


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  reestablishes the province and the patterns reorganize.
2 alogous genes are specifically remodeled and reorganized.
3 ns between these complexes are substantially reorganized.
4 ovascular plexus stabilized before spatially reorganizing.
5  reorients during growth as cells divide and reorganize [4].
6 olayer dynamics enable adsorbed molecules to reorganize according to the underlying gold electronic s
7 ow representations of individual stimuli are reorganized according to changing task goals.
8 merization is necessary for cells to rapidly reorganize actin filament networks.
9  of muscle contraction to act as a signal to reorganize actin filaments.
10 ein dynamics to enable H-tunneling from well reorganized active sites.
11 icrofold-generated microdomains continuously reorganize, adapting in response to stress to modulate t
12 d integration of adult-born DGCs transiently reorganized adult-born DGC local afferent connectivity a
13  adult mammalian visual cortex is capable of reorganizing after induced retinal lesions.
14 se SSBs must eventually be displaced from or reorganized along the ssDNA.
15 t an extracellular mediator can dramatically reorganize and amplify the intracellular PKA-A-kinase an
16  functional brain networks should be able to reorganize and coordinate on a sub-second temporal scale
17                         In vitro, BJ3Z cells reorganize and increase the proliferation of cocultured
18 unit culture that requires clinicians to: 1) reorganize and manage current practices that have the po
19 emak Schwann cells distal to the injury site reorganize and modify their properties to form cells tha
20            In all cases, intact microtubules reorganize and move from centrosomal to non-centrosomal
21 ge a complex set of signaling processes that reorganize and re-stabilize the spine actin cytoskeleton
22 above the critical threshold can dynamically reorganize and sort out excess non-aligners to maintain
23 h the inner retina is known to have severely reorganized and partially degenerated.
24 a 5, and areas 1 and 2, were topographically reorganized and that receptive fields for neurons in the
25 er-order fields and interactions between the reorganized and the original sensory input remain unknow
26 it has been unclear to what extent the brain reorganizes and how this correlates with functional reco
27  ATP-dependent enzymes that are critical for reorganizing and repositioning nucleosomes in concert wi
28 namic extracellular matrix that is modified, reorganized, and degraded to tightly control its propert
29 pon membrane insertion, the BH3 domains were reorganized, and the alpha5-alpha6 helical hairpin struc
30 any relation to the original function of the reorganized area.
31   Ecological interaction networks constantly reorganize as interspecific interactions change across s
32  When cells enter meiosis, their chromosomes reorganize as linear arrays of chromatin loops anchored
33 ccumulate in a beta-rich state but react and reorganize at the growing fiber's tip.
34     Finally, the MSN and GPe response groups reorganized at the outcome epoch, as different task even
35 ation, the conformation of S100A1 protein is reorganized at the sites most important for target recog
36      It is unclear whether the cross-modally reorganized auditory areas lose auditory responsiveness.
37 ture, the plexus, where they topographically reorganize before navigating towards their muscle target
38 ch even acute exposure to drugs of abuse can reorganize behavioral response strategies and promote ou
39 ytopathogenic fungus Fusarium graminearum is reorganized both in vitro and in planta.
40 he original functional specialization of the reorganized brain regions.
41 iated with heme and that these complexes are reorganized by a stacking procedure to form fibril-like
42 velops concurrently, and excitatory input is reorganized by exercise.
43 moment effective connectivity is dynamically reorganized by the stimulus.
44  local correlations are flexible and rapidly reorganized by visual input.
45 how exposure to drugs of abuse fundamentally reorganizes cell type- and input-specific connectivity i
46 at glucocorticoid and catecholamine exposure reorganizes cellular cortical actin, significantly reduc
47                      Hepatitis C virus (HCV) reorganizes cellular membranes to establish sites of rep
48 lume transplant centers would be improved by reorganizing centers to ensure volumes in excess of 10 t
49 es utilize the energy from ATP hydrolysis to reorganize chromatin and, hence, regulate gene expressio
50 ing in a failure to condense, segregate, and reorganize chromatin.
51  spatially restricted H4Ac/BRD2 domain which reorganizes chromatin at DSBs, limits binding of the L3M
52 tylation (H4Ac) recruits repair proteins and reorganizes chromatin during DNA repair is unclear.
53 etically favorable positions in vivo and for reorganizing chromatin in response to changes in transcr
54   DNA methylation is necessary to temporally reorganize circadian phasing among SCN neurons, which in
55                                         Such reorganized circuitry could contribute to functional def
56  of the endoplasmic reticulum, which focally reorganizes close to the immobilized mitochondria.
57 cascading indirect effects that dramatically reorganize community structure and shift ecosystem funct
58   This behavioural effect is associated with reorganized connectivity across bilateral visual, right
59 ulations suggest that the hypothalamus might reorganize continually in adulthood to integrate the met
60                                Lesioning the reorganized cortex reverses the recovery.
61 beled cells were observed in topographically reorganized cortex.
62 ng hypothesis that sleep may be important to reorganize cortical network dynamics to a critical state
63 suggest a network-level function of sleep to reorganize cortical networks toward states governed by l
64 tional support for our hypothesis that sleep reorganizes cortical networks towards critical dynamics
65 conditions such as amputations or lesions by reorganizing cortical representations of peripheral musc
66 ic cells take on an enlarged appearance with reorganized cristae.
67 ve largely been attributed to its ability to reorganize cytoskeleton.
68 functions for transporting, diversifying and reorganizing DNA sequences in ways that generate many cl
69 ork underpinning multisensory integration is reorganized due to expertise in a cognitive domain that
70 Although cell-matrix and cell-cell adhesions reorganize during development and disease, the hierarchi
71 mbryos, we demonstrate that nuclear proteins reorganize during mitosis to form a highly dynamic, visc
72  we do not know how transcriptional networks reorganize during the transition from a pluripotent to a
73 ntity and the mechanisms by which H3K9me3 is reorganized during development and cell fate determinati
74      Thus, the structure of spike firing was reorganized during learning in relation to different rhy
75 ral, and such interactions are substantially reorganized during many pathological conditions.
76 umination microscopy reveals that F-actin is reorganized during the course of frustrated phagocytosis
77 show that chromatin architecture is uniquely reorganized during the oocyte-to-zygote transition in mi
78 s are folded in a topological hierarchy that reorganizes during differentiation.
79                            While the solvent reorganizes during the chemical process involving an ent
80 olecular "lawn," in which the NDC80-MT bonds reorganize dynamically in response to the number and sta
81  explants revealed that although these cells reorganize dynamically, they do not reenter the cell cyc
82 correlations between nodes of these networks reorganize dynamically.
83 icrotubule arrays; without JNK activity, the reorganizing endoderm dissociates.
84 ions, and intra-cortical propagation becomes reorganized, especially in visual and sensorimotor corti
85 ar effort to update the MaizeGDB resource by reorganizing existing data, upgrading hardware and infra
86 f the adult human brain have the capacity to reorganize extensively.
87        After eye opening, local connectivity reorganized extensively: more connections formed selecti
88 ple somatosensory cortices of adult primates reorganize following spinal cord injury, but little is k
89 ocessing in the hearing brain preferentially reorganize for face processing in born-deaf people.
90 on state of the enzymatic reaction is better reorganized for H-tunneling and its H-donor is better re
91 s between the canonical form and a more open reorganized form.
92 ng tissues must form cell-cell adhesions and reorganize from the front-rear polarity characteristic o
93 ze with gamma-tubulin, GCP3, and/or GCP4 and reorganize from the nucleus to the prospindle and the pr
94 ained low correlations in the striatum while reorganizing functional connectivities among striatal ne
95 f CodY in complex with isoleucine revealed a reorganized GAF domain.
96 ave evolved complex regulatory networks that reorganize gene expression patterns in response to chang
97 atch homologous sequences in that previously reorganized genome.
98 ally providing a mechanism for how TSG-6 can reorganize HA during inflammation.
99 mans, whether the adult cortex is capable of reorganizing has only been studied using functional magn
100 riving input to the cross-modally (visually) reorganized higher-order auditory cortex remained audito
101 RNA viruses occurs in tight association with reorganized host cell membranes.
102 ncogenic human herpesvirus that dramatically reorganizes host gene expression to immortalize primary
103 lls to change fate and of endocrine cells to reorganize in association with duct structures.
104 e, by which people and ecosystems adjust and reorganize in response to changing fire regimes to reduc
105 ical plasticity: the primary auditory cortex reorganized in a manner that was unusually "tuned-in" to
106 demonstrate that motor cortex outputs may be reorganized in a targeted and sustainable manner through
107 sults suggest that the language networks are reorganized in adolescents born preterm at high risk.
108 nscription, and it is often disrupted and/or reorganized in human genetic conditions collectively kno
109                  However, how the network is reorganized in response to cellular signaling, and the r
110  Many of these families have been erected or reorganized in the last few years since the publication
111 Ts, which is modeled through topographically reorganized inhibition.
112 hetic and isolated biological membranes, BAs reorganized intact cell membranes, as evaluated by the s
113            Inhibition of SCF(Slimb) function reorganized interphase chromosomes into dense, compact d
114 ity and duration of the cytokine cascade and reorganized interrelations in cytokine networks are not
115 that preserve their original organization or reorganize into a single unit.
116 usly found that SV40 triggers B12 and B14 to reorganize into discrete puncta in the ER membrane calle
117 ls favors activation, FcgammaRI nanoclusters reorganize into periodically spaced concentric rings.
118 ilized oligomers are efficient holdases that reorganize into structurally distinct client-bound compl
119      PDB-101 educational materials have been reorganized into a searchable website and expanded to in
120 excessive primitive network that needs to be reorganized into a secondary vascular network with highe
121 ll extremities, actin patches and cables are reorganized into actin bodies, which are stable actin fi
122 stereochemically rich core structures may be reorganized into chemotypes that are distinctly differen
123 e uniformly distributed myosin spontaneously reorganized into discrete clusters.
124          By late-stage ERMS, myf5+ cells are reorganized into distinct regions separated from differe
125              Clusters rapidly and reversibly reorganized into single-file chain-like geometries that
126 quenced genomes, RSAT public sites have been reorganized into taxon-specific servers.
127                        At the synapse, actin reorganizes into a concentric lamellipod and lamella wit
128                            While the network reorganizes into a more regular topology in the low freq
129 f a cell are surgically removed, the remnant reorganizes into a normal-looking but smaller cell with
130                         Phosphorylated K-Ras reorganizes into distinct nanoclusters that retune the s
131                             This protocapsid reorganizes into the final, icosahedrally symmetric nucl
132  the ubiquitin-like conjugation systems that reorganize intracellular membranes during canonical auto
133  the filament actin content of the spine and reorganizing it to be resistant to depolymerizing events
134                                      The WHO reorganized its functional structure, adopted a transpar
135           To examine how a circadian circuit reorganizes its activity in response to light, we imaged
136 respond to intrinsic or extrinsic stimuli by reorganizing its structure, function and connections.
137 utively active Vav2 activated Rac1/Cdc42 and reorganized junctional actin cytoskeleton; these effects
138 smitting force to the membrane to deform and reorganize lipid bilayer structure.
139                       Our data show that MBP reorganizes lipid diffusion, possibly by preventing the
140 noted an increase in the ability to bind and reorganize lipids and to promote cholesterol efflux from
141 ccessibility revealed that fasting massively reorganizes liver chromatin, exposing numerous fasting-i
142  regulator of endothelial exocytosis through reorganizing local actin network in the final stage of e
143    Coarse-grained MD reveals that the lipids reorganize locally to interact closely with the membrane
144     We found increased lymphatic density and reorganized lymphatic endothelial vessels in the dermis
145 lly staggered turnover event that profoundly reorganized marine ecosystems during the Cenomanian.
146              The addition of actin filaments reorganized membrane domains.
147            These findings indicate that LMP1 reorganizes membrane and cytoskeleton microdomains to mo
148  temperature to modulate gene regulation and reorganize metabolic processes.
149 whereas nucleosomes with mutant histones are reorganized more easily than normal.
150 usions of anisomycin (ANI) into anatomically reorganized motor, but not posterior parietal, cortex el
151                      In the past 3 years, we reorganized Nematode.net to provide more user-friendly n
152                 Nucleation starts inside the reorganized network, but crystals grow past it by direct
153 activations to investigate the efficiency of reorganized networks.
154                          Sensory deprivation reorganizes neurocircuits in the human brain.
155 Despite the human brain's ability to rapidly reorganize neuronal activity patterns in response to int
156  sleep plays a crucial role in organizing or reorganizing neuronal networks of the brain toward state
157       Neurotropic JC virus generally harbors reorganized noncoding control region (NCCR) DNA interspe
158             In addition, RCs coalesce at and reorganize nuclear speckles.
159        In the absence of pUL31, CMV fails to reorganize nucleolin and UBF and exhibits a replication
160 ve version of FACT is unable to maintain the reorganized nucleosome state efficiently, whereas nucleo
161 helicase-like ATPase motor to reposition and reorganize nucleosomes along genomic DNA.
162  chromatin transcription (FACT) functions to reorganize nucleosomes by acting as a histone chaperone
163          We show that PRDM9 binding actively reorganizes nucleosomes into a symmetrical pattern, crea
164 ensory modalities driving the neurons in the reorganized OC of blind individuals are altered, the fun
165 ion of Antarctic bottom water, fundamentally reorganizing ocean circulation.
166  discovery of metathesis as an instrument to reorganize olefinic double bonds, substantial progress h
167                          These complexes are reorganized on Hippo pathway activation, when Warts shif
168 dels assume that these arrays are static and reorganize only locally in response to attractant bindin
169  tested the hypothesis that ovarian hormones reorganize OT-labeled pre- or postsynaptic elements in t
170 e fact that fear memories are not rigid, but reorganize over time.
171 that controls expression of cocaine memories reorganizes over time.
172 uggesting the existence of parallel membrane-reorganizing pathways that cooperatively enable the effi
173                            As global changes reorganize plant communities, invasive plants may benefi
174  into a possible mechanism whereby cells can reorganize plasma membrane compartmentalization simply b
175 results indicate that the actin/endomembrane-reorganizing properties of TGB1 function to compartmenta
176      We have previously identified the actin reorganizing protein Drebrin as a target of the immunosu
177 lular signals regulate trafficking events to reorganize proteins at the plasma membrane (PM); however
178 d that a dynamic actin cytoskeleton actively reorganized receptor clusters.
179 L in the third lesion group, to identify the reorganized region of D1-D3 (thumb, index finger, and mi
180 maintaining the functional repertoire of the reorganized region.
181 volvement of visual cortex in the context of reorganized right-lateralized phonological processing co
182 es the local Ca(2+) influx as a cytoskeletal reorganizing signal under the conditions of the rhythmic
183 components of the clock, allowing animals to reorganize sleep patterns in response to high temperatur
184                               This structure reorganizes so that minus ends are sorted to the periphe
185 alyze how these proteins are distributed and reorganized spatially within the cell in order to transm
186  the glutamine-rich yeast prion [RNQ+] while reorganizing speckled Rnq1-monomeric red fluorescent pro
187 d gene-6 (TSG-6) binds to hyaluronan and can reorganize/stabilize its structure, also enhancing the b
188 VT) was highly effective, prompting calls to reorganize stroke systems of care.
189                                              Reorganizing stroke systems to route patients to adequat
190 ses are intracellular infectious agents that reorganize subcellular membranes and rewire the cellular
191 found that English bird communities have not reorganized successfully in response to climate change.
192  large number of actin binding proteins that reorganize the actin cytoskeleton by promoting polymeriz
193 ecomes highly up-regulated and can massively reorganize the bacterial chromosome.
194  data indicate that alphaviruses extensively reorganize the cell surface and cytoskeleton to promote
195 ty may be provided by accessory factors that reorganize the complex into higher-ordered arrays.
196 ages of metastasis, breast cancer cells must reorganize the cytoskeleton to affect cell shape change
197 diating vesicle recycling and the ability to reorganize the cytoskeleton.
198 e, the BBSV p23 protein could to some extent reorganize the ER when transiently expressed in N. benth
199 he exact mechanisms by which these pathogens reorganize the healthy oral microbiome are still unknown
200                     Many bacterial pathogens reorganize the host actin cytoskeleton during the course
201               These amino-acid substitutions reorganize the location of key phosphorylation sites, in
202 s a kinase effector for Nef, Hck binding may reorganize the Nef dimer for functional interaction with
203 r, it is unknown whether reconsolidation can reorganize the neural circuit supporting an existing mem
204 xposure to new information can fundamentally reorganize the neural circuit supporting an existing mem
205 dation-dependent updating process appears to reorganize the neural circuit supporting the trace-train
206 f this sliding hydrogel allows stem cells to reorganize the surrounding ligands and change their morp
207 endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-localized SEIPINs reorganized the normal, reticulated ER structure into di
208                Surprisingly, S4 structurally reorganizes the 530-loop and increases the flexibility o
209 at the metal-dependent conformational change reorganizes the bound substrate in the active site to fo
210 , we have developed a matrix approach, which reorganizes the C balance equations in the original ESM
211 e an active membrane domain that tethers and reorganizes the cytoskeletal machinery necessary for mem
212               Increasing ambient temperature reorganizes the Drosophila sleep pattern in a way simila
213 s therefore suggest that the oncoprotein p27 reorganizes the effects of TGF-beta in thyroid cancer, e
214 genes, reflecting a mechanism by which FOXP3 reorganizes the genome architecture to coordinate the ex
215      Herpes simplex virus (HSV) dramatically reorganizes the infected-cell nucleus, leading to the fo
216 its magnitude to values >19 pN and spatially reorganizes the location of TCR forces to the kinapse, t
217 ar dynamics simulations, which showed that K reorganizes the membrane composition in its vicinity, in
218 i) be folded so that the first binding event reorganizes the molecule (unfold) for a better subsequen
219 arvation simultaneously increases LD motion, reorganizes the network of detyrosinated MTs and activat
220 g DNA sequences that interrupt gene loci and reorganizes the remaining fragments by inversions and pe
221 ntegrin activation and signaling, reversibly reorganizes the spine cytoskeleton and thereby enhances
222 is defined as the relatively slow process of reorganizing the brain circuits that maintain long-term
223 es distributed rather than regional changes, reorganizing the brain's functional network organization
224 an active role of vimentin in regulating and reorganizing the cellular architecture toward a migrator
225 ers are poised to act and 1 proposal entails reorganizing the current Organ Procurement and Transplan
226 ty, increasing the size of zymogen granules, reorganizing the cytoskeletal network, communicating int
227     Cells responded to substrate rigidity by reorganizing the distribution and size of high-traction-
228  risk, and the mesolimbic learning processes reorganizing the neocortex into a chronic pain state.
229 largely overlooked the potential benefits of reorganizing the polypeptide chain of a protein by circu
230                     Just as secular chaos is reorganizing the solar system today, so it has likely he
231 e for reaction, and perhaps most remarkably, reorganizing the substrate into a reactive conformation
232                      These data suggest that reorganizing the three-dimensional chromatin architectur
233 omotes adhesion, while locally enriching and reorganizing the underlying actin cytoskeleton through S
234 nging modes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle, reorganizing the usage of organic carbon and nitrogen so
235 keratinocytes disassemble hemidesmosomes and reorganize their actin cytoskeletons in order to exert t
236            Concurrently, subjects learned to reorganize their body motions as they practiced the cont
237 dergo a slow isomerization in which the TAFs reorganize their contacts with the promoter to allow Pol
238 rmed that podocytes expressing active Notch3 reorganize their cytoskeleton toward a proliferative/mig
239 l adhesion structures, alter their polarity, reorganize their cytoskeleton, and become isolated, moti
240 , divide, form junctions, and migrate, cells reorganize their cytoskeletons in response to changing m
241 oidy and that this plasticity allows them to reorganize their genetic material through reduction divi
242                     Bacteria comprehensively reorganize their global gene expression when faced with
243           During differentiation, many cells reorganize their microtubule cytoskeleton into noncentro
244 ng mesenchyme-to-epithelium transitions must reorganize their microtubule network extensively, yet li
245 ed rooted in a failure of Sun2-null cells to reorganize their microtubule network to support coordina
246       Interestingly, lesioned rats failed to reorganize their performance at the action sequence leve
247 ors alter the cellular location of Aaop1 and reorganize their photosensitive rhabdomeric membranes on
248        Upon binding, both protein S4 and 5WJ reorganize their structures.
249  fibroblasts to repopulate a wound space and reorganize their surrounding extracellular matrix enviro
250 ment over time revealed that tissues rapidly reorganize their surrounding matrix, with a characterist
251 c stresses, such as herbivore attack, plants reorganize their transcriptomes and reconfigure their ph
252 s completed migration but then retracted and reorganized their arbor in a tangential direction away f
253 ryos expressed markers of lens induction and reorganized their cytoskeleton as in wild type ectoderm,
254  box color, nongrid spatial cells completely reorganized their spatial firing patterns.
255 y sense and respond to mechanical signals by reorganizing their actin cytoskeleton.
256  an increasing number of Western nations are reorganizing their after-hours primary care systems into
257 and topographical stimuli by reorienting and reorganizing their cytoskeleton.
258 variety of ways, are capable of autonomously reorganizing their physical structure to heal and, in ma
259 owing proteins to enter this lattice, and in reorganizing this structure in response to plasticity-in
260 sites at the RB-sperm boundary whereas actin reorganizes through cortical ring expansion and clearanc
261 systems are more limited in their ability to reorganize to achieve new functions; they can reconfigur
262 unction of nervous systems is the ability to reorganize to cope with changing sensory input.
263 ipheral nerve injury, myelin and Remak cells reorganize to form cellular columns, Bungner's bands, wh
264                      The surviving filaments reorganize to maintain their packing density.
265                         Place cell ensembles reorganize to support learning but must also maintain st
266 , their proximal promoter regulatory regions reorganize to the foci established by the interacting MH
267 gly left-lateralized system can successfully reorganize to the right-hemisphere following left-hemisp
268 used" auditory cortex of deaf individuals is reorganized to a compensatory sensory function during de
269              Actin filaments are dynamically reorganized to accommodate ever-changing cellular needs
270       Upon ligand binding, the last helix is reorganized to an agonist conformation termed activator
271 n the adult males, the muscle's sarcomere is reorganized to facilitate copulation.
272      In a wound-induced migration assay, IFs reorganized to form a polarized network that was coexten
273  to mitosis, the microtubule cytoskeleton is reorganized to form the mitotic spindle.
274 chaperone proteins on the virus envelope are reorganized to permit prM processing by a host protease,
275 ipheral somatosensory system is functionally reorganized to produce altered perception of the thermal
276 ssing primary and secondary auditory regions reorganized to receive and process visual sensory inform
277  not CA3, region of the rat hippocampus were reorganized to represent new goal locations.
278 how the whole-brain network is topologically reorganized to support different patterns of information
279 the rat whole-brain network is topologically reorganized to support persistent pain-like behavior fol
280  indicated that mitochondrial metabolism was reorganized to support the selective catabolism of both
281 alents-granulosa cells-and testicular tissue reorganizes to a more ovarian morphology [5].
282                 As a consequence, the matrix reorganizes to form thick bundles of aligned fibers that
283 in the dorsal columns of the spinal cord, it reorganizes to overrepresent the surviving inputs.
284                       We propose that RHBDL4 reorganizes trafficking events within the early secretor
285                           We found that MUC1 reorganizes transcription factor occupancy of genomic re
286                                              Reorganizing U.S. health care and changing its practices
287 tions, is completely reversible, and has not reorganized under normal conditions (but can as seen in
288  of water displaced by the ligands and those reorganized upon ligand binding--determine the thermodyn
289 ate region causes the community to regularly reorganize via shifts in species composition and to exhi
290 e were no interactions between cross-modally reorganized visual and auditory inputs.
291 astward into the Atlantic, then subsequently reorganized westward into the Pacific as new drainage ro
292                           How does the brain reorganize when one of these channels is absent?
293    We also observed that the organic coating reorganizes when vapors partition into the film indicate
294 n/retraction, and how cells within each mode reorganize with changed cell speed.
295 laced by the electric field, are observed to reorganize with GM1.
296 ural networks in the anesthetized brain were reorganized with altered local network properties.
297 is characterized by a plastome that has been reorganized with respect to the ancestral gene order (a
298                           How brain activity reorganizes with transition from acute to chronic pain h
299 ment strategy that allows motors to actively reorganize within the membrane in response to the local
300               In eukaryotic cells, chromatin reorganizes within promoters of active genes to allow th

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