コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 e in a process mediated by retrotransposons (retroposition).
2 d genes suggest that most were generated via retroposition.
3 e and scored a set of features indicative of retroposition.
4 iases of the retroelement machinery used for retroposition.
5 dentified pattern of the between-chromosomal retroposition.
6 ly understood RNA-mediated mechanism, termed retroposition.
7 Four of these five have arisen by retroposition.
8 ments are dispersed through a process termed retroposition.
9 ght monomer is a critical determinant of Alu retroposition.
10 via an RNA intermediate in a process termed retroposition.
11 opose that the primate-specific burst of Alu retroposition activity (which occurred 35-40 million yea
12 l" length, a feature correlated with current retroposition activity, varied between Alu Sx element lo
13 splicing-based model in conjunction with the retroposition and Fink models can explain the IR-type ge
14 DNA elements, undergo amplification through retroposition and subsequent integration into a new loca
16 cept of exon shuffling from recombination to retroposition as a general molecular mechanism for the o
17 wo or more parental genes, demonstrating LTR-retroposition as a novel mechanism of exon shuffling.
24 , we hypothesize that a mechanism resembling retroposition controls 5S rRNA gene amplification, dispe
25 to L1 long interspersed transposable element retroposition during mammalian evolution but universally
26 romosomal-level comparison examining the Alu retroposition dynamics following the divergence of human
27 interspersed DNA elements (SINEs) amplify by retroposition either by (i) successive waves of amplific
31 and REX1, although generated through similar retroposition events have undergone different selection
32 force for the evolutionary fixation of these retroposition events was postulated to be the stochastic
35 tion indicated that Ifc-2h resulted from the retroposition from its parental gene, Infertile crescent
36 r, there is an excess of genes duplicated by retroposition from the X chromosome to the autosomes.
39 Drosophila and mammals of inter-chromosomal retroposition have revealed that during evolution the re
40 mplicates a role of the mutation process for retroposition in determining chromosomal locations of au
41 t our genomic analysis of within-chromosomal retroposition in Drosophila melanogaster, and compare it
43 roposition, but the elements responsible for retroposition in other animals have yet to be identified
50 Overall, our data show that LTR-mediated retroposition is highly conserved across a wide range of
51 f the first F-lectin repeat, suggesting that retroposition is one mechanism by which F-lectin repeats
53 pseudogene that has arisen by duplication or retroposition may, at first, not be subject to natural s
56 CDY genes arose during primate evolution by retroposition of a CDYL mRNA and amplification of the re
57 s role in male fecundity, originated through retroposition of a highly conserved housekeeping gene, C
59 TAF1L lacks introns and evidently arose by retroposition of a processed TAF(II)250 mRNA during prim
60 line expression is crucial for the heritable retroposition of cellular mRNAs, little is known about t
63 segments in eukaryotic genomes involved the retroposition of repetitive DNA elements in conjunction
64 an X-linked homeobox gene that originated by retroposition of the autosomal gene TGIF2, most likely i
66 hesis is the finding of a similar X-autosome retroposition of UTP14 in human which seems to have aris
67 t K81 arose through duplication, most likely retroposition, of a ubiquitously expressed gene before t
69 y duplicated genes lack signatures of either retroposition or DNA-based mechanisms, but other feature
71 belong to the Yc1 subfamily, supporting the retroposition potential of this subfamily and demonstrat
73 d elements are inserted into the genome by a retroposition process that occurs via dimeric Alu RNA an
74 rt-chain alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) through retroposition, provides an opportunity to examine this p
77 correlate highly with the rate of inherited retroposition: the source of processed pseudogenes in th
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