


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  begins distal to the cell body and proceeds retrogradely.
2 hat had reinnervated SOL and TA were labeled retrogradely.
3 d JNK and syd are then transported primarily retrogradely.
4 terconnected regions, both anterogradely and retrogradely.
5        The results also imply that MHCI acts retrogradely across the synapse to translate activity in
6 triggered the synthesis of nitric oxide that retrogradely activated presynaptic guanylyl cyclase, res
7 cium-dependent release of BDNF that diffuses retrogradely and enhances presynaptic transmitter releas
8 ling of pseudorabies virus (PRV) transported retrogradely and transneuronally from injection sites in
9 abies virus (PRV) is a useful tracer that is retrogradely and transynaptically transported.
10 als and it can be transported anterogradely, retrogradely, and can enhance tauopathy in vivo.
11 fects of serum deprivation (to mimic loss of retrogradely/anterogradely transported target-derived ne
12                            RGCs were labeled retrogradely by a gold tracer.
13  Abeta causes pathogenic changes that spread retrogradely by unknown mechanisms, affecting the entire
14 erogradely) and wastes are carried upstream (retrogradely) by molecular motors, which act as cargo po
15      In addition, a significant decrement in retrogradely Cholera Toxin Subunit B-labeled corticospin
16 ere likely associated with altered supply of retrogradely-delivered material from the SC.
17  also observed to synapse on cells that were retrogradely filled from the same injections.
18 formation, regulate the coupling between the retrogradely flowing actin cytoskeleton and apCAM substr
19  transection, regenerated axons were labeled retrogradely from beyond the transection.
20  (Macaca fascicularis), cMRF neurons labeled retrogradely from injections into RIP had numerous anter
21 d the neurokinin 1 receptor and were labeled retrogradely from the larnyx.
22 -truncated virus was efficiently transported retrogradely from the nerve endings in the nose and eye
23                                     Somas of retrogradely identified dGs were usually negative for gl
24                                          The retrogradely identified GCs numbered approximately 50,00
25                 Local anesthesia was used to retrogradely implant the MCV system into the failing bio
26 fficked and released either anterogradely or retrogradely in an activity-dependent manner.
27 CTB-555) of adult male mice to label neurons retrogradely in both the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and n
28 albino rats and analyzed the neurons labeled retrogradely in brainstem auditory nuclei.
29 own about how neuron firing recorded in vivo retrogradely influences synaptic strength.
30 ntibodies together, or control antibody were retrogradely infused into the left cardiac vein.
31 a protocol to induce biliary pancreatitis by retrogradely infusing bile acids into the pancreatic duc
32 been shown to mediate synaptic plasticity by retrogradely inhibiting presynaptic transmitter release
33                                         2-AG retrogradely inhibits GABA release through presynaptic C
34 ndocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol, which retrogradely inhibits synaptic transmission at CB1-expre
35 ocular injections of Cholera Toxin B subunit retrogradely label a considerable number of neurons, whi
36 otinylated dextran amine were made in AAF to retrogradely label cortical and thalamic afferents to AA
37  (DiI) was injected into the stomach wall to retrogradely label gastric sensory neurons.
38  that use rabies virus injections into V4 to retrogradely label mono- and disynaptic inputs.
39 holaminergic-selective promoter (AVV-PRS) to retrogradely label the noradrenergic neurons projecting
40 (CT-beta) was microinjected into the RVLM to retrogradely label the PVN neurons.
41                 After 1 week transport, more retrogradely labeled (P < 0.05) DGC propriospinal neuron
42 ic boutons conveying CS or US information on retrogradely labeled abducens motor neurons.
43                          The total number of retrogradely labeled afferents in the nodose was very si
44                             Motoneurons were retrogradely labeled after percutaneous intramuscular in
45 he CeA contained the largest number of cells retrogradely labeled after tracer injection into either
46                                              Retrogradely labeled and unlabeled neurons in vSUB and P
47 he subnuclear distribution or proportions of retrogradely labeled BST neurons.
48  and in the A7 noradrenergic cell group were retrogradely labeled but lacked Fos expression, suggesti
49 retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) that cannot be retrogradely labeled but maintain RGC gene expression, a
50 ult afferent fibers, we examined DRG neurons retrogradely labeled by an i.p. injection of Fast Blue (
51 of hindpaw innervating DRG neurons, which is retrogradely labeled by DiI.
52                                        Cells retrogradely labeled by injections into the AAF were pri
53                             POM neurons were retrogradely labeled by injections of tracer into DM-ICo
54                    Preganglionic motoneurons retrogradely labeled by introducing tracer into the cat
55                                              Retrogradely labeled cell bodies were found in the pTRG
56 el PMv terminal fields and the appearance of retrogradely labeled cell bodies within area 1/2 of the
57                                              Retrogradely labeled cell densities and anterogradely la
58                                              Retrogradely labeled cell densities and anterogradely la
59             Analysis of the distributions of retrogradely labeled cells after focal injections of ret
60                             Fusiform-shaped, retrogradely labeled cells fell within the anterogradely
61 forebrain LC-projecting neurons by examining retrogradely labeled cells following LC iontophoresis of
62 ic nucleus, exhibited the highest numbers of retrogradely labeled cells from both the RPa and PaMP th
63 ection of CTB into the GG muscle resulted in retrogradely labeled cells in a compact column throughou
64 onnection was demonstrated by the absence of retrogradely labeled cells in area X following injection
65 erret area 17 and mapped the distribution of retrogradely labeled cells in extrastriate cortex.
66 mapped the areal and laminar distribution of retrogradely labeled cells in extrastriate cortex.
67                                          Few retrogradely labeled cells in LH co-expressed SS, while
68 on of the crystallin-positive and Fluorogold retrogradely labeled cells indicated that the cells expr
69  numerous, and most non-tyrosine hydroxylase/retrogradely labeled cells lacked GABAergic markers.
70    Tracer injection into the IAF resulted in retrogradely labeled cells localized ventromedially in t
71                 Only VNLL and INLL contained retrogradely labeled cells near (</=50 mum) anterogradel
72                                  Many non-TH/retrogradely labeled cells projecting to several areas e
73                               Interestingly, retrogradely labeled cells projecting to the IAF showed
74                                              Retrogradely labeled cells resulting from injections in
75                                              Retrogradely labeled cells significantly increased in di
76                                              Retrogradely labeled cells were distributed throughout t
77                 Most glycine-immunopositive, retrogradely labeled cells were in ipsilateral ventral a
78              At the light microscopic level, retrogradely labeled cells were observed primarily ipsil
79                       Of the total number of retrogradely labeled cells, the incidence of tracer co-l
80  transcripts were detected in 80% and 56% of retrogradely labeled colonic neurons, respectively.
81  study reported an approximately 20% loss of retrogradely labeled cortical motoneurons following dama
82 we recorded in brain slices of mouse AC from retrogradely labeled corticocollicular and neighboring c
83                   The greatest percentage of retrogradely labeled DMN neurons were located in the med
84 alpha and beta) and androgen receptors among retrogradely labeled dopaminergic and nondopaminergic me
85                                              Retrogradely labeled DTxR-positive neurons with cell dia
86                                              Retrogradely labeled epinephrine neurons were found main
87 re processed immunohistochemically to detect retrogradely labeled FG neurons in combination with the
88              VGluT1 mRNA colocalization with retrogradely labeled FG neurons was sparse.
89                                           We retrogradely labeled fin neurons to describe the distrib
90 cted a large number of TRN neurons that were retrogradely labeled following injections of rabies viru
91 ion with labeled LPS motoneurons, which were retrogradely labeled following injections of wheat germ
92 outer stratifying melanopsin cell types were retrogradely labeled following tracer injection in the l
93 unopositive for choline acetyltransferase or retrogradely labeled from cranial nerve roots.
94 ons in eight precerebellar nuclei which were retrogradely labeled from different regions of the cereb
95           The somata of the pallidal neurons retrogradely labeled from injections in the intercollicu
96                            Among the neurons retrogradely labeled from LPb, 36%, 29%, and 33% were Fo
97 cin, respectively, 3.7%, 4.3%, and 4.1% were retrogradely labeled from LPb.
98             Approximately 3,500 neurons were retrogradely labeled from one side of the thalamus in ea
99 onally, GAD67-positive cells in the LSO were retrogradely labeled from the cochlea confirming that th
100  be 1.50 x 10(4) and of these up to 70% were retrogradely labeled from the dorsal spinal cord.
101 hat ~50% of trigeminal ganglion (TG) neurons retrogradely labeled from the DP express TRPV2, and this
102 hybridization in the majority of PVH neurons retrogradely labeled from the ipsilateral RVLM with chol
103 ), numerous VGLUT2 mRNA-positive PVH neurons retrogradely labeled from the ipsilateral RVLM with CTB
104 nd electrophysiological recordings from RGCs retrogradely labeled from the mouse SC and MTN.
105 large-sized BF GFP+ neurons, including those retrogradely labeled from the neocortex, were fast-firin
106 ACAP-containing cell groups were found to be retrogradely labeled from the PVN in the median preoptic
107                 In other cases, neurons were retrogradely labeled from the thalamus or tectum and imm
108                                Among neurons retrogradely labeled from the thalamus, 43%, 8%, and 22%
109 e ATF3-positive neurons in the MICG could be retrogradely labeled from the transected CST.
110                                              Retrogradely labeled GABA neurons were not numerous, and
111 erve terminals formed synaptic contacts with retrogradely labeled genioglossus muscle motoneuronal de
112  (19) percent of the DOR terminals contacted retrogradely labeled genioglossus muscle motoneurons.
113  (2) the association of these processes with retrogradely labeled genioglossus muscle motoneurons.
114                                      We then retrogradely labeled inputs to the basal forebrain from
115 nd 6 of the AI and AAF, which coincided with retrogradely labeled layer 6 cell bodies.
116 nterogradely labeled reticular terminals and retrogradely labeled medial rectus motoneurons in all th
117 We found that NRG1 puncta are present around retrogradely labeled motoneurons and are distributed pre
118                                         More retrogradely labeled motoneurons were found in both trea
119                     The spatial locations of retrogradely labeled motoneurons were studied in untreat
120 es and presynaptic inhibition (P-boutons) on retrogradely labeled motoneurons.
121                Labeled terminals, as well as retrogradely labeled multipolar cells, were present in t
122 cleus, and none of these terminals contacted retrogradely labeled neuronal profiles from the GG muscl
123                                              Retrogradely labeled neurons (145 +/- 12, n = 14) were f
124 d during cold by examining Fos expression in retrogradely labeled neurons after injection of cholera
125 our results reveal no evidence for a loss of retrogradely labeled neurons and no evidence for TUNEL s
126 ended amygdala produced extensive overlap of retrogradely labeled neurons and significant double labe
127    In the arcuate hypothalamic nucleus, some retrogradely labeled neurons contained either agouti-rel
128  to be excitatory because the cell bodies of retrogradely labeled neurons did not colabel with EGFP e
129                                              Retrogradely labeled neurons directed to WAT expressed e
130 o a small focal site in the neostriatum, the retrogradely labeled neurons formed elongated strips tha
131                     Approximately 1/3 of the retrogradely labeled neurons from the DP were calcitonin
132                                              Retrogradely labeled neurons from the PGi or CNA were di
133                                The number of retrogradely labeled neurons in MI, however, was dwarfed
134               In comparing the two groups of retrogradely labeled neurons in neonatal animals, those
135                                              Retrogradely labeled neurons in NL were located within t
136 quantitatively assessed the distributions of retrogradely labeled neurons in six hindlimb enlargement
137 rade tracers at focal sites in ZIv to reveal retrogradely labeled neurons in superior colliculus and
138 o the mouse visual thalamus, very few of the retrogradely labeled neurons in that region colocalized
139 this produced dense terminal labeling around retrogradely labeled neurons in the claustrum of both he
140                                              Retrogradely labeled neurons in the CNS were characteriz
141  decreased the abnormally high dispersion of retrogradely labeled neurons in the dLGN of ephrin-A2A5(
142 SI barrel cortex was sectioned tangentially, retrogradely labeled neurons in the extragranular layers
143 , centered in the HSD2 subregion of the NTS, retrogradely labeled neurons in the medial CeA.
144                                              Retrogradely labeled neurons in the opposite hemisphere
145                              Of the numerous retrogradely labeled neurons in the perifornical hypotha
146 ore, we compared the topographic position of retrogradely labeled neurons in the RMTg resulting from
147 bited qualitatively similar distributions of retrogradely labeled neurons in the sense that VTA-proje
148                     However, quantitation of retrogradely labeled neurons revealed that adolescent br
149                       However, the number of retrogradely labeled neurons rose to 65% of control by 6
150 aring in the contralateral hemisphere around retrogradely labeled neurons that project to IL in that
151                                              Retrogradely labeled neurons were abundant in the alloco
152                                              Retrogradely labeled neurons were consistently found in
153                       In the brainstem, many retrogradely labeled neurons were either serotoninergic
154 Following iontophoresis of CtB into the PVN, retrogradely labeled neurons were identified in the DMN
155                                              Retrogradely labeled neurons were not confined to nuclei
156                                              Retrogradely labeled neurons within SI barrel cortex for
157 n of the DR to the LH, accounting for 36% of retrogradely labeled neurons, and were widespread throug
158         Five general brain regions contained retrogradely labeled neurons: cerebral cortex (infralimb
159 ate synaptic signals from Purkinje cells, we retrogradely labeled nucleo-olivary cells in the contral
160                                          The retrogradely labeled pTRG neurons are glutamatergic and
161                 Whole-cell recordings of the retrogradely labeled pTRG neurons showed rhythmical exci
162 we used a single-cell PCR approach to screen retrogradely labeled pulpal afferents.
163 evoked NMDAR-EPSCs and puff NMDA currents in retrogradely labeled PVN neurons were significantly high
164 three planes and computer reconstructions of retrogradely labeled reticulospinal neurons yielded a se
165                                 Viability of retrogradely labeled RGCs was determined with calcein-AM
166                           Significantly more retrogradely labeled right (axotomized) red nucleus (RN)
167 urobiotin into the spinal cord revealed that retrogradely labeled small and medium-sized cells of som
168                  Cochlear nucleus injections retrogradely labeled small ganglion cells in C2 DRG.
169                      The size and density of retrogradely labeled somas in the medial geniculate body
170 lei, the ventrolateral thalamus, we observed retrogradely labeled somata in the cerebellar nuclei and
171 tracer injections into the cerebellar cortex retrogradely labeled somata in the cerebellar nuclei and
172 ss Cre selectively in the cerebellar nuclei, retrogradely labeled somata in the interposed nucleus, a
173           We investigated the synaptology of retrogradely labeled spinal motoneurons after injection
174 -excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) of retrogradely labeled spinally projecting PVN neurons dis
175 d that AMPAR-mediated EPSCs (AMPAR-EPSCs) of retrogradely labeled spinally projecting PVN neurons exh
176 cal, heat and cold - can be assessed in both retrogradely labeled spinoparabrachial projection neuron
177                          The distribution of retrogradely labeled spinothalamic tract (STT) neurons w
178                          The distribution of retrogradely labeled spinothalamic tract (STT) neurons w
179                          The distribution of retrogradely labeled spinothalamic tract (STT) neurons w
180 ions of retrograde tracer, and the resulting retrogradely labeled structures were targeted with injec
181 from adults in the number or distribution of retrogradely labeled STT neurons.
182 n the MGBv, and this coincided with areas of retrogradely labeled thalamocortical cell bodies.
183                                     We first retrogradely labeled the motor neurons innervating the l
184  To study synaptic inputs to MOC neurons, we retrogradely labeled these neurons using horseradish per
185 ions into distinct zones of the BF map in AI retrogradely labeled topographically organized MGBv proj
186                    To address this issue, we retrogradely labeled vertical cells via physiologically
187 nglion cells (RGCs) in DBA/2J mice eyes were retrogradely labeled with a neurotracer dye at 12 weeks
188 ons (preMNs), and XII motoneurons (MNs) were retrogradely labeled with Ca(2+)-sensitive dye in neonat
189 gy is normally mature), SNB motoneurons were retrogradely labeled with cholera toxin-conjugated HRP,
190 r capsaicin stimuli, approximately 1-2% were retrogradely labeled with FG.
191               Only 0.9+/-0.1% of RVM neurons retrogradely labeled with Fluoro-Gold from the spinal co
192                                    RGCs were retrogradely labeled with fluorogold in SJL/J mice.
193 ively capture translating mRNAs from neurons retrogradely labeled with GFP.
194                             These cells were retrogradely labeled with horseradish peroxidase and exa
195                               The cells were retrogradely labeled with horseradish peroxidase and exa
196 ticospinal (CS) neurons in the mPFC had been retrogradely labeled with rhodamine fluorescent latex mi
197 of postnatal day 4 to 5 Long-Evans rats were retrogradely labeled with the fluorescent tracer DiI.
198 s staining with each of the markers (but not retrogradely labeled) was mapped and compared with each
199 er of PF neurons or the number of PF neurons retrogradely-labeled from the striatum.
200 ons shown to project superficially by way of retrogradely labeling from superficial layers confirmed
201 imitation, we have developed a technique for retrogradely labeling inputs to local clusters of inhibi
202                                           By retrogradely-labeling cutaneous afferents in vivo prior
203     The spinally projecting PVN neurons were retrogradely labelled by fluorescent microspheres inject
204 ncrease in cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration in retrogradely labelled cardiac vagal neurons of nucleus a
205 ealed NaV 1.7 mRNA transcripts in nearly all retrogradely labelled colonic neurons, suggesting redund
206                                              Retrogradely labelled CVNs were identified in an in vitr
207 orsal medulla are included in the population retrogradely labelled from LPb, thus confirming the esti
208 apsaicin-sensitive jugular ganglion neurones retrogradely labelled from the airways.
209 ted that the vast majority of nodose neurons retrogradely labelled from the lung, expressed 5-HT3 rec
210 RT-PCR was carried out on individual neurons retrogradely labelled from the lungs it was noted that T
211 n cell bodies of capsaicin-sensitive neurons retrogradely labelled from the lungs revealed that TFLLR
212 -perforated patch clamp technique on neurons retrogradely labelled from the lungs was employed to stu
213 A was expressed in individual nodose neurons retrogradely labelled from the lungs.
214                 The percentages that WGA-HRP retrogradely labelled neurons composed of the projection
215                                           In retrogradely labelled neurons from the glabrous skin of
216 resolution flat-map density distributions of retrogradely labelled neurons indicated that specific PF
217  (CeA) in brainstem slices by recording from retrogradely labelled NTS projection neurons.
218    Using immunohistochemical techniques with retrogradely labelled oesophagus-specific neurones and p
219    Patch-clamp recordings were obtained from retrogradely labelled PVN-RVLM neurons in a slice prepar
220   We recorded simultaneously from up to four retrogradely labelled pyramidal neurons that projected t
221 urones projecting to the PVN (OVLT-PVN) were retrogradely labelled with cholera toxin subunit B (CTB)
222  Specifically, projection neurons in IC were retrogradely labelled with injections of fluorescein- an
223         Patch-clamp recordings obtained from retrogradely labelled, PVN-RVLM neurones indicate that a
224                                          The retrogradely-labelled neurones positive for 5-HT(1B) rec
225 ion (approximately 60%) of amygdala neurones retrogradely-labelled with CTb expressed 5-HT(1B) recept
226                   CTb injection into the PBN retrogradely labels cells in the aforementioned subnucle
227  generate positive and negative signals that retrogradely modulate presynaptic function.
228 clear (TAN) lines that attach the nucleus to retrogradely moving actin cables.
229 embrane proteins assembled on and moved with retrogradely moving dorsal actin cables during nuclear m
230                       Instead, the number of retrogradely moving SVPs is dramatically increased.
231 no difference in F(m)/F(c) among stationary, retrogradely moving, or anterogradely moving mitochondri
232 ostsynaptically from network neurons and act retrogradely on presynaptic cannabinoid receptors to pot
233  kinesin can carry the average neurofilament retrogradely or anterogradely, respectively.
234 and LQT2 rabbit hearts (n = 5 for each) were retrogradely perfused and action potentials were mapped
235                                           In retrogradely perfused hearts, ablation of RGS6, but not
236                  Eighteen rabbit hearts were retrogradely perfused with Krebs-Henseleit buffer (KHB).
237 less is known about how postsynaptic targets retrogradely regulate presynaptic differentiation or fun
238 on BDNF-induced axonal synthesis of SMADs to retrogradely regulate transcription in developing trigem
239 dings indicate that the skeletal muscle DHPR retrogradely regulates the patterning and formation of t
240 ents Trk macroendosome formation, eliminates retrogradely signaled neuronal survival.
241                            Smooth cells were retrogradely stained from tracer injections made into ei
242 sufficiently to release endocannabinoids and retrogradely suppress parallel fiber to SC synapses in P
243 ion of the endocannabinoid anandamide, which retrogradely suppresses GABA release from CB1 receptor-c
244  viral vector-based strategy to selectively, retrogradely target the pontospinal noradrenergic neuron
245 osed by mammalian host cells and transported retrogradely through the secretory pathway before enteri
246  intestinal epithelial cells and transported retrogradely through the secretory pathway.
247 erol lipase in pyramidal neurons; 2) travels retrogradely to nearby inhibitory axon terminals that ex
248  thereby releasing endocannabinoids that act retrogradely to suppress glutamate release by activating
249 ggest that ipRGCs transmit luminance signals retrogradely to the outer retina through the dopaminergi
250 e generated in the distal axon and propagate retrogradely to the soma.
251 roid cells, endogenous TSH receptors traffic retrogradely to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and activa
252 ryngeal sensory C neurons in the N/J ganglia retrogradely traced by 1,1'-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetram
253            Confocal microscopy revealed that retrogradely traced cortical output neurons to the nucle
254  enhanced sparing of axonal connections from retrogradely traced reticulospinal neurons (127% increas
255 nervating the colorectum of BALB/C mice were retrogradely traced with Fast Blue, dissected, and proce
256 ents are responsible for REM motor atonia by retrogradely tracing inputs to the spinal ventral horn f
257 ed in the hippocampus throughout life and is retrogradely trafficked to septal cholinergic neurons, p
258                                  Motoneurons retrogradely transport from the tongue radiolabeled GDNF
259 eticulum retrieval sequence KDEL take up and retrogradely transport them to the endoplasmic reticulum
260  rats also received bilateral infusions of a retrogradely transported AAV vector expressing Cre recom
261 root ganglia (DRG) and was anterogradely and retrogradely transported along the sciatic nerve in vivo
262  targeted integrins are not degraded but are retrogradely transported and recycled to the plasma memb
263 ter examination of somas post injection of a retrogradely transported antibody to p75NTR in 110-day-o
264 s and histological analysis of the uptake of retrogradely transported beads we show that Cre-positive
265 , produced in one target region, the NAc, is retrogradely transported by DA neurons to the VTA where
266                                              Retrogradely transported cholera toxin B injected into t
267 n ganglion cells identified in adult rats by retrogradely transported dextran, and that dopamine, D(1
268                     In the present study, we retrogradely transported dye from the central nucleus of
269 imultaneously via the spectral properties of retrogradely transported dye-labeled vesicles.
270 duced deficits in the flux and run length of retrogradely transported endosomes in both KI and TG mal
271 rons, a Sema3A-initiated apoptosis signal is retrogradely transported from axon terminals to cell bod
272  preprosomatostatin mRNA and cholera-toxin-B retrogradely transported from the RVLM were detected in:
273 immunoreactive for cholera toxin B (CTB-ir), retrogradely transported from the RVLM, were assessed fo
274                                Sema3A is not retrogradely transported in older, survival factor-indep
275                 Activated TrkA receptors are retrogradely transported in signaling endosomes from dis
276              Both TME strains were initially retrogradely transported in the central nervous system (
277 ne formation after axotomy, for generating a retrogradely transported injury signal, and then to help
278 tial to be translated, and that HMGN5 can be retrogradely transported into the nucleus along neurites
279 e arcuate nucleus, we determined whether the retrogradely transported marker substance, cholera toxin
280                                          Net retrogradely transported mitochondria exhibited much sho
281                                   Thus, some retrogradely transported neurotrophic factors are traffi
282                     To determine the fate of retrogradely transported neurotrophins and test whether
283 s is sequestered by neurons and subsequently retrogradely transported to distal neurons that project
284 efficiently transduces axon terminals and is retrogradely transported to neuronal cell bodies.
285  discovery that TrkA signaling endosomes are retrogradely transported to neuronal dendrites and direc
286 l nerve terminals in the visceral tissue and retrogradely transported to the cell body, allowing for
287                    Whereas the adenovirus is retrogradely transported to the cell body, the VSV-G (ve
288 ns, from where anti-ganglioside antibody was retrogradely transported to the motor neuron cell body i
289 al signals generated at distal sites must be retrogradely transported to the nucleus to produce persi
290 Surprisingly, Trk and EGF-receptors are both retrogradely transported to the soma in multivesicular b
291 ected into skeletal muscles was taken up and retrogradely transported to the spinal cord in vivo, a p
292 ntracortical injections of anterogradely and retrogradely transported tracers we observed that the no
293             Target-derived neurotrophins use retrogradely transported Trk-signaling endosomes to prom
294  neonatal rat hypoglossal motoneurons target retrogradely transported trophic factors to synaptic sit
295 et was not degraded in sensory axons and was retrogradely transported.
296  a knucle wire or the Bridgepoint system) or retrogradely (using the controlled antegrade and retrogr
297  the rat was examined by filling these cells retrogradely with biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) injec
298                   RGC dendrites were labeled retrogradely with cholera toxin B subunit (CTB) injected
299 d postnatally by labeling the ganglion cells retrogradely with fluorescent dye.
300 ifteen-month-old DBA2/NNia mice were labeled retrogradely with fluorogold.

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