


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nctions (HJs), identifying SLX1-SLX4 as a HJ resolvase.
2 es x res recombination promoted by wild-type resolvase.
3 proach for identifying a eukaryotic Holliday resolvase.
4 and regulation in recombination by wild-type resolvase.
5 sed to be an example of a eukaryotic nuclear resolvase.
6  of double Holliday junctions (HJs) by an HJ resolvase.
7 donuclease Mus81-Eme1 is a Holliday junction resolvase.
8 ers, required the meiosis-specific MutLgamma resolvase.
9 ed that it functions as a Holliday structure resolvase.
10 for the broad substrate specificity of phage resolvase.
11 ke structures in cells lacking Mus81-Eme1 HJ resolvase.
12 ted tet gene flanked by targets for the TnpR resolvase.
13 avages characteristic of a Holliday junction resolvase.
14 interface that abolish activity of wild-type resolvase.
15 1 from humans and fission yeast encodes a HJ resolvase.
16  expression of a bacterial Holliday junction resolvase.
17 ystal structure of the canarypox virus (CPV) resolvase.
18 tes DNA repair in strains lacking the RuvABC resolvase.
19 obstacle may interfere with the binding of a resolvase.
20  expression of a bacterial Holliday junction resolvase.
21 s evaluated from the degree of inhibition of resolvase.
22  are subunits of a nuclear Holliday junction resolvase.
23 sis to investigate such residues in the RusA resolvase.
24 binding and catalysis by a Holliday junction resolvase.
25 n established as a major cellular quadruplex resolvase.
26 dimers in the synaptic complex of gammadelta resolvase.
27 t to a regulatory sequence recognized by Tn3 resolvase.
28 ing protein Brc1 and Mus81 Holliday junction resolvase.
29  SOS induction, and RuvABC Holliday-junction resolvase.
30 nformation of the DNA junction when bound by resolvase.
31 fferent functions of the viral and bacterial resolvases.
32 transposases and RuvC-like Holliday junction resolvases.
33 opological selectivity as Tn3 and gammadelta resolvases.
34  new type of substrate for Holliday junction resolvases.
35 pite a lack of sequence homology between the resolvases.
36 mmetry, a feature more akin to cellular RuvC resolvases.
37 sing shared by prokaryotic and eukaryotic HJ resolvases.
38 tructure-selective endonucleases known as HJ resolvases.
39  that encode putative Holliday junction (HJ) resolvases.
40 /RecBCD is compared to that of the RecU/RuvC resolvases.
41                   We also discovered that G4 Resolvase 1 (G4R1) enhanced the Gluc expression mediated
42 se properties to GQ targeting ligands and G4 resolvase 1 (G4R1) protein binding.
43  gene product of DHX36, naming the enzyme G4 Resolvase 1 (G4R1).
44 associated with AU rich elements) (RHAU) (G4 resolvase 1), Bloom helicase (BLM), and Werner helicase
45 to the putative resolution site for the ParA resolvase, a potential hot spot for those transposons.
46                                              Resolvase acting on these sites cleaves the intact stran
47                                         This resolvase, activated for recombination by mutations, for
48 hanism of strand exchange and the process of resolvase activation are discussed.
49 This mechanism stands in contrast to classic resolvase activities that use a structure-specific endon
50 ain of Ydc2 resulted in the complete loss of resolvase activity and impaired significantly the bindin
51  recombinant YDC2 exhibits Holliday junction resolvase activity and is, therefore, a functional S.pom
52 helicase shown to have G-quadruplex (G4)-RNA resolvase activity and the major source of G4-DNA resolv
53 on analyses, we found that Holliday junction resolvase activity associated tightly and co-eluted with
54 preferences for Mg(2+) versus Mn(2+) Optimal resolvase activity is maintained with 5 mum Mn(2+) and 1
55                                 The junction resolvase activity of topo-isomerase may be involved in
56  provide evidence that the Holliday junction resolvase activity of Ydc2 is required for mtDNA transmi
57                                        Their resolvase activity shares the characteristics of the Esc
58 etramolecular G4-DNA into single strands (G4-resolvase activity) has been observed only in recombinan
59 to linear duplexes as would be expected of a resolvase activity, the artificial cruciforms were degra
60 le for the majority of tetramolecular G4-DNA resolvase activity.
61 es RAD51C or XRCC3 have reduced levels of HJ resolvase activity.
62 ion of gene expression that relies on its G4 resolvase activity.
63 vase activity and the major source of G4-DNA resolvase activity.
64 erculosis so that it can act as a dimeric HJ resolvase analogous to that of RuvC.
65  has been proposed to be a Holliday junction resolvase and has now been found to be responsible for n
66        These results demonstrate that unique resolvase and invertase derivatives can be developed to
67  network of amino acid residues that mediate resolvase and invertase DNA sequence specificity.
68  mutagenesis revealed the molecular basis of resolvase and invertase DNA sequence specificity.
69 extensively redesigned and highly convergent resolvase and invertase populations in the context of en
70 al intriguing structural differences between resolvase and RuvC, and a model of the CPV resolvase.Hol
71 ike a canonical, RuvC-like Holliday junction resolvase and support a novel model in which Mlh1-Mlh3 i
72 hat of a presynaptic complex between dimeric resolvase and the cleavage site DNA.
73 using the resII-resIII synapse formed by Tn3 resolvase and the LER synapse formed by phage Mu transpo
74 ne dependent on the RuvABC Holliday junction resolvase and the other on RecG helicase.
75 that a specific synaptic structure formed by resolvase and the res accessory sequences permits Cre to
76 ic synaptic complex containing a tetramer of resolvase and two crossover sites.
77 ecombinase family, which includes transposon resolvases and DNA invertases, in that they utilize two
78 at its Atu2523 gene encodes a protelomerase (resolvase) and that the purified enzyme can generate the
79 ase, retroviral integrase, Holliday junction resolvase, and RISC nuclease Argonaute.
80 s are a collection of putative transposases, resolvases, and integrases, suggesting an evolution invo
81  to the second gene of IS1535 (annotated as "resolvase," apparently due to a weak short recombinase m
82 irus, bacterial, and fungal mitochondrial HJ resolvases are consistent with their predicted evolution
83                                     Junction resolvases are generally small, homodimeric endonuclease
84     The model also explains why the poxvirus resolvases are more promiscuous than RuvC, cleaving a va
85                       Holliday junction (HJ) resolvases are necessary for the processing of persisten
86                       Holliday junction (HJ) resolvases are structure-specific endonucleases that cle
87         Furthermore, the dimeric form of the resolvase associated with HJ DNA, presumably facilitatin
88                    Like all known eukaryotic resolvases, AtGEN1 and Arabidopsis single-strand DNA end
89 f resolvase-mediated cleavage and effects on resolvase binding and synapsis, providing insight into t
90 ve D70N variant of the Escherichia coli RusA resolvase bound to a duplex DNA substrate that reveals c
91 nvestigated the stability of synapses of Tn3 resolvase-bound res recombination sites, in plasmids con
92 we propose that pairing interactions between resolvase-bound res sites are in a state of rapid flux,
93 nsight into how a Holliday junction-specific resolvase can evolve into a debranching endonuclease tai
94 scopy that purified T4 gp49 endonuclease VII resolvase can release DNA compression in vitro in prohea
95 gment, and pht operon, encoding a transposon resolvase, catabolism of protocatechuate (3,4-dihydroxyb
96                   The serine recombinase Tn3 resolvase catalyses recombination between two 114 bp res
97 ssover sites are far apart, separated by the resolvase catalytic domains bound to them.
98 n vector containing a codon optimized serine resolvase CinH recombinase (CinH) and its recognition si
99                 Here, we report an assay for resolvase cleavage activity based on fluorescence polari
100  deletion by blocking Holliday junction (HJ) resolvase cleavage activity, but whether TRF2 also modul
101                                      A viral resolvase cleaves DNA four-way junctions extruded at the
102                                          A22 resolvase cleaves Y-junctions, single-stranded DNA flaps
103 he RAD51C-XRCC3-associated Holliday junction resolvase complex associates with crossovers and may pla
104  characterized, but an atomic structure of a resolvase complex with a Holliday junction remained elus
105 luding the RecG helicase and RuvABC junction resolvase complex.
106 nd forms functional RuvABC-Holliday junction resolvase complexes.
107  structure of a eukaryotic Holliday junction resolvase confirms a distant evolutionary relationship t
108  of the site-specific recombinase gammadelta resolvase covalently linked through Ser10 to two cleaved
109  SOS-deficient (lexA3) and Holliday junction resolvase-deficient (ruvC) cells were very sensitive to
110 d demonstrate that it promotes DNA repair in resolvase-deficient ruv mutants of E. coli.
111         Transcription of the fusion leads to resolvase-dependent excision of a sacB-containing casset
112        Viral and bacterial Holliday junction resolvases differ in specificity with the former typical
113                             Each res binds a resolvase dimer at site I, where strand exchange takes p
114 tive complex, the catalytic domains from two resolvase dimers form a central core, while the DNA bind
115 s an architectural role that is taken by two resolvase dimers in models of the Tn3/gammadelta synapse
116 ch of which contains binding sites for three resolvase dimers.
117 stly, we describe possible roles for the A22 resolvase DNA-branch nuclease activity in DNA replicatio
118 alent metals dictate the conformation of FPV resolvase-DNA complexes and subsequent DNA cleavage.
119                                 The covalent resolvase-DNA linkages in the natural reaction intermedi
120                In contrast to RuvC, the RusA resolvase does not interact directly with a branch migra
121 sisting of an OB-fold and a holiday junction resolvase domain.
122 role of the vaccinia virus Holliday junction resolvase during an infection, we constructed two recomb
123 ogous to that exhibited by the prototypic HJ resolvase E. coli RuvC.
124                  RusA is a Holliday junction resolvase encoded by the cryptic prophage DLP12 of Esche
125 ce charge potential of the Holliday junction resolvases endo VII, RuvC, Ydc2, Hjc and RecU, despite h
126 clude hydroxyl radicals, KMnO4, the junction resolvases endonuclease VII and RuvC, and RuvC activatio
127 , topoisomerase action and Holliday junction resolvases, ensure that all SCIs are removed before they
128 ions, which are cleaved by the virus-encoded resolvase enzyme to form unit-length genomes.
129                                              Resolvase enzymes that cleave DNA four-way (Holliday) ju
130 m similar to that shown by the prototypic HJ resolvase, Escherichia coli RuvC protein, but it is uncl
131 insights into how archaeal Holliday junction resolvases evolved to incise 5' flap substrates and how
132 serine-integrase, a member of the transposon-resolvase family of site-specific recombinases.
133 utants of the serine recombinase, gammadelta resolvase, form a simplified recombinogenic synaptic com
134                                      Fowlpox resolvase formed complexes with a variety of branched DN
135 e determined the crystal structure of a RuvC resolvase from bacteriophage bIL67 to help identify feat
136 vC is a well-characterized Holliday junction resolvase from E. coli.
137  invertase Gin from bacteriophage Mu and Tn3 resolvase from Escherichia coli.
138  (also known as SpCce1), a Holliday junction resolvase from the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pom
139 d Holliday junction cleaving (Hjc) family of resolvases from the moderately thermophilic archaeon Met
140                                              Resolvases from the serine recombinase family assemble a
141 he site-specific DNA recombinase, gammadelta resolvase, from Escherichia coli catalyzes recombination
142            Bacterial RuvC, a prototypical HJ resolvase, functions as homodimer and nicks DNA strands
143 we present the crystal structure of human HJ resolvase GEN1 complexed with DNA at 3.0 A resolution.
144                                 The human HJ resolvase GEN1 is a member of the XPG/Rad2 family of 5'-
145                  The human Holliday junction resolvase, GEN1, and its yeast orthologue, Yen1, were in
146 a defective H-19B prophage encoding the TnpR resolvase gene downstream of the phage PR promoter and a
147                                          The resolvase gene is regulated by a promoter activated upon
148  transcriptional fusions of genomic DNA to a resolvase gene was ingested by five healthy adult volunt
149  dal gene surrounded by two res1 sites and a resolvase gene, tnpR, which acts at the res1 sites.
150 k repair, and in ruvC, the Holliday junction resolvase gene, were synthetically lethal with dnaB107,
151                                  Knockout of resolvase genes GEN1 and SEND1, individually or together
152 he identification of a eukaryotic nuclear HJ resolvase has been elusive.
153 mutant; and (3) expression of a bacterial HJ resolvase has no suppressive effect on mus81 meiotic phe
154       Previous studies of the vaccinia virus resolvase have been problematic due to poor protein solu
155                                  Although HJ resolvases have been identified in all domains of life,
156                    Several Holliday junction resolvases have since been characterized, but an atomic
157           Enzymes that cleave HJs, called HJ resolvases, have been identified in all domains of life
158          However, the D7N active-site mutant resolvase held the arms in a more planar arrangement in
159                               Using oriented resolvase heterodimers, we have identified half sites of
160 isPINA), encoded by the gene adjacent to the resolvase Hjc coding gene.
161 annotated to be a putative Holliday junction resolvase (HJR).
162                            Holliday junction resolvases (HJRs) are key enzymes of DNA recombination.
163 n resolvase and RuvC, and a model of the CPV resolvase.Holliday junction complex provides insights in
164 that Rap can function as a Holliday junction resolvase in addition to eliminating other branched stru
165 hat are reminiscent of the classical RuvC HJ resolvase in bacteria.
166                      Here we report that A22 resolvase in fact has a much wider substrate specificity
167 EAH-box helicase 36 (DHX36), the dominant G4 resolvase in human cells.
168                  The absence of a homologous resolvase in mammalian cells makes these microbial enzym
169  that Mus81/Mms4 is not the major meiotic HJ resolvase in S. cerevisiae: (1) MUS81/MMS4 is required t
170 les for the vaccinia virus Holliday junction resolvase in the replication and processing of viral DNA
171                     The catalytic domains of resolvase in the unliganded structure are arranged asymm
172 ed from each mutant strain by supplying ParA resolvase in trans, yielding a strain in which a long se
173  interest to further characterize a poxvirus resolvase in view of the low sequence similarity with Ru
174         Significantly, overexpression of the resolvase in wild-type cells partly mimics the loss of v
175  studies reveal potential roles for these HJ resolvases in repair after DNA damage and during meiosis
176 ites for site-specific recombination by Tn21 resolvase, in buffers that contained either EDTA or CaCl
177  structural elements of RuvC, a bacterial HJ resolvase, in uncharacterized open reading frames from p
178 ites for site-specific recombination by Tn21 resolvase; inhibition of recombination would indicate th
179 rine recombinase catalytic mechanism and how resolvase interacts with the substrate DNA.
180 striction endonucleases, DNA-repair enzymes, resolvases, intron splicing factors and transcription fa
181 vel group of phage integrases related to the resolvase/invertase enzymes.
182  activated catalytic domain derived from the resolvase/invertase family of serine recombinases and a
183               Hyperactivated variants of the resolvase/invertase family of serine recombinases functi
184 activated catalytic domains derived from the resolvase/invertase family of serine recombinases fused
185 egrase family and the serine recombinases or resolvase/invertase family.
186                           In contrast to the resolvase/invertase recombination systems--where there a
187 nctionally versatile and include integrases, resolvases, invertases and transposases.
188 us F16L and prokaryotic serine site-specific resolvase-invertases.
189 e phiC31 encodes an integrase related to the resolvase/invertases and is evolutionarily and mechanist
190                               The archetypal resolvase/invertases are highly regulated, only affect r
191  different group, are similar in size to the resolvase/invertases but have the DNA binding domain N-t
192    The well studied serine recombinases, the resolvase/invertases, bring two recombination sites toge
193 e three structural groups represented by the resolvase/invertases, the large serine recombinases and
194  longer C-terminal domains compared with the resolvase/invertases.
195  and the resT gene, which encodes a telomere resolvase involved in resolution of the replicated telom
196 mbinational repair, but since a classic RecG resolvase is absent from H. pylori, deployment of the Re
197 to cell division, the Yen1 Holliday junction resolvase is activated at anaphase.
198 on is required for viral replication, so the resolvase is an attractive target for small molecule inh
199        Catalysis of DNA recombination by Tn3 resolvase is conditional on prior formation of a synapse
200                                          CPV resolvase is dimer of RNase H superfamily domains relate
201 specificity: the branch migration-associated resolvase is highly specific for Holliday junctions, whe
202          The virus-encoded Holliday junction resolvase is required to process concatemers into unit-l
203                            The ResT telomere resolvase is responsible for maintaining the hairpin tel
204 r nuclease, the Mus81-Eme1 Holliday junction resolvase, is required to generate crossovers accompanyi
205 tion, our study revealed a Holliday junction resolvase-like activity in the liver that cleaved T-shap
206 ins, a third OB fold and a Holliday junction resolvase-like domain.
207  a tetrameric synaptic complex of gammadelta resolvase linked to two cleaved DNA strands had suggeste
208 on or Holliday junction resolution by a host resolvase may contribute to integration in vivo.
209      To provide a platform for understanding resolvase mechanism and designing inhibitors, we have de
210 iesters result in abolition or inhibition of resolvase-mediated cleavage and effects on resolvase bin
211     However, after infection of these cells, resolvase-mediated excision of the dal gene resulted in
212 oxP sites in several distinct ways, and that resolvase-mediated intertwining of the accessory sequenc
213 een subunits that is essential for wild-type resolvase-mediated recombination.
214              Previously we reported that Tn3 resolvase-mediated synapsis of the accessory binding sit
215                         We find that the two resolvase metal binding sites have different preferences
216 ynapse is assembled by sequential binding of resolvase monomers to site I followed by interaction of
217                                'Hyperactive' resolvase mutants, that catalyse strand exchange at site
218 eriophage S-PM2, which is similar to the DNA resolvase of bacteriophage T4 and is encoded adjacent to
219 factors on the activity and structure of the resolvase of fowlpox virus, which provides a tractable m
220  process HJs in a manner analogous to the HJ resolvases of phages, archaea, and bacteria.
221 que topology being conferred by the external resolvase or LER synapse.
222 by site-specific recombinases or by junction resolvases or helicases.
223                                          The resolvase partially complements the UV and hydroxyurea h
224           The serine recombinase gamma delta resolvase performs site-specific recombination in an ela
225                     Once made, the wild-type resolvase persists in cells for time periods greater tha
226 e WRN protein or by expressing the bacterial resolvase protein RusA.
227 rejoining enzyme known as a hairpin telomere resolvase (protelomerase).
228 that evolutionary loss of the H. pylori RecG resolvase provides an "antirepair" pathway allowing for
229 bined substrates derived from the native Tn3 resolvase recombination site.
230 l gene tightly regulated by an actA-promoted resolvase recombination system.
231             The eukaryotic Holliday junction resolvases represent a new subclass of the Rad2/XPG fami
232 to a well characterised synapse, that of Tn3 resolvase/res, was analyzed.
233  essential functions, including the telomere resolvase, ResT, and hence cannot be displaced.
234                                Expression of resolvase results in excision of tet, restoring a functi
235 n recently identified as a Holliday junction resolvase, results in increased sensitivity of the cells
236 s, bacterial transposases, Holliday junction resolvases, retroviral integrases and many other enzymes
237     Likewise, expression of the bacterial HJ resolvase RusA partially rescues the defects of nse6Delt
238 y suppressed by overexpressing the bacterial resolvase RusA.
239 ls could be cleaved by the Holliday junction resolvases RusA and RuvC.
240                    By introducing an E. coli resolvase (RusA) into H. pylori, the repair and recombin
241 ision repair uvrABC, recombinases recBCD and resolvases ruvABC) were not induced.
242 tructural homology with the Escherichia coli resolvase RuvC but Ydc2 contains a small triple helical
243  Mus81-Eme1, is as good as the archetypal HJ resolvase RuvC in single turnover kinetic analysis.
244   Type II R-M systems, the nuclease nucT and resolvase ruvC reduced integration length whereas the he
245 , showing that, like the Escherichia coli HJ resolvase RuvC, it binds specifically to HJs and resolve
246 wn by the Escherichia coli Holliday junction resolvase RuvC.
247                          The identity of the resolvase(s) that functions in vivo has yet to be establ
248                            A short half-life resolvase showed that barriers appeared and disappeared
249                                          The resolvase Sin regulates DNA strand exchange by assemblin
250 is thaliana has two putative homologs of the resolvase (structure-specific endonuclease): GEN1/Yen1.
251     Comparisons of the four known tetrameric resolvase structures show that the subunits interact thr
252 half-site that is not covalently linked to a resolvase subunit dissociates rapidly from the synapse,
253  an elaborate synaptic complex containing 12 resolvase subunits and two 114-base pair res sites.
254  prior formation of a synapse, comprising 12 resolvase subunits and two recombination sites (res).
255                                              Resolvase subunits in the complex contact their neighbor
256 would require a substantial rearrangement of resolvase subunits or domains.
257 ssembling the topologically well defined Tn3 resolvase synapse, it is possible to determine whether t
258 re of the regulatory site synapse in the Sin resolvase system.
259    Cleavage of the cruciform by the junction resolvase T4 endonuclease VII is independent of PARP-1,
260                                Phage-encoded resolvase T7 endonuclease I is a structure-specific endo
261 e formation of a stable synapse comprising a resolvase tetramer and two copies of site I.
262 n a synapse of two sites, held together by a resolvase tetramer; cleavage at one site stimulates clea
263                                       Stable resolvase tetramers were not detected in the absence of
264 oduction of modified substrate cassettes for resolvase that can be positively and negatively selected
265                  RuvC is a Holliday junction resolvase that cleaves the helical strands at a symmetri
266 iochemical studies show that SLX-MUS is a HJ resolvase that coordinates the active sites of two disti
267 resolution, forms a synaptic intermediate of resolvase that is covalently linked to two cleaved DNAs,
268 y employing a portal-bound Holliday junction resolvase that trims and releases these DNA roadblocks t
269 of the site-specific recombinase, gammadelta resolvase, that form activated tetramers have been deter
270  time assays, showing that, as with vaccinia resolvase, the fowlpox enzyme could cleave a wide array
271 ng up to six res recombination sites for Tn3 resolvase to analyse looping interactions (synapsis) in
272   No mutations strongly inhibited binding of resolvase to site I, but several caused conspicuous chan
273 eed RecA recombinase and a Holliday junction resolvase to survive rapid growth, but SOS induction, al
274 utations at the interface that either enable resolvase to synapse two copies of site I or inhibit syn
275 rgeted an Escherichia coli Holliday junction resolvase to the nuclei of fission yeast recombination-d
276  used a reporter construct, the tnpR-encoded resolvase, to assess terminators.
277 ith linear DNA; the reduction is reversed by resolvase treatment.
278  These findings provide a tractable poxvirus resolvase usable for the development of small molecule i
279 dues in the catalytic domain of an activated resolvase variant.
280  We have analysed the in vitro properties of resolvase variants with 'activating' mutations, which ca
281                                         When resolvase was added to a SfiI binding reaction in EDTA f
282                                  Cleavage by resolvase was also tightly coupled at symmetrical positi
283 ells infected with vA22-HA revealed that the resolvase was expressed after the onset of DNA replicati
284                  The putative vaccinia virus resolvase was expressed as a recombinant protein, affini
285                  We found that fowlpox virus resolvase was much more tractable.
286 east CCE1 gene, encoding a Holliday junction resolvase, was introduced into cells carrying partially
287 nique active site structure observed for CPV resolvase, we have carried out a series of experiments t
288 ages catalysed by the serine recombinase Tn3 resolvase, we made modified recombination sites with a s
289 joining by the site-specific recombinase Tn3 resolvase, we mutated conserved polar or charged residue
290              Vaccinia encodes an enzyme, A22 resolvase, which is known to be active on four-stranded
291 in the RuvC family of Holliday junction (HJ) resolvases, which have a key role in homologous recombin
292 li radiation and UV sensitive C paradigm for resolvases, which involves resolving HJs by symmetricall
293  precleavage synaptic tetramer of gammadelta resolvase, whose structure is not known, may be formed b
294 r than the 150 domains detected with the Tn3 resolvase, wild-type cells measured over a 10 min time s
295 cible transcription, we constructed a set of resolvases with cellular half-lives ranging from less th
296                            Holliday junction resolvases with distinct properties have been characteri
297 d properties of eukaryotic Holliday junction resolvases, with intriguing connections to DNA replicati
298  Schizosaccharomyces pombe Holliday junction resolvase Ydc2 revealed significant structural homology
299 is insight, identified the Holliday junction resolvase Yen1 as a DNA repair target of Cdc14.
300                      Control of the yeast HJ resolvase, Yen1, involves phosphorylation changes that m

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