


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 desaturase gene and subsequent fusion with a retroposon.
2 o introns, consistent with derivation from a retroposon.
3 ed in the retention of function of the Pabp2 retroposon.
4 licated in mouse, one locus possibly being a retroposon.
5 at the hY5 RNA gene may have originated as a retroposon.
6  by a Helitron and transposed into an Opie-2 retroposon.
7 lement (LINE) and long terminal repeat (LTR) retroposons.
8 ional human genes can evolve by insertion of retroposons.
9  contribute to the biogenesis of siRNAs from retroposons.
10      About 8% of the sequences correspond to retroposons.
11 pin genes lack introns, and have features of retroposons.
12 ially in the light of what we know about the retroposons.
13 genic cells favors the creation of expressed retroposons.
14 hich is suggested by morphology and a recent retroposon analysis, or a hypothesis with Afrotheria bas
15 associated gene (esag) 1 preceded by an ingi retroposon and an inverted region containing an unrelate
16 s promoter, a prerequisite for expression of retroposons and preservation of their function by natura
17 tiating the endogenous RNAi response against retroposons and repeats alike.
18 except simian primates and kangaroo and that retroposons are common to a wide range of mammals.
19        We also document that more functional retroposons are expressed in meiotic and haploid spermat
20                   We observed that S1Bn SINE retroposons are methylated at symmetrical and asymmetric
21 genes contain a single intron, implying that retroposons are rarely created from mRNAs that are expre
22                                    S1Bn SINE retroposons are two-fold more methylated than the averag
23    Repetitive elements probably derived from retroposons are unique features of the dog flank.
24         A model for integration of mammalian retroposons based on the presented data is discussed.
25   Alu elements are a class of non-autonomous retroposons belonging to short interspersed elements tha
26  repetitive element and has all the expected retroposon characteristics, thus providing an example of
27              Thus, the mouse Pabp2 gene is a retroposon, created by synthesizing a reverse transcript
28                         However, unlike many retroposon-derived genes, HNRNP G-T is not a pseudogene.
29  loss of RNAi, and concomitantly, endogenous retroposon-derived siRNAs as well as siRNAs derived from
30                              The mouse Pabp2 retroposon encodes an isoform of poly(A) binding protein
31                The 5' end of the mouse Pabp2 retroposon exhibits extensive similarity to the entire 5
32                                   The SINE-R retroposon family has been identified by its relationshi
33 short interspersed repetitive element (SINE) retroposon family that was active in the Sarcopterygii (
34 ers of the SINE (short interspersed element) retroposon family, which comprise approximately 10% of t
35 Mus, indicating very recent activity of this retroposon family.
36 telomere-specific transposable elements (the retroposons HeT-A and TART).
37 was found to harbour an integration of a Doc retroposon in the promotor region of RpS3a.
38 ely 1000 members of the Ya5 Alu subfamily of retroposons in humans.
39 is makes SVA elements the youngest family of retroposons in the primate order.
40 me database searches, we identified an actin retroposon insertion at the carboxyl terminus of one of
41  remaining proband was a SINE VNTR Alu (SVA) retroposon insertion in intron 1, which was associated w
42 The mutation is an intracisternal A particle retroposon insertion in intron 4 of the phosphatidylinos
43    We have identified a novel polymorphic L1 retroposon insertion, designated LY1, in the centromeric
44 providing an example of gene inactivation by retroposon insertion.
45                                      Because retroposon insertions show very little homoplasy, and be
46               In addition, we identified two retroposon insertions that also support Atlantogenata an
47 s of primate evolution, 90% of it due to new retroposon insertions.
48 e-transcribed cellular RNA molecules, called retroposons, integrate at staggered breaks in mammalian
49                                          The retroposon is not present in the one F-lectin repeat bin
50                                    The Pabp2 retroposon is unusual because it is functional: previous
51 it is proposed that integration of mammalian retroposons is mediated by an enzyme with endonucleolyti
52 licing of the Ednrb transcript caused by the retroposon-like element in intron 1 lead to a reduced le
53 iebald allele of the Ednrb gene has a 5.5-kb retroposon-like element in intron 1 possessing canonical
54       Both molecular clock data as well as a retroposon-mapping molecular fossil approach indicate th
55 into Alu mobility and evolution and into how retroposons may interact with host proteins during genom
56                 We have identified autosomal retroposons of eIF-2gamma in both humans and mice and an
57 ma in both humans and mice and an additional retroposon on the X chromosome in some mouse strains.
58   These data demonstrate that insertion of a retroposon produced an altered functional POTE gene.
59                     Cellular Alu and related retroposons represent unusual pol III genes that are nor
60 family of Arabidopsis thaliana nonautonomous retroposons, Sadhu, showing epigenetic variation in natu
61 ess small genes, many of which are expressed retroposons that likely co-evolved with tauCstF-64.
62 sesses the sequence features of an expressed retroposon: the gene lacks introns, the open reading fra
63 ore, AGO1 deficiency leads to an increase in retroposon transcript abundance via mechanisms operating
64  protein being involved in the regulation of retroposon transcript levels.
65 present an ancient adaptation to ensure that retroposon transcripts are efficiently destroyed, if the
66 le in the destruction of potentially harmful retroposon transcripts.
67 rtebrate retroviruses, retrotransposons, and retroposons were applied to primer extension analysis of
68  contrast with the phosphoglycerate kinase 2 retroposon, which is believed to compensate for the depl
69               These sequences are intronless retroposons, which appear to be paralogues of the X-enco
70 nd several X-linked and autosomal intronless retroposons, which, apparently, comprise both functional
71                                            A retroposon with high reverse transcriptase homology is p
72     The recently inserted subfamilies of Alu retroposons (Ya5/8 and Yb8) are composed of approximatel

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