


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                              Replacement of Ile(1624) by 13 other amino acids produce
2 ass spectrometry in order to demonstrate the replacement of 14N by 15N under the growth conditions us
3                                     Finally, replacement of adenine by 2-aminopurine (AG --> 2-APG) h
4 step we have investigated the possibility of replacement of T by 2'-deoxy-5-(hydroxymethyl)uridine (5
5 effects of hydroxylation are stereospecific; replacement of ProB28 by (4R)-hydroxyproline (Hyp) cause
6 esis enabled us to achieve approximately 75% replacement of T by 5hmU in the E. coli genome and in pl
7                                              Replacement of GTP by 7-deaza-GTP completely abolishes t
8                                    Moreover, replacement of guanine by 8azaG does not alter the melti
9                                              Replacement of G by 8OG in telomeric DNA can affect the
10                               As shown here, replacement of Ala(245) by a threonine enables the oxida
11 rent substrate specificity can be related to replacement of an arginine by a glutamine in the active
12 subtle structural modification on the diene (replacement of an H by a trans-CH3 group) leads to a com
13                                          The replacement of Arg104 by a smaller residue allows L-dT t
14 male Wistar rats were exteriorized, allowing replacement of endogenous bile by a model bile.
15                                          The replacement of fossil fuels by a clean and renewable ene
16                                  Previously, replacement of G8 by a series of nucleobase variants sho
17 a major defect in CD4 binding induced by the replacement of H375 by a serine.
18                              Conversely, the replacement of His 375 by a serine residue (H375S) withi
19                   Our findings indicate that replacement of L-IGR by a nonviral Ssyn could serve as a
20 entally friendly synthesis strategies to the replacement of petrochemical feedstocks by abundant smal
21                                          The replacement of aryl halides by acyl halides provides acc
22             Previous studies have shown that replacement of the guanine by adenine in the AG (AG -->
23  to only a 10-fold decrease in activity upon replacement of Asp(176) by Ala, substitutions of Asp(204
24 responding monomeric cyclic hexapeptide with replacement of Cys by Ala.
25                                          The replacement of Gln137 by Ala also has a dramatic effect
26                                              Replacement of Glu(377) by Ala and Gln decreased V(max)
27                  We further demonstrate that replacement of His-212 by Ala disrupts the interaction o
28                                              Replacement of Ile152 by Ala had a similar but less mark
29                                 By contrast, replacement of Pro85 by Ala abolishes the observable slo
30                                          The replacement of Ser(187) by Ala, eliminating the only pho
31                                          The replacement of Ser-43 by Ala ablates the PKA phosphoryla
32                                Site-directed replacement of Ser176 by Ala abolishes glutaminase and G
33                                              Replacement of Ser2 by Ala does not substantially alter
34               In contrast to isozyme II, the replacement of Trp 5 by Ala in HCA III abolished chemica
35                                              Replacement of Trp 5 by Ala, Leu, or Phe in H64A HCA II
36                                              Replacement of alpha4Arg185 by alanine, glutamate, and l
37                            We show here that replacement of Arg(72) by alanine strongly alters fideli
38 osphate is linked to Cys(119) of BVP because replacement of Cys(119) by alanine or serine abrogates p
39                      Surprisingly, in AOX1A, replacement of CysI by alanine, which cannot form a (thi
40 each of these positions shows that while the replacement of Gln173 by alanine does not affect the ini
41 2 by valine, and 1298A>C, which leads to the replacement of Glu-429 by alanine; the former polymorphi
42                                              Replacement of Gly794 by alanine causes the apoenzyme to
43                                              Replacement of lysine 267 by alanine, histidine, or argi
44                                              Replacement of Ser(429) by alanine or valine elicited a
45                                              Replacement of Ser128 by alanine has no effects on BAD p
46                                              Replacement of serine 61 by alanine within the minimal t
47  upstream of their dileucine-like motif, and replacement of these residues by alanine conversely redu
48 es BAD phosphorylation at threonine 201, and replacement of threonine 201 by alanine generates a BAD
49                                              Replacement of tryptophan 142 by alanine or serine resul
50                                 In contrast, replacement of Tyr194 by aliphatic amino acids had no si
51 on-dependent shift from Neu5Gc to Neu5Ac and replacement of alpha2,6 by alpha2,3 linkages may regulat
52 ical and biological elements involved in the replacement of Neanderthals by AMHs.
53 dependent protein kinase inhibitor KT5823 or replacement of ATP by AMP-PNP reduced NP(o), while activ
54                                          The replacement of Cys-199 by an Ala residue in the enzyme s
55  reversal potential (Er) that was altered by replacement of external Na+ by an impermeant cation, but
56                                              Replacement of Phe138 by an aliphatic amino acid also ca
57                                          The replacement of Thr(705) by an alanine or glutamic acid a
58                                              Replacement of Trp 185 by an Arg residue caused displace
59  to the neurons by the cycle may derive from replacement of oxidized glutamate by anaplerosis.
60 etc.), similar to those that accompanied the replacement of "archaic" Neanderthal by anatomically mod
61                            The nature of the replacement of Neanderthal by anatomically and behaviora
62                              The large-scale replacement of gymnosperms by angiosperms in many ecolog
63 criptional switching between VSPs results in replacement of one VSP by another.
64                                              Replacement of cribellate silk by aqueous silk glue may
65 ur atoms is absent from onconase, due to the replacement of Tyr92 by Arg73, which is situated away fr
66                                              Replacement of Lys(188) by arginine reversed the step 3
67 of an RXL motif can be partially restored by replacement of S643 by arginine.
68                           We determined that replacement of these residues by arginine enhances polyQ
69 rowth of GFAJ-1 in arsenate without invoking replacement of phosphorus by arsenic in biological macro
70 l,ATP) was Cl(-) selective, and inhibited by replacement of extracellular Cl(-) by Asp(-); both curre
71                    Our prediction was that a replacement of Asp128 by asparagine would preferentially
72 e efficient at dephosphorylating the latter, replacement of Asp608 by asparagine enhanced activity to
73 ural distortions required to accommodate the replacement of leucine by asparagine in the N-terminal c
74                                              Replacement of 0'Arg by aspartate, glutamate (alpha7 nAC
75 self was investigated through the systematic replacement of Glu59 by aspartate, asparagine, and alani
76                                          The replacement of tyrosine by aspartic acid at position M21
77                                 In contrast, replacement of AUG by AUU leads to a dramatic reduction
78 and the changes in properties resulting from replacement of Sr by Ba are supported by ab initio calcu
79  and the impact of 20% (B20) and 100% (B100) replacement of fossil diesel by biodiesel.
80            Initiation of vascularization and replacement of cartilage by bone were delayed in c-Cbl(-
81 ng endochondral bone formation, which allows replacement of cartilage by bone.
82      This phenotype is associated to delayed replacement of cartilage by bone.
83                                 We tested if replacement of CTCF by BORIS on regulatory DNA occurs in
84                                              Replacement of beef by buffalo and vice versa is frequen
85 ning 30 patients, eight (27%) demonstrated a replacement of C. albicans by C. dubliniensis when a com
86 ation of miR-34a, up-regulation miR-210, and replacement of Mnt by c-Myc in binding to cyclin D1.
87                         Insertion of UGU and replacement of U by C immediately 5' to the deletion sit
88                            Contrary to that, replacement of Mg2+ by Ca2+ in the EF-hand 4 moved Trp-9
89                                          The replacement of Mg2+ by Ca2+ in the EF-hands 2 and 3 furt
90                                        Total replacement of Na+ by Ca2+ also completely blocked the c
91                        Our studies show that replacement of thiol by carbodithioate not only enhances
92 ralization resulting from recent sub-surface replacement of supergene oxyhydroxides by carbonate and
93 nd detection of Cd in the monomers suggested replacement of magnesium (Mg) by Cd in the Chl molecules
94 akened this correlation, possibly because of replacement of CD8(+) CTL by CD8(+) suppressor cells in
95                                              Replacement of Na(+) by choline(+) also inhibited the ca
96 sibly by fetal applications of amiloride and replacement of Na+ by choline in the Ringer solution, an
97 es of base pairs and duplexes as a result of replacement of T by ClU, we determined four crystal stru
98 zation energy of 4.74 eV, and the successive replacement of PEt3 by CO ligands ends with Co6Te8(CO)6
99 pacemaking was also consistently silenced by replacement of external calcium by cobalt and was slowed
100                                              Replacement of exon 4 by combinations of the new exons y
101 munoprecipitation in Ewing sarcoma we report replacement of E2F3/pRB by constitutively expressed repr
102                                      (v) The replacement of His48 by Cys, which does not bind copper,
103                                          The replacement of alphaSer254 by cysteine by site-directed
104                                        Thus, replacement of proline 77 by cysteine, isoleucine, leuci
105                                              Replacement of G243 by D in the afsB+ strain M145 reprod
106  and homeostasis can be achieved through the replacement of dying cells by differentiating precursors
107             A final step consists of partial replacement of aragonite by dolomite, possibly in neutra
108 Results from earlier studies have shown that replacement of Asp-132 by, e.g., Asn, slows proton uptak
109  occurs during GTP hydrolysis and subsequent replacement of GDP by EF-Ts which is then displaced by G
110                                     Instead, replacement of CBC by eIF4E is promoted by importin beta
111      Remarkably, translation does not affect replacement of CBC by eIF4E.
112               In summary, in LDLRKO mice the replacement of dietary SFA by either MUFA or CARB causes
113 n outgrowth was rescued in vivo by selective replacement of R-cadherin by electroporation into cultur
114                                          The replacement of CVs by EVs in 2012 could have mitigated t
115  To demonstrate these effects brought by the replacement of CVs by EVs, we take Beijing, China, as an
116                                The resulting replacement of muscle by fatty and fibrous tissue leaves
117                   AC is characterized by the replacement of cardiac myocytes by fibro-adipocytes, car
118 nerate free holes (p-type doping), while the replacement of Fe(2+) by Ga(3+) cations, taking place in
119 ), and GA3 (0.3%), with predominant genotype replacement of GA5 by GA2 and then GA2 by ON1.
120                Particularly important is the replacement of Glu by Gln at position 132, which has bee
121                             In addition, the replacement of Trp-48 by Gln-48 yields an FRC variant fo
122                                              Replacement of Cl(-) by gluconate or 2-(N-morpholino)eth
123            During postnatal development, the replacement of GluN2B- by GluN2A-containing NMDARs at SC
124                                              Replacement of Ser-480 by glutamate, to mimic the phosph
125                                 In addition, replacement of the serines by glutamate to mimic phospho
126                                              Replacement of serine 53 by glutamic acid, mimicking pho
127  of K13Q CooC was generated by site-specific replacement of lysine by glutamine and was purified acco
128  other mycobacteria, other than the reported replacement of l-alanine by glycine in the peptide side
129 argely conferred by a single cysteine (C19), replacement of which by glycine removes the ability to f
130 is unable to form a stable triple helix, and replacement of GAA by GPO or VM by PO within the GAAVM b
131   Reperfused mouse infarcts show accelerated replacement of cardiomyocytes by granulation tissue lead
132                                              Replacement of the TL by Gre factor occurs only in backt
133 ing alleles revealed an identical phenotype: replacement of multinucleated myofibers by groups of sin
134 osylation factors (ARF1-3) by catalyzing the replacement of bound GDP by GTP, an action critical for
135 ne nucleotide-exchange factors that catalyze replacement of GDP by GTP.
136 vation of these G-proteins through catalytic replacement of GDP by GTP.
137                                              Replacement of adenine by guanine at positions -8 and -1
138 thern Hemisphere countries, and a pattern of replacement of strain H1N1pre by H1N1pdm between the 200
139                        Our results show that replacement of mCD1d by hCD1d can select a population of
140  composed of small hepatocytes, and eventual replacement of damaged parenchyma by healthy hepatocytes
141 ORF50/Rta protein, mutagenesis of the LR, or replacement of the LR by heterologous multimerization do
142                                        Thus, replacement of Cd(2+) by Hg(2+) in CdTe nanocrystals doe
143 4, Wi-Phy, and the iRFP series, initially by replacement of Asp-207 by His.
144 , a point mutation in sigA, resulting in the replacement of arginine 522 by histidine, was found resp
145 tion found frequently in human cancer is the replacement of R273 by histidine or cysteine residues re
146 marked preference for H2S generation by beta-replacement of cysteine by homocysteine.
147 safener can undergo stepwise hydrogenolysis (replacement of chlorine by hydrogen) in each system at n
148                                              Replacement of external Cl- by I- shifted the reversal p
149  was perturbed by internal mismatches or the replacement of G.C by I.C base-pairs.
150 where a putative "pump site" was modified by replacement of Asp372 by Ile.
151                              Evidence of the replacement of active workers by inactive workers has be
152                                         Upon replacement of water by increasing amounts of the larger
153 promising adipocyte viability and preventing replacement of lost adipocytes by inhibiting preadipocyt
154                     Adhesion was restored by replacement of TSP2 and by inhibitors of MMP2 activity.
155 sticizer and water loss, and the progressive replacement of unordered structures by intermolecular hy
156                          This indicates that replacement of native crabs by invasive crayfish likely
157                                              Replacement of either region by itself was ineffective.
158                     We demonstrate here that replacement of Na(+) by K(+), Rb(+) or Cs(+) and precise
159 s opening of the channels, and extracellular replacement of Na+ ions by K+ ions promotes closing of t
160                                              Replacement of KCl by KGlu stabilizes protein-nucleic ac
161                                          The replacement of c-Myc by L-Myc in immature DCs may provid
162                        Acute pharmacological replacement of NA by L-threo-DOPS partially restored pho
163                         The rate constant of replacement of unlabeled by labeled DNA strands (labelin
164                                              Replacement of Ser by large residues such as His and Trp
165                                              Replacement of intermediate by lateral mesoderm recapitu
166 letion of short consensus repeat 3 domain or replacement of Ser(165) by Leu in this domain, or the us
167 upon substitution of 2B1 Ile-114 by Val, and replacement of Val-363 by Leu or Ile selectively suppres
168                                          The replacement of His(86) by leucine (H86L) weakened pyrido
169  the experiments with slow calcium infusion, replacement of KCl by LiCl in the incubation medium incr
170 h suspension of isolated brain mitochondria, replacement of KCl by LiCl suppressed mitochondrial swel
171                     Mice carrying a targeted replacement of Igh by LMP2A leading to high or low expre
172                                              Replacement of Arg-735 by Lys gives a V-ATPase that, alt
173 7 of the E2 envelope glycoprotein, involving replacement of Glu by Lys, resulted in a small-plaque ph
174 ring epithelial transformation suggests that replacement of gelsolin by M-severin may function to ach
175 oltage-dependent calcium entry by cadmium or replacement of external calcium by magnesium enhanced bu
176 uch as indomethacin and flurbiprofen, and by replacement of heme by manganese protoporphyrin IX (form
177 tics is now under way that may result in the replacement of traditional keys by matrix-based computer
178 ea cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase (rpAPX) by replacement of Ser160 by Met (S160M variant).
179  for catechol-O-methyltransferase results in replacement of Val-108 by Met in the soluble form of the
180 on of MMAS-3 from MTB resulted in a complete replacement of ketomycolate by methoxymycolate in both B
181                                     However, replacement of these cells by mineralized bone is delaye
182 ) to Upper Paleolithic (UP) is marked by the replacement of late Neandertals by modern humans in Euro
183 years before the present led to the eventual replacement of the Neanderthals by modern humans approxi
184                                     With the replacement of ionizing CT by MR imaging, integrated PET
185 ution (TTX-resistant current measured by the replacement of extracellular sodium by N-methyl-D-glucam
186                                              Replacement of K+ by Na+ fails to induce a similar pheno
187                                              Replacement of acidic by neutral residues at positions 9
188                                              Replacement of phosphates by neutral methylphosphonates
189  binds to the same site in ABH2 as iron, and replacement of the iron by nickel does not prevent the b
190                                  Remarkably, replacement of one carbon by nitrogen alters the reactio
191 tively inhibited by Gd(3+) and Zn(2+), or by replacement of extracellular NaCl by NMDG; I(Cl,ATP) was
192                                              Replacement of Na+ by NMDG depressed basal (normoxic) ef
193 gnetic complexes deriving from isoelectronic replacement of CO by NO(+), {(mu-SRS)[Fe(CO)2PMe3] [Fe(C
194                                              Replacement of 3' UTR by non-UTR sequence had surprising
195          In cells expressing DeltaF508-CFTR, replacement of PC by noncharged analogues results in an
196 rom vascular occlusive events results in the replacement of contractile myocardium by nonfunctional s
197                                Moreover, the replacement of pQBR57 by nontransferable chromosomal Hg(
198                  We previously proposed that replacement of fibrillarin by Nop52 (RRP1/NNP-1) for the
199 lerate significant in vivo deviation, making replacement of adult neurons by NSCs during pathology a
200                                     However, replacement of BDNF by NT4 rescued these gene expression
201                                              Replacement of FFA by OCT can be justified if there is a
202 ke systems in the plankton and of widespread replacement of metals by one another for various biochem
203                    The results indicate that replacement of conventional milk by organic or UHT milk
204                    The results indicate that replacement of conventional milk by organic or UHT milk
205 y than p21(SNFT) with Jun and NF-AT, and the replacement of Fos by p21(SNFT) in the trimolecular comp
206 y p50-p50 in a novel way, represses, whereas replacement of OCT-1 by p50-p65 induces CRP transcriptio
207 nts, including the eIF4AIII anchor, but also replacement of PABPN1 by PABPC1.
208                                          The replacement of native vegetation by pastures or tree pla
209 itive detection of dsDNA based on the strand replacement of dsDNA by peptide nucleic acid (PNA) and t
210 tude of decrease in k(cat) obtained with the replacement of Tyr(34) by Phe, suggesting that interrupt
211                                 By contrast, replacement of 0'Arg by phenylalanine (alpha4 subunit MA
212                                              Replacement of the tryptophan by phenylalanine gave rise
213  first position of codon 12, with consequent replacement of valine by phenylalanine in the deduced am
214                                              Replacement of Lhx3 by Phox2a led to specification of cr
215       This was almost exclusively due to the replacement of phycocyanobilin by phycoerythrobilin on t
216 iant 1 GNA1870 expression (either by allelic replacement of gna1870 or by plasmid-driven high-level e
217 X) cores, and P700-A(1) cores shows that the replacement of phylloquinone by plastoquinone-9 induces
218                            Due to the strand replacement of dsDNA by PNA, dsDNA can be directly detec
219                                  Despite the replacement of MAdCAM-1 by PNAd in HEV endothelia, lymph
220                                              Replacement of saturated fat by polyunsaturated or monou
221                               In particular, replacement of Glu84 by positively charged residues such
222  monophasic without an intermediate, but the replacement of PPh3 by PPhMe2 is biphasic (proceeds by a
223                                          The replacement of typical products by products that are in
224                                              Replacement of Ala-21 by proline in an alpha AB/beta CD-
225 cleotide position 215, which resulted in the replacement of arginine by proline at position 48 of the
226                                              Replacement of gene fragments by promoter-derived sequen
227 sed functions range from facilitation of the replacement of somatic histones by protamines to epigene
228                                        Early replacement of PTBP1 by PTBP2 during neuronal differenti
229 rogen (or piperazine), biaryl extension, and replacement of phenyl rings by pyridine.
230                                              Replacement of His(309) by Q or F yields enzyme with no
231                                     With the replacement of wheat flour by QL (1-5%), a linear increa
232  CaFe(2)As(2) via electron-doping by partial replacement of Ca by rare-earth.
233                                              Replacement of Rbpj by Rbpjl in the PTF1 complex drives
234                                          The replacement of bioassays by real-time PCR for the isolat
235                                              Replacement of peanut extracts by recombinant peanut com
236 s in multicellular organisms could be due to replacement of damaged cells by regeneration through inc
237                                              Replacement of Asp 145 by residues such as alanine or se
238                                              Replacement of RFC1 by rfc1-DeltaN in yeast shows essent
239                                  Conversely, replacement of hIAPP sequence by rIAPP sequence causes a
240                                 Furthermore, replacement of Tctex-1 by RP3 selectively disrupts the t
241 at 77 K of the radical, which is formed upon replacement of S-adenosylmethionine by S-3',4'-anhydroad
242                   Strain associated with the replacement of aspirin molecules by salicylic acid molec
243       In vivo evidence further supported the replacement of serum proteins by salivary proteins.
244 librium potential (E(Cl)) and was shifted by replacement of external Cl- by SCN- or isethionate.
245 rophic level pattern is explained by trophic replacement of herbivorous fish by sea urchins at low bi
246  therapy are regeneration of damaged tissue, replacement of function by secretion of biologically act
247 exchanged with alkaneselenols from solution, replacement of thiolates by selenols is rapid and comple
248                           However, extensive replacement of methionine by selenomethionine for anomal
249 ng growth in selenomethionine, and efficient replacement of methionine by selenomethionine, based on
250 ed into a fully folded triple helix, whereas replacement of Gly by Ser or Arg resulted in the presenc
251 ransporters in this C-terminal domain showed replacements of Thr294 by Ser and Val295 by Ile to be re
252 lic attack by reduced thioredoxin, mutagenic replacement of Cys-256 by serine has no effect on thiore
253                                              Replacement of cysteine 470 by serine does not restore a
254 igand to the heme iron, Met80, such that the replacement of glycine by serine promotes the dissociati
255 in C(4) Amaranthaceae with multiple parallel replacements of alanine by serine at position 281 and me
256                                         With replacement of M231 by site-directed mutagenesis, no tra
257 n transgenic mice (TG) with cardiac-specific replacement of cTnI by slow skeletal TnI (ssTnI, which l
258                      A common effect was the replacement of tumor by small scar.
259                                          The replacement of Ge by Sn should reduce the raw material c
260 2 signal was reduced immediately, suggesting replacement of SRC-2 by SRC-1.
261 ne potential treatment strategy involves the replacement of dead neurons by stimulating the prolifera
262 st 2 months of breastfeeding without regular replacement of any meal by supplemental feeding.
263                                          The replacement of G by T at position -216 increases the pro
264 nslocase in which substrate binding triggers replacement of TatB by TatA at the polar cluster site.
265                                          The replacement of a CH by the isolobal analogue Os(PH3)3H r
266 methoxide as the base used to accomplish the replacement of active hydrogens by the diazeniumdiolate
267 atin in early spermiogenesis before eventual replacement of histones by the protamines.
268                                              Replacement of ND10-ES by the corresponding region from
269                                 Displacement/replacement of one by the other as a result of their hig
270  that in two species of bluebirds, cycles of replacement of one by the other emerge as an indirect co
271                                              Replacement of Rev-RRE by the CTE provides a novel appro
272 ffords tertiary amides, which arise from the replacement of the halogen by the N,N-dimethylcarbamoyl
273                                              Replacement of the SGS by the strong gyrase sites from p
274                                     However, replacement of TM2 by the transmembrane domain of CD4, t
275  intramembrane proteolysis is insensitive to replacement of TM2 by the transmembrane domain of CD74 o
276                                 In contrast, replacement of water by the similarly sized deuterium ox
277                            Here we show that replacement of ureas by thioureas yields substantial fur
278                                              Replacement of Ser(429) by threonine partially suppresse
279 e current therapy aims at exogenous cellular replacement of dopaminergic function by transplanting fe
280                                          The replacement of native forests by tree plantations is inc
281                                              Replacement of the levulinate by triflate enables introd
282                          We predict that the replacement of methyl groups by trifluoromethyl groups o
283    However, in three mutants, which shared a replacement of Phe181 by Trp, the F(V) yield was dramati
284 not as a sorting receptor but as a protease: replacement of Kex2p by truncated secretory Kex2p (which
285 ined include amidated and free peptides, and replacements of tyrosine by tryptophan.
286                                          The replacement of B subunits by tumor antigens inhibits PP2
287 n two of these five patients showed complete replacement of the marrow by tumor.
288                                              Replacement of Phe13 by Tyr, Leu, Lys, and Ala showed th
289  Results from the estimated rate constant of replacement of labeled by unlabeled DNA (delabeling kine
290                                              Replacement of A310 by Val in the BjPutA mutant A310V ra
291                                Consequently, replacement of Gln by Val was probably a key step in the
292            The free-energy change due to the replacement of Gly35 by valine was also determined to as
293 ed a 137 G>T transition that resulted in the replacement of glycine by valine at position 46 of the c
294                                Specifically, replacement of the epoxyketone by vinyl sulfone moieties
295                     The effect on texture by replacement of pork backfat by W1/O/W2 emulsions general
296                                          The replacement of histidine by water in the five-coordinate
297 e depot of dipicolinic acid and cations, and replacement of these components by water.
298                                              Replacement of mutant by wild-type troponin in TNNT2mut
299  bone marrow is a reverse process of natural replacement of red marrow by yellow marrow.
300                                              Replacement of ZF3 by ZF1 creating a ZF1/4 chimera was f

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