedial treatment.
67            The findings are also relevant to remedial treatments for lead/vanadium contamination, and
68 ularly challenging issue for injection-based remedial treatments.

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