


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  only seen with decreased cardiac output and renal blood flow.
2 re rapid dynamic alterations in differential renal blood flow.
3 ) during angiotensin II-induced reduction in renal blood flow.
4 cant change in glomerular filtration rate or renal blood flow.
5  closely related to discharge energy than is renal blood flow.
6 n in the CD that may contribute to decreased renal blood flow.
7 nal perfusion pressure but not of changes in renal blood flow.
8 mortality, impaired ventilation, and reduced renal blood flow.
9 erfusion pressure but poorly with changes in renal blood flow.
10 otection is partly related to maintenance of renal blood flow.
11 ns in methods for measuring rapid changes in renal blood flow.
12 istance blood vessels and failed to increase renal blood flow.
13 y and have been implicated in the control of renal blood flow.
14 c oxide synthase expressions correlated with renal blood flow.
15 y injury occurs in the presence of increased renal blood flow.
16 d flow, without changing portal pressure and renal blood flow.
17 largely because of a substantial increase in renal blood flow.
18 ery narrowness and can result to decrease in renal blood flow.
19  extracellular volume depletion or decreased renal blood flow.
20 evosimendan induced significant increases in renal blood flow (12%, p<0.05) and glomerular filtration
21 t (2.1+/-0.2 to 2.3+/-0.2 L/min; P<0.05) and renal blood flow (131+/-17 to 162+/-18 mL/min; P<0.05) i
22  differ, there was a significant decrease of renal blood flow 2 hr after the intake of CsA compared w
23 nterval] 0.51 [0.28-0.92]) despite increased renal blood flow (241 to 343 mL/min, difference [95% con
24 7 versus 57 +/- 11 mL/min, P < or = 0.0001), renal blood flow (3.4 +/-0.7 versus 8.4 +/- 1.9 mL/min L
25 d animals, ANG II produced a 40% decrease in renal blood flow, a level between untreated dietary grou
26 gonist of the dopamine-1 receptor, preserves renal blood flow after iodinated contrast administration
27 ericytes in vitro Initial studies monitoring renal blood flow after IRI did not find significant effe
28      There was no significant change in mean renal blood flow after PTA (P=.44).
29  of renal hypoxia and partial restoration of renal blood flow after revascularization, inflammatory c
30                                   After UNX, renal blood flow and amino acid delivery to the remainin
31 st magnetic resonance imaging measurement of renal blood flow and cardiac output.
32 in mild CHF in association with increases in renal blood flow and decreases in renal vascular resista
33 usion preserves spinal cord, mesenteric, and renal blood flow and eliminates the potential catastroph
34 y allows for enhanced resolution of regional renal blood flow and functional evaluations in patients.
35                     Given the differences in renal blood flow and GFR in control and postischemic kid
36 rom 141 +/- 3 (SE) mm Hg to 101 +/- 2 mm Hg; renal blood flow and GFR were not significantly altered
37  sodium excretion; however, the increases in renal blood flow and GFR were not sustained as systemic
38 re characterized by progressive reduction in renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate and show
39                                Reductions in renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate are unde
40                                              Renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate exhibite
41                                              Renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate were mea
42 omerular resistance vessels, increasing both renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate without
43                       I/R markedly depressed renal blood flow and increased the production in O2, PGE
44 on was evaluated by parallel measurements of renal blood flow and inulin clearance.
45                                              Renal blood flow and mean arterial pressure responses to
46 l hypertension, and a progressive decline in renal blood flow and renal function.
47 de plays an important role in the control of renal blood flow and renal function.
48 ith renal vasoconstriction, but no change in renal blood flow and substantial femoral vasodilatation
49 on during endotoxic shock actually increases renal blood flow and that this effect is not the result
50 ay be a valuable tool to further investigate renal blood flow and the effects of therapies on renal b
51                                     The mean renal blood flow and total urine output were 68.0 mL/min
52  AM reflect unique actions of the peptide on renal blood flow and tubular function.
53 ic volume expansions reversed the changes in renal blood flow and urine output, but impaired creatini
54  scored based on the macroscopic appearance, renal blood flow and urine output.
55       We developed a technique for measuring renal blood flow and used a pig model to determine wheth
56 a role in reversing LPS-induced decreases in renal blood flow and volume, although the effects on PAR
57 en demand while lower extremity, splanchnic, renal blood flows and arteriovenous oxygen content diffe
58 ilability in renal vascular cells, augmented renal blood flow, and decreased systemic blood pressure
59 e imaged with a 1.5-T imager to estimate EF, renal blood flow, and glomerular filtration rate.
60 es systemic blood pressure, reduces regional renal blood flow, and increases platelet counts and proc
61 zed sheep, decrements in hemodynamic status, renal blood flow, and kidney function incurred following
62 on of renal microvasculature, improvement in renal blood flow, and less tissue hypoxia than TbetaRII(
63  rapidly decreases blood pressure, increases renal blood flow, and maintains or improves the glomerul
64 nsion would reduce portal pressure, increase renal blood flow, and produce insignificant changes in a
65 ynamic parameters, including cardiac output, renal blood flow, and vascular resistance.
66 y renal nerve stimulation, the reductions in renal blood flow at each stimulation frequency were grea
67 has been shown under conditions of efficient renal blood flow autoregulation.
68 ributes importantly to the early decrease in renal blood flow (basal versus handgrip, 4.2 +/- 0.2 ver
69 boreflex contributes to further decreases in renal blood flow (basal versus posthandgrip circulatory
70                               Obstruction of renal blood flow before and during RF ablation resulted
71 AKI), but there were no changes over time in renal blood flow between groups (P > 0.30) or over time
72 model, NE was associated with an increase in renal blood flow both before and after endotoxin adminis
73                   BQ-123 increased effective renal blood flow (BQ-123, -0.1 +/- 2.4%; BQ-123+E, 10.9
74 in normotensive F2s (n = 3) without altering renal blood flow but was inactive in hypertensive F2s (n
75 and a high dose of aminoguanidine normalized renal blood flow, but did not alter creatinine clearance
76      Sepsis increased cardiac output by 60%, renal blood flow by 35%, and arterial lactate by approxi
77  mg kg-1 bis in die (b.i.d.)) rats decreased renal blood flow by 46 and 29 % (both P < 0.001), respec
78 0 mg/kg) to untreated control mice increased renal blood flow by 55% (from 1.8+/-0.2 to 2.8+/-0.2 ml/
79 ute extracellular volume expansion increased renal blood flow by 84% and reduced renal vascular resis
80 ors in VSMCs are essential for regulation of renal blood flow by Ang II and highlight the capacity of
81 on of liver disease and portal hypertension, renal blood flow declines because of the hepatorenal ref
82                                              Renal blood flow decreased after reperfusion but was not
83 rotid and iliac circulations, mesenteric and renal blood flows decreased markedly.
84 sartan IC50 values for percentage changes in renal blood flow did not differ in the two groups of mic
85 njection of S1P in anesthetized rats reduced renal blood flow dose dependently.
86  of lipid peroxidation by U74389G maintained renal blood flow during acute CsA administration.
87 anced harmonic US imaging depicts changes in renal blood flow during acute obstruction.
88 hyperspectral imaging facilitates monitoring renal blood flow during animal surgery and holds conside
89 formed to clarify the mechanisms controlling renal blood flow during static exercise.
90 c, diuretic, glomerular filtration rate, and renal blood flow enhancing actions than native ANP in vi
91 uretic, with glomerular filtration rate- and renal blood flow-enhancing actions.
92                      Sildenafil improved the renal blood flow for the first 30 min in the 2-hr group
93 ecule that participates in the regulation of renal blood flow, GFR, and mesangial matrix accumulation
94    We assessed BP, urinary protein, stenotic renal blood flow, GFR, microvascular structure, and oxyg
95 que and complex functional interplay between renal blood flow, GFR, O2 consumption, and arteriovenous
96 ach nephron is crucial for the regulation of renal blood flow, GFR, urine concentration, and other sp
97 al artery stenosis (ARAS) is known to reduce renal blood flow, glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and a
98 enous infusion of Hcys was found to decrease renal blood flow, glomerular filtration rate, and sodium
99 ore evaluated the effects of levosimendan on renal blood flow, glomerular filtration rate, renal oxyg
100  and generate paracrine signals that control renal blood flow, glomerular filtration, and release of
101 to control vital kidney functions, including renal blood flow, glomerular filtration, and renin relea
102 total kidney volume and decreases in GFR and renal blood flow greater than expected for a given age a
103 a high-salt diet, Tmem27(Y/-) mice had lower renal blood flow, higher abundance of renal sodium-hydro
104 hed nitric oxide bioavailability and reduced renal blood flow; however, the mechanisms leading to the
105                         Fenoldopam increased renal blood flow in a dose-dependent manner compared wit
106 aluate rapid dynamic changes in differential renal blood flow in an experimental animal model.
107  in urinary sodium excretion, urine flow and renal blood flow in association with reductions in cardi
108 low in wild-type mice and an 8% reduction of renal blood flow in AT1A receptor-knockout mice.
109 ent, AngII (2 ng) produced 40% reductions in renal blood flow in both rat strains, without affecting
110 cantly reduced the effects of vasopressin on renal blood flow in control but not in endotoxemic rats.
111 l blood flow and the effects of therapies on renal blood flow in critical illness.
112 pmol/kg, IV) produced increased reduction in renal blood flow in endotoxemic rats.
113 increases in oxygen demand on splanchnic and renal blood flow in hemorrhaged dogs.
114 ninvasive method for the mapping of regional renal blood flow in humans using PET and H(2)(15)O.
115                              The decrease in renal blood flow in patients with heart failure was simi
116 nic saline (7.5% NaCl) solution may maximize renal blood flow in prolonged pneumoperitoneum, but it d
117 ught to overcome such obstacles by measuring renal blood flow in septic patients with acute kidney in
118 on pressure of perfused kidneys in vitro and renal blood flow in situ were evaluated.
119         However, the accurate measurement of renal blood flow in such patients is problematic and inv
120  in a greater transfer of input signals into renal blood flow in the 0.1 to 1.0 Hz range.
121 more, laser Doppler assessment showed higher renal blood flow in the CD47mAb-treated kidneys.
122 renal AngII (1 ng) caused a 32% reduction of renal blood flow in wild-type mice and an 8% reduction o
123                                              Renal blood flow increased with F+T but this was not sig
124  reduction in glomerular filtration rate and renal blood flow, increased renal cytokine expression, a
125 st dose (i.e., 0.03 ILg/kg/min), significant renal blood flow increases occurred without changes in s
126        There was no rank correlation between renal blood flow index and creatinine clearance in patie
127                                              Renal blood flow indexed to body surface area was 244 mL
128 ow doses (0.004 to 0.02 units/min) increased renal blood flow (indicator-dilution technique), reduced
129                                  Because the renal blood flow is not affected by the increased cardia
130                                              Renal blood flow is often reduced in patients with chron
131 increased arterial pressure without reducing renal blood flow, leading to an improved renal function.
132 (maximal reduction 55+/- 6%) and increase in renal blood flow (maximal increase 136 +/- 54%).
133  of the renal arteries provided quantitative renal blood flow measurements.
134 roups in systemic vascular resistance index, renal blood flow, mesenteric blood flow, systemic oxygen
135  there was a significant correlation between renal blood flow obtained before drug administration and
136  at the lowest dose, significantly increased renal blood flow occurred without changes in systemic bl
137 longed CO2 pneumoperitoneum caused decreased renal blood flow, oliguria, and impaired creatinine clea
138 ycardia, increased cardiac output, increased renal blood flow, oliguria, decreased creatinine clearan
139 nthase inhibitor did not reduce the elevated renal blood flow or improve renal function.
140 d water retention caused by abnormalities of renal blood flow, or as a hemodynamic problem associated
141 early AKI was not associated with changes in renal blood flow, oxygen delivery, or histological appea
142 models with low cardiac output and decreased renal blood flow (p < 0.0001).
143 th high-sodium diet (16% vs. 56% decrease in renal blood flow, P < 0.001).
144  leads to relative hypovolemia and decreased renal blood flow, patients with decompensated cirrhosis
145                      Pre-stent single kidney renal blood flow, perfusion, and GFR were reduced in the
146 ontrol rats, there was a 10-fold increase in renal blood flow power over the frequency range of 0.01
147             Although this did not affect the renal blood flow power spectrum in control rats, there w
148 d that is fully tissue protective, increases renal blood flow, promotes sodium excretion, reduces inj
149 crobubbles and ultrasonic flow probe-derived renal blood flow (r = 0.82, p < 0.001) over a wide range
150  in significantly higher cardiac outputs and renal blood flow rates in treated animals compared with
151 therosclerotic renal artery stenosis reduces renal blood flow (RBF) and amplifies stenotic kidney hyp
152 GMPV), glomerular filtration rate (GFR), and renal blood flow (RBF) and decreased distal fractional s
153 sclerotic renovascular disease (RVD) reduces renal blood flow (RBF) and GFR and accelerates poststeno
154 oconstrictors contributes to the decrease in renal blood flow (RBF) and GFR observed during LPS-induc
155                                        Basal renal blood flow (RBF) and glomerular filtration rate (G
156 mboxane A2 (TxA(2)) may mediate decreases of renal blood flow (RBF) and/or GFR associated with LPS-in
157 rmed in anesthetized dogs (n = 9) to examine renal blood flow (RBF) autoregulatory efficiency before
158 vely evaluate the feasibility of determining renal blood flow (RBF) by using a technique based on int
159 e myogenic response and the TGF mechanism in renal blood flow (RBF) control at the very earliest stag
160  mean arterial pressure (MABP), no change in renal blood flow (RBF) due to an increase in renal vascu
161 decreased by 50% after infusion of AngII and renal blood flow (RBF) fell by 3.3 ml min(-1) .
162                                              Renal blood flow (RBF) is often reduced in patients with
163                                     This rat renal blood flow (RBF) study quantified the impact of ni
164 hrectomy results in an immediate increase in renal blood flow (RBF) to the remnant kidney, followed b
165                                              Renal blood flow (RBF) was measured using an ultrasonic
166 reperfusion, plasma [ET-1] increased 66% and renal blood flow (RBF) was reduced by 38% compared with
167 II (ANGII) on the dynamic characteristics of renal blood flow (RBF) was studied in conscious dogs by
168                       Hippuran clearance and renal blood flow (RBF) were measured twice, before and a
169 owed by decreases in mean arterial pressure, renal blood flow (RBF), and renal capillary perfusion at
170 ature, participates in the autoregulation of renal blood flow (RBF), but the underlying mechanisms ar
171                                              Renal blood flow (RBF), mean arterial pressure (MAP), an
172 +/-7 mmHg; the control decreases in cortical renal blood flow (RBF), measured with laser Doppler flow
173                 But arterial pressure (ABP), renal blood flow (RBF), renal vascular conductance (RVC)
174  LPS on glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and renal blood flow (RBF).
175 olume, glomerular filtration rate (GFR), and renal blood flow (RBF).
176 sure (MABP, Delta = +18 to 26 mmHg), reduced renal blood flow (RBF, Delta = -1.8 to 2.9 ml min(-1)),
177 icantly improved renal function by restoring renal blood flow, reducing nicotinamide adenine dinucleo
178                                              Renal blood flow remained unaffected by all treatment fo
179                                              Renal blood flow response to Ach was blunted in pigs tha
180   The aim of this study was to determine the renal blood flow response to static exercise in healthy
181 (by electromagnetic or ultrasonic flowmetry) renal blood flow responses to AngII in rats and mice.
182  was assessed in vivo by measuring transient renal blood flow responses to bolus injections of ANG II
183              After an ischemic insult, total renal blood flow returns toward normal, but marked, regi
184                                              Renal blood flow seems consistently reduced as a fractio
185 ptors elicited significant increases in GFR, renal blood flow, sodium excretion, and fractional sodiu
186 hase and neuronal nitric oxide synthase with renal blood flow suggest in this experimental model that
187 e of an associated low cardiac output or low renal blood flow syndrome.
188 patorenal syndrome may improve by increasing renal blood flow through the use of vasoconstrictors (va
189  and high ureteral pressure reduced cortical renal blood flow to 88% and 66%, respectively, of baseli
190 ies and may play a role in the regulation of renal blood flow under physiological and patho-physiolog
191             Infusion of 1400W did not change renal blood flow, urine output, or creatinine clearance,
192 irst described in the 19th century, and GFR, renal blood flow, urine production, and electrolyte excr
193 le renal resistance increased moderately and renal blood flow usually was maintained above control le
194 nder this normalized curve was compared with renal blood flow values.
195 nt signaling (including pain), regulation of renal blood flow, vascular endothelium, and inflammatory
196                      Beat-to-beat changes in renal blood flow velocity (RBV; Duplex Ultrasound), mean
197 e 148 ([Cl] 98 mmol/L, Baxter Healthcare) on renal blood flow velocity and perfusion in humans using
198 ter Healthcare, Thetford, United Kingdom] on renal blood flow velocity and renal cortical tissue perf
199 sion of 0.9% saline results in reductions in renal blood flow velocity and renal cortical tissue perf
200 s measured with intravascular ultrasound and renal blood flow velocity with the aid of an intravascul
201 ), 289 (171-477), and 70 (51-91) mumol/L and renal blood flow was 270 +/- 42, 653 +/- 210, and 250 +/
202                                       Median renal blood flow was 482 mL/min (range 335-1137) in sept
203                                     The mean renal blood flow was 93.6 mL/min/100 g and the kidney pr
204                                The increased renal blood flow was accompanied by more rapid intrarena
205                                              Renal blood flow was determined with a flowprobe, and th
206                                              Renal blood flow was determined with a flowprobe.
207                                              Renal blood flow was gradually increased from 5 min to 3
208 s 1.4 +/- 0.1 ml/min), and autoregulation of renal blood flow was maintained to a pressure level of a
209                                              Renal blood flow was measured by dynamic positron emissi
210                                              Renal blood flow was measured in all patients to calcula
211                                 Cerebral and renal blood flow was measured with colored microspheres.
212                                              Renal blood flow was measured with electron-beam compute
213                                        Total renal blood flow was not different between UT-A1/3(-/-)
214         At comparable levels of arterial BP, renal blood flow was not significantly different between
215 cant change in glomerular filtration rate or renal blood flow was observed.
216                                 In contrast, renal blood flow was reduced by infusion of a nonselecti
217                                        Basal renal blood flow was similar among the groups, whereas G
218 Hg higher and glomerular filtration rate and renal blood flow were approximately 30% lower (P<0.001)
219 ar filtration rate, extraction fraction, and renal blood flow were assessed during PTA.
220 l perfusion, glomerular filtration rate, and renal blood flow were calculated.
221 oups, whereas glomerular filtration rate and renal blood flow were decreased less in uni-x sheep (PIn
222 med, and interlobar resistive index (RI) and renal blood flow were determined at baseline and during
223 al pressure, glomerular filtration rate, and renal blood flow were measured before and during NO inhi
224 n arterial pressure, forearm blood flow, and renal blood flow were measured during mental stress test
225 le kidney cortical, medullary perfusion, and renal blood flow were measured using multidetector compu
226 ood pressure, blood and urine chemistry, and renal blood flow were not different between e-5'NT/CD73(
227  reflex renal vasoconstriction and decreased renal blood flow, which may implicate endogenous adenosi
228 els dilate, causing increased filtration and renal blood flow with decreased vascular resistance as a
229 etermine a dose of fenoldopam that increases renal blood flow without inducing hypotension in normote
230 hen determined: glomerular filtration rate = renal blood flow x (1 - hematocrit level) x EF.

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