


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 eplication and reintegration into new sites (retrotransposition).
2 urvey of genes involved in the control of L1 retrotransposition.
3 ression of AS L1 transcripts also reduced L1 retrotransposition.
4 ncated human ORF1 proteins suppress human L1 retrotransposition.
5 fects on L1 IRES-mediated translation and L1 retrotransposition.
6 tion and hence a positive host factor for L1 retrotransposition.
7 is cellular protein normally interferes with retrotransposition.
8 ns that are potent negative regulators of L1 retrotransposition.
9 g of the full-length L1 gene and inhibits L1 retrotransposition.
10 ersed the repressive effect of miR-128 on L1 retrotransposition.
11 ship between levels of these proteins and L1 retrotransposition.
12 ted SVA domains important in L1-mediated SVA retrotransposition.
13 esting a sequence capable of down-regulating retrotransposition.
14 xamer and Alu-like domain) is sufficient for retrotransposition.
15 y represent an unexpected source for de novo retrotransposition.
16 LV-1), while significantly inhibiting LINE-1 retrotransposition.
17 84 and Y318 to alanine, thereby inactivating retrotransposition.
18 ag, P bodies inhibit rather than promote IAP retrotransposition.
19  while not affecting activity against LINE-1 retrotransposition.
20 ndonuclease-independent (ENi) pathway for L1 retrotransposition.
21 d by mutations or treatments that reduce Ty1 retrotransposition.
22 -dense cores, and cDNA synthesis but blocked retrotransposition.
23 vif, and HTLV-1 infection, as well as LINE-1 retrotransposition.
24 o restrict HIV while retaining inhibition of retrotransposition.
25 potent inhibitor of retroviral infection and retrotransposition.
26 rse genes that either promote or restrict L1 retrotransposition.
27  a variable requirement for L1 ORF1p for SVA retrotransposition.
28 g interspersed nucleotide element 1 (LINE-1) retrotransposition.
29 d in the DNA damage response may modulate L1 retrotransposition.
30 everse transcription reaction used by R2 for retrotransposition.
31 tein encoded by ORF1 (ORF1p) is required for retrotransposition.
32 ty to silence reporter genes delivered by L1 retrotransposition.
33 ations, have increased susceptibility for L1 retrotransposition.
34 ined) remain complete and capable of further retrotransposition.
35 ciency of ribosomes, an event central to Ty1 retrotransposition.
36 nonsense-mediated decay (NMD), stimulate Ty1 retrotransposition.
37 r factor necessary for L1 nuclear import and retrotransposition.
38 s can influence the frequency of neuronal L1 retrotransposition.
39 t mutants or under conditions suboptimal for retrotransposition.
40  the different sections of an Alu element on retrotransposition.
41 ctors that posttranscriptionally enhance Ty1 retrotransposition.
42 he host from the deleterious consequences of retrotransposition.
43 capable of altering the human genome through retrotransposition.
44 ORF1p and ORF2p), both strictly required for retrotransposition.
45 erization of cellular factors involved in L1 retrotransposition.
46 epressing cellular proteins important for L1 retrotransposition.
47 mologs or remnants, can still support Zorro3 retrotransposition.
48 y shown to have either active or inactive R2 retrotransposition.
49 uman genome sequence is a product of non-LTR retrotransposition.
50 teins influence their ability to suppress L1 retrotransposition.
51 tic ribozymes that catalyze RNA splicing and retrotransposition.
52 d long-interspersed element 1 (LINE-1 or L1) retrotransposition.
53 nd transcription, thereby protecting against retrotransposition.
54 ion of any PDPK phospho-acceptor inhibits L1 retrotransposition.
55  of copy number control (CNC) to inhibit Ty1 retrotransposition.
56 leoprotein particle (L1RNP) formation and L1 retrotransposition.
57 ppressive effect of truncated proteins on L1 retrotransposition.
58  are 5'-truncated and therefore incapable of retrotransposition.
59 ative of extensive reverse transcription and retrotransposition.
60 variation and to endogenous regulation of L1 retrotransposition.
61 and deleterious consequences of uncontrolled retrotransposition.
62 at multiple host defense mechanisms suppress retrotransposition.
63 e and question the putative randomness of L1 retrotransposition.
64  therefore evolved strategies to regulate L1 retrotransposition.
65 sductions, which can themselves seed further retrotranspositions.
66 uppress TE activity may facilitate mutagenic retrotranspositions.
67        While 111p and 555p equally supported retrotransposition, 151p was inactive.
68 lelic homologous recombination (22%), and L1 retrotransposition (19%).
69 x chromosomes: amplification of copy number, retrotranspositions, acquisition of de novo genes, and a
70 be required for its DNA deamination and anti-retrotransposition activities were also found to affect
71 istribution, suggesting a steady rate of Alu retrotransposition activity among prosimians.
72 tial portion of mammalian genomes, and their retrotransposition activity helped to drive genetic vari
73 LINE-1 or L1) sequences comprise the bulk of retrotransposition activity in the human genome; however
74  PABPs (encoded by PABPN1 and PABPC1) on the retrotransposition activity of the L1 non-long-terminal-
75 hylation analyses revealed that the observed retrotransposition activity was correlated with differen
76 -molecule DNA stretching and found to mirror retrotransposition activity.
77 Feus transgenes did not decrease the overall retrotransposition activity.
78 ments within a genome differ in sequence and retrotransposition activity.
79 ommon marmoset populations, suggests ongoing retrotransposition activity.
80                                              Retrotransposition amplifies LINE-1 (L1) to high copy nu
81 ified two pairs of amino acids important for retrotransposition, an FF and a WD.
82                     Our work illustrates how retrotransposition and gene duplication can favour the e
83   These results reveal a correlation between retrotransposition and genome instability during yeast a
84 iated repression, resulting in L1 activation/retrotransposition and impaired spermatogenesis and myel
85 ological and ecological models and show that retrotransposition and loss of env is the trait that lea
86 etromobility, Tof1 suppressed high frequency retrotransposition and maintained karyotype stability in
87 iation and genomic diversity through ongoing retrotransposition and non-allelic homologous recombinat
88 t induction or depletion of TNPO1 affects L1 retrotransposition and nuclear import of an L1-ribonucle
89 rate and evolutionary impact of heritable L1 retrotransposition and reveal retrotransposition-mediate
90 sertions display all the hallmarks of LINE-1 retrotransposition and some contain 5' and 3' transducti
91 similarities between the mechanism of ENi L1 retrotransposition and telomerase.
92 ding of the requirements for ORF1p in LINE-1 retrotransposition and, more generally, nucleic acid cha
93 a previously unseen alternative fate of LINE retrotransposition, and may represent an unexpected sour
94 g Alus are currently causing disease through retrotransposition, and the old Alus have lost their abi
95 y factors act at a posttranslational step in retrotransposition, and Ty1 RNA packaging into VLPs is a
96 nic carcinoma-derived cell lines (ECs) by L1 retrotransposition are rapidly and efficiently silenced
97 f-principle results substantiate L1-mediated retrotransposition as an important etiological factor in
98 , hnRNPL knockdown dramatically increased L1 retrotransposition as well as L1 RNA and ORF1 protein, i
99 factor E transporter (eIF4E-T) increased IAP retrotransposition as well as levels of IAP transcripts,
100  Here, we took advantage of an engineered L1 retrotransposition assay to analyze L1 mobilization rate
101                                       An Alu retrotransposition assay, COMET assays and 53BP1 foci st
102 and mobilized efficiently in a cultured cell retrotransposition assay.
103 on events from the nonselective phase of the retrotransposition assay.
104 eport the development of an SVA cell culture retrotransposition assay.
105 n assessed L1 mobility using a cell-based L1 retrotransposition assay.
106 se L1s were highly active in a cultured cell retrotransposition assay.
107                                 Cell culture retrotransposition assays have provided great insight in
108 argets and are strongly inhibited by tRFs in retrotransposition assays.
109  that ORF1p is not strictly required for ENi retrotransposition at dysfunctional telomeres.
110        Our lab has developed a Bipartile Alu Retrotransposition (BAR) assay that relies on separate t
111 la simulans clade, primarily due to Y-linked retrotranspositions being significantly more common in t
112 hilin A (CypA) chimera resulting from a CypA retrotransposition between exons 7 and 8 of the TRIM5 ge
113 ediately inhibited intracisternal A-particle retrotransposition but were inactive against Sleeping Be
114 irodela has a genome with no signs of recent retrotranspositions but signatures of two ancient whole-
115  silencing of reporter genes delivered by L1 retrotransposition, but that differentiation, in itself,
116                   APOBEC3 members inhibit L1 retrotransposition by 35-99%.
117 A interference (RNAi) effectively reduced L1 retrotransposition by 70 to 80% without significantly ch
118 contain activities required for conventional retrotransposition by a mechanism termed target-site pri
119 cell line (Hey1b) increased the levels of L1 retrotransposition by approximately 2-fold.
120 is method for studying the ORF2p function in retrotransposition by assessing the effect of expression
121 ssays to demonstrate that A3A can inhibit L1 retrotransposition by deaminating transiently exposed si
122 e part of an intrinsic mechanism that limits retrotransposition by reducing the level of proteins req
123 support the idea that antisense RNAs inhibit retrotransposition by targeting Ty1 protein function rat
124 se assays, we have characterized profiles of retrotransposition by various human and mouse L1 element
125                                           L1 retrotransposition can also occur in somatic cells, caus
126                 Our data demonstrate that L1 retrotransposition can be controlled in a tissue-specifi
127                                     Germline retrotransposition can cause processed pseudogenes, but
128                                           L1 retrotransposition can cause somatic mosaicism during ne
129  at a distance and demonstrates that ongoing retrotransposition can contribute significantly to natur
130 studies have demonstrated that endogenous L1 retrotransposition can occur in the germ line and during
131 e present a predictive model to evaluate the retrotransposition capability of individual Alu elements
132                           Here, using an SVA retrotransposition cell culture assay in U2OS cells, we
133 an L1s are inactive, ~80-100 elements remain retrotransposition competent and mobilize through RNA in
134 ed-RNPs generated from constructs expressing retrotransposition-competent L1s.
135 t P-body components enhance the formation of retrotransposition-competent Ty1 VLPs.
136 ovel critical parameter of ORF1p activity in retrotransposition conserved for at least the last 25 My
137   Long interspersed element-1 (LINE-1 or L1) retrotransposition continues to affect human genome evol
138  previously appreciated, and that ongoing L1 retrotransposition continues to be a major source of int
139 n the context of exaptation processes and of retrotransposition control.
140 ture stop codons supported low levels of Alu retrotransposition, demonstrating the potential for sele
141 NA replication, based on the frequency of R2 retrotranspositions determined in natural populations.
142 chromosomal alterations, translocations, and retrotransposition during aging.
143 uld provide new insights into the role of L1 retrotransposition during brain development.
144 terspersed repeats (MIR) that have undergone retrotransposition during early mammalian radiation.
145                          Somatic LINE-1 (L1) retrotransposition during neurogenesis is a potential so
146 nts were used to map a 15-fold difference in retrotransposition efficiency between two L1 variants fr
147 s a approximately 2-3.7-fold increase in the retrotransposition efficiency of an engineered human L1.
148      Here, we demonstrate an increase in the retrotransposition efficiency of engineered human L1s in
149  found in the right monomer all modulate the retrotransposition efficiency.
150 ts provide a rich resource for studies of L1 retrotransposition, elucidate a novel L1 restriction pat
151 ich is expressed in many cancers, was a late retrotransposition event that occurred in fishes from th
152  human reference assembly and assigning each retrotransposition event to a different time point durin
153 ental strategies used to map de novo somatic retrotransposition events and present the optimal criter
154 ges of cells marked by different LINE-1 (L1) retrotransposition events and subsequent mutation of pol
155 e that RNA:DNA hybrid regions within nascent retrotransposition events block replication in an rrm3 m
156  20% of the mammalian genome, and ongoing L1 retrotransposition events can impact genetic diversity b
157     However, previous characterization of L1 retrotransposition events generated in the presence of A
158                                   Somatic L1 retrotransposition events have been shown to occur in ep
159 ryos lacking the L1 transgene and L1 somatic retrotransposition events in blastocysts and adults lack
160                      Interestingly, some ENi retrotransposition events in DNA protein kinase catalyti
161 e utility of this approach to detect somatic retrotransposition events in high-grade ovarian serous c
162 mple, 4/19 (21.1%) donors presented germline retrotransposition events in the tumor suppressor mutate
163           These data suggest that de novo L1 retrotransposition events may occur in the human brain a
164  generate either longer, or perhaps more, L1 retrotransposition events per cell.
165                          However, genomic L1 retrotransposition events that occurred in the presence
166 duced some CASP8 sequences during subsequent retrotransposition events.
167  chaperone activity at a late step during L1 retrotransposition, extend the region of ORF1p that is k
168 ion events, "young" proviruses competent for retrotransposition-found in many mammals, but not humans
169 lement, ORFeus, exhibits dramatically higher retrotransposition frequencies compared with its native
170 ngle copy, representing a 9-fold increase of retrotransposition frequency on a per-copy basis.
171                         Gene duplication via retrotransposition has been shown to be an important mec
172                         We conclude that Alu retrotransposition has been the most variable form of ge
173           We estimate that the "rate" of Alu retrotransposition has differed by a factor of 15-fold i
174                                              Retrotransposition has duplicated and inserted some codi
175 molecular mechanism by which A3A inhibits L1 retrotransposition has remained enigmatic.
176                                              Retrotranspositions have independently generated additio
177  Thus, A3B appears to restrict engineered L1 retrotransposition in a broad range of cell types, inclu
178 ptor antagonists abolishes the MT1 effect on retrotransposition in a dose-dependent manner.
179       We demonstrate that the increase in L1 retrotransposition in ataxia telangiectasia mutated-defi
180 ucleic acid chaperone (NAC) functions during retrotransposition in budding yeast.
181 stream of the L1/MALAT triple helix restores retrotransposition in cis.
182 C3A (A3A) is the most potent inhibitor of L1 retrotransposition in cultured cell assays.
183 L1 elements, and detailed the kinetics of L1 retrotransposition in cultured cells.
184 an important role for H3.3 in control of ERV retrotransposition in embryonic stem cells.
185 n Long INterspersed Element-1 (LINE-1 or L1) retrotransposition in HeLa cells.
186  recent reports suggest frequent LINE-1 (L1) retrotransposition in human brains, we performed genome-
187 hat engineered human L1s can undergo somatic retrotransposition in human neural progenitor cells and
188  these data, we estimate that the rate of L1 retrotransposition in humans is between 1/95 and 1/270 b
189 ment insertions, revealed a high activity of retrotransposition in macaques compared with great apes.
190 uses such as HIV-1, and controls LTR/non-LTR retrotransposition in marsupials.
191                                     Although retrotransposition in metazoans has long been considered
192       The neuronal specificity of somatic L1 retrotransposition in neural progenitors is partially du
193 ression and consequently 70-fold increase in retrotransposition in postnatal day 14 Mov10l1(-/-) germ
194 e we show that L1 neuronal transcription and retrotransposition in rodents are increased in the absen
195 c and post-transcriptional suppression block retrotransposition in somatic cells, excluding early emb
196 expressing tet-ORFeus broadly exhibit robust retrotransposition in somatic tissues when treated with
197 strina and M. fascicularis identifies a CypA retrotransposition in the 3' untranslated region of the
198 w, we evaluate the available evidence for L1 retrotransposition in the brain and discuss mechanisms t
199 tions indicated a stage-specific increase of retrotransposition in the early meiotic prophase.
200 ed high rates of somatic LINE-1 element (L1) retrotransposition in the hippocampus and cerebral corte
201 ee of somatic mosaicism and the impact of L1 retrotransposition in the human brain is likely much hig
202 ells, implying that Tex19.1 prevents de novo retrotransposition in the pluripotent phase of the germl
203 lized in many cancers, a role for somatic L1 retrotransposition in tumor initiation has not been conc
204        We assessed L1 mRNA expression and L1 retrotransposition in two biologically relevant cell typ
205  suggest that no SVA domain is essential for retrotransposition in U2OS cells and that the 5' end of
206 frequency and the developmental timing of L1 retrotransposition in vivo and whether the mobility of t
207 es, relatively little is understood about L1 retrotransposition in vivo.
208 iscuss mechanisms that may regulate neuronal retrotransposition in vivo.
209 pression of Ty1 leads to a large increase in retrotransposition in wild-type cells, which allows VLPs
210  serve several distinct functions in non-LTR retrotransposition, including 5' processing, translation
211  can enable LINE-1 mobilization but also has retrotransposition-independent consequences.
212 lasses: L1 retrotransposition insertions and retrotransposition-independent L1-associated variants.
213                                              Retrotransposition-independent rearrangements in inherit
214 g of surrounding genes, thus hinting a novel retrotransposition-independent role for LINE-1 elements
215 , in which firefly luciferase is used as the retrotransposition indicator and Renilla luciferase is e
216 ed several SVAs with either neomycin or EGFP retrotransposition indicator cassettes.
217 ants (SLAVs) are composed of two classes: L1 retrotransposition insertions and retrotransposition-ind
218 s are the most evolutionarily volatile where retrotransposition is an important, but not the sole, so
219 ing influences SINE function and how ongoing retrotransposition is countered by the body's defense me
220  including U2OS osteosarcoma cells where SVA retrotransposition is equal to that of an engineered L1.
221 tions in HeLa cells, we find that tagged Alu retrotransposition is improved by supplementation of ORF
222   Long interspersed element-1 (LINE-1 or L1) retrotransposition is known to create mosaicism by inser
223 e observed that L1 expression and engineered retrotransposition is much lower in both MSCs and HSCs w
224     Detailed mechanistic understanding of L1 retrotransposition is sparse, particularly with respect
225                                     However, retrotransposition is still reduced in P-body component
226 reverse transcriptase (RT), a process termed retrotransposition, is ongoing in humans and is a source
227                                       During retrotransposition, L1 RNA functions first as a dicistro
228 e the cis and trans acting components of the retrotransposition machinery.
229 aken together these findings suggest that L1 retrotransposition may be influenced by coexpression of
230                                              Retrotransposition may contribute to genetic damage duri
231                                Thus, somatic retrotransposition may play an etiologic role in colorec
232     Thus, somatic genome mosaicism driven by retrotransposition may reshape the genetic circuitry tha
233            Alu elements use a copy and paste retrotransposition mechanism that can result in de novo
234 d AluS elements that likely arose due to non-retrotransposition mechanisms.
235 l hypomethylation puts the genome at risk of retrotransposition-mediated genetic instability.
236 f heritable L1 retrotransposition and reveal retrotransposition-mediated genomic diversification as a
237 including novel forms of complex indels, and retrotransposition-mediated insertions of mobile element
238            Cells exhibiting high rates of L1 retrotransposition might be especially at risk for such
239       In summary, our data show that somatic retrotransposition occurs early in many patients with BE
240 ians after divergence from Prototherians via retrotransposition of a gene on the X chromosome.
241   In these cases, the initial duplication or retrotransposition of a parent gene gives rise to a 'par
242                                     Finally, retrotransposition of an engineered human L1 element was
243  of viruses such as HIV-1, HBV, and HCV, and retrotransposition of endogenous retroelements through m
244  RTI levels reached were sufficient to block retrotransposition of endogenous retroelements.
245  from human embryonic stem cells support the retrotransposition of engineered human L1s in vitro.
246 cent, endogenous genes, along with increased retrotransposition of IAPs.
247                    In defense of deleterious retrotransposition of intracisternal A particle (IAP) el
248 tase (RT) domains that are necessary for the retrotransposition of L1 and the Short Interspersed Elem
249            We found that AID can inhibit the retrotransposition of L1 through a DNA deamination-indep
250                                              Retrotransposition of processed mRNAs is a common source
251 Thus, a 3' poly(A) tract is critical for the retrotransposition of sequences that comprise approximat
252 ble phenomenon of cis preference-the favored retrotransposition of the actively translated L1 transcr
253             Finally, Hili also inhibited the retrotransposition of the endogenous intracysternal A pa
254             Since they are important for the retrotransposition of Ty elements and brome mosaic virus
255  tumors from 53% of the patients had somatic retrotranspositions, of which 24% were 3' transductions.
256 line variants were predominantly mediated by retrotransposition, often involving AluY and LINE elemen
257 some of these sequences could play a role in retrotransposition, or be necessary for the enzymatic ac
258   Long INterspersed Element-1 (LINE-1 or L1) retrotransposition poses a mutagenic threat to human gen
259 from the retrovirus-like element Ty1 inhibit retrotransposition posttranslationally in Saccharomyces.
260        Hypervariation occurs via a mutagenic retrotransposition process from a template repeat (TR) t
261  only a relatively few can contribute to the retrotransposition process.
262 and DNA sequencing were used to characterize retrotransposition profiles of L1(RP) in cultured human
263 a master gene model which assumes a constant retrotransposition rate.
264                    We find that high somatic retrotransposition rates in tumors are associated with h
265 ce genome, we estimated the Alu, L1, and SVA retrotransposition rates to be one in 21 births, 212 bir
266 us A3 proteins play a role in restricting L1 retrotransposition remains largely unexplored.
267 atic cells; however, the host response to L1 retrotransposition remains largely unexplored.
268 rom inactive variants, indicating loss of L1 retrotransposition resulted from loss of function rather
269 of mRNA processing (P) bodies, which inhibit retrotransposition (RTP) of intracisternal A particles (
270 as hosts have developed mechanisms to combat retrotransposition's mutagenic effects.
271 wo-component system where a mini-Tnt1 with a retrotransposition selectable marker can only transpose
272 ough deletion of Ty3 SP dramatically reduced retrotransposition, significant Gag3 processing and cDNA
273                      CO-Ty1 is defective for retrotransposition, suggesting a sequence capable of dow
274                    The current model of LINE retrotransposition, target-primed reverse transcription,
275 ulations suggest that even without R1 and R2 retrotransposition the frequent sister chromatid exchang
276 lasmic A3G, which is inactive against LINE-1 retrotransposition, the A3G/B protein, while localized m
277                               In both cases, retrotransposition to ectopic sites was favored over ret
278                                          For retrotransposition to occur, at least a subset of Ty1 pr
279            L1 proteins must be expressed for retrotransposition to occur; therefore, we evaluated the
280 n of the PABPC1 inhibitor PAIP2 increased L1 retrotransposition up to 2-fold.
281                          Using a modified L1 retrotransposition vector, we examined the effects of tw
282 ding the germline genome against deleterious retrotransposition via the piRNA pathway.
283                          This suppression of retrotransposition was largely independent of Dicer.
284 ermore, long interspersed nuclear elements 1 retrotransposition was not enhanced in the absence of Tr
285 o study the timing and tissue specificity of retrotransposition, we created transgenic mouse and rat
286 o examine the potential impact of RIGS on L1 retrotransposition, we derived a cohort of animals carry
287  of endogenous A3 proteins in restricting L1 retrotransposition, we first generated small hairpin RNA
288 hether AS L1 transcription could regulate L1 retrotransposition, we replaced portions of native open
289       Using a budding yeast model of non-LTR retrotransposition, we show that in addition to producin
290 f mutations, direct repeat recombination, or retrotransposition were measured in young cell populatio
291                            Lines with active retrotransposition were shown to have high R2 transcript
292 targets for Ty3, a set of 10,000 Ty3 genomic retrotranspositions were mapped using high-throughput DN
293  molecular rheostat, allowing high levels of retrotransposition when few Ty1 elements are present and
294         ASR and CAS appear to have spread by retrotransposition, whereas most snaR genes have spread
295 expression of PABPN1 and PABPC1 increased L1 retrotransposition, whereas unregulated overexpression o
296 ssion and perhaps increases in endogenous L1 retrotransposition, which could potentially impact the g
297 ear elements (SINEs), such as Alu, spread by retrotransposition, which requires their transcripts to
298 tures suggest that this is authentic L1-like retrotransposition with remarkable resemblance to mammal
299 atures mirror those of germline LINE element retrotranspositions, with frequent target-site duplicati
300 e ORF2 IRES activity, L1 and L1-assisted Alu retrotransposition without altering L1 RNA or protein ab

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