


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                           In vitro in murine renal cortical adenocarcinoma (RENCA) cells, a widely us
2  inhibited NADPH-dependent ROS generation in renal cortical and glomerular homogenates.
3                                              Renal cortical and medullary blood flows, measured by la
4 arenchyma were considered, and in the other, renal cortical and medullary signal intensities were tre
5                              However, murine renal cortical and medullary tubular cells expressed Gb(
6                            PET revealed that renal cortical AT(1) receptor binding was increased in s
7 cidosis, caused hypocitraturia and increased renal cortical ATP citrate lyase activity by 28%.
8  caused hypocitraturia in rats and increased renal cortical ATP citrate lyase activity by 67% after 7
9                                              Renal cortical ATP citrate lyase protein abundance incre
10 Renal norepinephrine (NE) tissue content and renal cortical axon density were assessed.
11  reduced renal resistive index and increased renal cortical blood flow compared to mice with normal T
12 in this study are that in healthy humans (1) renal cortical blood flow decreases (basal versus handgr
13                                              Renal cortical blood flow was measured using dynamic pos
14 evelopment of nephropathy and down-regulated renal cortical CB1R expression, without affecting the ma
15 ad similar reductions in BP but no change in renal cortical CD3(+) cells compared with kidneys from A
16 n vivo myoglobinuric ARF produced comparable renal cortical CE (and to a lesser extent FC) increments
17 ort suggested in vitro uptake of exosomes by renal cortical collecting duct cells, most studies of hu
18 aining reveals the expression of POSH in the renal cortical collecting duct.
19  exchanger in beta-intercalated cells of the renal cortical collecting duct.
20 hysiology of the A-intercalated cells of the renal cortical collecting duct.
21 st time that PPARgamma is expressed in human renal cortical collecting ducts (CCD), segments of the n
22                                           In renal cortical collecting ducts, changes in rates of per
23  restriction decreases ROMK abundance in the renal cortical-collecting ducts by stimulating endocytos
24                                              Renal cortical concentrations of ATP, ADP, AMP, cAMP, cr
25                                              Renal cortical content of cystathionine beta-synthase an
26 /kg body wt), which detectably increased the renal cortical content of each antioxidant.
27 lysis revealed a significant decrease in the renal cortical contents of alpha5, beta1, and gamma1 cha
28 ck by the renin-angiotensin system modulates renal cortical COX-2 expression and that COX-2 is a medi
29  captopril, further increased COX-2 mRNA and renal cortical COX-2 immunoreactivity, with the most pro
30 tensin II inhibitors augment upregulation of renal cortical COX-2 in states of volume depletion, sugg
31  In conclusion, we documented an increase in renal cortical COX-2 protein expression associated with
32  with spironolactone caused up-regulation of renal cortical COX-2.
33                                              Renal cortical COX2-derived prostanoids, particularly PG
34                             Total scores for renal cortical defects were compared by using the Wilcox
35               However, exercise did increase renal cortical endothelial (e)NOS and EC SOD in young ra
36      On contrast-enhanced gray-scale images, renal cortical enhancement reached statistical significa
37                                              Renal cortical epithelial cells derived from either earl
38 mesangial cells, as MIP-2 or KC treatment of renal cortical epithelial cells or peritoneal macrophage
39 a crescentic anti-GBM GN with an increase of renal cortical ERK activity after 4, 6, and 8 wk.
40 N had higher levels of urine ET-1 excretion, renal cortical ET-1 addition to microdialysate in vivo,
41 ET-1 addition to microdialysate in vivo, and renal cortical ET-1 mRNA, consistent with increased rena
42                                 In addition, renal cortical expression of 8-hydroxy--deoxyguanosine a
43  study period, with a persistent increase in renal cortical expression of IL-18, IL-1beta, and TGF-be
44 e stress was investigated and was related to renal cortical expression of NAD(P)H oxidase and superox
45                               We studied the renal cortical expression of the C-C (macrophage inflamm
46               After 18 hours, BUN levels and renal cortical FC/CE content were determined.
47 ucose and TGF-beta on the behavior of murine renal cortical fibroblasts (TFB) in culture.
48                                              Renal cortical-free cholesterol (FC) and cholesterol est
49 he renal tubular compartment and lower AIFM1 renal cortical gene expression, which correlated with de
50 itudes of plasma and urinary HO-1 paralleled renal cortical gene expression.
51 servations that pyruvate injection increased renal cortical glucose content in AKI but not normal kid
52  LA but not VE or VC significantly increased renal cortical glutathione content in D.
53 tic mice showed increased phosphorylation of renal cortical GSK3beta and decreased phosphorylation of
54                                              Renal cortical HMGCR mRNA also fell in response to eithe
55  confirmed a two- to three-fold reduction in renal cortical homogenate insulin receptor-beta among kn
56                                              Renal cortical homogenates from db/db mice in early stag
57 reased both RAS and p-ERK1/2 activity in the renal cortical homogenates of cKO-PT-Mfn2 mice.
58 el resulted in significant increases in: (a) renal cortical hsp27 mRNA expression (826 +/- 233%, x +/
59     The functional consequences of increased renal cortical hyaluronan that is associated with both a
60 onclude that the ability of AngII to promote renal cortical hypoxia may contribute to its influence o
61                                              Renal cortical imaging with 99mTc-dimercaptosuccinic aci
62 zygous and heterozygous knock-out of Phd2 in renal cortical interstitial cells using a Pax3-Cre trans
63                          pHLIP also maps the renal cortical interstitium; however, kidney accumulatio
64                                              Renal cortical LDL receptor (LDL-R; a cholesterol import
65 cell SR-B1 and ABCA-1 mRNAs and increases in renal cortical LDL-R mRNA imply that this dysregulation
66 ctive TGF-beta, and collagen alpha1 (IV) and renal cortical malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were signifi
67 nsion, the extent of glomerulosclerosis, and renal cortical malondialdehyde content were all signific
68 merular content of TGF-beta and collagen IV, renal cortical MDA, and urinary excretion of TGF-beta in
69 the impact of overnight dehydration on mouse renal cortical/medullary FC/CE profiles was determined.
70                            Water flux across renal cortical membrane vesicles, measured by stopped-fl
71                        On ligand blotting of renal cortical membranes, Lp B-70.5 bound only to megali
72  both intact renal microvessels and enriched renal cortical microsomal enzyme preparations, the forma
73  in incubations of arachidonic acid with SHR renal cortical microsomes relative to microsomes from no
74                  Knockout mice had decreased renal cortical mRNA content of all three epithelial sodi
75                                              Renal cortical mRNA expression and enzyme activity of gl
76 diet, HS significantly (P < 0.005) increased renal cortical mRNA expression of gp91(phox) and p47(pho
77             This is accompanied by increased renal cortical NADH and NADPH oxidase activity and incre
78                                              Renal cortical NADH- and NADPH-stimulable O(2)(.-) gener
79 .6 +/- 0.3 versus 2.0 +/- 0.3 nM; P < 0.05), renal cortical NADPH- and NADH-dependent O(2)(.-) genera
80 ue to acute tubular necrosis (12), bilateral renal cortical necrosis (two), and poststreptococcal glo
81 ys of oliguria; both patients with bilateral renal cortical necrosis also succumbed, on the seventy-t
82                                              Renal cortical neoplasms have been reported after organ
83                                              Renal cortical neoplasms were identified in 32/1325 of n
84 rent standard for treatment of small (<4 cm) renal cortical neoplasms, active surveillance remains an
85 increased risk of developing tubulopapillary renal cortical neoplasms.
86 ience in order to optimize the management of renal cortical neoplasms.
87  a formal framework for the management of T1 renal cortical neoplasms; however, we site specific modi
88                        This study shows that renal cortical neovascularization elicited by diet-induc
89 icantly less albuminuria, renal dysfunction, renal cortical NF-kappaB activation, tubular CCL-2 expre
90  occurred in the absence of changes in total renal cortical NHE-3 antigen.
91     The AngII slow pressor response enhances renal cortical O(2)(.-) and p22(phox) expression.
92 is revealed a time-dependent upregulation of renal cortical osteopontin expression reaching 138 +/- 6
93 umption in normal kidney, so the response of renal cortical oxygen consumption to stimulators of NO p
94 The authors therefore explored regulation of renal cortical oxygen consumption, a nitric oxide mediat
95      Thus AngII is an important modulator of renal cortical oxygenation via AT1 receptors.
96 s microbubble-based US contrast agent depict renal cortical perfusion clearly in rabbits.
97 measure renal artery blood flow velocity and renal cortical perfusion.
98 measure renal artery blood flow velocity and renal cortical perfusion.
99                                   The normal renal cortical peritubular space contains fenestrated ca
100 betes caused GPR91-dependent upregulation of renal cortical phospho-p38, extracellular signal-regulat
101                           In conscious rats, renal cortical PO2 was dose-dependently reduced by intra
102 or 14 days induced a significant increase in renal cortical pp38 expression, predominantly in the mac
103 57BL/6 mice, excess acid ingestion increased renal cortical preproET-1 mRNA expression 2.4-fold and d
104                 Immunoblot analysis of human renal cortical protein lysates demonstrated RhCG protein
105                            Here, we assessed renal cortical pyruvate and its major determinants (glyc
106 duces a profound and persistent depletion of renal cortical pyruvate, which may induce additional inj
107 ET hydrolysis was increased 5- to 54-fold in renal cortical S9 fractions from the spontaneously hyper
108                                              Renal cortical samples were then scanned three dimension
109 rams, (99m)Tc-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) renal cortical scans, (99m)Tc-based hepatobiliary scans,
110 ons, diagnostic evaluations, pyelonephritis, renal cortical scarring, and long term follow-up of vesi
111 tion of more pyelonephritic lesions than did renal cortical scintigraphy and had superior interobserv
112 letal scintigraphy, scrotal scintigraphy and renal cortical scintigraphy are discussed and illustrate
113 rsion-recovery MR imaging and technetium-99m renal cortical scintigraphy.
114                                              Renal cortical sections of HIV-transgenic mice (Tg26) di
115 AR expression and activation of NF-kappaB in renal cortical sections.
116  anion production was accelerated twofold in renal cortical slices from diabetic rats, with an associ
117 Czeta interaction was investigated in rodent renal cortical slices from fasted animals.
118                                Incubation of renal cortical slices in the presence of a phosphodieste
119                                           In renal cortical slices obtained from endotoxemic mice, cy
120                                Incubation of renal cortical slices with 2 mM sodium nitroprusside res
121                  In both SOD and D-SOD mice, renal cortical SOD-1 activity was twofold higher than va
122                               Paradoxically, renal cortical SR-B1 and ABCA-1 protein reductions and L
123 ge of diabetes mellitus provokes accelerated renal cortical superoxide anion production in a setting
124 roach if the needle path was parallel to the renal cortical surface, at a depth closer to the renal c
125 letion of miR-192 in vivo display attenuated renal cortical TGF-beta and p53 expression when made dia
126 4 months, RNA and protein were obtained from renal cortical tissue for relative reverse transcription
127        Northern blot analysis of extracts of renal cortical tissue from GHS and NC rats revealed a ma
128 n renal artery flow velocity (P = 0.045) and renal cortical tissue perfusion (P = 0.008) from baselin
129 er, there was a significant increase in mean renal cortical tissue perfusion after PVR when compared
130 ed Kingdom] on renal blood flow velocity and renal cortical tissue perfusion in humans using magnetic
131  The balanced starch produced an increase in renal cortical tissue perfusion, a phenomenon not seen w
132  reductions in renal blood flow velocity and renal cortical tissue perfusion.
133             Exogenous angiotensin-II reduced renal cortical tissue PO2 more than equi-pressor doses o
134 aste electrode for continuous measurement of renal cortical tissue PO2.
135 l flt-1 receptor staining was seen in normal renal cortical tissue samples, and only weak mesangial K
136 lomeruli were isolated by sieving Wistar rat renal cortical tissue, and individually loaded onto a su
137 t and p-FoxO3A levels also were increased in renal cortical tissues from rats and mice at 2 wk after
138                                  Retinal and renal cortical tissues obtained from the tightly control
139 al localization of intrinsic MDC9 protein in renal cortical tubule cells and glomerular visceral epit
140                          We report here that renal cortical tubule cells produce AOAH and secrete it
141 s showed focal injury in approximately 1% of renal cortical tubules.
142        To retrospectively determine if solid renal cortical tumors can be differentiated on computed
143  characterize several histologic subtypes of renal cortical tumors, although it does not aid differen
144 es and related pathologies after surgery for renal cortical tumors.
145 equency ablation (RFA) for the management of renal cortical tumors.
146 e of partial nephrectomy in the treatment of renal cortical tumors.
147 ay be helpful in differentiating subtypes of renal cortical tumors.
148 rtial or radical nephrectomy for a solitary, renal cortical tumour (</=4 cm) between 1989 and 2005 at
149 he baseline kidney function of patients with renal cortical tumours is lower than previously thought,
150 ronic kidney disease in patients with small, renal cortical tumours undergoing radical or partial nep
151 ed as the gold standard treatment for small, renal cortical tumours.
152 L.min-1.g-1; P = .04) and to the increase in renal cortical vascular resistance (basal versus handgri
153 0.2 mL.min-1.g-1; P = .002) and increases in renal cortical vascular resistance (basal versus handgri
154 rsus 3.5 +/- 0.1 mL.min-1.g-1; P = .008) and renal cortical vascular resistance increases (basal vers
155 ic exercise in normal healthy humans, reflex renal cortical vasoconstriction occurs.
156 with vitamin C markedly increased plasma and renal cortical vitamin C content to values greater than
157 Renal cortical vitamin E and plasma, but not renal cortical vitamin C, were reduced in diabetic rats
158 n control rats and also increased plasma and renal cortical vitamin C.
159                                              Renal cortical vitamin E and plasma, but not renal corti
160     Supplementation with vitamin E increased renal cortical vitamin E content by 50% compared with va
161 s a composite of doubling of the fraction of renal cortical volume occupied by interstitium from base
162 sures, BSA was superior to BMI in predicting renal cortical volume.

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