


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 sed using alpha-FK2 antibodies are similarly repositioned.
2  accessibility that resulted from nucleosome repositioning.
3 e brains for at least 8 months without probe repositioning.
4 bstructure-domain interactions based on drug repositioning.
5 eling, and acts as a boundary for nucleosome repositioning.
6 nt in fragment-based drug discovery and drug repositioning.
7 r both novel disease gene discovery and drug repositioning.
8 tresses but were less likely to have planned repositioning.
9 ations in polypharmacology and rational drug repositioning.
10 ing pressure-reducing mattresses and planned repositioning.
11 and the corresponding dynamics of nucleosome repositioning.
12  illustrated to be a starting point for drug repositioning.
13 elationships among diseases that enable drug repositioning.
14 nderstanding of disease etiology and in drug repositioning.
15 ein translation are promising candidates for repositioning.
16 tential for systematic and fast-tracked drug repositioning.
17 des new opportunities for drug discovery and repositioning.
18 isassembly, histone exchange, and nucleosome repositioning.
19 raction (DTI) candidates is crucial for drug repositioning.
20 eractions are closely related to the nuclear repositioning.
21 g screening and in applications such as drug repositioning.
22 o use any data inputs for computational drug repositioning.
23 tain 31, 15, and 18 proteins and are used to reposition 15, 9, and 2 drug candidates for the brain, l
24 % of attempts resulting in success), patient repositioning (38%), rescue bougie use (19%), operator c
25 , we demonstrate that both 3q rearrangements reposition a distal GATA2 enhancer to ectopically activa
26  switch can adopt different conformations to reposition a universally conserved Asp (D) residue invol
27 a NET39 fragment to nucleoli correspondingly repositioned a target gene, indicating a direct tetherin
28 t mechanism that includes a form of ribosome repositioning after initial recruitment.
29                                         MTOC repositioning allows the release of proteases and the de
30  Although SSB binds ssDNA tightly, it can be repositioned along ssDNA to follow the advancement of th
31                                         Drug repositioning analysis identified several drug classes w
32 bly lines often feature robots that pick up, reposition and connect components in a programmed manner
33 modelers use a helicase-like ATPase motor to reposition and reorganize nucleosomes along genomic DNA.
34 hromatin remodelling proteins that assemble, reposition and space nucleosomes, and are robustly expre
35 requency was observed in fractures requiring reposition and subperiosteal fractures.
36 ing marked cells and find that, as cells are repositioned and alter their neighbours, their identitie
37  Box B, two homogenous domains of HMGB1, are repositioned and packed together by EGCG.
38 be applied to the defect and the flap can be repositioned and secured back in place.
39 tely removed from the pool, (b) the pool was repositioned and the cued platform remained in the same
40 ect to distal landmarks, or (c) the pool was repositioned and the cued platform remained in the same
41 n occurred in 2 patients and was resolved by repositioning and clipping of the proximal stent end.
42 -target direct interactions is vital to drug repositioning and discovery.
43 rovides a potential in silico model for drug repositioning and discovery.
44  screening with potential in lead discovery, repositioning and drug safety.
45  disrupting lamina interfered with hunchback repositioning and extended neuroblast competence.
46 a manoeuvre (done semi-recumbent with supine repositioning and passive leg raise immediately after th
47 g the free energy from ATP hydrolysis to the repositioning and restructuring of nucleosomes, but how
48 ibutors to cost were clinical nurse time for repositioning and skin inspection.
49  Snf2 plays a fundamental role in nucleosome repositioning and the expression of growth genes.
50    ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling, which repositions and restructures nucleosomes, is essential t
51 s an effective integrative strategy for drug repositioning, and identified new drugs against the VCP/
52 the orchestration of cell emergence, growth, repositioning, and loss under homeostatic conditions and
53 ovides new opportunities for diagnosis, drug repositioning, and rational drug design.
54 drug side effects and opportunities for drug repositioning, and show a remarkable coincidence with cl
55 ffectiveness of nutritional supplementation, repositioning, and skin care interventions versus usual
56                                          CAB repositioning appears to be a separate regulatory step o
57 ntial treatments for PD and 6 hold potential repositioning applications.
58 on of the obtained models, an in silico drug repositioning approach allowed for the identification of
59 edundant molecular pathways in AR and a drug repositioning approach to suppress these using FDA appro
60 affinity fingerprinting-based in silico drug repositioning approach.
61           Computation-based drug-repurposing/repositioning approaches can greatly speed up the tradit
62 allenges of the hindered gene target in drug repositioning approaches to date.
63 utperforms several recent computational drug repositioning approaches.
64  ligand simultaneous docking (MLSD) and drug repositioning approaches.
65                                              Repositioning approved drug and small molecules in novel
66 al ISR and suggest that the HIV-PIs could be repositioned as therapeutics in human diseases to modula
67 ween TADs and LADs was observed with the TAD repositioning as a unit.
68 thelmintics exhibit desirable properties for repositioning as anti-C. difficile agents.
69 ated electric microheaters, the traps can be repositioned at high speed ( approximately 30 kHz) with
70  was reintervention rate for band removal or repositioning at 3 years.
71                                   Nucleosome repositioning at gene promoters is a fundamental aspect
72 arget gene when it was coupled to nucleosome repositioning at or close to its binding site in most ca
73  We present evidence of extensive nucleosome repositioning at thousands of gene promoters as genes ar
74                          First, chromatin is repositioned away from the nuclear periphery in response
75                  It is possible that cannula repositioning based on the AS OCT depth may improve the
76            Novel drugs are also proposed for repositioning based on their mechanism of action to trea
77 ligand must be endocytosed to be modified or repositioned before it binds Notch and (2) pulling model
78 cible loci RBCS, PC and GUN5 undergo similar repositioning behaviour during their transcriptional act
79    The transition from zymogen to active C1s repositions both loops such that they would be able to i
80 , RSC depletion results in global nucleosome repositioning: Both upstream and downstream nucleosomal
81 et prediction is a promising avenue for drug repositioning, but performance is wanting.
82         Here we propose a framework for drug repositioning by comparing transcriptomes imputed from G
83            Computational approaches for drug repositioning by integrating information from multiple s
84 atients (eyes) were randomly assigned to IOL repositioning by scleral suturing (n = 54) or IOL exchan
85 signed 104 patients (104 eyes) either to IOL repositioning by scleral suturing (n = 54) or to IOL exc
86 twork model and applied the approach on drug repositioning by using existing omics data about disease
87                     Nucleosome placement and repositioning can direct transcription of individual gen
88 he model on the whole phenome to narrow down repositioning candidates and suggest alternative indicat
89 k, PUDTI, is then designed to infer new drug repositioning candidates by integrating NDTISE, probabil
90                                              Repositioning candidates for a number of disorders were
91 sed approaches to identify and validate drug-repositioning candidates for epithelial ovarian cancer (
92                         We found a number of repositioning candidates, many supported by preclinical
93 pplies cells to the endocardial cushions and repositions cardiac neural crest cells (NCCs) within the
94                                              Repositioning causes a significant decrease in the repro
95                       Thus, dosage of Dyrk1a repositions cells within a p21-CycD1 signaling map, dire
96 her changes in differentiation revealed that repositioning contributes (1/3) to (2/3) of a gene's nor
97                      The model enables us to reposition drugs based on available patient gene express
98 anisms, identify new disease biomarkers, and reposition drugs for diseases with unmet needs.
99  GWAS and gene expression microarray data to reposition drugs for PD.
100  tumor specimens to evaluate the targets and repositioned drugs.
101  that this modular approach is promising for repositioning drugs for use in polygenic diseases such a
102                                  This change repositions DSB hotspots and completely restores fertili
103                      Four lenses (2.3%) were repositioned during the study.
104 ting approximately 50% of the genes that are repositioned during WT development.
105 These analyses demonstrate active nucleosome repositioning during Dictyostelium multicellular develop
106 ane proteins (NETs) that direct their normal repositioning during myogenesis.
107 ng the clustering of lytic granules and MTOC repositioning during the development of NK cell-mediated
108  repurposing could alleviate this problem by repositioning effective and safe small-molecule drugs fr
109                             Our findings may reposition EGFR-targeted agents for combination with DSB
110                         Features of specific repositioning events were then tested by fluorescence in
111 nonical binding sites while Msn2 can promote reposition, expulsion and recruitment of nucleosomes to
112 ities is restored if these alpha-helices are repositioned extrinsically, suggesting that helper prote
113 onse and presents an economic methodology to reposition FDA approved drugs in organ transplantation.
114                                          The repositioning feature of the THV was applied in 25.8% of
115 ariants of the water task where the pool was repositioned for each training trial and a hidden platfo
116 macological properties that can lead to drug repositioning for the 15% drugs which seem to be inconsi
117                           Computational drug repositioning framework via incorporating drug-gene sign
118 t in developing T cells, the Bcl11b enhancer repositioned from the lamina to the nuclear interior.
119 the domain of pathway and network-based drug repositioning from genetic associations.
120 RM3) and describe targets for potential drug repositioning from other clinical indications.
121 ctrical muscle stimulation increased p-AMPK, repositioned GLUT4, locally improved glucose metabolism,
122 anged by -1.2 +/- 5.8 mm Hg (P = .18) in the Repositioning group and -3.8 +/- 6.4 mm Hg (P < .001) in
123 ) units (range, -0.18 to 1.16 logMAR) in the repositioning group and 0.35+/-0.54 logMAR (range, -0.20
124 ior ischemic optic neuropathy (n = 1) in the repositioning group, and IOP increase (n = 9), pupillary
125 ystem included a cutting guide and a pair of repositioning guides.
126                                              Repositioning had a longer mean surgical time than excha
127       Many computational strategies for drug repositioning have been proposed, which are based on sim
128 the ACP binding pocket before dehydration by repositioning helix III.
129 ntemplated for optimizing current therapies, repositioning histaminergic ligands for new therapeutic
130 nal techniques have been developed to aid in repositioning, however, the majority of available method
131 ables designed to help researchers formulate repositioning hypotheses and identify potential biologic
132         In order to computationally generate repositioning hypotheses, we used the Web Ontology Langu
133 ue and prostate hyperplasia, whereas MMP2 is repositioned in both prostate cancer and hyperplasia.
134 the C-terminal alpha-helix, are dramatically repositioned in free CRM1 in comparison with the ternary
135 on, pressure-reducing mattresses and planned repositioning in bed.
136 pressure-reducing mattresses and (4) planned repositioning in bed.
137 target presentation, we show that centrosome repositioning in Jurkat T cells exhibited kinetically di
138 gether, our findings reveal a role for Golgi repositioning in regulating the initial integration of a
139    We conclude that dynein drives centrosome repositioning in T cells via microtubule end-on capture-
140 ere also compared pre- and post-IOL exchange/repositioning in the eye with IOL dislocation.
141 rite growth and maintenance, was dynamically repositioning in the soma of newborn cells during this i
142 to vaccine arrival resulting in a transnodal repositioning into specific antigen collection sites wit
143                          Computer-aided drug repositioning is a cheaper and faster alternative to tra
144                                         Drug repositioning is considered to be a time- and cost-savin
145 ivocally demonstrates that NET-directed gene repositioning is critical for developmental gene regulat
146                                 The dramatic repositioning is influenced by a differential ability to
147                                          CAB repositioning is mediated by the red/far-red photorecept
148                   One popular method of drug repositioning is network-based DTI prediction, which use
149                  The mechanism of nucleosome repositioning is shown to be strongly linked to DNA sequ
150                                         Drug repositioning is the discovery of new indications for co
151      However, the extent to which nucleosome repositioning is used within eukaryotic genomes is poorl
152 cts were strongly frequency-dependent and we repositioned it for treatment of atrial fibrillation and
153 diffuse on ssDNA, which allows it to quickly reposition itself while remaining bound to ssDNA.
154 iated with a longer unattached flagellum and repositioned kinetoplast and basal body, reminiscent of
155 rch strategy to identify compounds in a drug-repositioning library (Prestwick library) that block lig
156                                   Such motif repositioning may serve as a conformational switch that
157 s, and achieved specificity similar to other repositioning methods.
158 n by cisplatin or genetically can rescue and reposition MGL, arresting NGF-induced growth responses.
159  Schizophrenia working group to build a drug repositioning model for schizophrenia.
160 ork analysis, novel drug methods (e.g., drug repositioning, multi-target drug and combination therapy
161                                          All repositioning (n = 26) and retrieval (n = 6) attempts we
162 tated version of KAHRP, with the PEXEL motif repositioned near the signal sequence, prevented PMV cle
163 d treating pressure ulcers: wound cleansers, repositioning, negative pressure therapy, debridement, e
164 zymes that are critical for reorganizing and repositioning nucleosomes in concert with many basic cel
165                             While nucleosome repositioning occurs pervasively, we found that a class
166 5a resulted in the conformational change and reposition of the activation loop, alphaC-helix, and jux
167 required for BRCA1 function in promoting the repositioning of 53BP1 during HR.
168 be identified with eRepo-ORP, we discuss the repositioning of a kinase inhibitor for Ras-associated a
169             Our finding that the chromosomal repositioning of a regulatory gene can determine the cel
170 ral rearrangements involving the chromosomal repositioning of a single enhancer can cause deregulatio
171                                     However, repositioning of AD2-adjoining degrons (i.e. DSGLS-conta
172                             Importantly, the repositioning of AEPs in this way better recognizes thei
173                                              Repositioning of all these components requires BRCA1's B
174 failed to demonstrate the benefit of routine repositioning of at-risk patients for the prevention of
175 roliferation but rather to cytokine-mediated repositioning of B cells to the lymph nodes, as shown wi
176      Supercontraction was accompanied by the repositioning of centromeres, pericentromeres, and long
177            Importantly, we found significant repositioning of chromosomes X and Y towards the nuclear
178 f recombination in male meiosis only, with a repositioning of Class I crossovers determined by cytolo
179 ne drugs has prompted a renewed focus on the repositioning of clinically approved drugs as potential
180                  Tisseel fibrin glue for the repositioning of conjunctival autografts in pterygium su
181  A103V affect the protein-DNA interaction by repositioning of DNA recognition helices.
182  we employed an integrative strategy for the repositioning of drugs as novel inhibitors of the VCP/p9
183                                              Repositioning of drugs towards new indications is an att
184 ld inspire novel strategies on the effective repositioning of existing drugs and therapies.
185             PVR might be treated by rational repositioning of existing drugs that target mTOR and IL-
186 ensive resource constructed by a large-scale repositioning of existing drugs to orphan diseases with
187             Loss of EZH2 expression leads to repositioning of EZH1 to EZH2 targets.
188  developed genomics-based tools are allowing repositioning of Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-appr
189 offer a preclinical rationale to explore the repositioning of GSK3 inhibitors to enhance differentiat
190 timulation of hDot1L activity and leads to a repositioning of hDot1L on the nucleosomal surface, whic
191 at branches into a pathway that leads to the repositioning of His-54 and another pathway that leads t
192 g efficacy, avoidance of adverse effects, or repositioning of histaminergic ligands.
193 n by bound TFs and TF regulation via dynamic repositioning of nucleosomes.
194                                              Repositioning of residue 78 modifies the intraprotein hy
195        X-ray data at pHs of 4.5-6 reveal the repositioning of side chains along one side of the FeMo-
196 opic versus isotropic substrates resulted in repositioning of specific chromosomes, which contained g
197 lled by neuronal activity and suggest mutual repositioning of synaptic components as a potential nove
198 cription factor IRX-1/Iroquois, allowing the repositioning of synaptic inputs to the ventral side.
199 a kinked and untwisted conformation to allow repositioning of the 'activated' SRP-SR complex on the r
200  Binding to the B domain was associated with repositioning of the A domain of E2 that enabled cross-l
201 , we demonstrate that light triggers a rapid repositioning of the Arabidopsis light-inducible chlorop
202                 Surprisingly, this is due to repositioning of the Arg254 side chain in the Glu256 enz
203 e flagella and a shorter FAZ, accompanied by repositioning of the basal body, the kinetoplast, Golgi,
204                     Conversely, experimental repositioning of the bulbous arteriosus by tissue recomb
205                               Fashioning and repositioning of the conjunctival autograft (flap time)
206 includes the relocation of a beta-strand and repositioning of the functionally important "BB-loop" re
207 extracellular matrix interactions as well as repositioning of the Golgi apparatus, both of which can
208                                              Repositioning of the intertropical convergence zone is t
209 e MIT domain in linker-deleted Vps4 mimics a repositioning of the MIT domain normally caused by bindi
210 opensity for Na2 release, which leads to the repositioning of the N terminus and transition to an inw
211  layers along the dorso-ventral axis and the repositioning of the neuroectodermal borders.
212  rapid pacing used during valvuloplasty, and repositioning of the prosthesis.
213 ional activation in MCL cells relates to the repositioning of the rearranged IgH-Ccnd1-carrying chrom
214 ing of large-scale chromatin structure and a repositioning of the region within the nucleus.
215                      This interaction caused repositioning of the RNAP sigmaA subunit from a -35-like
216 art sites, in a way that can be described by repositioning of the single-stranded transcription bubbl
217 omophores is switched on and off by a simple repositioning of the substituents, which alters the noda
218                                              Repositioning of the templating nucleotide residue and t
219 ) loss due to Sirt1 S-nitrosation results in repositioning of the tetrathiolate subdomain away from t
220 irus homolog pM50 but reveals a considerable repositioning of the very C-terminal alpha-helix of pUL5
221 mutants, in spite of a dramatic rostrocaudal repositioning of these neurons in hindbrain.
222                                              Repositioning of these vessels to lie in contact with th
223 This regulation is achieved by the azimuthal repositioning of Tm along the actin (Ac):Tm:troponin (Tn
224 Importantly, we found that restructuring and repositioning of two C-terminal helices enable MapZ to d
225 plexed with the portal, which is achieved by repositioning of two consecutive repeats of a conserved
226 His-54 and another pathway that leads to the repositioning of Tyr-84.
227 inates from the C-terminal domain of VipD is repositioned on Rab5 binding, thereby exposing the catal
228                     The impact of nucleosome repositioning on the three-dimensional chromatin structu
229                 DrugPredict exploited unique repositioning opportunities rendered by a vast amount of
230 ies of active compounds and can provide drug repositioning opportunities.
231 y unpredictable, clinically significant drug-repositioning opportunities.
232 modelers use the energy of ATP hydrolysis to reposition or evict nucleosomes or to replace canonical
233                                          The repositioning or ejection of nucleosomes is therefore cr
234  the rate of catheter misplacement requiring repositioning or replacement was 1.0% (95% CI, 0.6-1.7%)
235 plications of the procedures (TCOs), such as repositioning or retrieval of the valve prosthesis and e
236 hich could serve as start point for CNS drug repositioning research.
237 ently, imaging of microtubules during normal repositioning revealed a microtubule end-on capture-shri
238             Differentiating neutrophils also repositioned ribosomal DNA and mininucleoli to the lamin
239                                       A drug-repositioning screen identified the HIV1-protease inhibi
240  cardiovascular Doppler, and lower extremity repositioning should be performed as soon as feasible.
241 g loop to an even greater degree, as well as reposition specific CBL-binding residues, bringing them
242 uman cells, we found that slow transcription repositioned specific co-transcriptionally deposited chr
243 his study, we provide a rationale for a drug repositioning strategy to blunt integrin activation in A
244  novel drug therapies, taking advantage of a repositioning strategy, the small teleost zebrafish (Dan
245 ur findings offer a mechanistic rationale to reposition SYK kinase inhibitors for evaluation in patie
246 ia within a single theoretical framework and repositions synaesthesia not as some quirk of aberrant c
247  strategy that combines a computational drug-repositioning system (DrugPredict) with biological testi
248      This appears to be coupled to subdomain repositioning that is required for catalytic activation/
249                 We propose a method for drug repositioning that uses the clinical signatures extracte
250 e hTR RNA using circular permutations, which reposition the 5' and 3' ends.
251           Our results provide a rationale to reposition the approved drug auranofin for clinical eval
252 s and activated cohesin-dependent looping to reposition the Bcl11b enhancer from the lamina to the nu
253 plana vitrectomy may be required in order to reposition the dislocated IOL-CB complex in the presence
254  findings provide a mechanistic rationale to reposition the experimental clinical agent, AS101, to de
255 nd, stairs, and ramps--and of the ability to reposition the leg while the patient was seated.
256 emodeling factors but does not significantly reposition the nucleosome.
257 pervasive cross-environmental tradeoffs that reposition the peaks in such a way that trapped genotype
258                                These changes reposition the remaining sarcomeres back into their opti
259     A structural rearrangement in AAV2-R432A repositioned the betaA strand region under the icosahedr
260             A mechanical registration system repositioned the head to within a few microns, allowing
261 template system provides greater accuracy in repositioning the chin than traditional intraoperative m
262 l enzymes primes HA for fusion competence by repositioning the fusion peptide to the newly created N
263 cing a beta1 mutation implicated in epilepsy repositions the (58)Cys-containing loop and disrupts bet
264 n with Asp or phosphorylation) "undocks" and repositions the cofilin N terminus away from the filamen
265 ggesting a second slow conformational change repositions the RNA:DNA hybrid into the telomerase activ
266                               Of 373 muscles repositioned, the lateral rectus muscle (n = 115/373; 30
267     In the context of drug discovery or drug repositioning, the methods presented here could help ass
268 I) prediction plays an integral role in drug repositioning: the discovery of new uses for existing dr
269                              T cells rapidly reposition their centrosome to the center of the immunol
270 l novel drug-target pairs that may result in repositioning these drugs.
271 to oncogenic activation of GFI1B and GFI1 by repositioning these genes next to super-enhancers.
272 l treatment, with a mechanistic rationale to reposition this drug to improve the management of colore
273 ) to Eallo or an S121P substitution in Eallo repositions this region to increase Ecat activity; and (
274  acetylated after the duplicated centrosomes reposition to the apical side.
275 hile bound to ssDNA enables it to be readily repositioned to allow other proteins access to ssDNA.
276 as ciclopirox or deferiprone, which might be repositioned to control cancer cell growth.
277 est that PKC and NF-kappaB inhibitors may be repositioned to suppress cancer mutagenesis, dampen tumo
278 system in cancer immunotherapy, is now being repositioned to treat inflammatory and autoimmune disord
279 heir trapping, retrieving, transporting, and repositioning to a desired microwell on the array.
280                                 Whether gene repositioning to the nuclear periphery during differenti
281  that are necessary and sufficient to induce repositioning to the nuclear periphery.
282                         BRCA1 promotes 53BP1 repositioning to the periphery of enlarged foci and form
283 ring differentiation, thousands of genes are repositioned toward or away from the nuclear envelope.
284 trans-activator is sufficient to induce gene repositioning toward the nuclear interior in embryonic s
285 iation between TMJ remodeling and mandibular repositioning under orthopedic loading.
286 nd, once created, that they can be moved and repositioned using applied electric fields.
287                                         Drug repositioning, using known drugs for treating conditions
288 f three successive measurements without head repositioning was 1.5 +/- 0.7 mum.
289 In agreement with this mechanism, centrosome repositioning was impaired by inhibiting microtubule dep
290                   On the other hand, planned repositioning was more likely to be used at the general
291 within 3 degrees in both eyes, therefore IOL repositioning was not necessary.
292 rotubule dynamics, confirmed that centrosome repositioning was responsible for further cell disengage
293 he reintervention rate for band retrieval or repositioning was significantly higher in the absence of
294                                         Drug repositioning, which aims to identify new indications fo
295                     It is distinct from drug repositioning, which identifies new uses for existing dr
296 target genes provide an opportunity for drug repositioning, while for 36 genes CpG methylation was fo
297  The phenome has been also explored for drug repositioning with efforts focusing on the search space
298 position (intraimage reproducibility), after repositioning (within-day reproducibility), and 1-4 week
299 ar incisions with minimal flap elevation and repositioning without advancement.
300 ir neighbors, thereby allowing confined cell repositioning without jeopardizing global architecture.

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