


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 oded within the human pseudogenes are called retrocyclins.
2 n, contribute to the antitoxic properties of retrocyclins.
3 nd diprovirins, whose design was inspired by retrocyclins.
4 he retro, enantio, and retroenantio forms of retrocyclin 1.
5                                              Retrocyclins 1 and 2 and RTD 3 protected cervical epithe
6 esus macaque leukocytes, and three peptides (retrocyclins 1 to 3) whose sequences were inferred from
7  the ability of six theta-defensins (hominid retrocyclins 1-3 and rhesus theta-defensins 1-3) and fou
8        We tested rhesus theta-defensins 1-3, retrocyclins 1-3, and several analogues of RC-1.
9                                              Retrocyclin-1 (4 microm) completely blocked fusion media
10                                              Retrocyclin-1 acted late in the HIV-1 Env fusion cascade
11                                              Retrocyclin-1 bound with high affinity to gp120 (K(d), 3
12                                              Retrocyclin-1 inhibited HIV-1 Env-mediated fusion withou
13                                              Retrocyclin-1 inhibits the cellular entry of HIV-1, HSV,
14  CD spectroscopic analyses all revealed that retrocyclin-1 prevented 6-helix bundle formation.
15 piratory syndrome coronavirus infection, and retrocyclin-1 protects mice from infection by Bacillus a
16                                              Retrocyclin-1, a -defensin, protects target cells from h
17                                      Because retrocyclin-1, an ancestral hominid theta-defensin, can
18 d in human and FBS bound exogenous HNP-2 and retrocyclin-1, and competed with their ability to bind g
19         Here we show that the theta-defensin retrocyclin 2 (RC2) inhibited influenza virus infection
20 Temperature shift experiments indicated that retrocyclin 2 and human alpha defensins human neutrophil
21                                              Retrocyclin 2 blocked viral attachment, and its addition
22 face plasmon resonance studies revealed that retrocyclin 2 bound to immobilized HSV-2 glycoprotein B
23 om infection by both HSV serotypes, but only retrocyclin 2 did so without causing cytotoxicity or req
24  effectiveness against both HSV-2 and HIV-1, retrocyclin 2 provides an intriguing prototype for futur
25                                              Retrocyclin-2 adopts a transmembrane orientation in dila
26 ne the orientation of multiply (15)N-labeled retrocyclin-2 in uniaxially aligned phosphocholine bilay
27                                              Retrocyclin-2 is a disulfide-stabilized cyclic beta-hair
28 rs with different compositions indicate that retrocyclin-2 selectively disrupts the orientational ord
29              The most potent theta-defensin, retrocyclin-2, bound with exceptionally high affinity to
30                                              Retrocyclin also bound fetuin, an extensively glycosylat
31                            We also tested 14 retrocyclin analogues, including the retro, enantio, and
32  plasmon resonance experiments revealed that retrocyclin bound the ectodomain of gp41 with high affin
33 urface plasmon resonance studies showed that retrocyclins bound the lethal factor rapidly and with hi
34 ported that synthetic theta-defensins called retrocyclins can neutralize and aggregate various strain
35            Thus, membrane binding orders the retrocyclin conformation by reducing the beta-sheet curv
36                                     However, retrocyclin did bind to a neoglycoprotein, BSA, with cov
37 -phase synthesis and named it "retrocyclin." Retrocyclin did not cause direct inactivation of HIV-1,
38                                Nevertheless, retrocyclin had a remarkable ability to inhibit proviral
39                  These findings suggest that retrocyclin interferes with an early stage of HIV-1 infe
40 h an early stage of HIV-1 infection and that retrocyclin-like agents might be useful topical agents t
41                                              Retrocyclin-mediated inhibition of the enzymatic activit
42                                              Retrocyclin (RC)-101 is a cationic theta-defensin that i
43  the activity of a synthetic theta-defensin, retrocyclin (RC)-2, in a murine herpes simplex virus (HS
44                   In this study, we examined retrocyclin (RC)1 and RC2, humanized versions of the ant
45 ptide by solid-phase synthesis and named it "retrocyclin." Retrocyclin did not cause direct inactivat
46                                              Retrocyclin's ability to recognize and bind carbohydrate
47  BODIPY-FL-labeled RC-101, a close analog of retrocyclin, showed that the peptide formed patch-like a
48                                In a panel of retrocyclin variants, binding to immobilized gp120 and C
49 ptides that retain the antiviral activity of retrocyclins, while being easier to synthesize.
50                   Neither a circular form of retrocyclin without its tridisulfide ladder nor its beta

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