


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 re chemical ionization (APCI; e.g., 1 pg for reserpine).
2 ter was reduced to 5.8 by the VMAT inhibitor reserpine.
3 ression with VMAT2, and this was reversed by reserpine.
4 nsporter-mediated storage into vesicles with reserpine.
5 ed extracellular Ca2+, and were abolished by reserpine.
6 oxidation products of the benchmark compound reserpine.
7 likely explains the diminished release after reserpine.
8  efflux is supressed by an inhibitor of Blt, reserpine.
9 f Bmr can be inhibited by the plant alkaloid reserpine.
10 the vesicular monoamine transport inhibitor, reserpine.
11 g injections of the monoamine-depleting drug reserpine.
12 l threshold and resistance to the effects of reserpine.
13 dded carboxyls, generates a binding site for reserpine.
14 creases in tracer uptake with propranolol or reserpine.
15 a key intermediate previously transformed to reserpine.
16 (10 micro M) as well as by pretreatment with reserpine.
17 be partially overcome by the ABCG2 inhibitor reserpine.
18 ) or a triple therapy (hydralazine 7.5 mg/d, reserpine 0.15 mg/d, and hydrochlorothiazide 3 mg/d [HRH
19 th a step-up to atenolol (25.0-50.0 mg/d) or reserpine (0.05-0.10 mg/d) if needed.
20 weanling rats were given daily injections of reserpine (1 mg/kg, i.p.) or vehicle on postnatal day (P
21 normal conditions and following five days of reserpine (1 mg/kg/day), a treatment that causes a break
22 ministration of the dopamine-depleting agent reserpine (10 mg/kg) induces Fos expression in striatopa
23 ng by [125I]IAPEGlyMER was blocked by 100 nM reserpine, 10 microM tetrabenazine, 1 mM serotonin, and
24                Pre-treatment with 10.0 mg/kg reserpine (18 h prior to AMPH or MDMA) attenuated dopami
25 he landmark syntheses of morphine (1952) and reserpine (1956) by Gates and Woodward, respectively, th
26                                 In contrast, reserpine (20 and 40 mg/L) did not evoke overt acute beh
27 er halothane anaesthesia), pretreatment with reserpine (4 mg/kg, i.p., 24 h beforehand), unilateral p
28 hibition was stereospecific and sensitive to reserpine (50 nM), which blocks VMAT1 and VMAT2, but res
29 howed IC50 values of approximately 37 nM for reserpine, 83 nM for AIPPMER, 200 nM for IAPEGlyMER, and
30                                      Because reserpine (a VMAT inhibitor) can precipitate depressive-
31             Experimental treatments in which reserpine, a known inhibitor of dopamine in Drosophila,
32 rt is inhibited by the competitive inhibitor reserpine, a second-line agent to treat hypertension, an
33              We found that administration of reserpine, a small-molecule inhibitor of the vesicular m
34                      Cells were treated with reserpine, a vesicular monoamine transport blocker that
35                                              Reserpine, a vesicular monoamine transporter inhibitor,
36 chondrial Ca(2+) pools did not eliminate the reserpine-activated release.
37                                              Reserpine activation of endogenous processing enzymes wa
38 r polypeptide, which was blocked by 1 microM reserpine and 10 microM tetrabenazine.
39 distribution was modulated by treatment with reserpine and amitriptyline.
40 most drug treatments but was up-regulated by reserpine and clotrimazole.
41  examined the acute and long-term effects of reserpine and d-amphetamine on zebrafish behavior in the
42                                              Reserpine and ketanserin are slightly more potent inhibi
43           Two iodophenylazide derivatives of reserpine and one iodophenylazide derivative of tetraben
44  In a separate group of rats, the effects of reserpine and reserpine+heat on dopamine synthesis were
45 of isotopic peak clusters in mass spectra of reserpine and substance P are measured using Fourier tra
46            Subcellular studies revealed that reserpine and tetrabenazine at concentrations near their
47 s strongly attenuated by inhibitors of VMAT (reserpine and tetrabenazine) and DAT (GBR12909 and rimca
48  decreased following 15-min incubations with reserpine and tetrabenazine, as evidenced by a decrease
49  yohimbine, the noradrenaline-depleting drug reserpine and the adrenergic neuron-blocking agent guane
50                                              Reserpine and verapamil blocked [3H]putrescine uptake in
51 e test mix-composed of aspartame, cortisone, reserpine, and dioctyl phthalate has been developed to a
52 ing rifampicin, phenobarbital, clotrimazole, reserpine, and isosafrole.
53 emonstrated by studying the effects of EGTA, reserpine, and prolonged stimulation by K(+).
54           Sf9 vesicles expressing VMAT2 show reserpine- and tetrabenazine-protectable photolabeling b
55 selective synthesis of the well-known target reserpine are described, culminating in a total synthesi
56 aches to the construction of the DE rings of reserpine are reported.
57 dient plates containing both a substrate and reserpine as an efflux pump inhibitor.
58 TQ-Orbitrap-MS to detect the distribution of reserpine at 2 h post a 20 mg/kg oral dose.
59                Pre-treatment with 10.0 mg/kg reserpine attenuated dopamine and serotonin release indu
60 kably, however, this mutant displayed normal reserpine binding that remained coupled to DeltaH+, but
61  and reduced ability of serotonin to inhibit reserpine binding, suggesting that although not required
62  to DeltaH+, but serotonin failed to inhibit reserpine binding, suggesting that the charge reversal s
63 d binding of two potent inhibitors of VMAT2: reserpine binds the cytoplasm-facing conformation, and t
64                  Although cyclosporine A and reserpine blocked calcein-AM transport by MDR1, these dr
65 ore, transient exposure to tetrabenazine and reserpine, but not methyl reserpate and reserpic acid, i
66 sacrifice), was greater in rats treated with reserpine compared to controls; heating the reserpinized
67 ensitivity was restored by the Pgp inhibitor reserpine, demonstrating that only drug retention was th
68                                              Reserpine depletes monoamines, and causes depression and
69                             In contrast, two reserpine derivatives, methyl reserpate and reserpic aci
70                                              Reserpine did not disrupt the ability of 1 microM KN-93
71 d that the vesicular amine transport blocker reserpine does not block amphetamine-induced release.
72 otted analytes, exemplified by tamoxifen and reserpine, during analysis by DESI-MS was studied.
73                       We found that 1 microM reserpine for 90 min reduced stimulation-dependent dopam
74  not significantly different from either the reserpine group (not heated) or the AMPH or MDMA alone g
75 G uptake in BAT, whereas the propranolol and reserpine groups showed only faint to mild (18)F-FDG upt
76 = iodovinyltetrabenazine > ketanserin > or = reserpine > haloperidol > GBR 12909) consistent with the
77 ization developed for the total synthesis of reserpine has been explored by both experiment and theor
78             L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine and reserpine have been used to increase and decrease, respe
79  group of rats, the effects of reserpine and reserpine+heat on dopamine synthesis were measured.
80 MDMA-induced dopamine release observed after reserpine; however, AMPH or MDMA dependence upon vesicul
81 specific triple antihypertensive drugs (TRX; reserpine, hydralazine, and hydrochlorothiazide in drink
82 Furth rats) being treated with a hydralazine-reserpine-hydrochlorothiazide regimen.
83      Myocardial catecholamine depletion with reserpine in 2 hearts also abolished changes in MAPD and
84 markedly increased by L-DOPA or decreased by reserpine in a time-dependent manner in response to in v
85 e oxidation of 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid and reserpine in negative ion mode and by the reduction of t
86 e to "turn on" essentially 100% oxidation of reserpine in this flow rate range.
87 ermine that l-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine and reserpine increase and decrease, respectively, the volum
88 th pargyline, a monoamine oxidase inhibitor, reserpine increased catecholamine levels in the cytosol
89 llar norepinephrine levels by treatment with reserpine increased Purkinje cell GAD67 mRNA levels (250
90 ve Transporter Interactions class (including reserpine, indapamide, digoxin, and deslanoside) has sta
91 splenic nerve and catecholamine depletion by reserpine indicate that these nerves are catecholaminerg
92                                              Reserpine induced a rise in intracellular Ca(2+), as det
93  study of altered central pain processing in reserpine induced myalgia.
94  decreased haloperidol-induced catalepsy and reserpine-induced akinesia in rats.
95 th this, PHCCC produced a marked reversal of reserpine-induced akinesia in rats.
96 l-induced catalepsy, mouse and rat models of reserpine-induced akinesia, and the rat 6-hydroxydopamin
97     MMP-2200 had no effect in preventing the reserpine-induced akinesia, nor did it affect locomotion
98 aloperidol-induced catalepsy, mouse model of reserpine-induced akinesia, rat 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHD
99 mine D2/3 receptor agonist RU 24213 reversed reserpine-induced akinesia, yet paradoxically increased
100 post-treatment period partially reversed the reserpine-induced attenuation of dopamine release.
101 reserpine is thought to be counteracted by a reserpine-induced replenishment of stores.
102                      Acute administration of reserpine induces Fos expression in striatopallidal neur
103 tions in the catalase-peroxidase gene and to reserpine-inhibitable efflux pumps.
104 mpathetic neurotransmitters (guanethidine or reserpine) inhibited capsaicin-evoked iCGRP release.
105 06 of Bmr not only reduce its sensitivity to reserpine inhibition but also significantly change its s
106      The multidrug resistance pump inhibitor reserpine inhibits resistance to ethidium bromide in bot
107  further combined with the SRM transition of reserpine (internal standard) and eight probe substrates
108  AMPH or MDMA-induced transmitter release by reserpine is thought to be counteracted by a reserpine-i
109 om vesicles to the cytoplasm by the use of a reserpine-like compound, Ro4-1284, does not increase ext
110 ats administered urethane anesthesia and the reserpine-like compound, RO4-1284.
111 re treated either acutely or repeatedly with reserpine (low dopaminergic tone) or vehicle (high dopam
112  scopolamine (50 mg/kg) partially attenuates reserpine-mediated striatal Fos expression.
113 NMDA antagonists (+)MK-801 or CPP attenuated reserpine-mediated striatal Fos induction whereas pretre
114 t models of neuropathic pain as well as in a reserpine model of central pain.
115 ress this paradox, we examined the effect of reserpine on amphetamine-induced dopamine release from p
116 sensitivity, suggesting that effects of VMAT/reserpine on sleep are mediated by multiple monoamines.
117 imit of detection in the range of 100 nM for reserpine or better than 5 nM for verapamil in aqueous s
118  by > 95% compared with cells not exposed to reserpine or by 75% compared with reserpine-treated cult
119 ne-based anesthesia) were given propranolol, reserpine, or diazepam intraperitoneally before (18)F-FD
120 e VMAT mutants are consistently resistant to reserpine, other aspects of their sleep phenotype are de
121 rking electrode potential, it was found that reserpine oxidation could be "turned off" at flow rates
122 0% of the control level after propranolol or reserpine (P < 0.05).
123 ) or following dopamine depletion induced by reserpine plus alpha-methyl-para-tyrosine pretreatment.
124                                              Reserpine pre-treatment caused reductions in core body t
125                                              Reserpine pretreated rat hearts also showed significant
126                                           In reserpine-pretreated adult and young rats, however, part
127 mulation of monoamine-depleted ganglia (from reserpine-pretreated rats, 3 mg kg-1 for 24 h) failed to
128                                              Reserpine pretreatment did not affect amphetamine-mediat
129  state of low dopaminergic tone (i.e., after reserpine pretreatment).
130 l antagonist-like effects even 20 days after reserpine pretreatment.
131  12, 16, 20, or 24 days (Experiment 2) after reserpine pretreatment.
132 utoreceptors, until long after conclusion of reserpine pretreatment.
133 r activity for only the initial 2 days after reserpine pretreatment.
134 or the vesicular monoamine transport blocker reserpine prevented drug-induced free radical formation.
135                      In animals treated with reserpine, profound akinesia was induced that was revers
136                                 In parallel, reserpine reduced amphetamine-induced dopamine release b
137               Blocking vesicular uptake with reserpine reduced the initial uptake rates of PHEN and D
138 ed 5 h or 1, 2, 4, or 8 days after the 5-day reserpine regimen.
139 ion limit of 8 and 25 fmol for verapamil and reserpine, respectively, and quantitation capabilities w
140 lation of transcription was more modest, and reserpine responses were only incompletely blocked by ch
141                           The pump inhibitor reserpine reversed both tolerance to INH and resistance
142  pesticides, pharmaceuticals and explosives (reserpine, roxithromycin, propazine, prochloraz, spinosa
143                 It was not stereospecific or reserpine sensitive, but was correlated with hydrophobic
144               Treatment with L-DOPA produced reserpine-sensitive dissipation of the electron-dense ag
145 es in the VTA may have greater potential for reserpine-sensitive storage and release of dopamine than
146 ing single monoamine pathways did not affect reserpine sensitivity, suggesting that effects of VMAT/r
147                             When a series of reserpine solutions (0.5, 1.0, 5.0, and 10.0 microM) wer
148                                     Standard reserpine solutions of varying concentration were electr
149 ; either 25 mg/d of atenolol or 0.05 mg/d of reserpine (step 2) could be added (n = 2365); or placebo
150                   Uptake blockade by DMI and reserpine suggest that uptake and storage of 11C-EPI app
151 ar monoamine transporter-2 (VMAT2) inhibitor reserpine, suggesting a dependence on the vesicular DA s
152                                  Relative to reserpine, the flavonoids exhibited narrower linear dyna
153               When WT mice were treated with reserpine to deplete adrenergic neurotransmitters from s
154 -dependent dopamine release, we administered reserpine to saline- and amphetamine-pretreated rats 1 d
155 ls that received apomorphine compared to non-reserpine treated animals, reflecting the well described
156 uts of glutamate and aspartate in the EPN of reserpine-treated and normal individuals, whilst the dop
157 exposed to reserpine or by 75% compared with reserpine-treated cultures.
158                                    In DD and reserpine-treated mice, quinpirole decreased destaining
159 reparations from dopamine-deficient (DD) and reserpine-treated mice.
160 6-OHDA)-treated rat and 2) locomotion in the reserpine-treated rat.
161 differential display in the adrenal gland of reserpine-treated rats and then isolated two transcripts
162  the substantia nigra and corpus striatum of reserpine-treated rats.
163                                       In DD, reserpine-treated, and control mice, exposure to the D2-
164 ing exposure to cold and that propranolol or reserpine treatment can remarkably reduce the high (18)F
165                                              Reserpine treatment increased both CPE and PC activity i
166      Forskolin stimulation of PC12 cells and reserpine treatment of rats increased, in nuclear extrac
167 sm of this effect, we examined the effect of reserpine treatment on the activities of three different
168 unable to elicit Fos even following repeated reserpine treatment).
169                                    Following reserpine treatment, stimulation of either D1 or D2 rece
170 he respective mass spectra of model compound reserpine, under various operating conditions to better
171 combination of altanserin (5HTR2 inhibitor), reserpine (VMAT inhibitor), and VP16-XlCreb1 (constituti
172                                              Reserpine was relatively easy to oxidize (E(p) = 0.73 V
173 lls with the catecholamine transport blocker reserpine was shown previously to increase enkephalin le
174              Pulsed-pressurized injection of reserpine was used to experimentally simulate narrower p
175 ea that VMAT is the sleep-relevant target of reserpine, we found that VMAT-null mutants have an incre
176         The effect of L-DOPA was reversed by reserpine, which inhibits the amine-proton exchangers VM
177         Release was reduced upon exposure to reserpine, which inhibits vesicular packaging.
178 emistry was tested using the indole alkaloid reserpine, which is often used to test the specification

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