


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                        We now demonstrate by retrovirally complementing STAT5ab(null/null) primary ma
2 mal DNA double strand breaks than were their retrovirally corrected counterparts.
3                                        Thus, retrovirally delivered mRNA may serve as an immediate tr
4                   Moreover, using sustained, retrovirally delivered short hairpin RNA (shRNA) Axl kno
5  this, suppression of GRAIL expression using retrovirally delivered siRNA prevented the development o
6 , suppression of expression of Jagged2 using retrovirally delivered small interfering RNA failed to a
7                              Deletion of the retrovirally-derived promoter portion abolished its acti
8 n families is associated with leukemias, and retrovirally driven coexpression of HOXA9 and MEIS1 is s
9                                              Retrovirally driven expression of either the CBP fragmen
10 th autologous bone marrow cells expressing a retrovirally encoded allogeneic MHC class I Ag results i
11                              Expression of a retrovirally encoded allogeneic MHC class I gene in bone
12 s could be curbed via enforced expression of retrovirally encoded Pax5.
13 idity was despite variable expression of the retrovirally encoded TCR and the presence of potentially
14 urthermore, we found that T cells expressing retrovirally encoded TCR had avidity that was similar to
15  with N-ras coupling Eomes to T cell memory, retrovirally enforced expression of Eomes in N-ras-defic
16                             Using adipocytes retrovirally engineered from murine embryonic fibroblast
17 urthermore, bone marrow progenitors that are retrovirally engineered to express Cdx4 serially replate
18 1c(-/-) v-abl kinase-transformed pro-B cells retrovirally engineered with a construct that allows qua
19  MEK5-ERK5 pathway in T-cell development, we retrovirally expressed dominant-negative or constitutive
20  utilizing primary baby rat kidney cells and retrovirally expressed E1A, the ability of E1A to induce
21  at least 2 distinct mechanisms of silencing retrovirally expressed genes in hematopoietic cells.
22 t that GLI2 directly activates GLI1 and that retrovirally expressed GLI2 induces expression of endoge
23 , but surviving Purkinje cells contained the retrovirally expressed human enzyme, and transplanted an
24 , Pax3, Pax3-FKHR, and selected mutants were retrovirally expressed in NIH 3T3 cells and evaluated fo
25                                     Here, we retrovirally expressed N-Ras(G12D) in AE-expressing huma
26 e use a novel cell-based system to show that retrovirally expressed Pax-5 protein activates endogenou
27                              To this end, we retrovirally expressed various beta3 integrins with cyto
28                                              Retrovirally expressed YB-1 binds to the cap of mRNAs an
29                     To address this issue we retrovirally expressed, in bone marrow-derived macrophag
30                                              Retrovirally expressed, wild-type BRCA1 decreased the ga
31 stituting mice with hematopoietic stem cells retrovirally expressing these proteins.
32 stimulated B-cell blasts, both of which were retrovirally gene-transferred with an immunodominant pep
33 oplasia, for example in Ewing's sarcomas and retrovirally induced cancers.
34               We initially treated mice with retrovirally induced CML-like disease with imatinib plus
35                                    Moreover, retrovirally induced expression of Jagged2 did not enhan
36  tissue engineering, expression of hTERT was retrovirally induced in SMC from eight elderly patients
37 ased DNMT3B expression prolonged survival in retrovirally induced Myc-Bcl2- or MLL-AF9-driven leukemi
38 ides an overview of the role of ETS genes in retrovirally induced neoplasia, their possible mechanism
39  of tumor cells, particularly those that are retrovirally induced.
40                 Moreover, clonal analyses of retrovirally infected cells incorporated within any part
41                                 In addition, retrovirally infected ES cells showed detectable express
42        To interfere with endogenous MCSP, we retrovirally infected keratinocytes with a chimera of th
43                                           In retrovirally infected mouse bone marrow cells, expressio
44                                           In retrovirally infected mouse marrow cells, the BCR/ABL mu
45 his, we first used a mouse mammary cell line retrovirally infected to express human PDK1 or Akt1 for
46                          K562 leukemia cells retrovirally infected to overexpress P-gp are also resis
47 ssed endogenous wild-type (wt) EGFR, and two retrovirally infected U87MG cell populations which over-
48         The phenotype of the transfected, or retrovirally infected, cells was profoundly altered from
49 bladder tumor cell line, 5637, as well as in retrovirally infected, Rb(+) clones derived therefrom.
50                          Between P6 and P45, retrovirally-infected EGFP(+) of progenitors migrated in
51                         Introduction of Pax6 retrovirally into bone marrow macrophages attenuates RAN
52                 To induce mammary tumors, we retrovirally introduced an oncogene, HRAS(G12V), into In
53 retroviral injection and the production of a retrovirally labeled "founder" cell; thus, we estimate t
54 tically characterized synaptic plasticity of retrovirally labeled adult-born dentate granule cells at
55 sed the proportion of ChAT-positive cells in retrovirally labeled clones to the same extent as IFN it
56                         Closer inspection of retrovirally labeled neurons revealed microglia fused to
57    Consistently, patch-clamp recordings from retrovirally labeled new granule cells at 7-8 days post
58 Lac-Z), and ChAT-positive descendants of the retrovirally labeled precursors were counted.
59 romodeoxyuridine uptake and the expansion of retrovirally labeled progenitor clones, are mimicked by
60  the second part of this study, we show that retrovirally labeled radial astrocytes give rise to gran
61 r cortical lesions, disproportionately fewer retrovirally-labeled cells had migrated to the olfactory
62 weeks after cortical injury, the majority of retrovirally-labeled cells in both groups of mice had mi
63                At 3 weeks, we still observed retrovirally-labeled glial cells in the corpus callosum
64                In vivo two-photon imaging of retrovirally labelled adult-born JGNs reveals that ~90%
65       Baboon CD34-enriched marrow cells were retrovirally marked and infused into the irradiated babo
66                  We previously reported that retrovirally marked clones in the mature chick diencepha
67 t of busulfan on contributions of individual retrovirally marked clones to hematopoiesis.
68                                              Retrovirally marked clones were found to contain neurons
69 nulocyte-colony-stimulating factor-mobilized retrovirally marked hematopoietic cells.
70                                 Although the retrovirally marked lymphocytes could be detected for mu
71         Naive or memory OT-1 CD8(+) T cells, retrovirally marked with the sr39TK gene, were adoptivel
72          We have previously established that retrovirally mediated delivery of angiotensin II type 1
73 e I receptor antisense (AT(1)R-AS) cDNA by a retrovirally mediated delivery system prevents the devel
74 essant drugs cyclosporin A and FK506, or the retrovirally mediated ectopic expression of a specific c
75                                              Retrovirally mediated expression of a mutant active beta
76 liferating resident macrophages, as shown by retrovirally mediated expression of GFP.
77                                              Retrovirally mediated expression of human papillomavirus
78               p53 function was suppressed by retrovirally mediated expression of the human papillomav
79       Our previous studies demonstrated that retrovirally mediated expression of the versican V3 spli
80       Our previous studies demonstrated that retrovirally mediated expression of the versican V3 spli
81                                              Retrovirally mediated functional genomics enables identi
82 s and B cell Ag presentation, we developed a retrovirally mediated gene expression approach for treat
83  the cranial neural tube and neural crest by retrovirally mediated gene transfer resulted in a signif
84             Susceptibility of cultured FH to retrovirally mediated gene transfer was studied using an
85 nance of the immune privilege of the retina, retrovirally mediated gene transfer was used to express
86 from three rhesus macaques were subjected to retrovirally mediated gene transfer with a vector expres
87 f matrix metalloproteinase-I (TIMP-1), using retrovirally mediated gene transfer, and characterized t
88 ative mutant of GRK2 (DN-GRK2), K220R, using retrovirally mediated gene transfer, and we assessed fun
89 ation of viral receptors can greatly enhance retrovirally mediated gene transfer, DNA synthesis remai
90  a variety of leukemias and lymphomas due to retrovirally mediated insertional activation of cellular
91 ls, both statin treatment of the T cells and retrovirally mediated overexpression of KLF2 in the T ce
92                                              Retrovirally mediated S1P(1) overexpression is sufficien
93      This is reinforced by our findings that retrovirally mediated stable transduction of PDX1 in pri
94                                              Retrovirally mediated transmission of mVL30 RNA to human
95                     Migration of transduced (retrovirally mediated) fibroblasts was determined by cou
96                                     In fact, retrovirally mediated, Sox10-independent Mitf expression
97                                              Retrovirally-mediated constitutive expression of S1PR3 l
98  of IBC (MARY-X), we have demonstrated using retrovirally-mediated dominant-negative E-cadherin mutan
99 nhancer-of-split homologues) was examined by retrovirally misexpressing the constitutively active for
100           The T-cell stimulatory capacity of retrovirally modified and purified mCD2-positive allogen
101 ws engraftment with an encouraging number of retrovirally modified cells.
102                                              Retrovirally overexpressed GATA-3 has been reported to i
103                                              Retrovirally overexpressed Hlx also induced the aberrant
104                            When ephrin-A2 is retrovirally overexpressed in the cerebellum, the olivoc
105          We aimed to test this hypothesis by retrovirally overexpressing the candidate enzyme MMP-9 i
106         These cell samples take advantage of retrovirally TCR-transduced T cells spiked into autologo
107                   Therefore, we attempted to retrovirally transduce human DCs with a melanoma TAA gen
108 ic bone marrow cells engineered to express a retrovirally transduced allogeneic major histocompatibil
109 olecular chimeras requires expression of the retrovirally transduced allogeneic MHC Ag on the surface
110 his work we examined whether expression of a retrovirally transduced allogeneic MHC class I gene in b
111 e efficient transduction and expression of a retrovirally transduced alphaGT gene in bone marrow-deri
112 osteoclastogenesis in beta(3)(-/-) cells, we retrovirally transduced authentic osteoclast precursors
113         These studies have demonstrated that retrovirally transduced autoantigen-specific CD4+ T cell
114          Three baboons were conditioned with retrovirally transduced autologous bone marrow to induce
115 7-10 wk with glutamic acid decarboxylase-IgG retrovirally transduced B cells, or attenuate it with B
116                            When the HFBM was retrovirally transduced before transplantation, integrat
117 n was performed on sensory clones expressing retrovirally transduced beta-galactosidase.
118 as been used to test whether transplant with retrovirally transduced bone marrow (BM) cells (JAK3 BMT
119 10 in macrophages through transplantation of retrovirally transduced bone marrow cells (BMCs).
120 l, we evaluated the long-term engraftment of retrovirally transduced bone marrow cells in nonmyeloabl
121        In this study, normal dogs were given retrovirally transduced bone marrow cells with and witho
122 owing transplantation of syngeneic mice with retrovirally transduced bone marrow or in vitro from tra
123 restricted Ags reliably on the same cell, we retrovirally transduced bone marrow-derived DCs with the
124          Consistent with this, we found that retrovirally transduced c-Myc cannot downregulate endoge
125 were 2 macaques that received transplants of retrovirally transduced CD34(+) cells 2 years previously
126 ple, we used Langerhans cell (LC) progeny of retrovirally transduced CD34(+) hemopoietic progenitor c
127 ansgene expression in T cells generated from retrovirally transduced CD34-enriched hematopoietic prog
128 est and GFP, thus enabling identification of retrovirally transduced cells in subsequent lymphocyte l
129                                              Retrovirally transduced DC expressed both vIL-10 and EGF
130              These observations suggest that retrovirally transduced DCs have the capacity to present
131        To evaluate the potential efficacy of retrovirally transduced DCs, bone marrow cells harvested
132                                        Using retrovirally transduced embryonic fibroblasts from a CSL
133 ed to induce tolerance to the product of the retrovirally transduced gene.
134                           T cells expressing retrovirally transduced GRP1 exhibited normal proliferat
135 E) to achieve selective growth inhibition of retrovirally transduced HCC cells.
136 CD4zeta- or CD4gamma-expressing T cells from retrovirally transduced hematopoietic stem cells followi
137                    Malignancies arising from retrovirally transduced hematopoietic stem cells have be
138 ects can be improved upon transplantation of retrovirally transduced HSCs without overt toxicity and
139 imerism and platelet counts in recipients of retrovirally transduced HSCs.
140                         In this study we use retrovirally transduced human cell lines to show that 3D
141 u and Liv-SCID-hu mice became engrafted with retrovirally transduced human hematopoietic precursors t
142                                           We retrovirally transduced HUVEC to express p100 at a level
143                     The TCRs were cloned and retrovirally transduced into either TCRalphabeta-deficie
144 eine motif were randomized and fused to GFP, retrovirally transduced into mammalian cells and iterati
145 ne was isolated from monocyte RNA by PCR and retrovirally transduced into SMEL and PMEL.
146                             We conclude that retrovirally transduced LNGFR+/TK+ murine lymphocytes ca
147        When stimulated by cell-surface PSMA, retrovirally transduced lymphocytes undergo robust proli
148 t efficient transduction and expression of a retrovirally transduced major histocompatibility complex
149                              Expression of a retrovirally transduced MHC class I Ag, H-2K(b) (K(b)),
150 e with AE to cause leukemia, we transplanted retrovirally transduced murine bone marrow coexpressing
151 ity, recent investigations in cell lines and retrovirally transduced murine fetal liver cells suggest
152                                           We retrovirally transduced murine iPSCs with a construct co
153    Using an in vitro transformation assay of retrovirally transduced myeloid progenitors, we conducte
154  of newly formed blood vessels by implanting retrovirally transduced myoblasts that constitutively ex
155                                        Using retrovirally transduced NKL cells and peripheral blood N
156 s-2 cells deficient in COX-2 expression were retrovirally transduced or stably transfected with murin
157         Additional studies demonstrated that retrovirally transduced patient mutant CD3zeta cDNA fail
158                                        These retrovirally transduced PBL cultures were MART-1 peptide
159     To study its transforming properties, we retrovirally transduced primary murine hematopoietic pro
160 alysis was used to track the contribution of retrovirally transduced primitive progenitors to hematop
161 in primary bone marrow cells, STAT5 and PU.1 retrovirally transduced pro-B cell lines, or embryonic s
162                    We recently showed that a retrovirally transduced prolactin receptor (PrlR) effici
163 hery of mice reconstituted with a mixture of retrovirally transduced RAG-1-deficient bone marrow and
164        We show here that a small minority of retrovirally transduced stem cells can be selectively en
165         To develop an animal model that used retrovirally transduced suicidal lymphocytes in a GVHD s
166                       Expression of GRAIL in retrovirally transduced T cell hybridomas dramatically l
167 beta chains with the Valpha14 alpha-chain in retrovirally transduced T cell lines, that the Valpha14
168 ssion of pTalpha mutants in transgenic mice, retrovirally transduced T cell precursors and cell lines
169 al memory T-cell subsets using transgenic or retrovirally transduced T cells engineered to express a
170 w reconstitution assay with cells containing retrovirally transduced TAN1 alleles, we analyzed the on
171 sduced LCs did not react preferentially with retrovirally transduced targets, indicating that the res
172 , human HCT-8 and HCT-116 colon cancer cells retrovirally transduced to express a DHFR-herpes simplex
173 o investigate the ability of MDSCs that were retrovirally transduced to express bone morphogenetic pr
174 plantation with autologous bone marrow cells retrovirally transduced to express both SLA class II DR
175                                          DCp retrovirally transduced to express both vIL-10 and EGFP
176 th tumor cells mixed with CL7.1 fibroblasts, retrovirally transduced to express either the mCD40L or
177 e tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells were retrovirally transduced to express green fluorescent pro
178 ansplanted with autologous bone marrow cells retrovirally transduced to express HLA-A2.1 develop a si
179 ence of GM-CSF, interleukin-4, and Flt3L and retrovirally transduced to express luciferase (luc) and
180 t alone and as an adjuvant to Neuro-2a cells retrovirally transduced to express murine GM-CSF (GM/Neu
181 w cells from T cell receptor-transgenic mice retrovirally transduced to express the genes encoding th
182                             Fibroblasts were retrovirally transduced to overexpress TSP-2 and were se
183           Primary adult mouse myoblasts were retrovirally transduced to secrete human or mouse rVEGF
184                                              Retrovirally transduced tumor cells secreting biological
185 lial cells (keratinocytes) as a platform and retrovirally transduced wild-type and dominant-negative
186                  Human primary T lymphocytes retrovirally transduced with 3G6-CD28 secrete interleuki
187  blood mononuclear cell-derived T cells were retrovirally transduced with a human chNKG2D receptor ge
188                             Similarly, HCEKs retrovirally transduced with a miR-31-resistant FIH-1 ha
189                                     CTL were retrovirally transduced with a model cell surface Ag to
190                       Mouse fibroblasts were retrovirally transduced with a single HLA-peptide comple
191 sults provide evidence that human DCs can be retrovirally transduced with a TAA gene and that these t
192 of acid sphingomyelinase-deficient mice, and retrovirally transduced with amphotropic or ecotropic ve
193 , melanoma-reactive human T lymphocytes were retrovirally transduced with an exogenous human IL-2 gen
194 econstitution of mice with bone marrow cells retrovirally transduced with BCR-ABL; (ii) Transgenic mi
195                               Jurkat T cells retrovirally transduced with constitutively active H-Ras
196 vents induced by CPA in 9L gliosarcoma cells retrovirally transduced with CYP2B6, or induced in wild-
197       Human umbilical vein endothelial cells retrovirally transduced with Dll4 displayed reduced prol
198                                  Using HUVEC retrovirally transduced with dominant negative IkappaB k
199                              CD4+25- T cells retrovirally transduced with Foxp3 express a panel of ce
200 Bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BM-DCs) retrovirally transduced with genes encoding murine inter
201 red in p47phox-deficient microglia that were retrovirally transduced with human p47phox cDNA.
202 es of human K562 erythroleukemic cell clones retrovirally transduced with inducible nitric oxide synt
203 mmunoprecipitation from RAW264.7 macrophages retrovirally transduced with IRF-8 and hemagglutinin-ubi
204 doptive transfer of purified CD4(+) T cells, retrovirally transduced with MAGE-A3 TCR plus systemic h
205  We show that transplantation of bone marrow retrovirally transduced with MLL-CBP induces myeloid leu
206 COMMA-1D mouse mammary epithelial cells were retrovirally transduced with PDK1, and transformation wa
207 stem and progenitor cells (HSPC), which were retrovirally transduced with PML/RARalpha.
208 o model of HI skin using human keratinocytes retrovirally transduced with shRNA targeting ABCA12 in a
209  epsilon RI signaling, SLP-76(-/-) BMMC were retrovirally transduced with SLP-76 and SLP-76 mutants.
210                         We reasoned that DCs retrovirally transduced with TAA genes might have import
211 logeneic MHC class II molecules, dTregs were retrovirally transduced with TCR genes conferring specif
212 ceptor (TCR)-transgenic CD4+25- T cells were retrovirally transduced with the Foxp3 gene.
213 s, we used the HL-60 promyelocytic cell line retrovirally transduced with the G185R NE mutant that is
214 fic donor cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) were retrovirally transduced with the herpes simplex virus th
215 nduced by doxorubicin was suppressed in LCLs retrovirally transduced with the Human Papillomavirus 16
216                                    NK clones retrovirally transduced with the inhibitory KIR2DL3 gene
217 ne AML model in which primary AML cells were retrovirally transduced with the murine B7-1 cDNA.
218 yngeneic Fischer 344 rat smooth muscle cells retrovirally transduced with the rat PAI-1 gene (LPSN gr
219                    We used T cells that were retrovirally transduced with this CAR to treat mice bear
220                  Primary human T lymphocytes retrovirally transduced with this construct could be pur
221 BS cells from BS cell repertoires, which are retrovirally transduced with tumor-derived cDNA librarie
222 ution with autologous hemopoietic stem cells retrovirally transduced with viruses encoding MHC class
223 g reconstitution with autologous bone marrow retrovirally transduced with viruses encoding protective
224 w transplantation, the question was asked if retrovirally transduced, donor derived, ex vivo expanded
225 ncogenic potency, we compared the effects of retrovirally-transduced mutant (A623I) TSHR or (Q227L) G
226                                           We retrovirally transfected BJAB lymphoma, THP-1, U937, and
227 Ca(2+) or anti-E-cadherin antibodies or when retrovirally transfected with a dominant-negative E-cadh
228 was assessed using polarized human T84 cells retrovirally transfected with CD23a or CD23b.
229                        MARY-X spheroids were retrovirally transfected with FucT-III cDNA, significant
230                   However, expression of the retrovirally transferred genes is variable (position eff
231  and expansion, 96.7+/-0.8% of CTL expressed retrovirally transferred genes.
232             We have compared the activity of retrovirally transferred hG6PD driven by these promoters
233 time point that led to the expression of the retrovirally transferred Hlx gene at a time comparable t
234 n, full-length human laminin alpha4 cDNA was retrovirally transferred to HDMEC, and specific overexpr

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