


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ll potential that allows them to self-renew, repopulate a damaged tissue, and then undergo differenti
2  of larvae (e.g., the refugia hypothesis) to repopulate a select subset of the shallow water (<30 m)
3 atively younger' oral mucosal fibroblasts to repopulate a wound space and reorganize their surroundin
4 ertheless, the capacity of cultured cells to repopulate a wounded monolayer is markedly accelerated b
5 ymphopenia-induced peripheral expansion that repopulates a diverse peripheral T cell pool.
6 on of murine HSPCs with short- and long-term repopulating abilities.
7 ic grafts mobilized with NSAIDs had superior repopulating ability and long-term engraftment.
8 to cytoablative stress, and exhibit superior repopulating ability and self-renewal upon serial transp
9 on display decreased frequency and defective repopulating ability as well as decreased lymphoid but i
10  of its rich content of cells with sustained repopulating ability in spite of an apparent deficiency
11 its and progressive decline in hematopoietic repopulating ability of double-knockout (dKO) HSCs.
12 PC numbers but had only minor effects on the repopulating ability of HSCs.
13 ser extent HIF-1alpha, impedes the long-term repopulating ability of human CD34(+) umbilical cord blo
14 g dilution analysis, to assess the long-term repopulating ability of putative murine EpiSC population
15               The self-renewal and long-term repopulating ability of these cells was shown in serial-
16 ipients significantly impaired the long-term repopulating ability of transplanted mouse HSCs shortly
17  region, to maintain hematopoietic stem cell repopulating ability through a miR-675-Igf1r signaling c
18 xpression of which in ESCs confers long-term repopulating ability to ESC-derived HSCs.
19 ex differences were noted in HSC competitive repopulating ability, but not HPC numbers, in TIP110(TG)
20 stem cell (HSC) subtypes with self-renewable repopulating ability, but with different haematopoietic
21              Likely underlying the increased repopulating ability, FOXP3 expressing HSC showed signif
22 y for keratinocyte stem cells with long-term repopulating ability.
23 ulating activity, as Foxa3(-/-) HSC fails to repopulate ablated hosts efficiently, implicating for th
24 al human hematopoietic cells with short-term repopulating activity cells (STRCs) are needed to facili
25 otype ( approximately 10% HSCs with >6-month repopulating activity in immunodeficient mice) displayed
26 rial replating in vitro and long-term serial repopulating activity in vivo.
27 lantations showed no change in the long-term repopulating activity of HSCs from mice exposed to recom
28 activity, its expression is required for the repopulating activity of human HSCs.
29 -state in vivo hematopoiesis or on long-term repopulating activity of Wnt-deficient hematopoietic ste
30 mice to demonstrate that aged ECs impair the repopulating activity of young HSCs and impart a myeloid
31 creased endogenous competitive long-term HSC repopulating activity, and permitted efficient and durab
32 ar, HSC number, cell cycle status, long-term repopulating activity, and self-renewal capacity were no
33  We validated that Foxa3 is required for HSC repopulating activity, as Foxa3(-/-) HSC fails to repopu
34 t 1 in 65 000 zebrafish marrow cells contain repopulating activity, consistent with mammalian HSC fre
35 ciated with a marked loss of HSCs, long-term repopulating activity, HSC quiescence and common lymphoi
36  cells results in a modest loss of long-term repopulating activity.
37 s short- and long-term in vivo hematopoietic repopulating activity.
38 ll growth and a loss of short- and long-term repopulating activity.
39 enhanced frequency, competence and long-term repopulating activity.
40 n 1/100th of the infused cells had long-term repopulating activity.
41            The expanded BM showed a distinct repopulating advantage when tested in serial competitive
42 d robust self-renewal capacity and exhibited repopulating advantages over wild-type HSCs.
43                      However, tumors rapidly repopulate after treatment with such compounds.
44 bset of horizontal basal cells (HBCs), which repopulate all microvillar cells and Bowman's glands dur
45 hether E19 fetal hepatocytes can engraft and repopulate an injured adult liver.
46  interactions and of microbial strategies to repopulate and survive in the soil are largely unexplore
47 of phenotypically corrected HSPCs capable of repopulating and developing proliferation advantage in i
48 -cohort study, we evaluated the phenotype of repopulating B cells and its correlation with donor-spec
49                   The characteristics of the repopulating B cells are currently unknown.
50 s and have been shown able to engraft in and repopulate both animal and human livers.
51 increased so that up to 35% of the liver was repopulated by donor-derived cells.
52  of the allograft, fall as the graft becomes repopulated by hematopoietic cells of the NOD2 mutant re
53 nocyte-depleted interfollicular epidermis is repopulated by melanocyte precursors from hair follicle
54            Instead, scaffolds were initially repopulated by mouse monocytes and subsequently repopula
55 opulated by mouse monocytes and subsequently repopulated by mouse SMCs and ECs.
56 s) are self-renewing in the steady state but repopulated by myeloid precursors after injury.
57 er times, the ablated skin was progressively repopulated by non-recombined Chk1-expressing cells and
58  pool, and elevates short-term and long-term repopulating capabilities, leading to the development of
59 elevated Notch signaling and reduced mammary repopulating capability upon transplantation.
60 progenitors, and exhibited reduced long-term repopulating capacity as well as hyper granulocyte-colon
61 Psigma substantially increased long-term HSC-repopulating capacity compared with BM cells from contro
62 t derived xenografts we demonstrate that the repopulating capacity in normal mammary epithelial cells
63           Conversely, young ECs restored the repopulating capacity of aged HSCs but were unable to re
64 quiescence of dormant HSCs and the long-term repopulating capacity of HSC.
65 TPsigma(-) cells substantially increased the repopulating capacity of human HSCs compared with CD34(+
66 ysical and chemical insults compromising the repopulating capacity of the epithelial stem cell compar
67                       Furthermore, long-term repopulating capacity was also present in a compartment
68 /-) LSK cells had an increased hematopoietic repopulating capacity with an altered cell differentiati
69 ant loss of quiescence and decline in serial repopulating capacity, but no substantial difference in
70 (-/-) HSCs exhibited decreased hematopoietic repopulating capacity, with skewed cell differentiation
71 lation with severe combined immunodeficiency-repopulating capacity.
72 rly demonstrate the necessity of Shp2 in HSC repopulating capacity.
73  that BCR-ABL(+) cells had long-term in vivo repopulating capacity.
74                                              Repopulating CD4+ but not CD8+ T cells significantly dim
75 eased severe combined immunodeficient (SCID)-repopulating cell counts in culture, compared to input a
76 were those in the CD34(-) Flt3R(-) long-term repopulating cell fraction.
77 articularly in the most primitive, long-term repopulating cell population.
78 achieved, neither Notch1 nor Notch2 affected repopulating cell self-renewal.
79 both PMF HPCs, short-term and long-term SCID repopulating cells (SRCs), are JAK2V617F(+) and that JAK
80 reatment resulted in a dramatic loss of SCID-repopulating cells (SRCs), treatment with OKT3 or UCHT1
81 nhanced clonal outputs from human short-term repopulating cells (STRCs) without affecting their engra
82                                       Tumour-repopulating cells (TRCs) are a self-renewing, tumorigen
83 tem-like cells that repopulate tumors (tumor-repopulating cells (TRCs)).
84            Recently we have shown that tumor-repopulating cells (TRCs), a highly tumorigenic subpopul
85 , including a 17-fold increase in short-term repopulating cells and a net 23-fold ex vivo expansion o
86 D34+ cells produced a greater number of SCID-repopulating cells and established multilineage hematopo
87 ene therapy since they efficiently transduce repopulating cells and may be safer than more commonly u
88 d in long-term culture, initiating cells and repopulating cells compared with controls.
89 in lineage cells represent a major source of repopulating cells for reconstitution of the intraglomer
90 ng hematopoiesis by giving rise to long-term repopulating cells in recipient mice with an unexpected
91 fficiently transduce and/or expand long-term repopulating cells in vivo are needed for treatment of d
92 ly posttransplant, and 3% to 5% in long-term repopulating cells over 6 months following HSPC transpla
93 CM niche is capable of directing behavior of repopulating cells remains relatively unexplored.
94 proximately 3.5% to 33% in myeloid long-term repopulating cells resulting in a functional cure.
95 resence of DL yielded enhanced generation of repopulating cells with higher levels of engraftment of
96 to a pronounced increase in the frequency of repopulating cells, as assessed by extreme limiting dilu
97 g NOD.Cg-Prkdc(scid) IL2rg(tm1Wjl) /SzJ mice repopulating cells, induced by combination treatment.
98 action contain both short-term and long-term repopulating cells.
99 ing cells, and both long-term and short-term repopulating cells.
100 t identifies both murine and human long-term repopulating cells.
101 ve advantage of corrected FA-A hematopoietic repopulating cells.
102 in vivo expansion of corrected hematopoietic repopulating cells.
103  contained normal multilineage hematopoietic repopulating cells.
104 in DNA-bound insulator proteins that rapidly repopulate chromatin as the bodies disassemble upon retu
105 ity, and rat CLiPs were shown to extensively repopulate chronically injured liver tissue.
106 n stable myeloid-B-T multilineage, long-term repopulating clones.
107                    Delivery of stem cells to repopulate damaged cardiac tissue may be an attractive a
108                           Finally, PiPS-SMCs repopulated decellularized vessel grafts and ultimately
109           Here we create heart constructs by repopulating decellularized mouse hearts with human indu
110 ngineering of humanized intestinal grafts by repopulating decellularized rat intestinal matrix with h
111 KLF7, and loss of CDKN1A does not rescue the repopulating defect.
112 re-HSCs capable of developing into long-term repopulating definitive HSCs.
113 nal stem/progenitor-like cells, were able to repopulate different nephron portions of renal extracell
114 d that Ly49G2(high) single-positive NK cells repopulated, displayed an activated phenotype, and were
115 ynamic in phenotype, showing the capacity to repopulate each other from single-cell clones.
116 proliferative Lgr5(-) cells that are able to repopulate entire glands, including the base, upon deple
117 tial (DPsim(hi)) were enriched for long-term repopulating EpiSCs versus unfractionated cells (3.9- an
118 ing dilution transplantation and competitive repopulating experiments demonstrated a dramatic reducti
119                                  Competitive repopulating experiments show that SCF(+)DLK(+) cells su
120 ellularized human liver cubic scaffolds were repopulated for up to 21 days using human cell lines hep
121 ing therapy and show very limited ability to repopulate from donor bone marrow.
122        However, its application to long-term repopulating haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) has remain
123 ffect the homing and the number of long-term repopulating haematopoietic stem cells, haematopoietic s
124                              The first adult-repopulating hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) emerge in t
125 ic progenitor cells (HPCs) at the expense of repopulating hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs).
126 ent of CD34(+) cells that contains long-term repopulating hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs).
127                        Multipotent long-term repopulating hematopoietic stem cells (LT-HSCs) can self
128                       Retention of long-term repopulating hematopoietic stem cells (LT-HSCs) in the b
129 scription factors that can amplify long-term repopulating hematopoietic stem cells in a controlled wa
130 en reported to identify functional long-term repopulating hematopoietic stem cells, and has been dete
131 tion of the edited CD34+ cells are long-term repopulating hematopoietic stem cells, demonstrating the
132 he maintenance of immunophenotypic long-term repopulating hematopoietic stem cells, suggesting that a
133 rial transplantation, hallmarks of long-term repopulating hematopoietic stem cells.
134 d colonizes the liver by E10.5, before adult-repopulating hematopoietic stem cells.
135 ying the relative frequencies of hundreds of repopulating HPSC clones in a nonhuman primate.
136  75% of cells in a highly enriched long-term repopulating HSC (LT-HSC) pool (Lin(-)Sca1(+)c-Kit(hi)CD
137  In contrast, long-term, but not short-term, repopulating HSC engraftment was impaired significantly,
138 opic miR-193b expression restricts long-term repopulating HSC expansion and blood reconstitution.
139 xpanded 3-fold and maintained this long-term repopulating HSC phenotype.
140 IFN-gamma is sufficient to promote long-term repopulating HSC proliferation in vivo; furthermore, HSC
141                           However, long-term repopulating HSCs (LT-HSCs) persist when Runx1 is condit
142 ined for a population enriched for long-term repopulating HSCs (LT-HSCs) versus their more differenti
143 lays a critical role in preserving long-term repopulating HSCs (LT-HSCs).
144 rogeny, including closely related short-term repopulating HSCs (ST-HSCs) and fully differentiated lym
145 bient oxygen decreases recovery of long-term repopulating HSCs and increases progenitor cells, a phen
146 l cells results in a deficiency of long-term repopulating HSCs and intra-aortic cluster cells.
147 tro increased the recovery of both long-term repopulating HSCs and progenitor cells, and systemic adm
148 ermediate blood progenitors but of long-term repopulating HSCs as well.
149 ession and is required to generate long-term repopulating HSCs in the AGM.
150 HSC cycling and reduces functional long-term repopulating HSCs in the bone marrow.
151 n, that an increased proportion of long-term repopulating HSCs proliferate during M. avium infection,
152                                    Long-term repopulating HSCs reside in several, perhaps overlapping
153  egress of murine HSPCs, including long-term repopulating HSCs, over mature leukocytes.
154 progenitor cells (MPPs) as well as long-term repopulating HSCs, while delaying myeloid differentiatio
155 ecreased ability to support the expansion of repopulating HSCs.
156 ecreased ability to support the expansion of repopulating HSCs.
157 a net 23-fold ex vivo expansion of long-term repopulating HSCs.
158 entiation and myofilament formation from the repopulated human multipotential cardiovascular progenit
159                  SDS scaffolds were toxic to repopulating human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC).
160 malization of CD1d expression exclusively in repopulated immature B cells.
161 reases the ability of the cells to long-term repopulate immunodeficient mice compared with equivalent
162 of CML cells, as well as their efficiency in repopulating immunodeficient mice, both in the presence
163 ate that distinct stem/progenitor cell pools repopulate injured tissue depending on the extent of the
164 rs remain TNF sensitive in vitro and fail to repopulate irradiated mice.
165                               Interestingly, repopulating irradiated control mice with bone marrow de
166                              WT HSC normally repopulated Itpkb(-/-) hosts, indicating an HSC-intrinsi
167 gesting a model wherein a parasite reservoir repopulates itself indefinitely, whereas some progeny ar
168 s exhibit growth and survival advantages and repopulate KO livers, eventually limiting hepatic injury
169 ensively after transplantation and therefore repopulate large parts of the recipient's hematopoietic
170  oligodendrocyte precursor cells efficiently repopulated lesions after demyelination, but showed dela
171 e fetal liver stem/progenitor cells (FLSPCs) repopulate livers of normal recipients by cell competiti
172  investigated the mechanisms by which FLSPCs repopulate livers of older compared with younger rats.
173    FLSPCs, resistant to activin A signaling, repopulate livers of older rats; hepatocytes in older ra
174 ution returned to normal in 2 weeks, but the repopulated livers were unable to fully respond to drug-
175                                    Long-term repopulating (LT) hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are th
176 es expansion of multipotent cells capable of repopulating lymphoid and megakaryocyte lineages, which
177 py is demonstrating how TCR transgenic cells repopulate lymphopenic hosts and target tumors in an ant
178  the GFP sorted cells failed to give rise to repopulated mammary glands in de-epithelialized recipien
179 uman fibroblast-derived hepatocytes that can repopulate mouse livers.
180 +) ISCs dramatically proliferate to clonally repopulate multiple contiguous crypts and villi.
181 enhanced the rate of formation of short-term repopulating multipotential progenitor cells (MPPs) as w
182  are thus able to proliferate to efficiently repopulate mutant livers and cure the underlying metabol
183                Currently, the possibility to repopulate naturally obtained scaffolds with cells of di
184  through recycling endosomal compartments to repopulate newly formed focal adhesions on the ventral s
185 served numbers of long-term HSCs, yet cannot repopulate nor sustain itself after transplantation agai
186 gical mobilization, resulting in a chimeric, repopulated organ.
187 ith intact subunits in sucrose gradients and repopulate polysomes after a short starvation-induced tr
188 y less capable than more naive phenotypes of repopulating postdepletion, providing a potential mechan
189 enance of hematopoietic functions, including repopulating potential by up-regulating Notch-mediated s
190 f the HSC pool and a marked reduction of HSC repopulating potential in vivo.
191                     CFU expansion and marrow repopulating potential of cultured Lineage(-)Sca-1(+)CD1
192              By contrast, the clonogenic and repopulating potential of normal hematopoietic stem and
193 r cell cycle greatly impaired the short-term repopulating potential of SKP2 null HSC and their abilit
194 ny of these CB CD34+ cells lose their marrow-repopulating potential.
195  irradiated recipients, and enhanced in vivo repopulating potential.
196 had a severely reduced competitive long-term repopulating potential.
197 f-2alpha-deficient HSCs and their ability to repopulate primary recipients, indicating that Hif-1alph
198 ain large numbers of mouse mitochondria that repopulate recipient mouse cells along with the injected
199  via an unexpected proliferative response to repopulate residual tumours between chemotherapy cycles,
200 PDGFR-beta(+) MSCs, including the ability to repopulate secondary grafts.
201  However, Apc(min) bone marrow was unable to repopulate secondary recipients because of loss of the q
202 icient mice reflecting recovery of long-term repopulating, self-renewing HSCs.
203 rsor cells proliferate and mature adipocytes repopulate skin wounds following inflammation and in par
204 t allow lingering immunosuppressive cells to repopulate small pockets of residual disease quickly.
205          Both ALDH1(br) and ALDH1(low) cells repopulated stem cell heterogeneity, formed spheroids, a
206 erentiate into the less primitive short-term repopulating stem cells (ST-HSCs), which themselves prod
207 plexes preferentially expressed in long-term repopulating stem cells, is essential for adult hemopoie
208 y is associated with long-lasting effects on repopulated T cells and subsequent increased rates of in
209 veral studies have analyzed the phenotype of repopulated T-lymphocytes following alemtuzumab inductio
210 tor-transduced progenitor cells were able to repopulate the B-cell compartment with a normal distribu
211                        The dormant cells can repopulate the biofilms following alleviation of antibio
212 plant, HSPCs need to expand substantially to repopulate the BM and replenish the peripheral blood cel
213 se progenitors can migrate out of the lungs, repopulate the bone marrow, completely reconstitute bloo
214 ed depletion rapidly enter the cell cycle to repopulate the cortex with altered spatial distribution.
215 ver, a small percentage of cells survive and repopulate the culture.
216 buffering it to a level such that Zn(2+) can repopulate the defective binding site, but how it accomp
217                 Limbal epithelial stem cells repopulate the donor site as early as 1 year after limbu
218 g each hair cycle, exhibit self-renewal, and repopulate the DS and the DP with new cells.
219 e high-avidity IL-2R results in a failure to repopulate the effector pool.
220 estigated whether cells of renin lineage can repopulate the glomerulus after podocyte injury and serv
221 f reconstitution and the types of cells that repopulate the host.
222              Thus, nonlethally injured cells repopulate the kidney epithelium after injury in the abs
223                              iNKT cells that repopulate the liver following alphaGC had higher levels
224  receptors PD-1 and Lag3, whereas those that repopulate the liver following IL-18 plus IL-12 had incr
225 epatic stem/progenitor cells can effectively repopulate the liver with advanced fibrosis/cirrhosis.
226 planted in vivo into wild-type stroma, fully repopulate the mammary gland fat pad, undergo unperturbe
227 urther, we demonstrate that the B cells that repopulate the MZ in aged bumble mice were distinct from
228   In chronic infection, HIV-1 escape mutants repopulate the plasma, and V3 and CD4bs nAbs emerge that
229 tic cell transplantation (HCT) is applied to repopulate the recipient myeloid compartment, including
230 o resume normal proliferation and eventually repopulate the sample.
231  endothelial cell progenitor cells (BM SPCs) repopulate the sinusoid as liver sinusoidal endothelial
232 ce during symbiosis using host resources; to repopulate the soil; to survive in the soil between host
233 ith reduced capacity to repair myofibers and repopulate the stem cell reservoir in vivo following tra
234 urst following IR and an impaired ability to repopulate the thymus after IR.
235 bone marrow progenitors that can efficiently repopulate the thymus are poorly reconstituted for at le
236 n may allow them to survive chemotherapy and repopulate the tumor after exposure to chemotherapeutics
237 with the exclusive ability to self-renew and repopulate the tumor and have been reported to be less s
238 specialized niches, which resist therapy and repopulate the tumour.
239 eration, including defects in the cells that repopulate the wound and the RPE at the wound site.
240                  Transplanted stellate cells repopulated the damaged rat liver by contributing to the
241  rescued as newly generated immature neurons repopulated the granule cell layer upon termination of t
242 grated in the ECM scaffold and spontaneously repopulated the lining of decellularized vessels.
243                Human blood-borne macrophages repopulated the meninges and perivascular spaces of chim
244 rred in a hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) that repopulated the myeloid but not the lymphoid lineage.
245 oke patients without tPA treatment gradually repopulated the numbers of circulating regulatory T cell
246 ctive B cells that had escaped depletion and repopulated the periphery through homeostatic expansion.
247 thritis symptoms rapidly returned as B cells repopulated the repertoire.
248 ours after injection of dimethylnitrosamine, repopulated the sinusoid as LSECs and reduced liver inju
249         When Langerin(+) dDCs have partially repopulated the skin but LCs are still absent, CHS retur
250  temozolomide, pre-GEPCOT cells survived and repopulated the SVZ.
251 othelial cells, and these T-cell progenitors repopulated the thymus and differentiated into mature T-
252 and the seeded endothelial cells efficiently repopulated the vascular compartment.
253 pulation selected from a population of cells repopulated the whole original basin of attraction withi
254    A very limited number of HSC clones (<10) repopulated the xenografted thymus, with further restric
255 ly generated and decays to the latter, which repopulates the ground state with tau = 362 ps.
256 lar triplet-state 'reservoir' that thermally repopulates the photoluminescent state of CdSe through e
257  an asymmetrically dividing adult neuroblast repopulates the pool of neuronal progenitor cells in the
258       The procedure is aimed at ablating and repopulating the immune repertoire by sequentially mobil
259 y, and the residual symbionts began growing, repopulating the light organ.
260  recently described a regulatable system for repopulating the liver of immunodeficient mice (specific
261 ells remained in the circulation rather than repopulating the mucosa of the small intestine.
262 hlight an ERG-regulated mechanism capable of repopulating the parent tumor through the transient gene
263 ation of functional pulmonary vasculature by repopulating the vascular compartment of decellularized
264 st for extremely long periods of time and to repopulate their own pool size through homeostatic self-
265                                      We then repopulated this native human cardiac matrix with cardio
266 during embryogenesis and have the ability to repopulate through local proliferation.
267                                   Stem cells repopulate tissues after injury while also renewing them
268 -) mice in which the peripheral T cells were repopulated to a normal level by syngeneic bone marrow t
269                               Cultured cells repopulated tracheal scaffolds in a heterotopic transpla
270 tant to antiproliferative therapies, able to repopulate tumor bulk, and seed metastasis.
271 arbon flow direction in stem-like cells that repopulate tumors (tumor-repopulating cells (TRCs)).
272  expression enabled prostate cancer cells to repopulate tumors in orthotopic and heterotopic tissues.
273 ance to standard chemotherapeutic agents and repopulate tumours after therapy.
274 ble for maintaining the capacity of HSPCs to repopulate under steady-state conditions, by activating
275 nstrated a dramatic reduction of competitive repopulating units and progressive decline in hematopoie
276 erial transplantation of long-term epidermal repopulating units derived from CD133(+) and CD133(+)Del
277 he potential of hematopoietic progenitors to repopulate upon adoptive transfer or after 5-fluorouraci
278 onditions, Cdk6(-/-) HSCs do not efficiently repopulate upon competitive transplantation, and Cdk6-de
279              We measured at the clonal level repopulating waves, populations' sizes and dynamics, act
280 ng of a decellularized lung scaffold that is repopulated with a patient's own cells could provide des
281 T(1a) receptor(-/-) mice were irradiated and repopulated with bone marrow-derived cells isolated from
282 nt phenomenon allows for the construct to be repopulated with cells and to be connected to the blood
283 s provides a mechanism by which cells may be repopulated with functioning organelles.
284 G mice backcrossed to the NOD background and repopulated with huHeps and human red blood cells suppor
285                                         Mice repopulated with human hematopoietic cells are a powerfu
286                               Livers of mice repopulated with human hepatocytes (humanized livers) gr
287 re combined immunodeficient mice with livers repopulated with human hepatocytes (humanized livers).
288 plicating and in mice whose livers have been repopulated with human hepatocytes and infected with HBV
289 hat homozygous PIRF mouse livers are readily repopulated with human hepatocytes, and when the murine
290  create FRGN mice, whose livers can be fully repopulated with human hepatocytes.
291 ) mice and their FRGN littermates were fully repopulated with human hepatocytes.
292                However, wild-type recipients repopulated with necdin-null hematopoietic stem/progenit
293 n regions of CD11b-HSVTK transgenic mice are repopulated with new Iba-1-positive cells within 2 wk.
294       We show that after injury the wound is repopulated with retinal progenitor cells (RPCs) that ex
295     Once in the body, these biomaterials are repopulated with somatic cells of various phenotypes who
296 sing a decellularized deceased donor trachea repopulated with the recipient's respiratory epithelium
297                            Lyn knockout mice repopulated with wild-type bone marrow-derived cells hav
298 that the microglia-depleted brain completely repopulates with new microglia within 1 week of inhibito
299 as in cartilage injured by blunt impact were repopulated within 7-14 days by cells that appeared to m
300 eveals that re-epithelializing keratinocytes repopulate wounds by TGF-beta- and integrin-dependent la

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