


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rcise interventions involving aerobic and/or resistance training.
2 skeletal muscle hypertrophy or strength with resistance training.
3 er undertaking either prolonged endurance or resistance training.
4 red with stretching but not as compared with resistance training.
5 rea, we observed an increase in tension with resistance training.
6 bute to increased whole muscle function with resistance training.
7  of which 2 to 3 sessions were combined with resistance training.
8 ipulation, splints, and aerobic exercise and resistance training.
9 tance training, or testosterone injections + resistance training.
10 nty subjects performed 8 weeks of whole-body resistance training.
11  randomized, controlled trial of progressive resistance training.
12  not statistically significant in either the resistance training (-0.16%; 95% CI, -0.46% to 0.15%; P
13  the requirement) for 16 wk while performing resistance training 3 d/wk.
14 gned to the nonexercise control group, 73 to resistance training 3 days a week, 72 to aerobic exercis
15 scle strength was significantly greater with resistance training (32% +/- 14%) than without (-13% +/-
16 hypocaloric diet (-600 kcal/d) and performed resistance training 3x/wk.
17 e enanthate injected weekly) with or without resistance training (45 minutes three times weekly) on b
18 ed 17.2% with testosterone alone, 17.4% with resistance training alone, and 26.8% with testosterone +
19 ould cause greater decreases than aerobic or resistance training alone.
20  may cause greater decreases than aerobic or resistance training alone.
21          This was not achieved by aerobic or resistance training alone.
22 duals with diabetes include both aerobic and resistance training although few studies have directly e
23 domized controlled study to demonstrate that resistance training and aerobic training are equally eff
24 to aerobic exercise, people should engage in resistance training and flexibility exercises at least t
25            Exercise consisted of alternating resistance training and running 5 times/wk.
26  tended to decrease during the first 4 wk of resistance training and then returned to baseline values
27 group performed consistently better than the resistance-training and stretching groups in maximum exc
28 ity program (n = 818) that included walking, resistance training, and flexibility exercises or a heal
29 al areas increased in patients who performed resistance training by a mean (+/-SD) of 4% +/- 8%, 24%
30 ent rehabilitation that includes progressive resistance training can improve physical function and qu
31  to either resistance training with placebo, resistance training combined with GH administration or G
32 betes mellitus, a combination of aerobic and resistance training compared with the nonexercise contro
33 trol PRT [1 serving pasta or rice/d; control resistance training (CRT) group; n = 47)].
34                                              Resistance training for 3 months improves both leg stren
35 ols), and -1.6 (95% CI, -2.2 to -1.0) in the resistance training group (P = .002 vs controls).
36 trols), -2.2 (95% CI -3.7 to -0.8) cm in the resistance training group (P = .048 vs controls), and -4
37                                          The resistance training group had greater increases in maxim
38 with the control group, whereas those in the resistance training group increased their distance walke
39                                          The resistance training group lost a mean of -1.4 kg fat mas
40 er significantly from that in the aerobic or resistance training group.
41 in the aerobic training group and 70% in the resistance training group.
42  all secondary outcomes and outperformed the resistance-training group in stride length and functiona
43                              Lower extremity resistance training improved functional performance meas
44 ought to assess the therapeutic potential of resistance training in eight patients with single, large
45 hormone (GH) administration with and without resistance training in healthy elderly men.
46 ns or enhance skeletal muscle adaptations to resistance training in normotestosterogenic young men an
47 nterventions focused on exercise, especially resistance training in the lower body, to prevent weight
48 /kg per week; and 76 to combined aerobic and resistance training in which they expended 10 kcal/kg pe
49 sition during dietary energy restriction and resistance training.In a randomized parallel-design stud
50                                              Resistance training increases muscle function, although
51                                              Resistance training increases protein utilization and mu
52 at-free mass, and muscle mass increased with resistance training independently of chromium supplement
53  that when mechanical loading in the form of resistance training is combined with GH, MGF mRNA levels
54 ow that 12 weeks of progressive overload leg resistance training led to: (i) increased muscle strengt
55                                 In contrast, resistance training mainly stimulates muscle protein syn
56                         Patients assigned to resistance training maintained body weight compared with
57 d across a number of aerobic and progressive resistance training modalities.
58 randomly assigned to a low-protein diet plus resistance training (n = 14) or a low-protein diet alone
59 ance training (n = 78), combined aerobic and resistance training (n = 75), or nonexercising control (
60 ups for 22 weeks: aerobic training (n = 75), resistance training (n = 78), combined aerobic and resis
61 a very modest effect of HIT and no effect of resistance training on AHN in adult male rats.
62 terval training (HIT) or of purely anaerobic resistance training on AHN.
63 IGF-IEb was also investigated in response to resistance training only.
64 resistance training, or combined aerobic and resistance training - or to a control group (no weight-m
65 repetitions of 3 s-bursts at 100 Hz to mimic resistance training) or low frequency (LFS; 3 h at 10 Hz
66  three exercise programs - aerobic training, resistance training, or combined aerobic and resistance
67 re disease) to one of three groups: tai chi, resistance training, or stretching.
68 about the effectiveness of aerobic training, resistance training, or tai chi for improving cognition.
69 jections + no training, placebo injections + resistance training, or testosterone injections + resist
70 vised treadmill exercise, to lower extremity resistance training, or to a control group.
71 raining alone, and 26.8% with testosterone + resistance training (p < 0.001).
72 ne and 3.3 kg with combined testosterone and resistance training (p < 0.001).
73 imately 160 g cooked) to be consumed 6 d/wk [resistance training plus lean red meat (RT+Meat) group;
74                          Participants in the resistance-training program increased submaximal walking
75 r to and following an 18 week high-intensity resistance training programme.
76       We assessed the effects of progressive resistance training (PRT) combined with a protein-enrich
77  brain changes after 6 months of progressive resistance training (PRT), computerized cognitive traini
78 diates specific adaptations to endurance and resistance training, respectively.
79                                              Resistance training (RT) and dietary protein independent
80                                              Resistance training (RT) has been indicated to minimize
81 exercise with recovery periods, or anaerobic resistance training (RT) has similar effects on AHN is u
82                                              Resistance training (RT) improves muscle strength and ov
83 osition response to a unilateral, upper body resistance training (RT) program.
84 e skeletal muscle hypertrophy in response to resistance training (RT).
85 scle mass, nutritional status, and function, resistance training seems to be effective against the ca
86 ed 70% (+/- standard deviation [SD], 28%) of resistance training sessions and increased their exercis
87                                Five weeks of resistance training significantly increased the mRNA exp
88 al a modest beneficial effect of progressive resistance training (strengthening programs) and aerobic
89 mg/wk) or placebo injections and progressive resistance training (three times weekly) or no training
90  of dietary energy restriction combined with resistance training to improve body composition is not i
91 s of adding testosterone supplementation and resistance training to rehabilitative programs for caref
92 d in the SMART (Study of Mental Activity and Resistance Training) Trial.
93  expended 10 kcal/kg per week and engaged in resistance training twice a week.
94                                              Resistance training was associated with a significant de
95 after 3 weeks of recovery during which heavy resistance training was performed.
96                                              Resistance training was very effective in counteracting
97                                              Resistance training was very effective in restoring both
98 h widely divergent hypertrophic responses to resistance training were used for the identification of
99 rwent 12 weeks of high-intensity progressive resistance training, while 6 elderly subjects performed
100 ars, mean +/- S.E.M) were assigned to either resistance training with placebo, resistance training co
101    We hypothesized that aerobic training and resistance training would each yield greater decreases t

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