


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 f abstinence on ketamine-induced cardiac and renal toxicity.
2 men has a high efficacy, without significant renal toxicity.
3  improve therapeutic efficacy while reducing renal toxicity.
4 at submaximally efficacious doses because of renal toxicity.
5  be as effective as TDF, with lower bone and renal toxicity.
6 duced expression of fibrogenic molecules and renal toxicity.
7 ssion sometimes complicated by infection and renal toxicity.
8 enofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) may cause renal toxicity.
9 ase I can cause gastrointestinal, liver, and renal toxicity.
10 ood loss, GI intolerance, hepatotoxicity, or renal toxicity.
11  because of their insolubility and resulting renal toxicity.
12 le cerebral artery in rats and was devoid of renal toxicity.
13 enting progression, avoiding bone marrow and renal toxicity.
14  calcineurin inhibitor-mediated neuronal and renal toxicities.
15 toxicities (6.3% v 4.4%; P = .25) and severe renal toxicity (8.9% v 11.2%; P = .47) were comparable i
16                   There were no grade 3 or 4 renal toxicities and no treatment-related deaths.
17 st that these mechanisms explain the classic renal toxicities and peculiar tendinopathies associated
18         (225)Ac nanogenerators may result in renal toxicity and anemia at high doses.
19                                   Results If renal toxicity and clearance are not of direct treatment
20 in adult liver allotransplantation with less renal toxicity and less use of maintenance steroids.
21 carboplatin-based therapy had less long-term renal toxicity and ototoxicity.
22 isoproxil fumarate have been associated with renal toxicity and reduced bone mineral density.
23 ceiving these agents should be monitored for renal toxicity and the dose modified for renal insuffici
24 eta-analyses have raised questions regarding renal toxicity and the mortality associated with this ag
25 ly the possibility of chronic neurologic and renal toxicities, and the potential harm from delay of R
26 stic infections, thromboembolic disease, and renal toxicities associated with high dose methotrexate.
27                  We review the mechanisms of renal toxicity associated with CNIs and the recent effor
28                                              Renal toxicity associated with small-molecule radionucli
29                           Seven patients had renal toxicity characterized by hypophosphatemia and/or
30 as to determine if a comparable reduction in renal toxicity could be achieved by performing the same
31 ppear to be at increased risk for developing renal toxicity due to administration of intravenous iodi
32              There was no grade 3 or greater renal toxicity during chemotherapy or grade 3 or greater
33 ation-response relationships for closure and renal toxicity, especially in select subgroups historica
34            We observed significantly reduced renal toxicity for peptide-labeled rapamycin micelles co
35 weeks), only transient liver toxicity and no renal toxicity had been observed.
36 a low incidence of long-term hematologic and renal toxicity, have been reported.
37  analyzing blood samples for hematologic and renal toxicity (hemoglobin, leukocytes, platelets, creat
38 otoxicity occurred in 3 patients, and severe renal toxicity in 1 patient.
39 ductions in renal function and predictors of renal toxicity in a large open-label study of PrEP.
40 d not result in major additional TDF-related renal toxicity in HIV-infected patients.
41 ere used to study predictors of survival and renal toxicity in patients completing three or more trea
42  of TGF-beta in immunosuppression-associated renal toxicity in recipients of cardiac transplantation.
43 ut was more likely to cause grade 3, 4, or 5 renal toxicity (in 9 percent of patients, vs. 3 percent
44 environmental enrichment (EE) on cardiac and renal toxicity induced by 2 weeks of ketamine self-admin
45 ended dose of 90 mg, intravenously, monthly, renal toxicity is infrequent; however, higher doses have
46                                  The risk of renal toxicity may depend on the accumulation of CsA and
47 DA is a potent nephrotoxicant, and potential renal toxicity may require consideration when determinin
48 rmalities continue, to which FK 506-mediated renal toxicity might contribute.
49 thrombocytopenia with bleeding, grade 3 or 4 renal toxicity, neutropenic fever, or mucositis) was obs
50 ys and probably contributed to the long-term renal toxicity observed in surviving mice.
51                                Dose-limiting renal toxicity occurred at 250 mg/m2, establishing the M
52                                              Renal toxicity occurred in 21 (15%) patients and was tem
53                                           No renal toxicity occurred with either radionuclide.
54 learing efficiency (ICE) and ameliorated the renal toxicity of 2.
55 led metabolites may account for the reported renal toxicity of d-methamphetamine in humans.
56 ising to promote the recovery of cardiac and renal toxicity of ketamine.
57 romising approach that may help decrease the renal toxicity of other small fragments, the molecular w
58 ly to contribute to signaling underlying the renal toxicity of the AGAs.
59 ation, like CHOP(-/-) mice, are resistant to renal toxicity of the ER stress-inducing drug tunicamyci
60 ntive strategies must be instituted to avoid renal toxicity or osteonecrosis of the jaw.
61 urable toxicity profile, including a lack of renal toxicity, patients with UBC, who are often older a
62                                  Leukopenia, renal toxicity, peripheral neurotoxicity, and CNS toxici
63 ided, thus preventing any clinically evident renal toxicity related to TAC.
64                                         This renal toxicity seems to be more prevalent among male pat
65 lial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) associate with renal toxicity suggests that VEGF plays a role in the ma
66          Two patients developed grade 3 to 4 renal toxicity, three developed grade 3 CNS toxicity, on
67 cts, such as gastrointestinal ulceration and renal toxicity, through the inhibition of the constituti
68 ly 30% of patients experienced grades 2 to 4 renal toxicity, usually at doses targeting more than 40
69 eutic trial with N-acetylcysteine to reverse renal toxicity was attempted.
70                                         Mild renal toxicity was common before day 100; 63% of patient
71     Furthermore, as compared with aprotinin, renal toxicity was not observed with KD1-L17R.
72 ient neutropenia occurred, but no hepatic or renal toxicity was noted.
73                               No appreciable renal toxicity was observed at any dose level.
74 both FU/DOX and FU/STZ, and mild to moderate renal toxicity was reported in 40 (34.8%) of 115 patient
75                                           No renal toxicity was seen.
76                                No hepatic or renal toxicities were noted.
77 y was common, but deafness and pulmonary and renal toxicities were rare.
78 tolerated because of grade 4 neutropenia and renal toxicity, whereas the 14.15-mg/m(2) dose level was
79 ther developed grade 3 respiratory, CNS, and renal toxicity, which resolved.

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