


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 hemorrhage, retroperitoneal collaterals, and renal vein thrombosis.
2 ing the early experience of these centers to renal vein thrombosis.
3 y in which a child had died perinatally from renal vein thrombosis.
4    Early reports noted a higher incidence of renal vein thrombosis and eventual graft loss.
5 lications, including deep venous thrombosis, renal vein thrombosis, and pulmonary embolism.
6 ts with membranous nephropathy may be due to renal vein thrombosis, malignant hypertension, or an add
7                        Early graft loss from renal vein thrombosis occurred in two singly implanted k
8 ns were more prevalent in the en bloc group: renal vein thrombosis (one case), thrombosis of donor ao

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