


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ially informing future strategies to prevent retroviral integration.
2 ves viral end DNA during the initial step of retroviral integration.
3 y steps of transpositional recombination and retroviral integration.
4 roach to expand stem cells and to facilitate retroviral integration.
5 that significantly decreases genotoxicity of retroviral integration.
6 able to catalyze the strand transfer step of retroviral integration.
7 nd suggest that target site-selection limits retroviral integration.
8 hich ATR has been depleted are competent for retroviral integration.
9 effects on cellular growth, gene control and retroviral integration.
10 oove interactions within the LTR termini for retroviral integration.
11 eviously shown to have a role in mitosis and retroviral integration.
12 act as host-supplied cofactors necessary for retroviral integration.
13 ng as host-supplied proteins that facilitate retroviral integration.
14 st cell protein that plays a crucial role in retroviral integration.
15 repair synthesis were required for efficient retroviral integration.
16 ate in cells after the 3' processing step of retroviral integration.
17  processes such as genetic recombination and retroviral integration.
18 ion of segmental duplications, and bursts of retroviral integrations.
19 d fragment, a structure like that created by retroviral integration and all known transposition react
20 initial steps reflect a common theme seen in retroviral integration and prokaryotic transposition, an
21 lly active DNA is not a preferred target for retroviral integration and that transcriptional activity
22  new questions about the role of histones in retroviral integration and transcription.
23 ransposition paved the way for understanding retroviral integration and V(D)J recombination as well a
24      Preintegration complexes (PICs) mediate retroviral integration, and recent results indicate an i
25 irally encoded integrase protein carries out retroviral integration, and to do so, it must make speci
26 e results suggest that the initial events in retroviral integration are detected as DNA damage by the
27 e DNA-breaking and -joining steps initiating retroviral integration are well understood, but the late
28 has been proposed to play a role late during retroviral integration, because infection by human immun
29 irus, apparently reflecting an occurrence of retroviral integration by homologous recombination.
30                                     However, retroviral integration can take place at a variety of ch
31 roviral integration sites to common sites of retroviral integration (CISs).
32 fundamental differences in the way different retroviral integration complexes interact with host-cell
33  intasome is the basic recombination unit of retroviral integration, comprising the integrase protein
34 ealization that proto-oncogene activation by retroviral integration could contribute to leukemia.
35  dependent on NHEJ, a 5-10-fold reduction in retroviral integration efficiency was observed in Brca1(
36  MTAP exons arose from early and independent retroviral-integration events in primate genomes at leas
37  advances in understanding the mechanisms of retroviral integration, focusing on LEDGF/p75--the first
38                                              Retroviral integration has been implicated in several bi
39 ibed in vitro assays to define inhibitors of retroviral integration has not been formerly demonstrate
40                      Factors contributing to retroviral integration have been intractable because pas
41    Here we show that Evi24, a common site of retroviral integration in AKXD B cell and BXH-2 myeloid
42  we showed that Evi3 is a frequent target of retroviral integration in AKXD27 B-cell lymphomas.
43 ferred hG6PD driven by these promoters after retroviral integration in bulk cultures and in individua
44 and either Hoxa7 or Hoxa9 are coactivated by retroviral integration in BXH2 murine myeloid leukemias.
45                    Evi27 is a common site of retroviral integration in BXH2 murine myeloid leukemias.
46 ied through its location at a common site of retroviral integration in BXH2 murine myeloid leukemias.
47  not strictly required for growth control or retroviral integration in DT40 cells and may well be red
48 entifies genomic regions that are targets of retroviral integration in more than one tumor (common in
49 dies identified 152 loci that are targets of retroviral integration in more than one tumor (common re
50  is an oncogene whose upregulation following retroviral integration in murine B cells leads to an arr
51 Meis1 and Hoxa9 expression is upregulated by retroviral integration in murine myeloid leukemias and i
52                     Evi5 is a common site of retroviral integration in T-cell lymphomas of AKXD mice.
53 lls, and that there is no apparent defect in retroviral integration in the absence of HMGA1 or HMGA2.
54  and HMGA2 have also been found to stimulate retroviral integration in vitro.
55                                              Retroviral integration in vivo is mediated by preintegra
56 rsensitivity, and Southern blot analysis for retroviral integration indicated that the disease was ol
57                         In the first step of retroviral integration, integrase cleaves the linear vir
58  that H2AX is not required for repair of the retroviral integration intermediate as determined by sta
59 ap and 5' two-base flap structure present in retroviral integration intermediates and tested candidat
60  infection in resting CD4+ T cells is due to retroviral integration into chromosomal regions that are
61  studies of chromosomal lesions arising from retroviral integration into human compared with schistos
62                                        Avian retroviral integration into the c-myb locus is casually
63  T-cell activation is required for effective retroviral integration into the host cell genome and sub
64                                              Retroviral integration into the host genome is not entir
65                              The location of retroviral integration into the human genome is thought
66                                              Retroviral integration involves cleavage of the host DNA
67 at repair of these gaps flanking the site of retroviral integration is achieved by host DNA repair ma
68                                              Retroviral integration is catalysed by a tetramer of int
69                                     In vivo, retroviral integration is mediated by a large nucleoprot
70                                              Retroviral integration is mediated by a preintegration c
71                                              Retroviral integration is mediated by viral preintegrati
72                                    Increased retroviral integration is the first major phenotype desc
73                                              Retroviral integration, like all forms of DNA transposit
74    A total of 26% (11 of 42) of the mice had retroviral integrations near Zeb2, a transcriptional cor
75  we present the analysis of a common site of retroviral integration on mouse chromosome 15, which inc
76 step has never been investigated, either for retroviral integration or for any other transposition pr
77                                              Retroviral integration proceeds via two integrase activi
78 talytic strand transfer intermediates of the retroviral integration process.
79 st-replication/translesion DNA repair in the retroviral integration process.
80                                              Retroviral integration protein (IN) has been shown to be
81 ng T cells, generating the substrate for the retroviral integration reaction.
82 e-specific recombination, transposition, and retroviral integration reactions involve the collaborati
83                                              Retroviral integration results in the stable and coordin
84                  Here, we show that a common retroviral integration site (RIS) in AKXD B-cell lymphom
85                                              Retroviral integration site analysis in 4 animals reveal
86 line determines the genomic position of each retroviral integration site cloned from a mouse tumor, t
87                    The bic locus is a common retroviral integration site in avian leukosis virus (ALV
88   bic is a novel gene identified at a common retroviral integration site in avian leukosis virus-indu
89  activated by promoter insertion at a common retroviral integration site in B cell lymphomas induced
90     Molecular analysis demonstrated a common retroviral integration site in clonogenic hematopoietic
91      The chromosomal features that influence retroviral integration site selection are not well under
92 a that integrase is the major determinant of retroviral integration site selection.
93                                          The retroviral integration sites (RISs) in these tumors thus
94 promotes transient formation of gammaH2AX at retroviral integration sites as detected by both immunoc
95 polymorphism (SNP)-based method, for mapping retroviral integration sites cloned from mouse tumors, a
96                           Clonal analysis of retroviral integration sites confirms a common stem cell
97 We used inverse PCR to clone and analyze 212 retroviral integration sites from 43 MZL at different st
98  these mutations occur in the same intron as retroviral integration sites in gene therapy-induced T-A
99                      Large-scale analysis of retroviral integration sites in these tumors revealed a
100 udies designed to determine whether specific retroviral integration sites might be associated with a
101 ) hybridization method, for localizing these retroviral integration sites to common sites of retrovir
102 l integration in more than one tumor (common retroviral integration sites, CISs) and therefore likely
103           The common interruption of p101 by retroviral integration suggests that the locus encodes a
104                               To investigate retroviral integration targeting on a nucleotide scale,
105              Some of the earliest studies of retroviral integration targeting reported that sites of
106                     BET proteins guide gamma-retroviral integration to transcription start sites and
107                     We cloned clone-specific retroviral integrations to identify candidate resistance
108     The selection of chromosomal targets for retroviral integration varies markedly, tracking with th
109         To investigate the role of PARP-1 in retroviral integration, we infected wild-type and PARP-1
110 sposon, retrovirus-like retrotransposon, and retroviral integration, we propose a nonviral system tha
111   In an effort to examine the role of ATR in retroviral integration, we used RNA interference to sele
112 irally encoded integrase protein carries out retroviral integration, which requires specific interact
113     However, understanding of the biology of retroviral integration will require in vitro and in vivo
114               Molecular analysis infers that retroviral integration within Ikzf1 is an early event in
115 curred before the initial hydrolysis step of retroviral integration, work in the related Tn10 and V(D

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