


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 g terminal repeat (LTR7) of HERVH endogenous retrovirus.
2  long terminal repeat (LTR) regions from the retrovirus.
3 itted efficient vertical transmission of the retrovirus.
4 binding mode might be different from that of retroviruses.
5 that GBP5 potently restricts HIV-1 and other retroviruses.
6 ew insight into the nuclear biology of these retroviruses.
7 s an essential step in the life cycle of all retroviruses.
8 their biogenesis pathways, resemble those of retroviruses.
9 stinguishable from defective (noninfectious) retroviruses.
10 lindromic motif that is shared between these retroviruses.
11 HIV-1 Gag but is not a universal property of retroviruses.
12  of an RNA intermediate and are derived from retroviruses.
13 chanisms of integration by HIV-1 and related retroviruses.
14 mune responses against acute infections with retroviruses.
15 transposons, RNA transposons, and endogenous retroviruses.
16 me is an essential step in the life cycle of retroviruses.
17 xpressing their genomes postinfection, e.g., retroviruses.
18  virus (FLUAV) and hepatitis B virus but not retroviruses.
19 t as general transcriptional suppressors for retroviruses.
20 al activity against HIV and other pathogenic retroviruses.
21  benefits in infections with proinflammatory retroviruses.
22 ssion and are more stable compared to native retroviruses.
23 mologues restricted any of a panel of cloned retroviruses.
24 ecies restricts replication of HIV and other retroviruses.
25 he "War on Cancer," to identify human cancer retroviruses.
26 n of several exogenous as well as endogenous retroviruses.
27 ise, resembling the formation of recombinant retroviruses.
28 e, and physical properties resemble those of retroviruses.
29 so found at the genomic integration sites of retroviruses(2-6) and other transposable elements(7-9),
30  lacks the genetic diversity of an exogenous retrovirus, a quality associated with the ability of a r
31                      KoRV-A is an endogenous retrovirus-a retrovirus that infects germ cells-a featur
32 R retrotransposons of ERV-9 human endogenous retrovirus activated transcription of key erythroid gene
33 tumors, is dependent on acutely transforming retrovirus AKT8 in rodent T-cell lymphoma signaling.
34 tion 3 through an IL-23/acutely transforming retrovirus AKT8 in rodent T-cell lymphoma/signal transdu
35 vity only if the host cell that produced the retrovirus also expressed the cellular entry receptor.
36                   The interactions between a retrovirus and host cell chromatin that underlie integra
37 pression, achieved in ovo using Shh-encoding retrovirus and in organ culture using recombinant protei
38 nd receptors that target the capsid cores of retroviruses and activate ubiquitin-dependent antiviral
39 oviruses formed after infection by exogenous retroviruses and also of most members of the vast array
40 er cells through demethylation of endogenous retroviruses and cancer testis antigens.
41 is genetic exchange between dsDNA viruses or retroviruses and host genomes.
42 and interspersed repeats, such as endogenous retroviruses and LINE-1 elements.
43  plays a major role in repressing endogenous retroviruses and long interspersed elements, knockdown o
44  integrase protein, which is conserved among retroviruses and LTR-retrotransposons.
45  that provide innate immune defences against retroviruses and mobile elements.
46 cts and presentations from the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, the Internati
47 f oncogene v-src can be transmitted to other retroviruses and produce cell transformation by itself.
48  reverse transcriptases, are key enzymes for retroviruses and retroelements.
49 ics have been frequently observed in primate retroviruses and their antagonists, host restriction fac
50 ses have the largest genomes among mammalian retroviruses and their vectors have shown potential for
51 n T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is a retrovirus, and, as such, its genome becomes chromosomal
52 molecular details of cellular recognition of retroviruses, and how recognition links to downstream pr
53 is of MS has been linked to human endogenous retroviruses, antiretroviral therapy for HIV may be coin
54                A variety of human and animal retroviruses are capable of causing central nervous syst
55 age has escaped retroviral activity and that retroviruses are extreme host generalists, having an unp
56                                   Endogenous retroviruses are integral features of vertebrate genomes
57  and/or did, replicate.IMPORTANCE Endogenous retroviruses are relics of ancestral virus infections in
58  roles to include the period when endogenous retroviruses are still infectious.
59 uired for full MoMLV pathogenesis.IMPORTANCE Retroviruses are thought to spread primarily via direct
60                          DNA transposons and retroviruses are versatile tools in functional genomics
61 this major retroviral lineage, and therefore retroviruses as a whole, have an ancient marine origin a
62 lular resistance to exogenous and endogenous retroviruses as well as other mobile genetic elements.
63 e repeats, satellites, LINEs, and endogenous retroviruses as well as transposon fragments.
64  of oBST2B does not seem to be restricted to retroviruses, as it also acts on vesicular stomatitis vi
65 e packaging during virus assembly.IMPORTANCE Retrovirus assembly is a well-choreographed event, durin
66 aling and its downstream pathways, including retrovirus-associated DNA sequences/extracellular signal
67 tide display characteristics of a eukaryotic retrovirus, avian leukosis virus (ALV), offers a robust,
68 ic dendritic cells and thymocytes, employing retrovirus-based cellular barcoding and reporter mice, a
69        To address this hypothesis, we used a retrovirus-based protein complementation assay to find L
70  little is known about the ancient origin of retroviruses, but owing to the discovery of their ancien
71                 In all cases, restriction of retroviruses by human TRIM5alpha, rhesus macaque TRIM5al
72     Notably, we observed that restriction of retroviruses by TRIM5alpha does not require autophagic m
73 gradation is required for the restriction of retroviruses by TRIM5alpha.
74                  Thus, an orally transmitted retrovirus can capture, modify, and exploit mammalian re
75         It has been reported that endogenous retroviruses can contaminate human cell lines that have
76                                              Retroviruses can create endogenous forms on infiltration
77 s in key ISD residues E14 and A20.IMPORTANCE Retroviruses can interact with their hosts in ways that,
78                                Although some retroviruses can trigger IL-1beta secretion through the
79 safety outcomes were recombination competent retrovirus, cancer, and autoimmune reaction.
80 duced with good manufacturing practice-grade retrovirus carrying full-length human COL7A1 and assembl
81                                              Retroviruses cause immunodeficiency and cancer but also
82                                            A retrovirus circulating in South American primates over 1
83                                   Endogenous retroviruses comprise millions of discrete genetic loci
84 tropic virus type I (HTLV-1) is an oncogenic retrovirus considered to be the etiological agent of adu
85                                   Endogenous retroviruses contribute in myriad ways to the evolution
86 orporated enzyme that is localized to mature retrovirus cores.
87            This overlap is not coincidental; retrovirus-derived regulatory sequences are often used t
88              Conservation of MHR residues in retroviruses did not correlate with their contribution t
89  virus type 1, was the first exogenous human retrovirus discovered.
90  of envelope genes from recently endogenized retroviruses-displaying strong expression in the uterine
91 es of repetitive elements (LINEs, endogenous retroviruses, DNA transposons, simple repeats, etc.) wer
92 GALVs) are among the most medically relevant retroviruses due to their use as viral vectors for gene
93 cells was associated with LTR and endogenous retrovirus elements and decreased H4K20me3.
94 lso found a significant excess of endogenous retrovirus elements in human-specific hypomethylated.We
95 s by the Fishell laboratory and our own used retrovirus-encoded DNA barcodes as unambiguous lineage-t
96              Integration is catalysed by the retrovirus-encoded integrase (IN), which forms a tetrame
97  or Tlr9-deficient mice were transduced with retrovirus encoding MYD88(L265P) and analyzed either in
98              A detailed understanding of how retroviruses enter cells, evolve to use new receptors, a
99 e host machinery needed for infection by the retroviruses entering the cell via the ecotropic envelop
100                  The first is changes in the retrovirus envelope gene allowing virus entry into a non
101    Here, we uncover a full-length endogenous retrovirus envelope protein, dubbed HEMO [human endogeno
102   Upregulation of hypermethylated endogenous retrovirus (ERV) genes accompanies the response and ERV
103 f these are biallelic and include endogenous retrovirus (ERV) targets, the rest show monoallelic bind
104 on of bidirectionally transcribed endogenous retrovirus (ERV) transcripts, increased cytosolic dsRNA,
105 repeat (LTR)-retrotransposons, or endogenous retroviruses (ERV), account for most novel insertions an
106 , and activation and silencing of endogenous retroviruses (ERV).
107  and compared them with endogenous germ line retroviruses (ERVs) acquired early in house mouse evolut
108                                   Endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) are abundant in mammalian genomes an
109                                   Endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) are remnants of ancient retroviral i
110                                   Endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) comprise 6-8% of the human genome.
111                                   Endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) have contributed to more than 8% of
112                     Repression of endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) in mammals involves several epigenet
113 in mice as infectious viruses and endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) inserted into mouse chromosomes.
114                                   Endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) occupy extensive regions of the huma
115 ears, accumulating in the form of endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) that account for nearly one-tenth of
116  These exogenous MLVs derive from endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) that were acquired by the wild mouse
117 MLVs) recombine with nonecotropic endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) to produce polytropic MLVs (P-MLVs).
118                 The life cycle of endogenous retroviruses (ERVs), also called long terminal repeat (L
119  Transposable elements, including endogenous retroviruses (ERVs), constitute a large fraction of the
120  contain hundreds of thousands of endogenous retroviruses (ERVs), derived from ancient retroviral inf
121                                   Endogenous retroviruses (ERVs), the majority of which exist as degr
122                                   Endogenous retroviruses (ERVs), the remnants of retroviral infectio
123 of the human genome is made up of endogenous retroviruses (ERVs).
124 scale phylogenomic approach using endogenous retroviruses (ERVs).
125 vertebrate genomes are made up of endogenous retroviruses (ERVs).
126 ssion of exogenous proviruses and endogenous retroviruses (ERVs).
127         Many viruses, like HIV-1 and related retroviruses, evolved accessory proteins to counteract t
128                                              Retroviruses expressing a fluorescent protein, Cas9, and
129 ng the durability of T cells transduced with retroviruses expressing each of six commonly used RV rep
130  mice with bone marrow cells transduced with retroviruses expressing these mutants.
131                                              Retroviruses first assemble into immature virus particle
132 sal amphibian and fish foamy-like endogenous retroviruses (FLERVs).
133                            The importance of retroviruses for the evolution of susceptible host organ
134  protease (PR) is required for maturation of retroviruses from an immature form into an infectious fo
135  that Tetherin-mediated inhibition of Friend retrovirus (FV) replication at 2 weeks post-infection co
136                                          All retrovirus genera, with the exception of deltaretrovirus
137 ated transcript expression of the endogenous retrovirus group HERV-K (HML-2) is seen in many human ca
138       A single, heavily deleted copy of this retrovirus has been found in the genome of miniopterid s
139                   Comparative analysis among retroviruses has been critically important in enhancing
140                                              Retroviruses have been invading mammalian germlines for
141                                              Retroviruses have evolved complex transcriptional enhanc
142                     This suggests that gamma-retroviruses have evolved the EBM to mimic a cognate int
143 ipts derived from the novel human endogenous retrovirus HERV-E (named CT-RCC HERV-E).
144  reveals that upregulation of the endogenous retrovirus HERV-K could both initiate and sustain activa
145 d nuclear element (LINE) or human endogenous retrovirus (HERV) repeats as a cause of deletions, dupli
146 cessary for transduction of human endogenous retrovirus (HERV)-Kcon, a consensus of the HERV-K(HML-2)
147 opies of the most recently endogenized human retrovirus, HERV-K, can encode individual functional pro
148                 Though most human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) are thought to be irrelevant to our
149                             Human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) make up 8% of the human genome.
150                             Human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs), which make up approximately 8% of
151  governed by RNA elements derived from three retroviruses (HIV-1, murine leukemia virus, and Mason-Pf
152                                     Like all retroviruses, HIV-1 irreversibly inserts a viral DNA (vD
153 a proteins can restrict infection in various retrovirus/host cell pairings.
154 homology region are required for assembly of retroviruses; however, when these residues are required
155                         The human-pathogenic retroviruses HTLV-1 and HIV-1 can be transmitted more ef
156  also inhibits the release of virions of the retrovirus human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) b
157     The chromosomally integrated form of the retrovirus human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) c
158 also inhibited the movement of an endogenous retrovirus (IAP), our finding shed new light on this int
159  clades that we recover do not contain known retroviruses, implying either that retroviral lineages a
160 ence suggests potential roles for endogenous retroviruses in early life events, which may affect adul
161 most members of the vast array of endogenous retroviruses in the genome.
162 ike particle morphology among representative retroviruses in the known retroviral genera.
163     Dendritic cells can capture and transfer retroviruses in vitro across synaptic cell-cell contacts
164 ral factor forms a molecular net to restrict retroviruses including HIV-1.
165 ther opossum A1 restricts the infectivity of retroviruses including human immunodeficiency virus type
166 event in replication and pathogenesis of all retroviruses, including HIV.
167 tional IN binding partner exclusive to delta-retroviruses, including human T cell lymphotropic virus
168 at a diverse range of ancient sag-containing retroviruses independently donated sag twice from two se
169 KAP1-HDAC1 complex that represses endogenous retroviruses independently of ATRX and H3.3 incorporatio
170 1 spread between CD4 T lymphocytes occurs at retrovirus-induced immune cell contacts called virologic
171 y found to be a proviral integration site in retrovirus-induced lymphomagenesis, and new, emerging da
172 mice had increased incidence and kinetics of retrovirus-induced neurological disease, which correlate
173 ific NPY peptide suppressed the incidence of retrovirus-induced neurological disease.
174 d provide a new mechanism for suppression of retrovirus-induced neurological disease.
175 in presents a novel and ancient mechanism of retrovirus-induced oncogenesis.
176                                        These retroviruses infect a variety of CNS cell types; however
177 ical interneurons originating from low-titre retrovirus-infected radial glial progenitors in the embr
178 al for identifying new targets for combating retrovirus infection and pathogenesis, as well as for de
179 r syndrome protein (WRN) and in Modulator of retrovirus infection homologue (MRI).
180 ta exists on whether Tetherin inhibits acute retrovirus infection in vivo.
181                                  In a Friend retrovirus infection model, CTLA-4 blockade in particula
182 as been extensively analyzed, few studies of retrovirus infection of human EC cells have been perform
183 in questions related to nonpermissiveness to retrovirus infection remain to be solved.
184 ant function of CD4+ T cells during an acute retrovirus infection seems to be their helper function f
185                                   But during retrovirus infection, a histone-free DNA copy of the vir
186                             In murine Friend retrovirus infection, Apobec3/Rfv3 promotes a potent pol
187 ivation to increase species barriers against retrovirus infection.
188 ted monocyte recruitment to the brain during retrovirus infection.
189 embly but in other processes associated with retrovirus infection.
190  the central nervous system (CNS), including retrovirus infection.
191 aralleled the immunodeficiency during LP-BM5 retrovirus infection.
192 unosuppressive activity were shown to affect retrovirus infectivity only if the host cell that produc
193 s on HIV-1 replication.IMPORTANCE Endogenous retroviruses inhabit big portions of our genome.
194          Atomic structures of five different retrovirus INs complexed with their respective viral DNA
195                                              Retroviruses insert a proviral DNA copy into the host ce
196         Our work highlights the diversity of retrovirus intasome assembly and provides insights into
197                                          The retrovirus integrase (IN) inserts the viral cDNA into th
198                                              Retrovirus integrase catalyses insertions of both ends o
199 K9me3 both at endogenous genomic loci and at retroviruses integrated into heterochromatin.
200 ng of the macroevolutionary patterns of host-retrovirus interactions.
201 a cross-species transmission of an ancestral retrovirus into koalas and gibbons via one or more inter
202                                              Retroviruses invaded the genome of human ancestors over
203 oprotein of diverse endogenous and exogenous retroviruses is considered inherently immunosuppressive.
204 the repression of specific murine endogenous retroviruses is dependent on DAXX, but not on ATRX.
205 tive envelope gene (env) of Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus (JSRV) also acts as an oncogene.
206 e envelope protein (Env) of Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus (JSRV) is an oncogene, but its mechanism of c
207 A impedes viral exit of the Jaagsiekte sheep retroviruses (JSRV), most probably by retaining virions
208  to increased expression of human endogenous retrovirus K (HERV-K) in PAH versus control lungs (n=4).
209 bbon ape leukemia virus (GALV) and the koala retrovirus (KoRV) are very closely related, yet their ho
210   Gibbon ape leukemia virus (GALV) and koala retrovirus (KoRV) most likely originated from a cross-sp
211 olstered in 2000 by the isolation of a koala retrovirus (KoRV), now termed KoRV-A.
212 edgment of the existence of pathogenic human retroviruses laid the technical and intellectual foundat
213                                              Retroviruses like HIV assemble at and bud from the plasm
214  design of hybrid delivery vectors combining retrovirus-like particles with synthetic polymers or lip
215 inct morphological features that exist among retrovirus-like particles.
216 often carry long terminal repeats (LTRs) for retrovirus-like reverse transcription and integration in
217 onstructed the natural history of a specific retrovirus lineage (ERV-Fc) that disseminated widely bet
218                                              Retrovirus mediated knockout of notch1 in single adult-b
219  IFN-gamma production could be reinstated by retrovirus-mediated CD46-CYT-1 expression.
220 ugh extensive research has demonstrated host-retrovirus microevolutionary dynamics, it has been diffi
221 ther vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) or the retrovirus MoMLV.
222                       The orally transmitted retrovirus mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) requires the
223                    To establish infection, a retrovirus must insert a DNA copy of its RNA genome into
224                                              Retroviruses must access the chromatin of host cells to
225         During the early steps of infection, retroviruses must direct the movement of the viral genom
226                                              Retroviruses must integrate their linear viral cDNA into
227 arting with bacteriophages and moving to the retroviruses, my use of the tools of genetics, molecular
228                                          All retroviruses need to integrate a DNA copy of their genom
229 ng of the gene responsible for production of retrovirus-neutralizing antibodies in mice of the I/LnJ
230 m integration into the host genome caused by retroviruses, non-integrating reprogramming methods have
231 the intestine include major human pathogens (retroviruses, noroviruses, rotaviruses, astroviruses, pi
232 e integration site nucleotide motifs of five retroviruses of different genera: HTLV-1, HIV-1, murine
233 rther studies on the influence of endogenous retroviruses on HIV-1 replication.IMPORTANCE Endogenous
234 nisms, often deleteriously mutating invading retroviruses or retrotransposons and, in the case of AID
235                                              Retroviruses package a dimeric genome comprising two cop
236                 The production of infectious retrovirus particles is a complex process, a choreograph
237 against HIV and perhaps of other A3s against retroviruses, parvoviruses, and hepatitis B virus.
238  in the interaction of the host with diverse retrovirus pathogens.
239 onserved with human AF4, produces high-titer retrovirus permitting efficient transduction of human CD
240 s-species transmission of porcine endogenous retroviruses (PERVs) has impeded the clinical applicatio
241 about the transmission of porcine endogenous retroviruses (PERVs) to humans.
242 aspects of genome maintenance and intercepts retrovirus, poxvirus, and herpesvirus genomes during inf
243 ir high genomic variability, RNA viruses and retroviruses present a unique opportunity for detailed s
244 f rodents and predates the endogenization of retroviruses presently targeted by ZFP809 in Mus musculu
245 r detail, less is known about how this human retrovirus promotes the loss of CD4 T lymphocytes.
246                                 Although all retroviruses recruit host cell RNAs into virions, both t
247  group of LTRs from the mammalian endogenous retrovirus-related ERVL retrotransposon class on gene ex
248 2 is a host restriction factor that inhibits retrovirus release from infected cells in vitro by tethe
249           The resulting potent inhibition of retrovirus release underscores the importance of underst
250 ionary time or that a considerable number of retroviruses remain to be identified.
251 f their high mutation rates, RNA viruses and retroviruses replicate close to the threshold of viabili
252 igated the role of Tetherin in counteracting retrovirus replication in vivo.
253 e led to the elucidation of the mechanism of retrovirus replication, the discovery of oncogenes, the
254 nces, which are clearly related to exogenous retroviruses, represent retroviral infections of the dee
255                                      In most retroviruses, retroviral MAs are N-terminally myristoyla
256         Eight percent of the human genome is retrovirus sequence, fixed in the germ line during past
257 MuLV-based retrovectors, although xenotropic retrovirus sequences and transcripts were detected in bo
258 r antiviral activity against HIV-1 and other retroviruses, SERINC3 and SERINC5 have a relatively unev
259                                    Since all retroviruses share an envelope glycoprotein organization
260     Integrase from HIV-1 and closely related retroviruses share the three-domain organization, consis
261 rs derived from foamy virus, a nonpathogenic retrovirus, show higher preference for nongenic integrat
262 r SETDB1's enzymatic activity and endogenous retrovirus silencing in murine embryonic stem cells.
263 strongly inducing MuERV-L (MERVL) endogenous retroviruses, similar to what is seen with features of t
264                              Thus, escape of retrovirus-specific B cells from deletional tolerance of
265 ective retroviral immunity by restoration of retrovirus-specific T cell help, suggesting similar T ce
266 nctions as an innate barrier to infection by retroviruses such as HIV-1, and controls LTR/non-LTR ret
267 rangement, and are evolutionarily related to retroviruses such as HIV.
268                                A hallmark of retroviruses such as human immunodeficiency virus type 1
269 ed retroviral genomic RNA from simple type-D retroviruses such as SRV-1 that contain a constitutive t
270                     The strong dependence of retroviruses, such as human immunodeficiency virus type
271                                   For simple retroviruses, such as murine leukemia virus (MLV), the i
272 eukosis virus subgroup J (ALV-J) is a simple retrovirus that can cause hemangiomas and myeloid tumors
273 CE chNHE1 is a cellular receptor of ALV-J, a retrovirus that causes infections in chickens and seriou
274                          HTLV-1 is a complex retrovirus that causes two distinct pathologies termed a
275 ukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is an oncogenic retrovirus that induces a fatal T-cell malignancy, adult
276                                            A retrovirus that infected our ancestors 100 million years
277         KoRV-A is an endogenous retrovirus-a retrovirus that infects germ cells-a feature that makes
278 Syncytins are envelope genes from endogenous retroviruses that have been captured during evolution fo
279 LV-1) and type 2 (HTLV-2) are highly related retroviruses that have distinct pathological outcomes in
280 LV-1) and type 2 (HTLV-2) are highly related retroviruses that transform T cells in vitro but have di
281                                          For retroviruses, the Gag structural protein is the primary
282 aneous discovery of reverse transcriptase in retroviruses (then RNA tumor viruses) by David Baltimore
283 ter mouse lines and rats injected with a GFP-retrovirus to assess progenitor fate through 80 d after
284 , a quality associated with the ability of a retrovirus to cause neoplasias.
285        Maternal immunodeficiency allowed the retrovirus to induce central Th cell tolerance in the in
286                                  Here, using retroviruses to birth date and manipulate newborn neuron
287  (2015) and Mayer et al. (2015) use barcoded retroviruses to demonstrate widespread clonal dispersion
288         This was accomplished by coinjecting retroviruses to either "birthdate" or birthdate and knoc
289 sons are mobile elements that are able, like retroviruses, to copy and move inside eukaryotic genomes
290                                              Retroviruses transcribe messenger RNA for the overlappin
291 ttributed to members of the human endogenous retrovirus type-K (HERV-K) (HML-2) family.
292 immunity to neonatal infection with a murine retrovirus, under conditions leading to immunological to
293                               HIV, like many retroviruses, utilizes a -1 programmed ribosomal framesh
294 chieved following transfection of cells by a retrovirus vector.
295 ession of Gata4, Mef2c, and Tbx5 (GMT) using retrovirus vectors.
296 ine deaminases cause lethal hypermutation of retroviruses via deamination of newly reverse-transcribe
297 in two monkey herpesviruses, and a different retrovirus was the source of sag in a Peruvian rodent he
298                             Using engineered retroviruses, we show that exclusive inhibition of JNK i
299 deep past, and their abundance suggests that retroviruses were a near-constant presence throughout th
300                        Following fusion of a retrovirus with a host cell membrane, the retroviral cap

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