


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ere authors of the original Research Article reply.
2 kelihood of producing or withholding a vocal reply.
3              We address these issues in this reply.
4     Forty-nine of fifty experienced surgeons replied.
5 usly to a four-page questionnaire, 156 (84%) replied.
6                                  Thirty-four replies, 17 for each version (response rate, 28%), were
7 these subjects who were alive in 1998; 1,031 replies (68%) were received.
8 vey to the 526 past fellows and received 365 replies (69% response rate, 49% overall).
9  CD patients were approached with 29 sending replies (71%).
10                                       Of all replies, 74% of United States respondents and 64% of non
11                              Of schools that replied, 75 (64%) reported offering elective courses in
12                           The author of this reply argues that A. Weller and L. Weller merely defined
13 ansplant recipients were selected on a first reply basis for testing.
14                                  We received replies from 119 of 156 eligible trusts (76.3%) in Engla
15                                           We reply here to these criticisms and provide some addition
16 xperiments revealed that hyrax males tend to reply more to songs with a climactic ending, indicating
17 d sophisticated adaptive immune systems that reply on CRISPR loci and a diverse cassette of Cas genes
18                    Most approaches, however, reply on optimal starting DNA, and are therefore unsuita
19 matic for development of disease models that reply on post-natal individuals.
20 ex cases were contacted by mail and asked to reply only if another family member also had undergone t
21                                     In their reply, Sylvia Evans and colleagues argue that their line
22          Only about one-third of respondents replied that dissociative amnesia and dissociative ident
23       One hundred thirty (86.1%) respondents replied that infiltrate implied more than one pathophysi
24  reservations in DSM-IV; a larger proportion replied that these categories should be included only as
25                       Most significantly, we reply that construction and emergence are necessary for,
26                                           We reply that other evidence suggests blindsighters' predic
27 original sender; requires that the recipient replied to the original message; and diminishes after a
28  We used predictors from the respondents who replied to the Wave-1 survey in 2006 and their turnover
29 t replies to themselves, or A and B are best replies to each other, the conditional fixation times of
30 s of whether A dominates B, A and B are best replies to themselves, or A and B are best replies to ea
31 role in mounting an inflammatory response in reply to a harmful stimulus that compromises the homeost
32  between neighbors (song sparrows address or reply to a neighbor with a song they share with that nei
33 obulin protein) modulates protein folding in reply to cellular insults that lead to endoplasmic retic
34                          In our response, we reply to comments made by the authors regarding the anim
35                     This correspondence is a reply to Galectin-3, Cardiac Function, and Fibrosis by W
36                                           In reply to internal or external danger stimuli, the body o
37 search on infants and provide a long-awaited reply to key philosophical and practical questions about
38                                      In this reply to reviewers, I argue that, although reforming the
39                     This Correspondence is a Reply to Significant Errors and Misdirection in Class IV
40 l dataset of hawkmoth hearing and ultrasonic reply to sonar attack using high-throughput field assays
41                                          Our reply to Zhou and colleagues forms part of a larger deba
42 bal level, such as tweeting, re-tweeting and replying to existing tweets.
43 er, mothers did not produce contact barks in reply unless they themselves were at risk of becoming se
44                                     In their reply, Vezys et al. mention that we may have misinterpre
45                               A total of 674 replies were obtained from physicians, and 547 physician
46                                              Replies were received from 117 (94%) of the 125 US medic
47 eligible pediatric oncologists surveyed, 632 replied, yielding a response rate of 67%.

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