


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 icken cDNAs in a replication-competent avian retroviral vector.
2 ary epithelium using a replication-defective retroviral vector.
3 nce was codon optimized and expressed from a retroviral vector.
4 3 expression using a bicistronic HOXA13/EGFP retroviral vector.
5 length rhesus ABCG2 and introduced it into a retroviral vector.
6 k the TCR alpha- and beta-chains in a single retroviral vector.
7  of Pax5 in hematopoietic stem cells using a retroviral vector.
8 -neo) cell line was generated using an empty retroviral vector.
9 R) alpha- and beta-chains were cloned into a retroviral vector.
10  beta-chains were isolated and cloned into a retroviral vector.
11  context of HLA-A2, were cloned into a gamma-retroviral vector.
12 ntrast to our previous findings with a gamma-retroviral vector.
13  Moloney murine leukemia virus (MLV)-derived retroviral vectors.
14 XCR4-pLEGFP-C1 and pSIREN-RetroQ-CXCR4-siRNA retroviral vectors.
15  reporter or therapeutic genes transduced by retroviral vectors.
16 on and genetic manipulation with integrating retroviral vectors.
17 r birth, Crry KO mice were injected with the retroviral vectors.
18 HIV- and Moloney murine leukemia virus-based retroviral vectors.
19 tly broaden the gene therapy applications of retroviral vectors.
20  progenitors by transducing the receptors in retroviral vectors.
21  the surface of a mammalian cell by applying retroviral vectors.
22 n, and standard Moloney leukemia virus-based retroviral vectors.
23 luation of risks following gene therapy with retroviral vectors.
24 etroviral replication and gene therapy using retroviral vectors.
25 tein, or stress responses in the presence of retroviral vectors.
26 nsferase deficient (gal knockout) mice using retroviral vectors.
27 aused by the integration of first-generation retroviral vectors.
28 on-incompetent murine leukemia virus-derived retroviral vectors.
29 eful in gene delivery applications utilizing retroviral vectors.
30 iescent hematopoietic stem cells than murine retroviral vectors.
31  providing statistical methods for comparing retroviral vectors.
32 stable knockdown of Axl were generated using retroviral vectors.
33 ion of Moloney murine leukemia virus-derived retroviral vectors.
34 nts using transgenes expression in EPCs from retroviral vectors.
35 teins are routinely employed as reporters in retroviral vectors.
36 enhanced safety, particularly of integrating retroviral vectors.
37 were expressed on the surface of cells using retroviral vectors.
38 nsertional mutagenesis by gene-trapping with retroviral vectors.
39 -modified cells in vivo is to include in the retroviral vector a drug resistance gene, such as the P1
40 human melanoma cells were transfected with a retroviral vector +/- a 720-bp fragment of human VEGF(12
41  several patients integration of therapeutic retroviral vectors activated proto-oncogenes and caused
42  cDNA from the HT-1080 cells inserted into a retroviral vector (added to the HT-1080 cells as a marke
43 fied with the human ADA cDNA (MND-ADA) gamma-retroviral vector after conditioning with busulfan (90 m
44 ed only the immunizing influenza and not the retroviral vector Ags, even though these could have prov
45  bone marrow that had been transduced with a retroviral vector alone or retroviral vector expressing
46 expression and activities as compared to the retroviral vector alone, while MCF-7 cells transduced by
47 SH cell line and inserted into a bicistronic retroviral vector also encoding green fluorescent protei
48 igration, by labeling adult SVZ cells with a retroviral vector and examining the distribution of cell
49 erfering RNA (siRNA) stably expressed from a retroviral vector and found that FKBP12-silenced EBV-CTL
50 ancer cells (MCF-7) with a biscistronic MIEG retroviral vector and observed that these cells were con
51 ion protein between sequences encoded by the retroviral vector and p120.
52 of potential enhancers was introduced into a retroviral vector and screened in multiple cell lines fo
53                                        Using retroviral vectors and bone marrow chimeras, we observed
54 f pairs of wt and variant pre-microRNAs from retroviral vectors and measurement of KSHV mature microR
55 oved method for insertional mutagenesis with retroviral vectors and show that the ability to induce m
56 nes encoding these TCRs were engineered into retroviral vectors and used to transduce autologous peri
57  to construct a murine stem cell virus-based retroviral vector, and high titer packaging cell lines w
58 ibroblasts were infected with the MPSV-hTERT retroviral vector, and selected clones were isolated and
59 om the same promoter, transduced by the same retroviral vector, and transplanted similarly at the sam
60  transduce nondividing keratinocytes, unlike retroviral vectors, and do not require the lentiviral ac
61 ally analyzed, marked with Neo(R)-containing retroviral vectors, and subsequently transplanted into m
62  repopulating stem and progenitor cells with retroviral vectors, and track their in vivo contribution
63 to modify primordial germ cells using DNA or retroviral vectors are inefficient and prone to epigenet
64 ndonuclease-stimulated gene correction using retroviral vectors are low frequency of gene targeting a
65                                              Retroviral vectors are often used for gene delivery; how
66                                              Retroviral vectors are preferred that target sensitive r
67                                              Retroviral vectors are the most efficient means of stabl
68                                              Retroviral vectors are the most widely used delivery veh
69 mutagenesis screen in zebrafish, using mouse retroviral vectors as the mutagen.
70  for the first time, a replication-defective retroviral vector-associated neoplasia in a nonhuman pri
71 iral vectors are not necessarily superior to retroviral vectors at introducing genes into keratinocyt
72  a glycoprotein that gives targeted entry of retroviral vectors at levels comparable to the natural c
73  an obligate integrated DNA provirus, making retroviral vectors attractive vehicles for human gene-th
74                                              Retroviral vectors based on foamy viruses (FV) are effic
75                                              Retroviral vectors based on the nonpathogenic foamy viru
76  novel E3 ubiquitin ligase identified from a retroviral vector-based T cell surface activation marker
77                   This approach uses a novel retroviral vector bearing a HIF-1-inducible "sensor" rep
78                                              Retroviral vectors bearing JSRV Env can transduce cells
79  have shifted the integration preferences of retroviral vectors by generating a library of viral vari
80 MuLV), allowing for one-step purification of retroviral vectors by immobilized metal affinity chromat
81 eviously shown that expression of REL from a retroviral vector can malignantly transform chicken sple
82 rfering with their integrity, and MBP-tagged retroviral vectors can be highly purified by one-step IM
83  While recent studies have demonstrated that retroviral vectors can be used to stably express short h
84                                   The use of retroviral vectors can greatly expand the types of cells
85                            Gene therapy with retroviral vectors can induce adverse effects when those
86  a replication-competent, Gateway-compatible retroviral vector capable of expressing shRNA that inhib
87           However, the recent development of retroviral vectors capable of directing expression to sp
88  Here, we demonstrate that transduction with retroviral vectors carrying a tandem-dimer Tomato (TdTom
89                                     However, retroviral vectors carrying the human beta-globin casset
90                  These findings suggest that retroviral vectors carrying the RBS are subjected to hig
91        ARD1 short hairpin RNA delivered by a retroviral vector caused >80% reduction in ARD1 message.
92                                              Retroviral vectors coated with Sst-RBS gained the abilit
93                                 We generated retroviral vectors coexpressing human TIMP-1 and the gre
94                              The bicistronic retroviral vector construct allowed for coexpression of
95                                      We used retroviral vector constructs containing the BMP3B cDNA t
96                                            A retroviral vector containing a dual reporter, pQCXhSSTr2
97 ine, with a green fluorescent protein-marked retroviral vector containing OPN cDNA driven by a strong
98 -19 and resistant cells were infected with a retroviral vector containing the EGFR-DNR.
99 py experiment begun in September 1990 used a retroviral vector containing the human adenosine deamina
100 achieved by transducing ARPE-19 cells with a retroviral vector containing the open reading frame of t
101 orescent protein genes can be effected using retroviral vectors containing a selectable marker such a
102                                              Retroviral vectors containing internal promoters, chroma
103 hotropic murine leukemia virus (MLV)-derived retroviral vectors containing marker genes, we detected
104 sduced non-small cell lung cancer cells with retroviral vectors containing the sodium iodide symporte
105          The present study addressed whether retroviral vectors could be modified to achieve receptor
106 therefore, ectopic expression of Lxn using a retroviral vector decreased stem cell population size.
107 ibility of human EC cells to transduction by retroviral vectors derived from three different retrovir
108 to viral pathogenesis and provide utility in retroviral vector design.
109  syngeneic fibroblast line transduced with a retroviral vector designed to encode proteolipid protein
110 s from LAT-deficient mice were infected with retroviral vectors designed to express wild-type or muta
111 otal amount of HIV-1 and avian sarcoma virus retroviral vector DNA that is joined to host DNA in the
112  we observe a decrease in transcription from retroviral vectors during morphogenesis and find that My
113  this report we describe the generation of a retroviral vector encoding a codon-optimized IL-15 gene.
114 ooth muscle cells with pMSCV GSK-3beta-A9, a retroviral vector encoding a constitutively active, nonp
115                       LCs, transduced with a retroviral vector encoding full-length Ag, stimulate pot
116 ents using busulfan conditioning and an MFGS retroviral vector encoding gp91(phox), achieving early m
117                                      Using a retroviral vector encoding green fluorescent protein to
118 orneal epithelial cells were infected with a retroviral vector encoding human telomerase reverse tran
119 at contained CD34(+) cells transduced with a retroviral vector encoding the human ADA complementary D
120 ice with bone marrow cells transduced with a retroviral vector encoding this receptor and challenged
121 h, infection of early-passage NHP cells with retroviral vectors encoding 15-LOX2 or 15-LOX2sv-b induc
122                We also generated a series of retroviral vectors encoding a variety of histochemical a
123 duced an alphav-negative human SCC line with retroviral vectors encoding alphav integrins.
124      Mouse bone marrow cells transduced with retroviral vectors encoding either of two oncogenic Bcr-
125           Human T cells were transduced with retroviral vectors encoding for the human norepinephrine
126 ntry site-enhanced green fluorescent protein retroviral vectors encoding the 32/30, 27, and 14-kDa is
127 ed when oncogenic Ras was overexpressed from retroviral vectors, endogenous levels of K-ras(G12D) fai
128 onstration that neonatal administration of a retroviral vector expressing canine Factor VIII complete
129 rmal keratinocytes (NHEK) were infected with retroviral vector expressing DeltaNp63alpha or empty vec
130 lantation with CD34+ cells transduced with a retroviral vector expressing enhanced green fluorescent
131                                We use here a retroviral vector expressing green fluorescent protein t
132 in, or the transduction of ST-2 cells with a retroviral vector expressing HES-1.
133 eated BtkTec(-/-) mice was transduced with a retroviral vector expressing human Btk and transplanted
134         By stimulating in situ production of retroviral vector expressing micro-dystrophin, we achiev
135 lon cancer cell lines were generated using a retroviral vector expressing TGF-beta.
136 ave been immortalized by transduction with a retroviral vector expressing the human papillomavirus E6
137 lls were efficiently transduced ex vivo by a retroviral vector expressing the LacZ reporter gene and
138                                      Using a retroviral vector expressing the SDF-1 degrakine, we hav
139 transduced with a retroviral vector alone or retroviral vector expressing wild-type apoA-I or apoA-IM
140          Human 721.221 cells transduced with retroviral vectors expressing each gene had equine MHC c
141 hemophilia A inhibitor formation, we created retroviral vectors expressing fVIII amino acids S2173-Y2
142  in culture, and transduced with pseudotyped retroviral vectors expressing human eNOS (eNOS-EPCs), HO
143 uced bronchial epithelial BEAS-2B cells with retroviral vectors expressing KRAS(G12V) and monitored m
144 ) transgenic mice with replication-competent retroviral vectors expressing wild-type Dlx5 (RCAS-Dlx5W
145                             Infection with a retroviral vector for murine MMP-9 led to more expressio
146              We used a doxycycline-inducible retroviral vector for the expression of small hairpin RN
147 er may represent a safer approach than using retroviral vectors for ex vivo gene transfer into HSCs,
148  immunodeficiency using 2 slightly different retroviral vectors for the transduction of patients' bon
149 ts have broad applications for the design of retroviral vectors for transfections, DNA vaccines, and
150 ells infected with CEACAM1(b)-4S or an empty retroviral vector formed multiple clusters of tumor nodu
151                Generation of iPS cells using retroviral vectors from short- or long-term cultured hum
152 eloped a complementary technology based on a retroviral-vector gene-trap approach that uses beta-lact
153 selection in which a total cDNA library in a retroviral vector has been introduced into TR9-7ER cells
154 sal role for DNA methylation in silencing of retroviral vectors has not been established.
155 titis virus glycoprotein G-pseudotyped mouse retroviral vectors have been used as mutagens for a larg
156                                    Recently, retroviral vectors have been used for siRNA delivery, wh
157                                              Retroviral vectors have been used in successful gene the
158  insertional activation of protooncogenes by retroviral vectors have raised serious safety concerns i
159                                     However, retroviral vectors have several limitations, such as the
160 mpts at gene therapy for WAS using a Upsilon-retroviral vector improved immunological parameters subs
161 om a single 2A peptide-linked multicistronic retroviral vector in mice, using retrovirus-mediated ste
162 confirm the role of DR4, it was expressed by retroviral vector in SK-MEL-3 and SK-MEL-28 cells with r
163        The N-terminal X1-78, expressed via a retroviral vector in WT pX-expressing 4pX-1 cells, coimm
164 tment of AIDS and the utility of integrating retroviral vectors in gene therapy applications.
165           Transgenes were overexpressed from retroviral vectors in primary human keratinocytes.
166 that could potentially improve the safety of retroviral vectors in the clinic.
167  for the generation of replication-defective retroviral vectors, including those derived from murine
168 the U3 region to another position within the retroviral vector, indicating that the U3 region contain
169                    Expression of YB-1 from a retroviral vector induces a strong cellular resistance t
170    Independent experiments revealed that the retroviral vector insertion site in 3 of 50 PDGF-induced
171 ations in T-cell tumors and was activated by retroviral vector insertions in T-cell tumors from X-SCI
172                                              Retroviral vectors integrate in genes and regulatory ele
173 mocytes of transgenic mice causes T-ALL, and retroviral vector integration into the LMO2 locus was im
174                     To examine the impact of retroviral vector integration on transcript splicing, we
175 the genome are filtered out, and then unique retroviral vector integration sites are determined based
176                                  Identifying retroviral vector integration sites is also important fo
177                  It does not appear that the retroviral vector integration sites played a role in the
178 se tabular format to allow rapid analysis of retroviral vector integration sites.
179  analyze next-generation sequencing data for retroviral vector integration sites.
180  analyze next-generation sequencing data for retroviral vector integration sites.
181 ivery; however, integration of the genome of retroviral vector into the host genome can have serious
182 n-of-function approach by using injection of retroviral vectors into the embryonic olfactory epitheli
183 the consequences of ICN1 overexpression from retroviral vectors introduced into bone marrow cells.
184 cted by linkage of GFP to histone H2B, and a retroviral vector is used for cytoplasmic labeling with
185 refore, the analysis of integration sites of retroviral vectors is a crucial step in developing safer
186                   Insertional mutagenesis by retroviral vectors is a major impediment to the clinical
187         Analyzing the integration profile of retroviral vectors is a vital step in determining their
188           However, transgene expression from retroviral vectors is frequently subject to the negative
189 nguishing feature of self-inactivating (SIN) retroviral vectors is the deletion of the enhancer/promo
190 ey challenge for clinical therapies based on retroviral vectors is to achieve stable transgene expres
191 ith a GAG-deficient biglycan cDNA-containing retroviral vector (LmBSN).
192 tial for transforming virus contamination of retroviral vectors made from transformed cell lines.
193 ver, overexpression of a transgene driven by retroviral vectors may alter the biological outcomes of
194 This event suggests that currently available retroviral vectors may have long-term side effects, part
195 n Crry-deficient (Crry(-/-)) erythrocytes by retroviral vector-mediated DAF gene transduction of bone
196                                      Using a retroviral vector-mediated expression cloning approach,
197                                              Retroviral vector-mediated gene therapy has been success
198 and thus could be of utility in HSC-directed retroviral vector-mediated gene transfer applications.
199                                              Retroviral vector-mediated HSC gene therapy has been use
200 owever, some patients with SCID-X1 developed retroviral vector-mediated leukemia after treatment.
201                                              Retroviral vector-mediated overexpression of c-myc in em
202                                              Retroviral vector-mediated reconstitution of PU.1 expres
203      When expressed in a T-cell hybridoma by retroviral vector, MS4a4B protein constitutively associa
204  The newer generation murine stem cell virus retroviral vector (MSCV) lacks many of the repressive ci
205                            The initial gamma-retroviral vectors, next-generation lentiviral vectors,
206 ing three reprogramming methods: integrating retroviral vectors, non-integrating Sendai virus and syn
207                                              Retroviral vectors offer benefits of efficient delivery
208 thout selection using a method of precoating retroviral vectors onto culture plates.
209                          We have used an HIV retroviral vector or a full-length HIV genome expressing
210 n levels show a decreased ability to silence retroviral vector or to methylate endogenous genes.
211 tes with a murine leukemia virus (MLV)-based retroviral vector or xenotropic murine leukemia virus-re
212 ed into the T cells of a patient using gamma-retroviral vectors or other randomly integrating vectors
213 dult mouse tail-tip fibroblasts (TTFs) using retroviral vectors or virus-free piggyBac transposon vec
214  used in such studies, here we have employed retroviral vectors over-expressing CDK4 or CDK6 as a mor
215       Finally, stable expression of Nef in a retroviral vector, pBabe-puro, was sufficient to induce
216 applied to transplantation, we constructed a retroviral vector plasmid (KA274) containing the cDNA en
217                                            A retroviral vector pQCXhNET-IRES-GFP was constructed and
218       Elimination of these contaminants from retroviral vector preparations is helpful to reduce unwa
219                                              Retroviral vectors produced from packaging cells are inv
220                                          The retroviral vectors produced were transcriptionally targe
221  supernatant, collected from the GP+E86/LNCX retroviral vector producer cell line, was concentrated b
222 saic expression of Wnt3 in organoids using a retroviral vector promoted differentiation of Paneth cel
223 f human hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) with retroviral vectors pseudotyped with amphotropic envelope
224 ransduction could be increased by the use of retroviral vectors pseudotyped with envelopes that recog
225 cells following Cre activity, with mammalian retroviral vectors pseudotyped with the ASLV-A envelope
226 nces the infectivity of lentiviral and gamma-retroviral vectors pseudotyped with various envelope gly
227             Expression of TLE1 in CEF by the retroviral vector RCAS enhances cell growth and induces
228             JDP2, overexpressed by the avian retroviral vector RCAS, induces partial oncogenic transf
229 ytic subunit) and, when reexpressed with the retroviral vector RCAS, interferes with P3K- and Akt-ind
230        We use an avian replication-competent retroviral vector RCASBP (B) carrying the marker red flu
231 ha btx) in ciliary ganglion neurons with the retroviral vector RCASBP(A) blocks increases in intracel
232 l gene transfer and 2A-linked multicistronic retroviral vectors (referred to herein as retrogenic [Rg
233            In summary, non-integrating gamma-retroviral vectors represent a versatile tool to transie
234 mice and dogs that were injected i.v. with a retroviral vector (RV) expressing canine B domain-delete
235 cted intravenously at 2-3 days of age with a retroviral vector (RV) expressing canine beta-glucuronid
236 y with a Moloney murine leukemia virus-based retroviral vector (RV) expressing canine FIX (cFIX).
237 on antibody formation was determined using a retroviral vector (RV) expressing human factor IX (hFIX)
238 y reported that neonatal administration of a retroviral vector (RV) resulted in transduction of hepat
239 aper describing reverse transcription of the retroviral vector S-2PBS containing two PBSs.
240 ssed HOXB4 in HSPCs from large animals using retroviral vectors (see the related article beginning on
241               The future application of this retroviral vector should provide a powerful tool to furt
242 P-14(-/-) DCs infected with MRP-8 and MRP-14 retroviral vectors showed significantly decreased CD80 a
243 verexpression in chick wings, using the RCAS-retroviral vector strategy, results in shortened skeleta
244 ral producer cell proteins incorporated into retroviral vector surfaces profoundly influence infectiv
245                                            A retroviral vector system has been adapted to study full-
246 e have studied this mutation using the pMSCV retroviral vector system to integrate the cDNA construct
247 ipulation has kept pace with improvements in retroviral vector technology to make hematopoietic stem
248            We utilized a macrophage-specific retroviral vector that allows long-term in vivo expressi
249 riched hematopoietic progenitor cells with a retroviral vector that coexpressed EBF and the green flu
250 mera, we designed and optimized a tripartite retroviral vector that enables the simultaneous expressi
251 er, p52 KO MEFs stably transduced with a GFP retroviral vector that enforces physiologic expression o
252               These genes were cloned into a retroviral vector that mediated high efficiency gene tra
253 TL clone were isolated and used to construct retroviral vectors that can mediate high efficiency gene
254     Using a panel of self-inactivating gamma-retroviral vectors that express a range of MGMT(P140K) a
255                     HSC were transduced with retroviral vectors that express Id1 and were transplante
256               We developed self-inactivating retroviral vectors that incorporate gene-regulatory elem
257 nsiderable progress toward engineering safer retroviral vectors that integrate into a significantly n
258  activation motifs were constructed within a retroviral vector to allow stable gene transfer into cel
259                                    We used a retroviral vector to drive expression of wild-type, hype
260                               Here we used a retroviral vector to express an oncogene specifically in
261       In this model, MDSCs transduced with a retroviral vector to express bone morphogenetic protein
262 e of Helios in T-cell development, we used a retroviral vector to express full-length Helios or a Hel
263 ogous T cells that were gene-modified with a retroviral vector to express the CD30-specific CAR (CD30
264 e expression of DNER or PTPzeta as well as a retroviral vector to overexpress DNER, we observed distu
265 mation, we have used a doxycycline-inducible retroviral vector to regulate their expression in rat fi
266 revious assay systems prompted us to develop retroviral vectors to assess effects of different SATB1
267 ransduced cells using a method of prebinding retroviral vectors to cell culture vessels before the ad
268 es using cationic liposomes or adenoviral or retroviral vectors to deliver genes into the kidney, tra
269                       The use of recombinant retroviral vectors to effect corrective genetic therapie
270            In the present study we have used retroviral vectors to express alphaIIbbeta3 integrins wi
271                                      We used retroviral vectors to express PML-RARA, RUNX1-RUNX1T1, o
272 ance of PU.1 downregulation was tested using retroviral vectors to force hematopoietic precursors to
273                                 First, using retroviral vectors to infect PU.1(-/-) fetal liver proge
274 ween PERV-A and PERV-C and using pseudotyped retroviral vectors to map the human cell tropism-determi
275                                 We used RCAS retroviral vectors to target expression of Shh, IGF2, an
276 g somatic delivery of oncogene-bearing avian retroviral vectors to the liver cells of mice expressing
277  mice using 2A peptide-linked multicistronic retroviral vectors to transduce stem cells of any backgr
278 d before autologous transplantation of gamma-retroviral vector-transduced BM CD34+ cells.
279 efficiency of this tightly regulated gene in retroviral vector-transduced cells.
280 dermal turnover, and both the lentiviral and retroviral vector-transduced grafts had similar percenta
281 ed genotoxicity relative to the conventional retroviral vectors used in recent, otherwise successful
282                                          The retroviral vectors used in these analyses differ solely
283  T cells, we generated replication-deficient retroviral vectors using the well-characterized OT-1 TCR
284 s showed that several ZFD insertions yielded retroviral vector variants with shifted integration patt
285              For this purpose, a bicistronic retroviral vector was engineered that efficiently delive
286  hemagglutinin epitope (mCAT1-HA)-expressing retroviral vector was inoculated into XC and NIH 3T3 cel
287                A mouse stem cell virus-based retroviral vector was modified to express short hairpin
288                        Superinduction by the retroviral vector was not dependent on the cell type or
289 tic indicator bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) and a retroviral vector, we found that, in the adult female Fi
290                               Using a murine retroviral vector, we provide an example of reconstituti
291                                        Using retroviral vectors, we prepared clonal INS-1 beta-cell l
292 ar Rac or an isoform-specific role for Rac2, retroviral vectors were used to express exogenous Rac1 o
293                                              Retroviral vectors were used to introduce a mutant lacZ
294 strated, which was not the case when control retroviral vectors were used.
295  stromal and MC3T3 osteoblastic cells with a retroviral vector where Nov is under the control of the
296 transducing murine ST-2 stromal cells with a retroviral vector, where CTGF is under the control of th
297 sf-Stk on erythroid cell growth, we prepared retroviral vectors which express sf-Stk, either in conju
298 ed by the need for infection with high-titer retroviral vectors, which results in genetically heterog
299                                      A gamma-retroviral vector with 2 intact LTRs resulted in activat
300 rrow transduced with an ADA-expressing gamma-retroviral vector without preconditioning or after 200 c

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